IMES 0 Devoted to the Interests of Southern Wasco County VOL 6, NO 45 MAUPIN SOUTHERN WASCO COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, AUGUST 20.1920 THE YEAR $1.50 MAUPIN I Hid SENT IN BY OUR Wamic News Mr. aud Mrs. Dan Palmaleer arrived Monday from Lodi, Ca!., Laving spent a month in the Wil lamette valley with relatives be fore reaching here. They retried here twentyone years ago and this in their first visit since moving away. While here they placed a monument and head stones on the graves of their three children. Willis Driver was called to The Dalles Thursday to see his brother Ed who had a nervous breakdown from loss of sleep and fatigue from constant watching at the bed bide of Mrs. Driver who is very Beriously ill. Mrs. Elsie Camp bell, Mrs. Neva Driver and Mrs. Alta Millet accompanied him to town, the former two remaining. Mrs. Emma Chaatain and sou Liberty and Marl New and family went to the mountains Thursday for huckleberries. We have had hot weather the past week, the temperature reach ing 102 degrees. Mr. and Mrs. S. Jury from Salem are guests at the J. h. Blanctiard home on Smock. Mrs. Jory and Mrsi Blauchaid are sisters. Percy Driver completed headiuri on the Milt Morris place Saturday Clifford and Clnybouru P.ilma teer, llousty Johnson, GeorgH and Fred Millor went to Ulaekumas lake Sunday for an outing. Wednesday Mrs. Josie Lake re ceived a fine Jersey calf from i lie Bert Bngley herd in The DalleB. Trot, and Mrs. J. R. Ward re fumed from The Dalles frulas where they have been since Mon day. Mrs. Ward had her tonsile taken out. The Lee ' Kennedy party hnvp returned noinu from the coast. Mrs. Lela Surrier of Grass Val ley was a Tygh visitor , Saturday, Bill Brown and Myrtle Britlaiu and their families passed through here today going to the mountains. Willis and Tom Driver and Bud Harvey went to The Dalles yes- It Pays to Pay Cash at Jory's F. M. Jory all vStaple Groceries Fresh Meat -Fresh Fruits & Vegetables Butter-Nut Bread Doughnuts and Buns House Dresses Woolen Goods HATS HATS HATS It Pays to Pay Cash at Jory's" Get your Fresh Bread daily at Andy's Place We now handle the Butter-Krust Bread Try our Hazelwood Ice Cream It's Refreshing - Home Cooked Meals Breakfast 7 to 9 A. M. Dinner 12 to 2 p. ra. Supper 5:30 to 8 P. M. Short Orders all Day Fresh Meat at all Times II. ANDERSON, Prop. NEWS HIS OF LOCAL INTEREST For Sale 191 1) Chevrolet in A-l condition $675. Terms if desired. Shaltuck Bros. Many truck and wagon loads of grain are arriving daily at the local warehouses. John McCorklo and daughters the Misses Ruth aud Agnes, and Mr. lieattie went to the mountains Saturday for a few days' outing. Mr. and Mrs. II. L. Morris and laughter and Mabel Cyr and il irry Anderson are in the moun tains for a few days. l.i t us take your measure for your new fall or winter suit. The new Imok has just arrived. R. E Wilson Co. ' The Mitchell Fan 'Em AH will be the S, 10, 11 of September. Bill Ray in manager. Dr. 11. Oftedeal from over in Washington, has been at Tygh Valley for several days with the view of locating. J. W. Far low brought several truck loads of hogs from Smock terday. Guy Bntton was here from Grass Valley Sunday. Dave Campbell, Lie! vie Palison, Don and Mrs. Miller went to The Dalles today. . Word reached here late yester day afternoon of the ib'ith of David Mayfield at Wiley City, VVu. He lived here many years and was a pleasant, cheerful dis position man. He leaves a if and three small children, a fat 1 i three brothers and threo sister and a number of other relative. A parting dinner to a numbei of their friends was given Mr. and Mrs. Carl Pratt and baby Sunday at the Eugene Pratt home. Twen ty persons were present. Mr. and Mrs. Pratt will leave soon fot their homestead at Roseburg. Saturday to ship to the Portland markets. B. F. Cook left Sunday for th coast. Mrs. W. O. Miller left Salur day night for a coupler weeks' out ing with her parents at their sea side cottage. B. D, Fraley aud family and A. Crabtree left the first of the week for the beach to enjoy a long deserved vacation from strenuous labor. Get your fresh Watermcluus and Mushniellons at Andy's place. I have purchased Kelly's crop. The first will be in Saturday, August lllh. Mr. and Mrs. II. L. Emmons of Yakima, arrived Friday night and have been guests at Jory's this week. Mrs. Emmons has a painful bunion on her left foot and has not been able to venture away from the house. , . Take a Kodak with you on your summer vacation trip. The best kinds for sale at the Maupin Drug Store. Mr. aud Mrs. John Belletiglie have leased the Hotel Maupiu aud will rent rooms. They have im proved the exterior of its appear ance by an attractive big sign and friends of Mrs. Delletiglie know her housekeeping will make it an attractive place of abode. HARVESTING SUPPLIES LET US OUTFIT YOU We appreciate your needs in this line an will do our best to render you prompt efficient service. Merchandise is hard to get but our stocks are very complete and we can fill your orders. SHATTUCK BROS. "The House of Better Service" Maupin, Oregon Tom Mnir came down from Prineville yesterday morning for a few days' yisit. Friday four of Mrs. M. Cun ningham's cows got dowu to the railroad track and were poisoned. J. Hill has turned bis lease of the Hotel Kelly to Mr. Potta from Portland who is taking charge this week. Mr. aud Mrs. Hill have not decided what they will do, but go to The Dalles from bore. We have just received a stock of Men's, Ladies' and Children's shoes. Come in and look them over whether you are ready to buy or,not. In selecting our shoe stock we have looked at the quality rather than price and think we have something good for you. Wapinitia Items The infant sou of Mr. aud Mrs. Roupe died here Saturday. Burial took place Sunday in the Kelly cemetery. One of the largest forest fires ol the season is reported to be near Clackamas lake. R. W. Rich mond made a trip in Sunday with supplies for the fighters, Among the families going to the summit house this week are J. R L,ewis, Chas. Lewis, N. W. Flinn, Sam Wall and Frank McCoy. N. G. Iledin made a trip to Maupin Monday. Mac Hollmau and Ben Flinn made a trip out from the post camn. Mrs. Hollmau returned (to last page)- Stocks of parts for Farm Machinery are very m 1 , .11 1 1 1 J 1 short and it will De a gooa pian xo oruer your repairs for fall work NOW. We have secured the agency for the FALL TIRES & TUBES which are a little better than the rest. Cords guaranteed 8000 miles, Fabrics 6000 miles. Come in and look at the GREEN TUBE. lr T PATRONIZE Maupin State Bank We Strive to Merit Approval Do not forget we are agents for Oliver Plows & Tractor tools Superior Grain Drills Winona Wagons J. I. Case Machinery Jumbo Auto Trucks R. E. WILSON CO. I 3LisaiJa-sr 11 r