The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, July 23, 1920, Image 4

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    The Maupin Times
Published every Friday at Maupin,
Mrs. W. L. Morrison, Publisher
Subscription: Oue year, Jti.50; six
months, 75 cents; three months, 50
Entered as second class mail
matter September 2, 1914, at the
postoffice at Maupin, Oregon, un
der the Act of March 3, 1879.
Local Interest
J. E. Hinton was a business
caller in Maupin Tuesday.
Tackle the right place for Fish
ing Tackle. Maupin Drugstore.
A welcome rain again Monday
Ham and Eggs, and Sandwiches
and Coffee at Cyr'a Confectionery.
Mrs. Jessie Hollis is working id
See Jory's before selling your
Farmers inquire at the JWaupin
Garage for your harvest eupply of
H. Anderson was a Portland
visitor a couple days this week
We've got the kind of Fishing
Tackle that gets the Fish. Maupin
Drug Store.
Miss Coon was called to her
home in the valley Sunday to care
for ber mother who is ill.
W. P. Fuller & Co's. Paints
and Oils beat 'em all, for sale at
The Maupin Drug Store. Let us
ligure with you on painting and
wall papering.
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Chustain
are moving into the poBtoffice
Several dozen Goldeu State and
a few old style mason fruit jars
for sale. Mrs. J. Delletiglie.
For Sale Two thoroughbred
Duroc sows with 12 March pigs
Would like to sell right away
Apply at farm, or G. E. Wood
Wamic, Ore.
Do you need a oreaui separator?
Is so, buy "The Melotte" made
in Belgium. J. C. Bradway
Wamlo, agent.
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. AudorBon
returned Monday to their home at
Walla Walla.
Large sheets of carbon paper for
embroidery stamping at the Times
Second hand sewing machine
Singer, for tale. Times office,
Dau Clark returned Wednesday
from a trip to The Dalles. He is
very much eluled over the rail
road men's raise in pay, but de
clared he arrived home 'sober'.
Registered Poluud Chiua boar
9 mouths old, for sale. Claud
Times, $1.50 per year.
A stock of typewriter ribbons
for different machines at tlir
Times office.
Get your butter pnper and car
tons printed at the Times office.
Bert Kuighten and family haye
retururd from homesteadiug in
Malheur county and Wednesday
bought the Jim Brown place on
White river.
Wanted Summer pasturage for
about 50 vbead of bucks. Phone
Ed Mays, Maupin.
T Jory's will buy your wool.
T Come to my place about two
weeks Hgo one buckekiu mare
mule. Owner can have by paying
for pasturage and this ad. H. N.
Podge, Wapiuitia.
The concrete foundation and
basement of the Beckwitb resi
dence is complete aud frame work
commenced. Mr. Wilhelm is em
ployed on the job.
Are you using The Times liner
column when you haye auy thing
to sell or waut to buy some artick
that your neighbor ma) have or
wishes to dispose of? If not try
a waut ad iu that columu. We are
sure that it will bring results.
Train Schedule
0. W. Train No. 35 due 10:25
a. m. No. 36 due at 2:25 p. m.
O. T. Train to Portland 12 53 a.
m., from Portland 1:42 a. in.
For Sale, $700
1 9-ft. McCormick Combine.
Morris Bros.
At the Church
Suuday school 10 a. m.
W. H. Aldridge will have charge
of the 11 a. dj. services; no servic
es Sunday eveuiug.
II. A. Walter.
For Sale
One team of black homes weight
1600 each. II. S. Goodonough,
Get It Fixed
I am qualified to do nearly all
kiuds cleaning and repair work
such as clocks, sewiug machine?,
organs, etc. I also do sign painting
II. A. Walter.
See Jory's before selling your
High Prices Crops - Lower Prices Lumber
Lumber reduced 30 per cent. New price list just started may advance soon, due to fall demand
Put today's Prosperity into
Much Needed Buildings
Manager Renick of the Tum-A-Lum Lumber Company states he is now working on list No.
12 which is the third and latest decline in lumber prices this year. Mr. Renick says much building
is being talked of this year, but that shortage of cars and workmen may delay fall building until
bad weather unless early action is taken and building planB are not left till the last minute as iB
usually the case.
Carpenters are already busy and have much work ahead in some cases.
Almost certain advances in lumber prices and scarcity of labor will make the ''Last Minute"
builder wish he had planned and started earlier.
"Size up your crops" and PLAN "AFTER HARVEST" BUILDINGS' NOW, is Manager
Renick's advise. Tum-A-Lum Plan Department furnishes in 48 hours when required plans and
estimates of cost of buildings for Homes and farms. No obligation to buy. Mr. Renick has the
Tum-A-Lum plan books of Homes (pictures of Interiors) and farm buildings which he will be
glad to explain -
"Materials and Plans for Homes and Farm Buildings"
If You Want to Sell
See us
MW -WF" 1 VJ
arm, v 'a i ii 1 1 ii ui
IMP1 1 It M H 1 1 IM"
W 1M
J 7! YEA9 1"
1 met ma, ipeHtn; Belt I 'f
Wamic News
Wiley Knighteu is visiting his
mother here Mrs. Aunij Packard.
Miss Bernettu Brudly returned
Woduesday to Seattle, Wn., after
spendiug a week with her cousin,
Miss Hilda Lake.
Miss Helen Counahan of The
Dalles gives lessons iu Red Cross
nursing every Tuesday night in
the hall here,
Emmit ZumwaHtook Roy Johu
sou aud family to The Dalles
Friday, being .on their way to
Spokaue, Wn., after spending Bey.
eral weeks with relatives aud
frieuds here.
Among thoBe who enjoyed the
swimmiug pool in Tygb recently
were the Misses Crystal Pratt,
Doratby McCorkle, Hilda Lake.
Irina aud Alma Driver, and Char
Furnish complete Plans for HOMES AND
FOR ALL Material covers everything needed in
our line. NO EXTRAS- Haul back material left
over and receive credit. No Mail order house
ever made similar offer.
at Once
Sunshine in
Your Home with
Dingy rooms dampen many a housewife's,
interest in the home.
Keeping the woodwork, walls, floors and
furniture looking bright and new helps to
make her home life well worth while.x
A few dollars spent for FULLER Prod
ucts will work wonders. It will put "ra'-s
of sunshine" into the home.
1 $49-1920 t
Branch House S r t it. -
in roar J own
ley Lake and Fred Miller.
Percey Driver made a trip to
The Dalles Saturday. Mrs. Driver
accompanied hi in home after sev
eral weeks there.
Bill Woodcock was a visitor to
Kingsley last week.
Mrs. Veva Driver returned to
The Dalles Friday after several
weeks' stay at the J. E. Kennedy
Miss Dorathy McCorkle has the
O. P. Weherg aud family of
Juuiper Flat visited at the Eugene
Pratt home Sunday. Mr. Webere
purchased the G. E. Wood piano
while here, coming after it today.
Threshing will begin here this
Ellis Doughtou drove his car off
the White river grade Saturday.
Warm Springs
I have leased the Warm Springt-
aud aud the baths are being clean
ed and covered aud the grade
leadidg to the Eprings worked and
unproved. Gasoline supply sta
tion installed. Good camping
grounds. I will meet the train at
Mecca, Oregon, if notified two
days before. J. H. Pepper. Warm
Springs, Ore., Cf. Kah Ne Ta
For Sale
1 12-foot McCormick header in
good running order. Price $10O
Call Times office.
Wapinitia Auto Stage
Leaves Maupin, 3 p. m.
Leaves Wapinitia, 7 a rn.
Attorney at Law
Dr. T. DeLarhue
Glasses Properly Fitted
Exclusively Optical
Roouib 17-18 Vogt Block, oyer
Crosby'B Drug store,
The Dalles, Ore
Phone Black 1111
L. B. Fox R. T. Yates
wasco county
Abstract c o.
Makers of Abstracts 1 fiat
Books Posted to Date Daily
Plant Secoud to None
First National Bank Building
Phone Black 2831,
The Dalles, Oregon
I.O. O.F.
Lodun Nn. 9f)9 Mmnin n,
meets every Saturday night ip
Donaldnnn'o Kail Viui ftnn mom
bers always welcome.
R. B. Bell, N. G.
B. F, Tvkneii, Secretary.
Department of the Interior
U. 8. Land Office at The Dalles, Ore ,
eon, June 17th, 1920.
Notice is nereoy given uiai
Clvde A. Whitlock.
of Maupin, Uregon, who on May 23rd,
1916, niBde nomesteaa entry ino. uioiot
for wl-2swl-4. BEl-4swl-4, Sec. 2.NW1-
4, NWl-4swl-4, Section 11, Township 6
south, Range 14 east,, Willamette Me
ridian, has hied notice or intention to
make final three year proof, to estab
lish elaim to the land above described,
before F. D. Stuart. U. S. Commission
er, Bt Maupin, Oregon, on the 3rd day
of August, 1920.
Claimant names as witnesses: m. t.
Miller. G. C. Allen. C. G. Skogsbere.
Thomas Faherty, all of Maupin, Oregon
H. Frank Woodcock, KegiBter.
tn the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Wasco County:
(J. S. Endersby, Plaintiff, )
Vtillard P. Thornton, and )
Sylvia E. Thornton, hus- i
band and wife, ane Jerome
5. Williams and Jeanette )
Williams, husband and
wife, and Fred W. Carlyon
To Millard P. Thornton, and Sylvia
E. Thornton, husband and wife, and
Fred W. Carlyon, of the above named
In the Name of the State of Oregon:
Vou and each of you are hereby requir
id to appear and answer the complaint
died against you in the above entitled
Court and Suit on or before the 6th
lay of August, 1920; and if you or
jither of you fail to so answer, for
want thereof, the plaintiff will apply
to the above named Court for the
relief prayed for and demanded in
plaintiff's complaint and a certified
:opy of said complaint being herewith
ncloBed and duly mailed to each of you
lirected respectively to your residence
.ddresses. This suit is brought to
foreclose a mortgage made and exe
cuted by the defendants, Millard P.
Thornton and Sylvia E. Thornton,
husband and wife, to Plaintiff on the
mh day of June, 1916, upon one huu
Ired and twenty acres of land, describ
ed as South half of Southeast quarter
and Southeast quarter of Southwest
quarter of Section Eleven in Township
Five South of Range Eleven East of
Willamette Meridian, and situated in
Wasco County, Oregon, to secure pay
ment of a promissory note of even
date with said mortgage, and the
relief sought by plaintiff is the fore
closure of said mortgage and sale of
the mortgaged property, and from the
proceeds of sale to recover the amount
due on said mortgage nots, to wit,
$200.00, principal and interest on said
sum from June 27th, 1917, at the rate
of ten per cent per annum; $100.00
attorney's fee, and for costs and dis
bursements of suit, aud such other and
further relief as the court may deem
equitable, necessary and just.
This summons is served upon you by
publication thereof in the Maupin
Times, a newspaper of general circula
tion and published weekly at the town
of Maupin, Wasco County, Oregon,
and pursuant to an order therefor
made by Honorable Fred W. Wilson,
Judge of the above named Court on
the 22nd day of June, 1920, and direct
ing said summons to be so published
weekly for not less than six consecu
tive weeks.
First publication, June 25th, 1920;
last publication, August 6, 1920.
E. B. Dufur,
Attorney for Plaintiff,
Postoffice address, Maupin, Oregon.
Public Land Sale
Dapartment of the Interior
U. S. Land Offln at. Tim Holloa no
gon, May 28, 1920. '
Notice is hereby given that as direc
ted by the Commissioner of the General
Land office, under provisiont of Sec.
2455. R. S.. niirsnant tn lKounnli..uti..n
of Rojinia Hunt, Sarial No. 020808, we
win oner a puwic sale, to the highest
bidder, but at. not less than $3.60 per
acre, at 10.45 o'clock A. M., on the
18th day of August, next, at this office
the following tract of land: Lot 1,
Sec. 1. T. 6 South Range 14 East, W.
M. (Containing 57.15 Acres).
This sale will not be kept open, but
will be declared p Inner! when ilmua
present at the hour named have ceased
llirlfltticr Tha imrann n..iln'r- H, L:U
est bid will be required to immediately
yay u ine neceiver tne amount thereoi
Any persons claiming adversely the
above-npacrihpn1 Innrl ara aAxAaoA (n
file their claims, or objections, on or
oeiure me time aesignateu tor sale.
ij. a. boom, Keceiver.
Department of the Interiorior
U. S. Land Oflirput- Thp Ii
ifon, July 7th, 1920.
notice is hereby given that
M6ldora J. Smith, widow of
Beniamin T. Smith Hpnooal
of Sherwood, Oregon, who on October
nwi, laio, maae Aaaitional Homestead
entry, No. 015212, for SE1-4NE1-4, Nl-
2SE1-4. NEl-isw1-i
4 South, Range 15 East, Willamette
meriuian, nas nied notice of intention
to make final three year proof, to
estalish claim tn tKp wA j-
v taiiu OUliyo UC-
scribed. before Register and Receiver,
u. o. L,ana umce at The Dalles, Ore
gon on the 18th day of September,
Claimant namps na arittioaisuo.
Fred StradleV of Rraaa Villi 'n.-,...
C. A. Buekley, of Grass Valley, Oregon
L. A. Shtnlpu nf firQo Viil.. n
j . Tt Ii "'" VICKUII
Irwm Underwood of Boyd, Oregon.
a. r ranis woodcock, Kegister.
Notice is hereby given to all to
whom it may concern, that the under
signed has been duly appointed Admin
istrator of the estate of Wilhelm
Weber, deceased, by the County Court
of the state of Oregon for Wbkco
County, and all claimg against said
estate should be presented duly verified
as required by law at my residence,
Tygh Valley Oregon, within six
months from the date of the first pub
lication of this notice, which is Juna
25th, 1920.
Konrad L. Hauser,
, Administrator.
A. Baumgartner, .
Attorney for said Estate,
Maupin, Cregoii, ' .