The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, July 30, 1920, Image 4

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    The Maupin Times
Published every Friday at Maupin,
i Oregon
Mrs. W. L. Morrison, Publisher
Subscription: One year, $1.50; six
months, 75 cents; three months, 50
Entered as second class mail
matter September 2, 1914, at the
postoffice at Maupin, Oregon, un-
aer tne Act 01 Marcn 3, 1879.
The need of a special telephone
line between this place and Tygb
Valley Is seriously evident to all
patrons of the local exchange.
The present "well loaded" farmer
line is incapable of giving the ser
vice that is required of it and the
opeartors at both ends are com
pelled to answer many timet) each
day when a number on or over
route is called for, "line busy"
A small assessment to the patrons
of the Tygy, Watnio and Maupin
exchanges would finance the in
et. illation of the extra Jioe aud
would be doubly worth tL funds
expended for it. Somebody think
and start something.
Local Interest
See Jory's before selling your
The Oregonian for sale daily at
Cyr's Confectionery,
Win. Heckman left for a few
weeks in the mountains.
Dave Donaldson and Jack
Staats are camped at Government
See Jory's before selling your
Get your butter paper and car
touB printed at the Timet office.
Mrs. A. Philmlee and children
returned home Wednesday from
Hood River.
A. Locke and family were Mau
pin visitors from Frieda today.
Large sheets of carbon paper for
embroidery stamping at the Times
The attendance at the nurse's
class yesterday morning was good
notwithstanding the busy season.
One of the teams on a header
bed a J. R. Flemings ran-a-way
Tutsday morning injuring the
Do you need a cream separator?
Is so, buy "The Melotte" made
in Belgium. - J. C. Bradway
Wamia, agent.
Mr. and Mrs. 0. B. Derthick
expect to leave Monday to spend
the mouth of August in the mouu
Registered Poland China boar
9 uiontliB old, for sale.-Claud
A stock of typewriter ribbons
for different machines at the
Times olfiee.
George A. Harlh, for a number
of years a farmer near Tyah Val
ley, but who has lived the past
year near The Dalles shot him
self, dying instantly, at the home
ej h'a b... f1..!l... ttr I
v .410 cuu UOttl I un JJttliei Weil-
nesday morning, ll is not known
whether it was suicide or accident.
High Prices Crops - Lower Prices Lumber
Lumber reduced 80 per cent. New price list just started-may advance soon, due to fall demand ,
Put today's Prosperity into
Much Needed Buildings
Manager Renick of the Tum-A-Lum Lumber' Company states he is now working on list No.
12 which is the third and latest decline in lumber prices this year. Mr. Renick says much building
is being talked of this year, but that shortage of cars and workmen may delay fall building until
bad weather unless early action is taken and building plans are not left till the last minute as is
usually the case
Carpenters are already busy and have much work ahead in some cases.
Almost certain advances in lumber prices and scarcity of labor will make the ''Last Minute"
builder wish he had planned and started earlier.
"Size up your crops" and PLAN "AFTER HARVEST" BUILDINGS NOW. is Manager
Renick's advise Tum-A-Lum Plan Department furnishes in 48 hours when required plans and
estimates of cobt of buildings for Homes and farms. No obligation to buy. Mr. Renick has the
Tum-A-Lum plan books of Homes (pictures of Interiors) and farm buildings which he will be
glad to explain.
Furnish complete Plans for HOMES AND
FOR ALL Material covers everything needed in
our line. NO EXTRAS. Haul back material left
over and receive credit. No Mail order house
ever made similar offer.
"Materials and Plans for Homes and Farm Buildings"
Train Schedule
O.JV. Train No. 35 due 10:25
a. m. No. 36 due at 2:25 p. m.
0. T. Train to Portland 12 53 a.
m., from Portland 1:42 a. m.
For Sale, $700
1 9-ft. McCormick Combine.
Morris Bros.
Warm Springs
1 have leased the Warm Springs
and and the baths are being clean
ed and covered and the grade
loadidg to the springs worked aud
improved. Gasoline supply sta
tion installed. Good camping
grounds. 1 will meet the train al
Mecca, Oregon, if notified two
days before.-J. if. Topper, Warm
Springs, Ore., Cf. Kah Ne Ta
HotspriugBi '
ftJLI. 1 '"'
For Sale
At the Church
Sunday icbool 10 a. m,
W. H. Aldridge will have charge
of the 11a. m. services; no servic
es Sunday evening.
H. A. Walter.
If You Want to Sell
See us at Once
For Sale
One team of black horses weight
1600 each. II. S. GoodonotiPli
Get It Fixed
I am qualified to do nearly all
kiuds cleaning and repair work
such as clocks, sewing inachiuec,
organs, etc. I also do sign painting
H. A. Walter.
1 12-foot McCormick header in
good ruuning order. Price $160.
tall limes ollice.
Are you using The Times liner
column when you have any thing
to stll or want to buy some article
that your neighbor maj have or
wishes to dispose of? If not try
a want ad in that column. We are
sure that it will bring results.
Harold Lock left Tuesdav nisht
ou the West Keats for a three
mouths trip to the Orient. Earl
Cunuingbam is ou a coast steamer
Come to my place about two
wetks ago one buckskiu mare
mule. Owner can have bv Bavins
for pasturage and this ad. H. N.
Dodge, Wapinitia.
Claud Hart was thrown from
hiB horse on the Bakeoven Flat
fuesday and had to walk to
iuluu. v.. p. uani look him
home from here,
Bathing Suits aud Cans. -Mau.
piu Drug Store.
J. A. Lock and wife of Portland
stopped last week with his brother
here." They have been on a trip
to tue Mexican border aud are ou
their way to Port Angeles, Wn.
For Sale Two thoroughbred
uuroc sowa with 12 March pigs.
Would like to sell right awav.
Apply at farm, or G. E. Wood,
Wamio, Ore.
Sccoud baud Bewiug machine
Singer, for eale.-Times office.
By way of introducing ourselves to
the people of Wasco Co. we have for
Two Shipments of Fords
Touring Cars, Runabouts,
One Ton Trucks, Coupe and Sedan
Cars now stored at
Permanent quarters have been leased
and we will soon have a complete
service department and also a full
stock of parts.
Write for information
Denartmant nf tha Inti-i..r .
U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Or
egon, juiy 21, iya).
Notice ia hereby given that
' Philln final.
of Maupin, Oregon, who on October, 15
wiu nrnus nuntenteaa fciHxy no. ulboUo
El -2 SWl-4. Sprtinn 8 wi-I.J mi l
Section 17, Township 5 south, Ranee 14
mnameite Meridian, has tiled
notice of intention to make final three
year proof, to establish claim to the
iana aoove described, before F. D.
Stuurt ir a r,:..i .. ...
"tut., xj, u, uniiiiiooiuiicr at luaupw,
.ieBuii, un me aistaay oi August, 19a).
Claimant flflfTIPH Aft witnocaaa T. I I
Kelly, W. H. Williams, E. J. Fischer
u. J.
Tlimn.lmonf nf tha Xntnrinr
II. H. l.nn.1 nilli-e at. The DhIIph. Orn
gon, June 17th, 1920.
iNuuce is neruuy given uiu
Clu.ln I Wliitlimli
I of Maupin, Urcgon, who on May 23rd.
1918, mudo homestead entry No. 016009
lor W1-ZHW1-4, BE1-4HW1-4, BCC. 2S.NWJ-
4, Nwl-4swl-4, Section 11, Township 6
south, Range 14 east, Willamette Me-
rirliun haa filml nntia nf itifoniinn n
make final three year proof, to estab
lish claim to the land above described, F 1) Stnai-f IT H rnmmlinn
nr. nt Maunin. Oreimn. nn the .'Irrl Hnv
I of August, 1920.
I Claimant names as witnesses: M. S.
Millar. C, C. Allntl C. fi. SlmrraW
(Thomas Faherty, all of Maupin, Oregon
n. rrana vvooocock, Register.
I In the Circuit Court of the State of
Uregon for Wasco County:
U. S, Endersby, Plaintiff, )
Vlillnril P. Thornton on,) I
Sylvia E. Thornton, hus
band and wife, ane Jerome
S. Williams and Jeanette )
tirmi... i u i i ;
Ivvifimius, nuuuttiiu ana 1
wife, and Fred W. Carlyon
ueiondants, )
Tn Millnril P. Thnrn) nn onil fiwli.
- - - ui.u ujjtm
IE. Innrntnn. hiiHhunfl nnrt urifn unA
I Fred W. CHi-lvm. nf the ulvnvo nlm..i
I defendants.
I In the Name of the State of Oregon:
You and each of you are hereby requir
ed to a linear and annwpr II nnmnluinf
iled against you in the above entitled
I Court and Suit nn nr hafnr to cik
I day of August, 1920; and if you or
either of you fail to so answer, for
I want inereoi, tne plaintiff will apply
to the above named Court fir the
rAlivf nrflverl fnt nA )n J :H
T . . X J "tllJ ucuiauucu in
plaintiff s complaint and a certified
copy of said complaint being herewith
enclosed and duly mailed to each of you
directed respectively to your residence
ddre8ses. This suit is brouirht tn
fnreclnKA A mnrttratra rnarlo
cuted by the defendants, Millard P.
inornion anu Sylvia Thornton,
I"--- - v . 1W1IUU VII LIIO
27th day of June, 1916, upon one hun-
area ana twenty acres or land, describ
ed as South half of Southeast quarter
land KnnthpHHt. nnurfsr nf i
quarter of Section Eleven in Township
Five South of Range Eleven East of
iv nmmeue iueriaian, and situated in
Wasco Countv. Orpn-nn
I merit nf A nrnmiuc:mMT s
I -""wawij uut-o ux even
date with said mortgage, and the
inei Buusiii oy piaintm ib the fore
closure of said morteraee and sl nf
the mortcaced nrnneriv f,. iu
proceeds of sale to recover the amount
I due on said mortcnirn nnto .u
$200.00, principal and interest on said
sum from .Turn? 57rh 1Q17 .t i i.
-..., ciu, WiC ma
often per cent per annum; $100.00
aiwniEj iee, ana tor costs and dis
bursements of suit, aud such other and
further re ief ha rho j
. WUM.U IUOV uceui
equitable, necessary and just.
This summons is served upon vou bv
publication thereof in the Maupin
Limes, a newsDanw nf mnura 1,
tion and published weekly at the town
of Maiinin. Wascn rnnni.. r
Williams, all of Maupin, Ore-
H. Frank Woodcock, Register.
aud pursuant to an order therefor
made by Honorable Fred W. Wilson.
JlloVe nf th nhnua .....J r t ...
------- ..amcu uuri. on
the 22nd day of June, 1920, and direct
um doiu nummuns to oe so published
weeklv for not Insa than ;
tive weeks.
First publication, June 25th, 1920;
last publication, August 6, 1920. '
. p. a. uutur,
Atfnrnmr fnt. tl..ti:i
Postoffice address, Maupin. Oreiron.
...... 5
nan n t a mtn vtono )
KpiiiiiiM nuiu uingo
Leaves Maunin. 3 n. m
Leaves Wapinitia, 7 a m.
e. b; dufur
Attorney at Law
Sales Mgr.
Dr. T. DeLarhue
Glasses Properly Fitted
Eiclusively Optical
Koouib 17-18 Vogt Block, oyer
Crosby's Drug store,
The Dalles, Ore
Phone Black 1111
Plllllie l.anA 0..1-,
uM.iu uaig
Dflnnrf monf nf tu T i
U. S. Land Offli-o ot Tli nii- n
gon, May 28,
wotice is ; hereby given that as direc-
cd bv theCnnmiiRninnornf n 1
Land nmcft. iimlui m.nir oi..i -t o-
ii' - it P""" to the application
of Ilojinia Hunt, Sarial No. 020808, we
wui oner a public sale, to the highest
bidder, but at not less than $3.60 per
acre. at10:4fi nVln.f A m lu.
t8th day of August, next,' at this office
uie louowing tract of land: Lot 1.
ecVii- .6. South Ranee M Et. W
M. (Containing 67.15 Acres). ,
This sale will nnf 1.a lan 1...1
will be declared closed when those
-resent at tne ftour named have ceased
iddmg. The person making thn hirh.
est bid will be required to immediately
pav to the Reppivurthosimni.nt l 1
- - . .Uv.mUUi UlCXtUl
Any persons claiming adversely the
above-described land are advised to
hie their p hums nv nkianii..H
u t iL V- ! . ""jmuuh, un or
before the time designated for sale.
u. a. Booth, Receiver.
Dr. and Mrs. Stovall and Estel
left yesterday morning for New
port and Tortlaud, going over the
uiouulaiu route. Louia Derthick
is looking after the store.
Farmers inquire at the Mauidn
Garage for your hnrvest supply of
Mr. and Mrs. V. II. Staats have
freshly renovated the cottaee on
the spring, oue occupied bv W. C.
Vanderpool, and are moving from
their home, by (he store into it.
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Kelly now
make their trips to Maupin iii a
urigut new Franklin runabout.
Wanted Summer pasturage for
about &u head of bucks. Phone
Ed Mays, Maupin.
H. Anderson was a Portland
visitor a couple days this weelt.
aud wag accompanied home by his
niece, Miss Esther Anderson of
Los Angeles.
Stovall"g Fly Swatters ffPt th
flies. Maupin Drug Store.
L. B. Fox R, T. Yalce
Makers of Abstracts Inat
Books Posted to Date Daily
Plant Second to None
First National Bank Building
Phone Black 2811.
The Dalles, Oregon
I.O. O.F.
Lodge No. 209. Maunin. Dnmin
meets every Saturday night in
Donaldson's hall. Visiting mem
bers always welcome.
R. B. Bell, N. G.
B. Ft Turner, Secretary.
Uepartment of the Interiorior
U. S. Land nfftcoot Tli. n..n..
gon, July 7th, 1920.
notice is hereby given that
MaMn.o T (5 :il : 1
""J"" oiiuiii, WIOOW OX
Beninmin T .Qmltk A j
j------ W....UI, ucucayeQ
01 Csherwnon. Clretrnn nrlin r-i.-l
111. 1nl 3 ?..! . "BMIOer
11th, 19I5, made Additional Homestead
entry, No. 015212, for SE1-4NK1-4 Nl.
2SE1-4 NE1-4SW1-4 Sections, township
4 South, Range 15 East, Willamette
Meridian, haa filorf nntin. :.r.
to make final three year proof, to
estahsh claim to the land above de
scribed before Register and Receiver.
U. S. Land Offirn nt Thn n..ii..
- ------ AUltCd, J I K-
CTn on the 18th day of September, ,
Claimant names as witnesses:
Fred StraHlpv nf n... v.. 11... n..
?" a' cke7, ?f Grass Va,ley' Orefon
f Y'"vy ui wasa v auey, Oree-on
Irwm Underwood of Boyd, Oregon.
H. Frank Woodcock. Register.
Notice is hereby given to all to
Whom it mav rnnnorn tUml 41.-...-JI
j l 7 ; . " wie unaer
signed has been duly appointed Admin-'
, , w ,ul 1,10 estate of W he m
Weber. deceaasH h th. - ZT V?
of the atatu nf nn. t ti, "
County and" a claUn." against laid
estate should be presented duly verified
as required by law at my residence
Tygh Valley, Oregon, within sfi
aionins irom tne date of the first pub-" ne, which ta JSX
Konrad L. Hauser,
A. Baumgartner, Adrainist.
Attorney for said Estate,
Maupin, Cregon.