The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, July 23, 1920, Image 1

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Demoted to the Interests of Southern Wasco County
VOL 6, NO 41
THE YEAR $1.50
Sunny South
Los Angeles, Cal., 7-15-20.
" To whom it may coucern:
I have boeu touring southern
California and found to my sur
prise a more beautiful climate
thau I bad anticipated and am
very giad that I am down here to
escape tbe hot weather , iu eastern
Oregon aud especially on Juniper
Flat. I left home June 10th aud
, lauded in Los Augeles the 14th,
Spending ten days with my cousin
-, aud attending a camp meeting in
a big tent a nights. I found it
very comfortable with a heavy
overcoat on. Tbeu I took a trip
to Santa Diego aud came back by
stags; had to stop aud put on side
curtaiiiB aud a laprobe over our
laps,- One week at Long Beach;
very nice weather but wore my
coat every day aud slept under
heovy covers at night. A little
warmer in Cauiauio and Oxuoid;
went iu shirt sleeves in day time,
I bought four yearling heifers
at John Ward's sale, one I never
got. I will pay $10,00 reward for
its safe delivery, or if said heifer
has been stuleu the Stock Growers
Association of Wasco County will
pay a reward of $500.00 for evi
dence that will be sunVir.nt to
convict said thief.
A. A. Bonuey.
but heavy covers at nights.
I will spend three weeks, iu
Porlerville, Liudsy and Yixier
among the beautiful vinyards and
orange groves of, California, ami
about the first 1 will return to tm
home in Oregon accompanied In
my sister and her husband, L. A.
A buuch of keys aud the rim of
a headlight for a car were left at
the Times office receutly iu search
of their owuer.
"It Pays to Pay Cash at JoryV
F. M. Jory
all vStaple Groceries
Fresh Meat
Fresh Fruits & Vegetables
Butter-Nut Bread
Doughnuts and Buns
House Dresses
Woolen Goods
"It Pays to Pay Cash at Jory's"
Will be absent from office both Sunday and Monday
unless appointment is made in advance
H. C. BAKE D. ML D. 1
Ice Cream at Cyr's ConfectVy
Maupin, Ore.
1 Get your Fresh Bread daily at
t Andy's Place
' We now handle the
Butter-Krust Bread
Try our Hazelwood Ice Cream
It's Refreshing
Home Cooked Meals
Breakfast 7 to 9 A. M. Dinner 12 to 2 p. m.
Supper 5:30 to 8 P. M. Short Orders ail Day
Fresh Meat at all Times
Wapinilia Items
Fine cool weather with an oc
casional shower has been meted
out to us tbe paBt few days.
Haryest is iu full blast. The
McCorkle-Powell thresher started
Monday with two headers cutting.
The I'owell girlB have charge of
the cook house.
Mrv and Mrs. David Sharp
came out from the mountains Sat-.
urday, remaining until Wednes,-'
ilny. Mrs. sharps wag quite sick
ut is much improved.
The children of Mr. and Mrs.
(i'illeip luschtier have all been
sick with the measles but are
Mrs. Minnie Hartuiau aud her
daughter Crystal lett Tuesday for
the Yull' y where they will visit
and put u i fruit.
LincLln Harttuau was quite
sick Ian! wi'rk. He went to The
Dalles the Ikstof the week where
he is receiving treatment.
E. E. Mitii-r and wife came upi
from I'ortlainl Suuday.'
Miss Helen Oouuihau was the'
gnest of Mis L M. VVoodside latt
Thursday event i 3.
Mrs. L. M. Woodside went to
The Dalles last week.
Mrs. Dee Woodside is the guest
of Mrs. Katie Graham at Clacka-
mas lake this week,
The first forebt lire of the season
iu the mouutatus here bioke out
at Olalla mouutaiu. Jue Graham
has a crew oi men there lighting it
Joe Graham's road crew ic now
iu about Eve miles of ClackuinnH
lake, the road beiug complcltU i
that point.
Howard Blackerby and famil
came over from Wamic buudas
md visited at the J. I. Parke;
home. Mrs. Celia Brit ton aud
ton came with them, visitirii
home folkp.
Mrs. Alice Chappel left here
today for her old home in Kansac.
An 8 pound sou was bom to
Mrs. Roup Thursday.
Mr. Ira Gribham was a Dalles
iuitor hist week.
J. P. Abbott shipped four car
loads of mutton sheep last week.
'Grandma' Pegg, mother of Mrs
f. P. Abbott and Mrs. Ira Gris-
uain. arrived from Indiana last
reek. She is 82 years old and
nade the trip alone.
MrB. J. L. Maddrou was called
10 Bend last week by the illuent
if her sister-iu-law. She returned
lome today.
Mrs R. V. McCorklo tpeut a
tew days iu The Dalles last week
Staats' Store Sold
Smock Items
Raspberries on, strawberries gone
Harvest is near with proBpect of
j good crop.
Edward Dishrow motored to
Maupin Sunday.
Chas. Farlow returned from
The Dalles with a new separator
Mr. and Mrs. Robco Fellcli of
Pocatello, Idaho, motored through
Oregou and are visiting F, T
Feltch and sister. They will
npend some wetks here.'
u. M. stauciiip arrived on
Smock from Edinhoro, Pa. He
attended the Teachers' National
Associatiou held iu Salt Lake City
where over 7000 teachers were
present. Tbe weather was ex
tremely hot there.
Mr. aud Mrs. Mac May held,
after spending some uioulbs iu the
home of their son, W. II., returD-
The pioneer mercantile bueinei-g
of W. II. Staats & Company was
purchased this week by R. E
Wilson Company from Fuitlaul
and will be known hereafter by
that name.
Mr. and Mrs. Staats have long
fell that they ueeded rest and en
joy nieut of less strenuous life thai!
the conducting so active a busi
ness uffords. They have always
conducted a clean tqiiate bunion
and endeavored to please tba pub
lic. It 'm their intention to con
tinue to make this their home aud
help to develop the townsiie of
Mr. Wllsou was formerly in the
mercantile business at Beaver, On
gou aud comes highly recommend
ed. His father is well aud favor
ably kuowu throughout this section
as the manager of the Olivet
Chilled Plow works of Portlaud.
The uew management intend
locarryauice stock of all li net
pertaining to general merchandise
We wish the uew firm success
aud that they will continue to
enjoy a liberal share of the trade.
Blacksmith Shop
I have supplies and am prepar
ed to do all kinds of new work
and general repairing. Horse shoe
ing a specialty. Reasonable rates
A. P. Martin.
For Sale
Seven bead of Yearling Mules.
This is good stuff and priced to
ell. Inquire of 1). B. Appling,
Criterion, Oregon.
Mrs. F. C. Butler, manager of
the Maupin switchboard, ha9 been
alone on the shift all week and
has bad some lively long distance
business. Monday 22 long dis
tance calls were checked and all
but two 'talked on'.
Sunday Irving Morris, a yolin
farmer east of Maupin mid Mis
Esther Cushion u of Moro were
united in marrinee. Ti.e bride is
the daughter of Mr. - and Mis
Eugene Cu.shmnu of TNoio. The
gloom in well known here, and his
many friends in this section witth
them a: happy, ruoBtjeroiis life
Mr. anil Mrs. Moms are at home in grand lime and
on their farm, formerly the Jerome 1 Hood, encouuteifig
Buzan property.
Clarence Furgher brought the
Anderson and Jory party nut from
the summit Sunday.. They report
climbed Sit,
an electrical
I storm on their descent .
ed to Laidlaw, Oregou Wednesday
Masters A. T. and. N, A. Monuei
of Gateway with their families
were over fcuuday visitors at the
J: C. Bradway homoi
Mrs. T. M. Parlow was called to
Natnpa, Idaho Saturday by a tele
gram staling that her mother.
Mrs. Frances ' Adams had died
there. She returned home ou
Motiday evening.
We appreciate your needs in
this line an will do our best to
render you prompt efficient
service. Merchandise is hard
to get but our stocks are very
complete and we can fill your
"The House of Better Service"
Maupin, Oregon
To the Public:
Having purchased the stock of W.H.
Staats & Company I wish to assure the
patrons of this store that I will appreciate
your patronage a nd will endeavor to please you.
The Oliver Chilled Plow Co. and J. I.
Case lines will be handled by us. We will in
the near future add considerable to the stock.
We are here for business.
Grain Insurance
Hail Fire
j Protect your Crops at a Reasonable Cost
In one of the Strongest and Best Companies in the United
States. Our Policies Have Always Given Satisfaction.
See Us Before You Insure.
Maupin State Bank