HE MAUPSM TIM: Devoted to the Interests of Southern Wasco County 1 VOL 6, NO 42 MAUPIN SOUTHERN WASCO COUNTY, OREGON. FRIDAY. JULY 30, 1920 THE YEAR $1.50 Distillate Here Maupin's (bare of the 50,000 gallous of distillate secured by (be county agent for harvest use ar rived last week and lias been nearly all distributed. The big tank oar holdiug 8,100 gallons was (potted near tbe lluuts Ferry warehouse aod tbe distillate was run directly into drums and tauks by gravity. This is the fourth car o arrive lit the county. Lack of storage spice hindered unloading the car and as a result there is still some left. Those desiring it may still secure it if they see about it at once. Tbe oaiginal cost prict was 24 ceuts per gallon. This week it ie being sold for 244 ;oents, the -increase being ueces sary to take care of demurrage. ' Take a Kodak with you on your summer vacatiou trip. Tbe best kinds for sale at tbe Maupin Drug Store, Notice I bought four yearling heifere at John Ward's sale, one I uevnr got. I will pay $10,00 reward for its safe delivery, or if said heifer has been stolen the Stock Growers Association of Wasco County will pay a reward of $500.00 for eyi denue that will be sufhVient to coDvict Baid thief. A. A. Bonney. For Sale Three room house and lot on Deschutes Ave. in Maupin. For particulars call or address A. Baumgartner, Maupin, Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Kelly, Mis Doris and 'Dad' Coale left yester day morning for Snohomish, Wn,, and will make a trig up into Canada before, returning home. SENT IN BY OUR Wamic News Jor) 's will buy your wool. "It Pays to Pay Cash at JoryV F; M. Jory all Staple Groceries :i Fresh Meat fresh Fruits & Vegetables Butter-Nut Bread Doughnuts and Buns House Dresses Woolen Goods HATS HATS HATS "It Pays to Pay Cash at Jory's Miss Mildred Wilsou is here from Grangoville, Idaho, visiting her aunt, Mrs. C. S. MeCorkle. Members of American Legion met Wednesday night. Frank Mgill bad Hie misfor tune to dislocate bis right ankle joint Monday by slipping down from off the header. Q. C. Morrow ol Tygh brought a load of freight rruni Sherar last week for the Luke store. Mrs. gtella 1 1 nl f pa j) aud her husband of The Dalles were guet-ts ai t tie . a. woMurray nome fcuu day. Genevieve Hunt is here from Flan gan visiting Mrs. Laura Mi. and Mrs. Ilarvey Rambow guests of Mrs. F. E. Magill Salur day from Gateway. Grant Led I ol d aud family were here Fri ay, having made a trip to Maupin. -The new threshing machine started its run today at the Bill Johnson plait Vivian Eubmks has just recov ered from an attack of measles. Mr! and Mi J . .11 . Woodcock were ovar- Jiciiu Maupin Suuday visiting at thaGiij Harvey home. Fery Driver ami Don Miller went to Juniper Hal .-viuilay whoie they will engnge in tn'i vott work. .Guy Brittou went to Giana Val ley yesterday to harvest. Gertrude, youngest da.n3.M0r of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mngnl full this morning and dislocated her shoulder. Her grandfather, W, 11. Magill took her to Maupii, i treatment. Mrs. Magill was 1. the rural route with the mail hi tl did not know of tbe accident uoU she returned home. Mrs. Liza Johnson ia staying at the Magill home assisting with the work. Alfred Clemius arrived from Portland .today going to tho C. S. McCorklo home. NEWS ITMES OF LOCAL INTEREST Captures 'Kitty' E V. Doty rescued tbe carets of a pole cat from tho grain car rier of the Hunts Ferry elevator Wednesday. This is the second animal of ilml specie to investi gate that portion of the warehouse during the pust year, 1 ing posts. 1 Mr. aud Mrs. R, S. Uay of Pritieville arrived here Saturday aud will spend the remainder of summer camping in the mount aim- Mrs. Maude Wall , bus leen ill. Grandma Delco baa soil her estate to Huilie S. "Rice of Tbe Dalles aud will move- to Wapinitia soon. Earl Barzee and daughter Vivhiu came over from Wasco Saturday. Several boys hiked out from Ilickville Tuesday uight on their way to Portland. Donald Wilson look quite sick last week aud Mrs. Wilsou took him to The Dalles hospital where he is suffering from intestinal flu but is reported to be improving. Ella Sbiplliu hag spent the past week visitiug at Ilickville. Calvin Beebe arrived Monday from Eagle Creek and is work'ing in harvest here. Ben Flinu aud Jouu Aruette came out from the mountains Fri day remaining fill Mouday. They report the huckleberries are uom uienciug to tfpeu uear tbe pOb't camp. Calvin MeCorkle made the round trip to The Dalles Sunday. Mrs. NK'Gorkle and Iryine came homo wiili hiiu for two weeks, , DENTIST Will be absent from office both Sunday and Monday ;Jj.. unless appointment ia made in advance i; M. C. DAKE D. M. D. MAUPIN Ice Cream at Cyr's Confect'n'y k : Maupin, Ore, . Ao BAUMGARTM LAWYER 1 Get your Fresh Bread daily at Andy's Place We now handle the Butter-Krust Bread Try our Hazelwood Ice Cream It's Refreshing Home Cooked Meals Breakfast 7 to 9 A. M. Dinner 12 to 2 p. m. Supper 5:30 to 8 P. M. Short Orders all Day x Fresh Meat at all Times H. ANDERSON, Prop. Wapinitia Iteci Temperature 90 in the shade Wednesday. Harvest and thresh ing iu full blast, grain is turning out iu some places much bettci than was expected. A little sou arrived at the hou vf Mr. and Mrs. John Powell last Saturday eveuiug, lediu camp at Codar swamp has officially adopted the new name of Ilickville aud will hi kuown by that name from now on Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Keen have moved from tho halfway station on the ditch, where a crew of men are constructing the flume. O. E. Wood aud futuily camr over from Wamio Tuesday and are spending a few days ou their ranch here. Little Molba Sharpe was quite sick for a few davs hut is much improved. Rev. Matthews of Siuinosbo preached at the church here Sun day evening to a large crowd. J. W. Ward speut a few daya at Kiugsley ' last week visiting old friends. Ralph Wood'nide aud two of his friends came out from the inouu tains and spent Suuday visiting borne folks. P. J. Olseu and family came over from Shauiko Suuday and visited at the Lu Woodside home Mrs. Mack Ilolluiaud children went to tbe mountains Thursday where Mack is camping and uiak- Record Chicken Mrs. II. F. Woodcock is the proud owner of a brood of pure bred 1'lymunih Rock clrckei.f hatched out March 2!ih of thii year, one pullet of which hay headed any previous world record by laying an egg yesterday. Mrs. Woodcock states that one roosters of this lot eonimnoed crowing ui the age seven weeks, fclacksm th Shop I liuve supplies mid inn preptir- ed to do all kinds of new work and a- nei'al repairing, Horse shoe ing a specially HeiiHomilde rules A, V. Martin. For Sale Seven bead of Yearling Mules. Th is is good stuff and priced to sell. Inquire of I). U. Appling, Criterion, Oregon. George Chandler wrote to his sister, Mrs. II. F. Woodcock, re cently that he had returned to Qimnlico, Va., from Pensacsla, Fla,, where he had been SPnt dur ing the Mexican trouble. While south Mr. Ohandle hud tbe pleas- me of a Ml of sightseeing in the W'e't loilieH, He will po to Camp Terry, Ohio, Augivt 1st to com pete in the national marknninsbip contest Times, $1 .50 per year. HARVESTING SUPPLIES LET US OUTFIT YOU We appreciate your needs in this line an will do our best to render you prompt efficient service. Merchandise is hard to get but our stocks are very complete and we can fill your orders. SHATTUCK BROS. "The House of Better Service" Maupin, Oregon ANNOUNCEMENT To the Public: Having purchased the stock of W. H. Staats & Company I wish to assure the patrons of this store that I will appreciate your patronage and will endeavor to please you. The Oliver Chilled Plow Co. and J. I. Case lines will be handled by us. We will in the near future add considerable to the stock. We are here for business. R. E. WILSON CO. IF Gi tram insurance Hail Fire Protect your Crops at a Reasonable Cost In one of the Strongest and Best Companies in the United States. Our Policies Have Always Given Satisfaction. See Us Before You Insure. Maupin State Bank