The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, August 13, 1920, Image 4

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    The Maupin Times
Published every Friday at Maupin,
Mrs. W. L. Morrison, Publisher
Subscription: One year,; six
months, 73 cents; three momr, 50
Entered as second class mai'
matter September 2, 1914, at tl'
postoffice at Maupin, Oregon, tin
der the Act of March 3, 1879.
The Dulles. Paul's father
mother accompanied bim on hie
return to town.
Willie Magill put new shinglec
on the roof of his house last week
Many persons are sick here of
late with something like cholors
which is sweeping almost the en
tire neighborhood.
Grain is Hood here this season.
Barley has gone fifty and wheat
twenty-tour busbelB to the acre on
Borne farms,
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Black
erby made a trip to The Dalleb
last week after fruit.
Kourad Hauser was here from
Tygh Tuesday.
John lleilmier came near sleep
ing with a rattlesnake Thursday
night at the Ed Driver ranch, bul
he thought it not an agreeable
bedfellow and leaped from the bed
when he beard it rattle, He had
made his bed on a pile of straw in
the field where ho was helping
with the thresher and the snake
was under bis bed. The reptile
got away, evidently knowing its
visit unwelcome.
Dr. H. Oftedeal was here FrL
day from some place in Washing
ton looking for a location.
Vernie Norval has completed e
correspondence course in banj'
mupic ami has entered the orchtc
tra here
A dieplay of Northern lights '
traded the admiration of main
here Friday evening.
Mrs. Ipha Duncan and Wm
Addie Duncan were over from
Juniper Flat Sunday.
Cecil and Mrs. H. F. Woodcock
were here Sunday from Maupin
visiting at the A. ft. Lake home
Willie Magill is contemplate
building a garage and work ebon
R T Seivers will lie a partner 11
the business.
Mrs. Mattio Patison has beei
ill the punt fww davB.
Tnmmv Norval was very il
Sunday night.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Magill and
two children were over to Maupin
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Gilmore will
be here from CreBewell soon
Mrs. Francis Morris aud little
sou arrived Saturday from Che.
hulis, Wu , aud are guests of Mrs
Frank Morrow.
Herbert Morrow weut to Pasco
Mrs. Wildie RobertB received a
telegram today from her father
inlm Mavfield. that her brotlie
David was very low and asked in
to come immediately. Mr, May
tioW is received Willy City, Wu
Mrs. Ann Wing was called frou
Tygh today to attend Mrs. Martb
Dean, her mother, who fell and
was badly hurt.
Mart New and family wcut
Tveh todav to visit at the Bert
Kuighteu home.
xDr. Giifliu was in Tygh today
from Dufur.
Warni Springs
I have leased the Warm Springe
and juid the baths are being cleau
ed and covered and the grade
leadidg to the springs worked and
improved. Gasoline supply sta
lion installed. Good camping
croundB. 1 will meet the train at
Mecca, Oregon, if notified tw
days before. J. H. Tepper, Warm
ssnrinoB. Ore.. Cf. Kah Ne Ta
I o ' -
I have a good blacksmith hired
to help me now and will be able
to take care of the work that
comes. Charges) reasonable. .A.
f. Martin.
Local Interest
See Jory's before selling your
R. E. Wilson is a Portland
buBiness visitor thi. week.
The Oregonian for sale daily at
Cyr's Confectionery,
Miss Lottie Coon returned the
first of the week from the valley.
See Jory's before selling your
Andrew Cunningham is carry
ng the mail between the postoffice
aud the depots.
Bathing Suits and CapB. Mau
pin Drug Store,
MrB. C. A. Duus and children
are visiting at the home of her
parents, Mr, and Mrs. R. H. De
Farmers inquire at the Maupin
Garage for your harvest supply of
Mr. and Mrs. K, L. Hauser and
Mrs. C. B, Dahl were over from
Tygh Tuesday eveping.
Lost One Racine Cord tire,
35x4 J with tube apd rim complete
Finder please leave at Wapimtva
E. J. Fischer aud sou Willie
aud E. A. Troutman went to the
mountains last Friday for an out-
Stovall's Fly Swatters get the
dies. Maupin Drug Store.
Bates Shattuck waB a Portland
visitor a few days the first of the
Wanted-Summer pasturage for
about 50 head of bucks. Fbone
Ed Mays, Maupin.
Mrs. Lotta Miller returned Mon
day from Portland is yisiting her
daughter, Mrs. Virgil May hew
Get your butter paper and ca
ous printed at the Times office.
Large sheets of carbon paper foi
ii' broidery stamping at the Timet
Do you need a cream separator!
b so, buy "The MeloUe1' rtadi
.... t r t) ., J ... ..
II Belgium. J. V. uiaunaj
Wamb, agent.
Registered Poland China boai
9 months old, for sale. Llaud
typewriter ribbon?
machines at the
August 27th
am Famra
o1 y 0
Rainbow Trail
The Equal to Riders of the Purple Sage
Mutt and Jeff Comedy
Admission 25 and 50c
Members Take Notice
A meeting of the representativ
es of each aililiated organization
will be held shortly at which the
tentative policy of tbe State Cham
ber of Commerce will be discussed
and a working policy adopted.
Tbe Maupin Commercial Club
is entitled to one representative,
This matter will be taken up 1
the next regular meeting' of tbe
upiu Commercial Club Salur
day August 21st, 1020. Come
and have a Bay,
II. L Morris
Ice Cream at Cyr's ConfectVy
Maupin, Ore.
A stock of
for different
rimes office.
For Sale Two thoroughbred
Duroc sows with 12 March pigs
Would like to sell right away
Anolv at farm, or G. E. Wood,
Vamio Ore.
Second hand sewing machine
singer, tor eaie. limes umuc,
For Sale-28 head of young
heep. These sheep are nearly all
fat enough for mutton; majority
ewes. A. F. Marti u.
Times, $1.50 per year.
Jory's will buy your wool.
Train Schedule
0. w. Train No. 35 due 10:25
, . . ...
a, ui. INO. -w aue at y. ,
O. T. Train to Portland 12 53 a.
., fvotu Purtland 1:42 a. m.
For Sale, $700
1 9-ft. MoCormick Combiue.
Monis Bros.
At the Church
Suuday school 10 a. ni.
V. II. Aldridgo will have charge
of the 11 a. m. services; no servic
es Suuday eveuing.
II. A. Walter.
For Sale
One team of black horses weight
1000 each. H. S. Goodenough,
Get It Fixed
I am qualified to do nearly all
kinds cleaniug and repair work
such as clocks, sewing machines,
organs, etc. I also do sign painting
H. A. Walter.
at Your Service
A Person with No Education has but One Chance in
150,000 to Render Distinguished Service to the Public
With Common school education 4 Chances
With High School education 87 Chances
With College education - 800 Chances
Are You Giving Your Child His Chance?
Oregon Agricultural College
Through a "Liberal and Practical Education" pre
' pares the Young Man and Young Woman for Useful
Citizenship and Successful Careers in
other Essentials of a Standard Techijpcal College Course
For Information Write to
THE SECISTAR, Oregon Agricultural College Corvallis, Ore.
when sturdy pioneers were hewing out a home
nd an existence, in the West, the manufacture of
Hade for
was begun. Today the name FULLER stands as the sturdy pioneer
in paint manufacturing on the Pacific Coast a nume that has kept
faith with duality for 71 years.
the Pacific Northwest, FULLER Faint Is the best for
your house or building.
W. P. Fuller & Co. .
Northwest Branches at
Portland, Seattle, Tacoma,
Spokane, Boise,
f JB 71 YEAS I
Look Up a FULLER
Dealer in Your Town
For Sale
1 12-foot McCormick header in
good running order. Price $160
Call Times office.
Are you using The Times linet
column when you haye any thing
to sell or want to buy some artick
that your neighbor may have or
wishes to dispose of? If not try
a want ad in that column. We are
sure that il will bring results.
Sunday a car of GypBies on tbei
proverbial rounds stopped to tak
in the town, one dame getttn
permission to tell Jeff Winifree'
fortune. While Jeff's attention
was engaged, $35 was lifted fron
his purse and it took all the ofli
urs of tbe law on the east side of
the Deschutes to get Jeff his niouey
Advertisers please read over
your notices and notify us imuibd
ately if an error has occured.
In tha Circuit Court of the State ol
Oregon for Wasco County:
U. S. Endersby, namtirr,
Millard 1'. Thornton, and )
Sylvia E. Thornton, hus- j
band and wile, ana J crome
S. Williams and Jeanette 1
Williams, husband and
wife, and Fred W. Carlyon
ueienaants, ;
To Millard P. Thornton, and Sylvia
. Thornton, husband and wife, and
Fred W. Carlyon, of the above named
In the Name of the State of Oregon:
You and each of you are hereby requir-
;d to appear and answer trie complaint
lied against you in the above entitled
Court and Suit on or before the 6th
day of August, 1920; and if you or
ither or vou lull to so answer, lor
want thereof, the plaintiff will apply
to the above named Court for the
relief prayed for and demanded in
plaintiff's complaint and a certified
otiv of said complaint being herewltn
enclosed and duly mailed to each of you
uireciea respectively io your rcBiuencv
addresses. This suit is brought to
foreclose a mortgage made and exe
cuted by the defendants, Millard P.
Thornton and Sylvia E. Thornton.
husband and wife, to Plaintiff on the
27th day of June, 1916, upon one nun-
dred and twenty acres of land, describ
ed as South half of Southeast quarter
and Southeast quarter of Southwest
iuarter ot beclion Eleven in Township
ave South of Range Eleven East of
Willamette Meridian, and situated in
Wasco County, Oregon, to secure pay
ment of a promissory note of even
late with said mortgage, and the
relief sought by plaintiff is the fore
closure ot said mortgage and sale or
the mortgaged property, and from the
proceeds of sale to recover the amount
due on said mortgage nots, to wit,
$200. 00, principal and interest tin said
mm from June 27th, 1917, at the rate
A ten per cent per annum; $100.00
attorney's fee, and for costs and dis
bursements of suit, aud such other and
further relief as the court may deem
equitable, necessary and just. ,
i bis summons is served upon vou by
publication thereof in the Maupin
limes, a newspaper of general circula
tion and published weekly at the town
of Maupin, Wasco County, Oregon,
and pursuant to an order therefor
made by Honorable Fred W. Wilson,
Judge of the above named. Court on
the 22nd day of June, 1920, and direct
ing said summons to be so published
weekly for not less than six consecu
tive weeks.
First publication, June 25th, 1920;
last publication, August 6, 1920.
. E. B. Dufur,
Attorney for Plaintiff,
PostofHee address, Maupin, Oregon.
Department of the Interior
U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Or
egon, July 21, 1920.
Notice is hereby given that
Philip A. Coale
of Maupin. Oregon, who on October,
1910 made Homestead Eintry wo. uiboua
for NWl-4 seI-4, w1-2ne1-4, e1-2nw-4,
e1-2 swl-4, Section 8, NEl-4 NWl-4,
Section 17, Township 5 south, Range 14
oast, Willamette Meridian, has filed
notice of intention to make final three
year proof, to establish claim to the
land above described, before F. D.
Stuart, U. S. Commissioner at Maupin,
Oregon, on the 31st day of August, 1920,
Claimant names as witnesses: L. U.
Kelly, W. H. Williams, E. J. Fischer,
O. J. Williams, all of Maupin, Ore
gon. H. Frank Woodcock, Register.
Wapinitia Auto Stage
Leaves Maupin, 3 p. m.
Leaves Wapinitia, 7 a
Public Land Sale
Dapartment of the Interior
U. S. Land Office at The1 Dalles, Ore
gon, May 28, 1920.
Notice is hereby given that as direc
ted by the Commissioner of the General
Land office, under provisiont of Sec.
2456, R. S., pursuant to the application
of Rojinia Hnnt, Sarial No. 020808, we
win otter a public sale, to the highest
bidder, but at not less than $3.50 per
acre, at 10:45 o'clock A. M.,. on the
18th day of August, next, at this office
the following tract of land: Lot 1,
Sec. 1. T. 6 South Range 14 East. W.
M. (Containing 67.15 Acres).
This sale will not be kept open, but
will be declared closed when those
present at the hour named have ceased
bidding. The person making the high
est bid will be required to immediately
pay to the Receiver the amount thereof
Any persons claiming adverse v the
above-described land are advised to
file their claims, or objections, on or
before the time designated for sale.
L. A. booth, Keceiver.
Attorney at Law
Next Thursday at the usual
hour the class in Red Cross nurs
ing will have a lesson iu first aid.
The class is now conducted at the
sckwl bouse.
Take a Kodak with you on your
summer vacation trip. The best
kinds for sale at the Maupin Drug
, More CQnespondsacs avecled.
Dr. T. DeLarhue
Glasses Properly Fitted
Exclusively Optical
Kuoins 17-18 Vogt Block, oyer
Crosby's Drug Btore,
The Dalles, Ore
Thone Black 1111
L. B. Fox R. T. Yates
Makers of Abstracts 1 bat
Books Posted to Date Daily
Plaut Second to None
First National Bank Building
Phone Black 2831,
The Dalles, Oregon
I.O. O.F.
Lodge No. 209, Maupin, Oregon
meets every Saturday night in
Donaldson's hall. Visiting mem
bers always welcome.
R. B. Bell, N. G.
B. F Turner, Secretary.
Department of the Interiorior
U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Ore
gon, July 7th, 1920.
Notice is hereby given that
Meldora J. Smith, widow of
Ben jamin T. Smith, deceased
of Sherwood, Oregon, who on October
inn, nut, made Additional Homestead
entry. No. 015212, for SE1-4NE1-4, Nl
2se1 4, NEl-4swl-4, Section 6, township
t South, Range 15 East, Willamette
Meridian, has filed notice of intention
to make final three year proof, to
estalish claim to the land above do
scribed, before Register and Receiver,
U. S. Land Office at The .Dalles, Ore
son on the 18lh day of September.
11120. -
Claimant names as witnesses:
Freu Stradley of Grass Valley, Oregon
C. A. Buckley, of Grass Valley, Oregon
L. A. Shipley of Grass Valley, Oregon
Irwin Underwood of Boyd, Oregon.
1L Frank Woodcock, Register.
Department of the Interior
U. S Land Office at The Dalles, Ore
gn, August 4th, 1920.
Notice is hereby given that
John R. Thompson
of Maupin, Oregon, who on Novtmbcr
10, 1919, made Additional homestead
entry No. 017125, for Nl-2swl-4, and
wl-2 SEl-4 Section 15, Township 6
south, Range 14 east. Willamette Me
ridian, has filed notice of intention to
make final three year proof, to estab
lish claim to the land above described,
before F. D. Stuart. U. S. Commission
er, at Maupin, Oregon, on the 21st day
of September, 1920.
Claimant namcr as witnesses: Ed
ward Kramer, of Criterion, Oregon,
H. S. Davidson, of Criterion, Oregon,
H. M. Green, of Maupin, Oregon, C.
G. Skogsberg, of Maupin, Oregon.
H. Frank Woodcock, Register.
Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned has been appointed Admin
istrator of the estate of Harry F.
Shannon, deceased. All persons having
claims against the said estate are re
quired to present them, properly veri
fied, to the undersigned at his office at
The Dalles, Oregon, within six months
from the first date of this publication,
said date being August 13, 1920.
Francis V. Galloway, Administrator.
The Dallas, Oregon.