The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, August 06, 1920, Image 1

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.1 II Jliw
Devoted to the Interests of Southern Wasco County
S,; r,
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I i
THE YEAR $1.50
VOL 6, NO 43
For Sale
Seven Lead of Yearling Milieu.
This in good stujT and priced to
sell. Inquire of D. B. Appling,
Criterion, Oregon.
VV. D. Robert, watchman on
the Nena-Frieda 0. T, section wan
in Maupiti yesterday morning for
supplies and presented ye scribe
with , a lot of nice cucumbers of
the Eurly Cluster, Long Table
and White Spine varieties from
his garden. Mr. aud Mrs. Roborts
are of the progressive type of rail
road - people and are utilizing
water from the Deschutes raised
by a water wheel to irrigate power
and right-of-way land for garden
and have several head of cattle
and sheep.
I have a good blacksmith hired
to help uie now and will be able
to take care of the work that
comeB. ChargeB reasonable. A.
F. Martin.
1 bought Tour yearling heifers
at John Ward's sale, one I never
got. I will pay $10,01) rcwaril tor
its safe delivery, or if taid heller
has been stolen (he Stock 1.5 rowers
Association of Wasco County will
pay a reward of $500.00 for evi
dence that will be siiuVinnt to
convict said thief.
A. A. Bonne.v.
Mr. und Mrs. L. C. Henn-rhan
returned home Monday. They
have visited relatives and old
friends in Illinois and made (lie
return trip over the Cauada route.
R. E. Wilson Co. have reuuvii
ted the interior of their store and
given it a fresh coat of paint. A
new slock of goods is being put
in as opportunity permits.
' Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Fraley are
out from The Dalles visiting rela
tives and friends here and at
Wapinitia Items
Members Take Notice
.... n 1 i. T -. '
"It fays lO ray uasn jw J
F. M. Jory
all Staple Groceries
Fresh Meat
Fresh Fruits & Vegetables
Butter-Nut Bread
Doughnuts and Buns
House Dresses
Woolen Goods
"It Pays to Pay Cash at JoryV
Will be absent from office both Sunday and Monday
unless appointment is made in advance
H. C. BAKE D. M. D. !
Miss Helen Couunihan, the in
structor of the turning class was
accompanied here Wednesday by
her sister from Seattle, also friends
from California. The class work
here is ploying very interesting
and instructive. Several reports
on the drinking water have been
T. P. Abbott and the McCoy
Bros, shipped seven car loads of
mutton sheep Saturday. .
j Mrs. Frank MeOy and daught
tr- are visiting in The Dalles this
' .I'buieTapp arrived herefrom
Rid;- field, Wn., Saturday, and is
visili'1'4 old friends and his sister,
Mrs. S II, Wilson.'
Mr- nod Mrs. J. S. Brown and
Mr. and Mrs. Gutzler made a trip
to Warm firings Monday, relum
ing Tuesd y.
Toe G I'm It i in came out from the
mountains Wednesday. He. re
ports that only four small fires
have'occui reil so far this season,
and all have breu extinguished.
Mrs. Margaiet Ward Straight
aud two daughters arrived here
from Oregon Cit Sunday and are
visiting at the Sliij Ilin home.
Lawson and Mery Maddron
went to Madras the-first of the
week where Ibey will lie employed
Mr. and Mrs. W. ). Hickey
spent a few days in Portland last
week, going over The Dalb high
way, and returning via Ml. Hood.
Miss Gladys Rctherford ol Port-
laud is visiting at the home ol her
sister, Mrs. N, O, Hcdin.
Mr. and Mrs. John Eubank
and boh Vivian, Mr. and Ji s.
George Mngill and Carol White ol
Wamio spent Sunday at the home
of Fred Magill.
N, G. Hediri was a Dalles visit
or Wednesday.
The first meeting of the W. M.
A. was held here Thursday after
N. G. Hedin reports work on
the flume fioiu the Ktog creek
feeder to the ditch is well under
way. The flume is about 240 feet
loinr aud 32 feet hiuti. The work
one the feeder is progressing raj
A mooting ol the representativ
es of each alliliated organization
will be held shortly at which the
tentative policy of the Stale Cham
ber of Commerce will be discussed
and iv working policy adopts).
The Maupiu Commercial Club
is entitled to one representative.
This matter will be taken up a
the next regular meeting of the
Maupiti Commercial Club Sat u r
d-sy August 21st, 11)20. Come
aud have a say.
II. L Morris.
Blacksmith Shop
I have supplies and am prepar
ed to do all kinds of new work
and g .neral repairing. Horseshoe
!ng a specialty. Reasonable rates
A. K. Martin.
lla Gene Nye, the infant d nisi -terofMr.
and Mis Howard Nyt
liml August 2. Many friends at
ii'iided the beniiliful funeral sw
vicies nt the Kelly cemetery Uv
O. E..Wo'1 of U'Minio ollieialed.
Mrs. J. H, Woodeoc.k salig 'IeslU
Lovp. of My Snil'' and ' Abide
with Me". The Moral offerings
were large.
For Sale
Three room house and lot on
Deschutes Ave. in Maupiti. For
particulars call or address A,
Mauiugarlner, Maupin, Oregon.
Sunday a car of Gypsies on their
proverbial rounds slopped to take
in the town, one duuui getting
permission to tall Jett' Winifree's
fortune. While Jeff's attention
was engaged, $115 was lifted from
his purse and it took nil the oflic
ith of the law on the eud side of
the Deschutes l gt J' ft his money
More correspondence needed.
Sieveis has employment in the
blacksmith shop with WF. Mngill
Mr. and Mrs. Ft. E. Rainbow of
Gateway were guests at the Frank
Magill home Friday night.
Cecil Woodcock, Clarence and
Arthur Farghct and John and
Clifford Morrow were lure Satur
day from Maupiu.
David Wilson left Saturday for
his home at Sawtell, Cal. His
grandaughter, Miss Mildred Wil
son accompanied him and will
remain attending school later.
Miss Dorathy MoCorkle and
brother Alfred Clemens went to
Portland Saturday.
Mrs. Frank Magill ' Sunday,
taking Mr. Magill and Gertrude
to the doctor. The child had her
arm broken instead of a dislocated
shouler. ,
Mr. and Mrif, Joe Prout and
grandaughter, " Miss Leone Zu-
, (to last page)
We appreciate your needs in
this line an will do our best to
render you prompt efficient
service. Merchandise is hard
to get but our stocks are very
complete and we can fill your
"The llouae of Belter Service"
Maupin, Oregon
Ice Cream at Cyr's Confect'n'y
Maupin, Ore.
a: eaumgartohb
Get your Fresh Bread daily at
Andy's Place
We now handle the
Butter-Krust Bread
Try our Hazelwood Ice Cream
It's Refreshing
Home Cooked Meals
Breakfast 7 to 9 A. M. Dinner to 2 p. m.
Supper 5:30 to 8 P.M. Short Orders all Day
Fresh Meat at all Times
Wamic News
Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Wood were
home yesterday'from Juniper Flat
Audy Bailes, Mrs Mary Beaty,
Genevieve Hunt and Mr. and Mrs.
Lee Kennedy left Wednesday for
Mrs. Charley Couley and uhil-
ireti of lower Tygh visited Mrs
Joe Chastaiu Wednesday.
John Morrow of Tygh went to
Srnock Tuesday.
A fire supposed to be from a
spark from the engine while
threshing at the Willis Driver
place was started in a straw pile,
tint no damuee was done other
that) the burning ot the straw.
Wilbur Wing had a fire at his
nlace some time ago when stand
ing grain caught tire aud reached
some grain that had been threshed
burning the sacks from it.
Miss llelen Countiihan gave the
usual talk on nursing Tuesday
nieht. Jack Roth brought her
from Dufur here.
Jim Kennedy and Uuy Harvey
wedtlotbe mountains last week.
Mr. aud Mr. aud Mrs. R. F.
Seivers aud the former's father of
Portland arrived Wednesday and
am livint? in the Swift house. Mr.
inona W agons
"Stand the Strain"
IWe may have what you want in stock
We are always pleased to see new customers
and we appreciate the opportunity of quot
ing you our prices.
Open evenings and Sunday s till after harvest
Grain Insurance
Protect your Crops at a Reasonable Cost
In one of the Strongest and Best Companies in the United
States. Our Policies Have Always Given Satisfaction.
See Us Before You Insure.
Maupin State Bank