The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, June 11, 1920, Image 1

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Devoted to the Interests of Southern Wasco County
VOL. 6, NO 35
THE YEAR $1.50
Base Ball
The ball game hint Sunday be
tween1 the Tygh-Wiunio and Mail
pin leuniB waa ono of the IichI
games witnessed on the local field
- no far this year. Jt was a hard
struggle for supremacy from the
very beginning and the outcome
hung in a balance until the tenth
inning when the deciding score
was made by the Maupin term.
ErneBt Confur made a pensaticiial
run from 3rd baBe on a safe bit
by Billie Miller.
The gamo next Sunduy with
Goldendalu and the one on the
27th of June with Kedmond will
be the last two games on the local
field this year.
Sheep (or Sale
I have 125 Ewes and Lambs for
Bale and also 75 yearling. Call
or write Gub Balzer, Tygh Valley.
Wapinitia Items
A Quo rain fell here Monday
and Tuesday; ground is pretty I
well soaked up; farmers are happy
and harrowing sumuierfallow is
the order of the day..
School closed Friday and a
splendid program was given Balur
day night. Supt. Gronewald pre
seuted several matters' of import
ance to the people to consider, one
being the consolidation of the
rural schools in close territory.
Mr. and and Mis. Bi'gbee went
to The Dalles the tirst of the week
where they will epen aonie time
visiting relatives.
(to last page)
"It Pays to Pay
F. M. Jory
all Staple
Fresh Fruits
Doughnuts and Buns
House Dresses
Woolen Goods
"It Pays to Pay
Get your Fresh Bread daily at
Andy's Place
We now handle the
Butter-Krust Bread
11 and 16 cent Loaves
Saturday, June 5th, we will give
to each customer purchasing Butter-Krust
Bread, one lead pencil.
Try our Hazelwood Ice Cream
It's Refreshing
Home Cooked Meals
Breakfast 7 to 9 A. M. Dinner 12 to 2 p. m.
Supper 5:30 to 8 P. M. Short Orders ail Day
Fresh Meat at all Times
Sunday, June 13, Roast Pork Dinner 75
Gas for Maupin
At a conference held June llrd,
in the city of Portland by repre
sentatives from the Governor's
ollice, the civic and business in
terests of the city, (the managers
of the four gasoline companies
being present), it was made plain
to all of the shortage of gasoline
not only in the state of Oregon,
but in the slates north, south and
east of us.
There was no inclination on the
part of any Portland inter t to
discriminate against the balance
of the stale and everyone nn-ed
that Portland, together with every
town in the stale, should receive
the regular proportion ob gasoline
allotted to Oregon, This shortage
may conlinuo for eight or ten
weeks and it is necessary that
every user of gasoline conserve as
much as possible during this
period of time. Prevention of
waste and unnecessary use will I,
assist materially in solving this!
problem. It is the duty of every
cilizen to sue that the engines of
automobiles are not allowed to
idle while standing at the curb, as
thousands of gallons are wasted
eyery day from this cause.
It is a well known fact that
during the Shrine, Rose Festival,
Travelers' Protective Association
and the Kiwauis Club National
Conventions, a large amount of
gasoline will be needed in enter
tainment of the visitors. This
entertainment is not confined to
Portland only, but many parties
will wish to go to different part?
of the 'state and we recommend
that eyery section adopt such
Cash at Jory's
& Vegetables
Cash at Jory's'
measures as are necessary to con
serve gasoline during this emerg
ency for the next few weeks.
Kor your information will state
that the following resolution was
adopted, having reference to inters
of gasoline in the city of Portland
First that the allotation of gaso
line by the oil companies to the
oiil-atate for industrial purposes is
hereby approved,
Second that the daily gasololine
ration for pleasuro vehicles he not
over 20 per cent of the tank capac
ity when leaving the station after
tilling, and that the daily gasoline
ration for commercial ' machines,
be not over 75 per cent of the
tank capacity when leaving the
station after tilling.
Third that except in case of
absolutely necessary use motorists
ii i urged to leave their cars at
Commercial cars defined as
1. Automotive transportation
of freight and passeegers for hire.
2. Hotel busses, taxicabs or
sight neeing vehicles, stages.
8. Lelivery and food convey
ancee, when so used.
4, Road construction trans
portation. 5. Municipal, state, county or
school transportation, cars when
used in the discharge of public
Physicians' eirs, ambulances,
Many telegrams were read from
different sections of the state as
well a3 from adjoining states and
we find the condition- lire alarm
industries, trucks, farm tractors
and necessary deliveries using
gasoiine should be shown it prefer
ence in all cases and we trust
some plflii will be put inlo ffeet
that will bring about the disiied
result. Every section must ad' pt
regulations mat win oesi serve rs
own interest and we are wii'ing
this letter to make known how
seriously Porlland considers this
question and the action it has
Representatives of the four oil
companies stated to the committee
that every section of the state
would receive its regular allotment
and if any gasoline ia saved for
the convention period in Portland
it must be saved by the citizens of
Portland from the Portand allota
tion. Should you kuow of any section
against which there is a discrimin
ation in the allotment of gasulind,
we seould be pleased to have you
advise some member of this com
mittee. Pleaue give this information the
widest publicity possible.
George Quayle, chairman for
Oegou State Chamber of Com
W. F. McKenney, for Oregon
State Motor Association. .
M. O. Wilkilkins for Dealers'
Motor Car Association. '
Marshall N- Dana, for Presi
dents' Council of Portland's busi
ness and Civic Clubs.
The next monthly meeting of
Maupin Commercial Club on
June 19th. Come, one and all,
join us and get behind all meas
ures for our betterment.
Maupin Commercial Club.
Telegram June 9th from Stand
ard Oil Company, The Dalles:
S. Stovall,
President Maupin Commercial
We are sending you seyen bar
rels of gas tomorrow morning.
Any farmer in need of gas for
pumping plant can get necessary
amount by getting endorsement
from Commercial Club and send
containers to Standard Oil Co.,
The Dalles.
Standard Oil Co.
Oregon Stale Chamber of Com
merce, Portland, JuneS, 1920.
Maupin Commercial Club:
Your telegram did not reach
this ollice until this afternoon, as
same was sent to the Portland
Chamber of Commerce rather than
to the State Chamber.
Enclosed you should find copy
of letter written the Standard Oil
Co. today and we hope they will
be able to relieve the conditions
aH they pxist in your territory.
We are getting reports from dif
forenl parts of the stale and the
situation for the immediate future
is alarming; however, we believe
the Gasoline companies are doing
everything withing their power to
lake care of every section needing
The Gasoline companies give
every eyidence of honorable and
fair treatment to all and we be
lieve they will give you relief and
furnish you with the allotted
aracunt at the earliest opportunity
Yours truly,
George Quayle,
General Secretary.
Mgr. Standard Oil Company,
Portland, Ore.
Dear Sif:
We are just in receipt of a tele
gram from the Maupin Commerc
ial Club as follows:
"Being shorted on gas. Our
apportionment is 152 gallons per
day; only getting about one-fourth
this amount."
From the wording of the tele
gram, we do not know whether
they are being furnished with 25
per cent of the regular normal
allotment, cr 25 per cent of the
allotment to which they are en
titled under the restriction.
We are forwarding this telegram
to you, hoping that you will be
able to furnish this district with
the allotment of gas to which
they are entitled.
Yours very truly,
Georyp Quayle, Secretary.
Announcement of a tute wide
campaign that will be conducted
by the Oregon State Chamber of
Commerce, and the part Maupin
is to play in the movement was
outlined Thursday by. James G
Stafford, representing the Stale
Chamber, visited Maupin and met
with the directors and a few mem
bers of the Maupin Commercial
Club, in connection with a survey
of the state now in progress that
will preceed the intensive organ
ization woik.
The campaign, its purposes and
ainin, were discussed at length by
Mr. Stafford at this meeting of
the local leaders at the school
house, and the endorsement of (be
Commercial' Club of the State
In one of
See Us
A Real Bargain
SO acres in Painiet Gulch. Hun
ning wilier; good garden ipot (10
acres); some limber; good pastur
age, Call 1SK8-1 for particulars.
Chamber's proposed expansion
work was given.
K. 1). Stuart was selected ami
accepted the chairmanship of the
Maupin Executive committee,
which will cooperate will) other
cities and towns in the state wide
movement. Associated with him
on the Maupin committee will be
,. II. Woodcock, U. . Hell, II.
I,. Morris, and l S. Stovall.
The Oregon State Chamber of
Commerce has undertaken plans
to play n hip: part in Ihe future
development of the slate. Funds
will be raised to carry on an ex
tensive program of activities.
Among these w ill be an advertis
ing campaign to set forth the
opportunities to be found in Oie
gon and to eucourago laud h Itle
meiit. Admiuist rati ve departments
will be developed to promote
irrigation and recltimation; exten
tion of railroads; refund tin the
federal reelainiUiou fund; exten
sion of highways, both for com
mercial purposes and through the
national forests; cooperation wilh
agricultural, stock raising, and
lumbering interests and numerous
other projects, the development of
which will be of incalculable value
to the slate.
Mr. Stafford was assured by
local lenders wilh whom he talked
that Maupin could be tulied upon
to do her share with oilier com
munities of Oregon. . Oilier repre
sentatives of the State Chamber
of Commerce will visit Maupin
later, and complete the organiza
tion work ior the state wide
movement which jt is declared,
will benefit every section of Oregon.
111 Stock Ready for Delivery
McCormick Harvesting Machinery
Mowers Rakes Reapers Headers
International Repair Service
. Ortler Your Repairs Early
Order Your Repairs NOW
"The House of Ketter Service"
Maupin, Oregon'
Grain Insurance
Protect your Crops at a Reasonable Cost
the Strongest and Best Companies in the United
Our Policies Have Always Given Satisfaction.
Before You Insure.
Maupin State Bank
Grain Grading School
All wheat growers of this yieiu
ity will be interested in the grain
grading school to be held at the
Maupin hall June 18 and 11).
Ut Ii morning and afternoon ses
sions starting' at 10 o'clock and
two o'lock. Prof. Hyslop will be
in charge. This will be the best
opportunity there has been for all
to learn things about wheat which
will aid in securing it better price
for our product. Weak points in
ihe federal grades will be taken
up and Prof. Hyslop will show
what we must do in oreer to
change the grades so as to be more
fair to Oregon wheat growerB.
Piemember the date, next Fri
day mid Saturday, June 18 and 1!)
E. U. Jackson, County Aeent
Your babies' names
Your hoys and girls' presence
And the older folks will be
welcome at the
Watch this space next week and
learn what this means.
Sunday School, 10 a, m.
Preaching 11 a. m, and 8 p. m.
II. A. Walter,
Notice is hereby given that that
the County Supt. of Wasco Bonn
ty, Oregon, will bold the regular
examination of applicants for
Slate Certificates at the Court
House as follows: Commencing
Wednesday, June 30, 1D20 at 9
o'clock a. m., and continuing un
til Saturday, July 3, 1920.
A. E. Gronewald.
Wasco County School Superin
tendent. See Jory's before selling your