ID d io i - n r u wr mm "V "V ?r pi l Mention This Paper When An.w.rlna Thau AdrnrtlwneoU. ; : ; : I Ofp FORTUNES In the Air There are fortunes In the air for the man who can operate an airplane. Several of our .machine have cleared $1500 recently on 3-day engagements. Progressive ranchers and business men are finding this quickest mode of travel Indlspenslble In their every-day affairs. Let us show you how Inexpensive It Is to own and operate a plane. We are offering 30 airplanes, In fl rate I ass condition and ready for Immediate use each- one a rebuilt Army machine, soundly constructed for hard usage as well as long-trip comfort at prices no higher . than men pay gladly for good autos. $2000 - $10,000 - Over twenty are as low as $2,500 Details by phone, wire or mall. O.W. & I. Airplane Co., LEWIS & CLARK FIELD Phone Bdway 33 PORTLAND, ORECON BONDS your LlBciKTi or viutuki If you can buy more LIBERTY If you Must sell bonds sell to ub. or VICTORY bonds buy from us. We buy and sell at the Mew xorK market GOVERNMENT AND MUNICIPAL'BONDS Write for descriptive circular! and booklets. MORRIS BROTHERS, Inc., Morrii Building, 309-11 Stark Street PORTLAND. OREGON CYLINDER GRINDING FRED DUNDEE Motor Car Repairing & Machine Works Portland, Oregon. Hotel Alder Rooms II par day and op. Special montrly late. Out-of-town visitor made to feel at home. Southern Pacific eleetrie train depot In tame boilding. J. W. BUSHONQ, Manager. 186 Alder Bt.. eor. 4th. PORTLAND, ORB FOE ALL MAKES OF CARS. A. J. WINTERS CO. DISTRIBUTORS. 65-67 Sixth St., Portland. Ship Your Cream ito MUTUAL CREAMERY CO. Highest Prices PORTLAND Accurate Tests Correct Weights SALE CONTINUES WALL PAPER FOR LESS Two Hundred Thousand Rolls In Stock at 20a, 25c, 36c, 60c, 75c, 11.00 and up to ?4 60 Double Ro Deadening Felt for House Lining, lOcSq. Yard PAINT, guarantee for 6 years on every can, our special price 13.75 per gallon Order By Mail We ship all over the Northwest by Express or Parcel Post Sample book on request SMITH WALL PAPER HOUSE .108-110 Second St, Portland Ore. HAND MADE i SHADES All Reputable Furniture Dealers Sell VENUS Hand-Made Shades Carried In twenty-four beautiful colors. Mounted on HARTSHORN Rollers only. Ask your dealer. COLUMBIA AWNING & SHADE CO., MFGS. PORTLAND, OREGON. OK- 3JHTT35T r SUNSET CREAMERY CO T. S. TOWNSEND, Pres. & Mir. 281-83 First Street. Cream shipped DIRECT to us lets HIGHEST POSSIBLE price But if sold to a CREAM STATION, a part of your profit goes toward paying; station expense. When buying, if you are not able to judge the condition of a used car, there is just one solution to the pre dicament you are in. Buy from the most responsible dealer of which you know. If you are a stranger and don't know the best dealer in used cars, then buy from the largest one. The best and largest usually go hand in hand, you can hardly be one without the other. Covey Motor Car Co., COVEY MOTOR CAR COMPANY. 21st and Washington 8ts., Portland, Ore. Main 6ZM BAPS RESTAURANT JSg&& Live Well at noon. .326 Stark St. New and Second Hand Tents and Covers at SPECIAL PRICES PACIFIC TENT & AWNING CO., No. 1 North First Street. t?f nWFPQ TON SET H FLORAL CO. r LiVJW jl O Tk. Hon, of Flower. FOB All OCCASIONS Phones Main S102 287 Washington Su Portland, Oregon DES BISSINGER & CO., Wool. Pelt, Tallow. Wool Pullers Largest dealers on the Coast. 148-164 North 13th St, P. O. box 4378 Portland, Ore.; Wool Pullery Sellwood Sta., Portland. Ship as your goods; highest prices paid at all times. Hazelwood Candy By Parcel Post, Prepaid. Homemade Specials, $1.00 per lb. ML Hood Chocolates, $1, 2, 3 & 5, box. Oregon Chocolates, $2.00 per pound. THE HAZELWOOD CONFECTIONER & RESTAURANT 388 Washington Street, Portland, Oregon. Keep the Northwest Prosperous by using Northwestern Mum Goods. ZAN BROS., Inc. mm, "Where Home Comforts Abound" PORTLAND, OBI. The pleasure of your trie to Port land will depend upon the hotel you elect Cosy surroundings, moderate rates, and the weleome yo Ilea in your own home town, await yon at the Kaltaomaa. Garage in Connection. INFORMATION DEPARTMENT Commercial Information furnlahad free of charge. Catalogue supplied and com mercial Inquiries cheerfully answered. Writ any firm belowl Do It now I i Bags, Trunks, id Leather Co., ART LEATHER GOODS Leather Legglns, Travellm Cartridge Belts. Portlaiii ARTIFICIAL TEETH SPECIALIST Dr. B. CL Rossman, 107 Journal Bldf. BOILER WORKS New Repairing East Bide Holler Wks, East Water & Mais BOOKS NEW AND SECOND HAND t Johnsons Book Btore 248 Main St BRAZING, WELDING. A CUTTING Northwest Welding ft Supply Co, i 1st Bt i UTTER FAT"BOUGHT Fern wood Dairy pays cash for butterfat, CREAMERY Willamette Dairy, Buyers of Milk, Cream and Eggs. We pay cash, 183 Union Av.N Oregon Creamery for Eggs, Cream 130 2nd CUT FLOWERS & FLORAL DESIGN 8 Clurke liroe., Florists, 287 Morrison Bt, DENTIST, LATE U. 8. NAVY Dr. P. Q. Brown, 80S Ptevens Bl, Portland Innaqer DENTI8T B. B. Wright, 108 Raleigh Bldf., I Wn. DANCING EVERY NOON & EVENING Oriental Csfs. Chinese-American Kitchen Corner Broadway and Wash. PORTLAND ELECTRIC A ADVERTISING SIGNS Union Sign Co., 7 West Park at Oak. ENGRAVED WEDDING INVITATI0N8 Irwln-Hodson, Stationers, Portland, Ore. FARM LOANS Devereaux Mortgage Co., 87 6th SL FARM LIGHTING PLANT Lalley Light 91 1st St When you come to Portland do not fail to have your eyes ex amined for Glasses, by one who specializes in fitting eyes for Glasses. Our prices will be suit able to you. You get the best professional cervice, regardless of your means. I am here to serve you the best. DR. C. A. HURLEY Eyesight Specialist Phone Marshall 4530 Sixth Floor, Raleigh Bldg. 327 Washington Street, at Sixth Our Handy Ail-Round ELECTRIC LANTERN PRICE COMPLETE $6.00 There should be one of these lanterns with you on your next outing, camping or hiking trip, as It Is a much cheaper and more dependable light for such an occasion than the ordinary flashlight Has a dry battery guaranteed to burn 80 continuous hours. Bent prepaid Parcel Post on receipt of price. Write for lllus trated folder of lanterns and batteries. DeLuxe Electric Lantern Co. INC 609-10 Couch Bldg., Portland, Ore. Kodak Films Developed fREE, RAINIER HOTEL 128 N. 6th St., Portland, Ore Very Centrally Located. Convenient to all Depots, and one block from main Pestoflice. Medium Priced Among the Best We Make Fluff Rugs From Your Old Carpets Ran rugs, all sizes. Mall orders prompt Ruars and carpets steam and dry cleaned. Phone or write for price list Bave solic itor's commission. Northwest Rug Co. 181 B. Eighth Bt East 1580. FLOWERS FOR ANY OCCA8ION Geo. Bets ft Bon, tt7 Williams Ave. FURNACES. CORNICE eY ROOFING Grand Sheet Metal Works, E. 8d ft Davis PARAGES AND AUTO REPAIRING M. & F. Garage, 21st anT Washington gts Multnomah Hotel Guruge, 2d and Ankeny, HARD WOOD FLOORING Elsman Hardwood Floor Co. 389 E Wash. Hotel Seaside, Inc. Seaside (Clatsop Beach), Oregon . ORKGON'S NEW ALL-THE-YEAR- ROUND OCEAN BEACH RESORT HOTEL Rates for Room and Meals Included. Per Day, One Person, J5.60 or J8.60; Two, aiu.iw or u.uu. Per Week, Ou Person, $38.50 or $12.00 Two. $70.00. Until, Per Day, One, $7.50 or $8.50; Two, iz.uu or i3.w. Bath, Per Week, One, $52.50 of $56.00; Two, $80.50 or $84.50. SPECIAL RATES FOR CHILDREN. AMERICAN FLAN ROOM AND MEALS INCLUDED. For reservations, address C1IA8. II. ROWLEV, Manager, CoroNA The Personal Writing Machine, weignt ids. Price $50.00 case Included Fold II Up Take Willi Ion; Typewrite Anywhere E. W. PEASE CO., 110 Sixth, Portland Write for Folder "G" HOTEL RAMPO 14th and Washington Portland, Oregon In the heart of the shopping ana theatrical district. Rates $1 to $3. Geo. R. Tremblay, Mgr. "A Moderate Fried Hotel J Merit." HOTEL CLIFFORD East Morrison St., at East Sixth, the Principal East Side Hotel. 6 minutes from Shopping jJlstncL f our diocks irom o. r. East Side Station. JONES LUMBER CO. Eitablbhed 1859. 291 Fourth Si., Cor. Columbia, Portland, Oregon, Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Mouldings Let us figure your next lumber bill. HOTEL HOYT Sixth and Hoyt Streets Portland, Oregon Convenient to Both Depots Absolutely Fireproof Rooms $1.00 and up without Bath. Rooms $2.00 and up with Bath. ELBERT S. ROBE, Mgr. East Side Hardwood Floor Co.. Inc. 4iu &. Burnsiae. HAVE YOUR EYES EXAMINED A. E. Hurwltx, Optometrist 226 First Bt CLEANING AND DYEING Fur reliable TCleaulns nadDyeiniraerv lea send parcels to ua We pay return postage. Information and prices given upoa request. Portland Established IS SMI ARTIFICIAL LIMBS 'tKgrTAr?r for Cutalog. 2ul 2nd St., Portland. DENTISTRY PAINLESS baoluTelperr'ormed by neTve-biucklng method without after effects. Let us prove It to you. We make X-ray exam nations aad specialise In first-class dent istry at reasonable fees. Dr. A. W. Keene, Dr. H. W. Prehn. Malestlo Theatre Bids-.. W61V Washington St., Portland, Oregon. All kinds diamonds and Jewelry bought; name your price. Repairing a specialty. Reiner Jewelry Co., 44tft wn Bt portlnd DOORifANbTNbOWS We can sell you Doors, Windows,, Roof ing, Paint Glass and Builders' Hardware, direct at wholesale prices. Write for E rices before buying. Heacock Sasb ft oor Co., 212 First St, Portland. mSM8jnTHTNJiA Accordlan and Box Pleating. Button and Pleating Shop, (09 R yal Bldg. VVepajrNliaghesTv'p?foe Quotation.Kahn Bros, 1116 Front Bt LjKRjESJMjCJVIEJ Over 9U0 Portland Homes for Sale. See Frank L. McGulre, Ablngton Bldg. MACHINERY SeuduiTour'inq Irou or Woodworking Machinery, Logging, Suwinill, Contractors' Jilqulpiuent, Loco motives, Hollers, Euglnen, L'ruxliers, Rail, Cable, Belting, etc. Burke Machinery Co., 528 Railway Exchange Bldg., Portlaud, Or. NATUROPATH Dr. Geo. W. Crockwell, Specialist in Female Diseases 704-8 Dekum Bldf. Ella M. Stevens, 60S Raleigh Bldf. Amanda Orr, 42214 Washington St. Hemstitching, Buttons Covered. Plaiting f. r. ttanDorn, ztz Aiuer rjr- PERSONAL me; best and most successful "HOME MAKER"; hundreds rich wish marriage' soon; strictly confidential; most reliable; years of experience; description free. ''The Successful Club," Mrs. BaU, Box 666, Oakland, California, RAZORS The famous compound for tempering razors without heat Makes shaving a delight The Stratanum Co, 609 Chamber of Com. PLATING NICKEL AND SILVER ead nKhtBiresUvefedr33op lights $1.60 each. Parts nickeled. Hard ware rennisned. California, i'laung wks., Cor. 2nd and Salmon Sta H OLMES BUSINESS COLLEGE Portland, Oregon Enter now. Position when competent Catalogue free. MANF. OF AGATE JEWELRY A. L.akln.wnoiesaie.retau, iua uranaAV MILLINERY ft PARCLEY CORSET Jones Millinery, 89 Grand Ave; PLUMBING ft PLUMBING 8UPPLIES We can supply you with any kind of umDlng suupues at wnoieBaie prices, c will gladly estimate cost of any Job. Writs for prices. STARK-DAVIS CO., 188-190 4th St., Portlaad MONUMENTS E. 3d and Pine 8ts. Otto Schumann Granite ft Marble Works NURSERIE8 Russellvllle Nursery, R. F. D. 1. Benedict Nursery Co.', 185 E. 87th N. NURSERY STOCK Villa Nurseries, R. No. 1, Portland. OIL SHAMPOOING ft MANICURING Myrtle Clarke, 788 Morgan mag, Portland PIANOS & TALKING MACHINES Soule Bros., 166 Tenth St PLASTER DOLLS AND NOVELTIES Rose City Novelty Was., 106 Grand Ave. PRODUCE BOUGHT Peerless Produce Co., 176 Front Bt, Ship us your Hogs, Veal, Poultry, Eggs, Hides. R-rs. rroauce jo., gug wwii. pi RAILWAY TELEGRAPH IN8TITUTE 'ounoTrienandvvojmew am't Invested. Position when qualified. 434 Railway Exchange Bldg., Portland. wantfd Fir pitch And barks We"Tuyi)'iivpTIcTiri any quantities, mgnest maraei price. For Information write Northwestern Tur pentine Co., 868 E. Ninth Bt, Portland, Or. WELDING ft BRAZING Jeffe?BmT5eoTWeT5lr ing ol Boners ana f arming implements, 189 Columbia mi., f none M tinman hh, PYORRHEA DENTI8T8 Smith Long Service. 310 Bush ft Lane Bl. REALTORS Interstate Land Co., 248 Btark Bt. REAL ESTATE AND LOANS MV Harrison, 612 Gerllnger Bldg. ROOFING AND SHEET METAL WKS McDonald ft Wynkoop, 2d and Madison. SAFES FIRE AND BURGLAR Norrls Bate & lock co.. iuo ana pi. SHEEt METAL A RETINNINO WKS. Union Ave. Metal Wss., 411 Union Ave. 8AN1TARIUM Dr. A. V. Downs, 940 Corbett Bt. TINSMITHS Willamette Sheet Metal Wks. Specialty. 106 N. 3rd St. Auto Work WATER PRESSURE SYSTEM Duro Pumps, 98 1st Bt. WINDOW 8HADE8 Peaks, The Shade Man, 428 Alder Bt. CANCER TREATED Lowell M. Jones, M. D., HI Morgan Bldf. AUTO ACCESSORIES Classy Bug Bodies Burness Auto A Body Wks. 12th & Everett Sts. G. & R. MACHINERY CO. 601 Gerllnger Bldg., Phone Main 8201 Portland, Oi Boilers and Engines, Sawmill Equipments NEW PALACE HOTEL L W. HIMES, $1 nJ Il Washington at Manager. , $1 3110 Up 12th Street Portland, Oregon. BOILER REPAIRS and WELDING ol CASTINGS and STEEL We send men all over the Northwest. Let ua fleure with you. Send for our folder showing how we can double the capacity of your boiler, Portland Boiler Works, 17th & Pettygrove Sts., Portland, Ore. Something Wrong. It has been stated that package freight, once loaded, could be carried from Boston to Cuba, or coal from New York to Brazil more cheaply than it could be moved from one pier to a neighboring one within the same harbor. Good Advice. It is not enough for a man to know a good thing when he gees it He must also seize It. From the Blllville Banner. Whale meat has been recommended as a substitute for beef and bacon, but while we can catch whales all right, It's too big a' Job to tote home. em Irritates the Induatrious. Complacency Is a good quality of disposition, but it is aggravating in the extreme to the industrious person who is aching to Bee the lazy man get a move on himself. Established 20 Years In Portland, Or. C. GEE WO'S ROOT AND HERB REMEDIES Give Wonderful Results. 162 First Street Portland, Ore. Drugs by MAIL WE PAY THE POSTAGE If In need of Pure Drugs and Chemicals, Shoulder Braces, Arch Supports, TRUSSSES, Elastic Stockings, Abdom inal Supporters, Suspensory Bandages for Men, and all other rubber floods of every description, send to the Laue-Davis Drug Co. TRUSS EXPERTS Third and Yamhilll, Portland, Oregon. ACCORDIAN PLEATING KnTftandTwiTTieatiagT 10c yd. Buttons covered. Eastern Novelty Mfg. CO.,- 8b1 rtrtn street fortiana. BEAUTY PARLOR Marlnello Cosmetic Shop. Permanent hair wave. Most modern equipped cosmet ic shop in city, zus Bray hi.. Mar, asm. BRAZING & WELDING WORKS We Bell you a weluinK outlit and teach yuu the DUBineas. rorllunu mazing & Macnine worKS, 3rd and Gleaaon. t PAINT8 AND WALL PAPER WriteusTorprTcesTploneer Palat Co, 18 First St., Portland. SANITARY BEAUTY PARLOR ve hehJ the aDDearance of women. Twenty-two Inch switch or transforma- tloa, value 17.00, price $2.45. 400 to 412 TVknm 1 Fid Movements of Insects. Insects do not steer by shifting the abdomen from side to side, as has been supposed, but by pressure from changing the angle and force of the wing beats. This is the conclusion of Dr. F. Stellwaag, of the University of Erlangen, who has succeeded In mak ing close observation of the flights of dragon flies, bees and other Insects, by means of light passing through a shuttered slit. Direction was changed without abdomen movement. Wonderful St. Anthony. St. Anthony was the Balnt who could never be tempted. He was par ticularly immune from the blandish ments of women. Usually when a man Is referred to as a "modern St. An thony," it Is meant that ho doesn't care about women. ST. PAUL HOTEL Fourth and Alder. CLEAN, MODERN, RESPECTABLE $1.00 Up. Private Bath $2.00. Ladies' Friend Electric Irons - FT.ECTRinAI, SUPPLIES. GRAND ELECTRIC CO., Portland, Ore $5.50 each PORTLAND RUG CO. Manufacturers of FLUFF and RAG RUGS a Specialty CABPF.T CLEANING, LAVING A SIZING 1672-1674 East 17th Street MONG CHUNG WO, Chinese Medicine Co. Removed to 664 Sixth St.. bet. Oak A Pine, Portland. Call and see him or write. Consultation Free. n. HI IFFM riTV Steam Cl..nin, andDveinaWlu We make your worn garmest iook like new. Employ experienced help and get best results. VTa pay post age one way. Ml Oraad Ave., Portlaad. Are YOUR RECORDS SAFE? They Should Be Protected in The SAFE-CABINET "The World's Safest Safe" tofTM OAK STffKET POUT LAND. ONIOON ATTENTION SAM1TILE Floors, beautiful and econom ical for homes and public buildings. We hot-coat old shingle roofs. Oregon Mastic Floor Co., Inc. 806 Chamber of Commerce Building Portland, Ore. KEROSENE KREAM it Not Allowed to Kiss Bible. Kissing the Bible is forbidden in any Virginia court by a new law. It Is declared that the practice is not only unnecessary, but unsanitary in the extreme. The law provides that no officer shall require any one sub scribing to an oath to kiss the Bible or any book thereof, but they may be required to place their hands on the Bible. The punishment for any vio lation of this act is to be a fine of $100. Accidental French. An American lady in Paris wanted some water, but could not make the maid understand she wanted It hot. After several vain attempts, she ex claimed in disgust: "Sho!" The maid brightened up suddenly, went off and returned with a pitcher of hot water. It was not until some time afterward that the lady learned from a friend that the girl had evidently mistaken "Sho!" for "chaud," which" is the French for "hot." Boston Transcript CASCARA BARK Ship to us and receive the HIGHEST PRICE. We want all you have. Write for tags and prices. Sullivan Hide '& Wool Co 144 Front St., Portland, Ore. Butter Queen of Fats. Butter is better than- many other common fats, particularly for little children. It has no higher fuel valuo than the. other fats, but It contains an abundance of a substance neces sary for growth. Mouse Kept Receipted Bill. A worker in a house near Derby academy, Hlngham, found a piece of paper In a mouse nest which proved to be a receipted bill for the construc tion of the house and was dated 200 years ago. Up-to-Date Version. Defined at a dinner in New York: "A piker is a man who lives within his income." Boston Transcript. The Crown. The crown as a symbol of royalty was first Introduced to Europe by Alexander the Great, who followed the Persian usage. Human Temperature According to the hour of the day, man's temperature varies. It is low eat at about 3:30 o'clock in the morn ing, when it averages 97 degrees Fah renheit; from then It gradually rises until it reaches a maximum of be tween 98 and 99 degrees Fahrenheit at 3:30 o'clock In the afternoon, after which it falls. This Is the temperature of the armpit, which is always slight ly lower than that Inside the body. Lack Library Service. There are In the United States, It Is said, 60,000,000 persons who have limited or no library servlco. By Another Name. Under the name of "Sicilian oil," po troleum was burned In lamps in Romo In the days of Pliny. Daily Thought. As turning the logs will make a dull fire burn, so changes of studios, a dull brain. Longfellow, Quite So. A friend who Is not in need Is friend Indeed. Answers, London. Eagles Fly High. Eagles have been known to fly to a height of 6,000 feet. J !