The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, May 28, 1920, Image 1

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Devoted to the Interests of Southern Wasco County
VOL 6, NO 33
THE YEAR $1.50
Base Ball
The ball game at Antelope last
Sunday was another shut oat for
Maupin, this beia the fourth shut
out iu succession and tho tenth
game withot a loss. This is pos
sibly the besi record of auy ama
teur team in this state rocorded so
far this season. It speaks well
for Manpin and Wasco county
and has been a good advertise
ment for our little city. As usual,
a large number of Maupin rooters
accompanie the team to Antelope.
'J be final Bcnre was 11 to 0. The
game was really too one-sided to
be interesting.
The schedule of future games is
next Sunday, My May 30, The
Dalles vs. Maupin at Maupin;
June 6, Tygb Valley. Wamic vs.
Maupin at Maupin; June 13. Gold
eudale, Wn., vs. Maupin at
Remember the game with The
Dalles next Sunday.
Maupin team:
Pitchers, Roy Morrow, Glen Morris
1st base
2nd ba e
3rd base
short stop
right field
center field
left field
Oscar Renick
William Miller
' Arthur Morris
Ernest Confer
Howard Nye
Leonard Chastaiu
Andrew Cunningham
George Morris
Clifford Morrow
Laurence S Stoyall
John Williams
Wednesday at 2:30 p. m. at the
home of the bride's brother, How
ard Selleck, in The Dalles, Miss
Marcia Selleck and Don Yeek of
Maupin were united in marriage.
Mr. and Mrs, Yeok are among our
most popular young people ami
have the best wishes of all. Mrs.
Yack has for Beveral years been
one of Wasco county's most suc
cessful primary teachers, ti e past
two years having been the Mrfiipiu
school. The groom is tho owner
of a number of hundred acres of
land east of here.
Wapinitia Items
A crew of about fifteen men and
twenty horses has been working
on the ditch here the past week
About 1 1-2 miles of new ditch is
being constructed the B. L. Fore
man's and Dee Woodside's farms
and the rest of the ditch widened
and built up
County Agent Fluliarty has re
signed his position and moved
with his family to Pine Grove
where he will be ernployed by N.
G. Hediu.
J. S. Brown, E. A. Harman, B.
L. Foreman, Frank Batty and N,
W. Flinn were called to The
Dalles Monday to serve on jury.
Mrs. May Barzee left Monday
The Federal Grain Supervision, Portland, Oregon, willl give a
Grain Grading Demonstration
in the
Donaldson Hall, Thursday, June 3, 1 P.M.
This meeting, which will take the nature of informal . dis
cussions of the grades and their applications, as well as local
problems, will be in charge of two representatives of the
Federal Grain Supervision Office.
Mr. Farmer: Sure you are interested to know how to grade
wheat. You may learn that you have some mixture in your
wheat. Now then, come anyway, here is your chance.
Remember the date, June 3rd.
Maupin Grain Exchange
Paid Adv.
Grain Grading Circus
The prospects of new houses in I Coming to Maupin, June 8, 1920
Maupin are so good that we won- The Federal Grain Supervision
der if the side streets will be "grain grading circus" of the
recognizable iu another year. Bureau of Markets, United States
Well we are all glad to see Munpin Department of Agriculture, is
grow. Watch Maupin grow.
Let's all say it at least once.
One who is interested.
Sheep for Sale
I have 125 Ewes and Lanib3 for
sale and also 75 yearlings. Gain
er write Gua Balzer, Tygb. Valley.
"It Pays to Pay Cash at Jory's"
F. M. Jory
all Staple Groceries
Fresh Meat
Fresh Fruits & Vegetables
Butter-Nut Bread
Doughnuts and Buns
House Dresses
Woolen Goods
"It Pays to Pay Cash at Jory's"
for Boi6e, Idaho, to visit her
mother, Mrs, G. L. Harpham
who lecently underwent an opera
tion Ml a hospital there. Mrs.
Alice Hodge and Annie Lewis
have charge of the hotel during
her abneuoe.
J. M. i'owell received a tele
gram Sat inlay from Grandview,
Wu., Haying his mother was very
low. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. I'owell
and Mr. and Mrs. Will Nickerson
started rt once to be with them.
Mrs. W. J. Hickey and E. E.
Miller came up from Portland the
last of the week..
Mr. and Mrs. Calvin McCorkle
are looking after liusiness interests
iu The Dalles thin week.
Somo hogs and i's for sale.
inquire N. W. Flinn, I'hone 18f38
Car Po.vell has rented the
Maynard farm and stock of Calvin
McCorkle. . ....
Charley Gabel baa bis ii"w resi
dence ou the Pasture nearii g com
pletion. Mrs. Ira Grisham is stoppi g in
the Dalles and receiving medical
John Ward took the ballot
boxes to The Dalles Monday.
Mraud Mrs, Walter Drivn
were visitors at The Dallos the
last of the week.
Quite a number enjoyed an out
ing Sunday iu the Paquet gulch,
Mr, and Mrs. Walter Driver,
Mrs. Lu Woodside and Mr. and
Mrs. E. A. Hartmaii and Crystal
visited at the Olsen home in
Shaniko Suuday.
Miss Wikon's suhool closed Fri
day with an all day picnic and
casket dinnor and May day pro
gram. A light shower Monday, more
VV. P. Fuller & Co's. Paints
and Oils beat 'em all, for Bale at
The Maupin Drug Store. Let us
figure with you on painting and
wall papering.
Wni. Beckwith has purchased a
sightly location in block 26 and
intends erecting a handsome cot
tage thereon in tbe near future.
Eastman Kodoks and Kodak
Supplies for sale nt the Maupin
Drug Store. Bend us you films
for developing.
Mrs. Buchanan and her mother
left Tuesday night for their new
home. A delegation of Maupin
young people made them a tare
well call in the evening.
We've got the kind of Fibbing
Tackle that gets tho Fish. Matipiu
Drug Store.
spending the month of June in
Eastern Oregon and will make
several one-day stops in Wasco
county. Right now, before the
1020 harvest season begins, a fine
opportunity is offered to learn
about the federal grain standards
and their correct application,
Yes, the federal grades for
wheat, shelled corn aud oats are
still effective. Two representa
tives from the Portland Federal
Groin Supervision office will be
in charge of these one-day meet
ings, bringing standardized equip
ment with them. Every wheat
grower is urged to attend. Per
foimance starts at 1 p. ui.
Jory's will buy your wool.
Mrs. L. Miller is leaving for
Portland this morning to make
her home there.
For Sale
Acclimated Seed Corn
(Tested for Germination)
Red Northwestern Dent
White Minnesota Field
- Grown - by- John' V. Martin
for sale by
ShattucK Bros.
Tygh Valley, Ore.
Dr. T. DcLarhue
Glasses Properly Fitted
Exclusively Optical
Booms 17-18 Vogt Block, oyer
Crosby's L'rug store,
The Dalli't, Ore
Phone Black 1111
Sizes 6 to 14
Bought just before the unprecedented raise in clothing. We
have in stock an unbroken assortment of boys all-wool belted
knickerbocker style suits. These are the very latest in style and
colorings and are made by a Los Angeles concern that makes
Boys' Clothes only, nothing else, and they specialise to suit the
younger fellows only. We know you will be more than pleased
with the garments when you see them on display in our window
or in the store- When you see the price they are offered at it
won't take you very long to decide where you arc going to buy
your boy's suit.
Sizes 6 and 8 $16.50
Sizes 10, 12, 14 17.50
Look on Page 323 of the Leading Mail Order house and see what
they are getting for boys' suits in all-wool materials and you wil.
mighty soon convince yourself that we are offering you excep ,
tional values.
Don't Miss This Opportunity
Smock Items
Cold nights, some frost.
.1. i oltch made a trip lo
Portland returning Wednesday.
S. G. Ledford and wife went to
Tho Dalles Saturday with election
School closes this ' week. Mii-s
May has consented to return next
Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Hill are
living on the Morgan place recent
ly purchased by W. II. Mayheld.
John Farlow spent a few days!
in Portland on business returning
Mrs. Anuie Rath aud daughter
Crystal returned to their home in
Oregon City after a six weeks'
stay with her aunt, Mrs. Jane
barlow who has been very ill.
and help you get any make you want
We recharge your batteries and examine them
np Goodrich, Diamond, Goodyear, and the best
X lrCoi service we can give you on any line that is in
our power to do so. We want your business large or small.
We appreciate it. We are out for ilih year's business and we
want to help ycu lo get your needs and it helps us to keep what
you need.
Local Items
See Jory's before selling your
Crops aro looking- fine in the
Bakeoveu section this spring.
For sale at $7 a cord, 30 cords
of dry wood. U. S. Endeisby.
A. E. Lake a prominent bmi-
hness mam of Wamio was in town
Would you like to have straw-
berrie and cream from June to
November? ' Bonney can furnish
the strawberry plants. You will
have to furnish tbe cream yourself
Liberty Bonds
The United States Government is ready to exchange Bonds
with all Coupons attached for the ones which you now hold.
We will exchange your bonds for you without any charge. We
are glad to do this for you to show you that ye appreciate
your business.
Maupin State Bank