The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, May 21, 1920, Image 1

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Devoted to the Interests of Southern Wasco County
VOL 6, NO 32
THE YEAR $1.50
Base Ball
The big excuriion to Madras
last Sunday was a grand success
and proved to be the biggest thing
pulled off by tbe base ball manage
meat so far this season. About
JOU people irom Maupin and vi
cinity made tbe trip and everyone
was fu it good mood for enjoyment
o a jolly time was in session from
the time the train pulled out at 9
iu tbe morning until it arrived in
tbe evening. The weather was
ideal for tbe trip and tbe scenery
up the river was at its best. Tbe
R. R. Co. furnished a nice train
and good natured crew so every
thing went off smoothly. Train
arrived in Madras about 11:15. A
number of Madras people were it
tbe train with cars to transfer ex
cursionists to tbe hotels. They
were all expecting a big crowd so
no one had to go hungry.
Maupin about o.M I be gam
with Madras makes the 9th vic
tory for the Maupin team this
season without a loss.
The schedule of future games i
next Sunday, May 23, Maopin vh.
Antelope at Antelope; May 30
Tbe Dalles vs. Maupin at Maupin;
June 6, Tygb Valley-Wamic vs.
Maupin at Maupin; Juue IB. Gold
endale, Wn., vs. Maupin at
Graduates of H. S.
The graduation exercise for the
high school and eighth grade win
most successful affair. Tit
musical and literary program whs
excellent and the address by Judge
Wilson was of much interest.
The recipients of diplomas tp
Lorraine Stoval!, eighth grade;
T . l rii i T :
ILieuiiaru rariuw, ouurge aim v iuii
Ayres, twelfth grade. 'These
The ball guiie was called at young peowle have worked their
The Federal Grain Supervision, Portland. Oregon, will J give a
Grain Grading Demonstration
in tbe
Donaldson Hall, Thursday, June 3, 1 P.M.
This meeting, which will take the nature of informal dis
cussions of the grades and thair applications, as well as kcal
problems, will be in charge of two representatives of the
Federal Grain Supervision Office.
Mr. Farmer: Sure you are interested to know how to grade
wheat. You may learn that you have some mixture in your
wheat. Now then, come anyway, here is your chance.
Remember the date, June 3rd.
Maupin Grain Exchange
Paid Adv.
Motion made and Unamimmisly
carried that Secretary publish
Mr Kelly is well known and
wil be a good man ior the place.
He should have the support of
eyery loyal Southern Wasco coun
ty voter.
Maupin Commercial Club.
2:30. It was a very interesting
game but the Madias boys were
outclassed in every particular.
The final score was 4 to 0 in fayor
of Maupin. Tbe excursiouists left
Madras at 6 o'clock, setting into
way and attended school faithfully
Leouard Farlow passed with the
high average of 99 per eeut.
A big ball game at Tygh Sunday.
"It Pays to Pay Cash at Jory's"
J U V 3
F. M. Jory
all vStaple Groceries
Fresh Meat
Fresh Fruits & Vegetables
Butter-Nut Bread
Doughnuts and Buns
House Dresses
Woolen Goods
r ,
"It Pays to Pay Cash at Jory's"
Maupin School News
Mr. Kaiser will take Mrs. Bu
elmunan's place as club leader
for the buys and girls poultry club
Carl Green reports a hateh of
twelve cbirks from twelve eens.
i Tbe others will have to hurry to
beat that. They are white Wyanj
dotes. Tbe eces were furnished
by 8upt. Groin wald.
Velrua Crotoot reports an ex-v
cellent hatch of white Leghorns.
Miss Sellect and Mrs. Buchanan
received several lovely gifts from
their pupils. In token of love
and esteem.
Mr. Copeland took the high
school and some of the intermedi
ate pupils who were not busy on
examinations for a iiiinio lest
Tuesday and all report a very line
Tygh Valley, Ore.
Wapinitia Items
at tbo
Motiou made and carried that
secretary forward th'iBe resolutions
to Mr. L. B. Kelly.
Resolved that the Maupin Com
mercial Club endorse aud support
Mr. L. B. Kelly in rece lor Coun
ty Commissioner for Wasco county
Republican Candidate
for tbe nomination for
County Treasurer
MAY 21, 1920
J. Richard Johnson
The Dalles, Oregon
Twelve years experieuue in clerk
ial work. I will appreciate your
Floyd Kelly Married
Floyd L. Kelly of Maupin and
Miss Anna Uobde of Tygh Valley
were united iu marriage Monday
evening, May 171 h nt 1 tie Dalles.
The ceremony occurred at tbe
home of A. F. Iivick on Jack sou
street. 1 he ring service was read
by Uev. John L. Pngiif. The
bridegroom is an ex-servicn map,
having served liflc n months in
the navy on board S. C. 181.
After a thort weilrlilinfc trip they
will make their home at Maupit,
Rebekah Installation
On May 19, Wapinitia Rebekah
Lodge No. 194, I. O; O. P. of
Maupin, Oregon, initiated seven
teen candidates. Tbe degree staff
of Star Rebekah Lodge No. 23 of
Dufur, put on the .work. They
leo bad two candidates who ac
companied them aud were given
the dogren with the local candi
dates. Ninety thrca visitor were
present, the following lodges being
represented: Star Rebekah Lodge
No. 20 of Dufur, Valley Rebekah
Lodge No. 197 of Tygh Valley,
D j Good Rebekah Lodge No. 70
of Toledo. Bunch Grass Rebekah
Lodge No. 91 of lone.
Slur Lodge presented Wapinitia
Lodge with a beautiful Bible as a
token of friendship.
A bauq'iet was served at 12
O 01OCK.
Jory's will buy your wool.
Dr. T. DeLarhue
Glasses Properly Fitted
Kxclu.sively Optical
tWnma 17-18 Vogt Block, oyer
Crosby's Drug store,
The Dallas, Ore
Phone Black lilt
Sizes 6 to 14
Bought just before the unprecedented raise in clothing. We
have in stock an unbroken assortment of boys all-wool belted
knickerbocker style suits. These are the very latest in style and
colorings and are made by a Los Angeles concern that, makes
Boys' Clothes only, nothing else, and they specialize to suit the
younger fellows only. We know you. will be mote than pleased
with the garments when you see them on display in our window
or in the store. When you see the price they are offered at it
won't lake you very long to decide where you are going to buy
your boy's Buit.
Sizes 6 and 8 $16.50
Sizes lO. 12, 14 17.50
Look on Page 323 of the Leading Mail Order house and see what
they are getting for boys' sui'i in all-wool materials and you wil
mighty soon convince yourself that we are offering you ejeeep
tional values.
Don't Miss This Opportunity
Shearing commenced
Abbott ranch Monday.
Several from hero went to Mad-
ras Sunday on the excursion.
Walter Woodside is hauliig
lumber for a new dwelling whiuu
they will put up this summer.
County Ageut Fluharty slid
Miss Ewing spoke at the school
house Wednesday.
Mrs. W. 0. Wilson returned
home from. The Dalles hospital
last Sunday where she bus been
for the past two months.
A break in the canal occurred
near the intake Monday, and tbe
next day W. B. Keen aud a num
ber of others went in, making the
necessary repairs.
W. J. Hickey left Friday even
ing for Bend and brought home a
car with him.
N. G. Hedin took a crew op to
Cedar Swamp today to commence
work on the Frog creek leader.
Nathan Hill returned Friday
) . .v. H'ha I. a. KJm a n 111 r. I
mil will make their home at; want to help you to get your needs and it h ips us to keep what
Suiock lor a while.
A Children's day program is
being prepared by tho 8. S. Mrs
Fred Magill has charge of it.
L. M. Woodside ie hauling lum
ber and building a well house
where their other one burned last
and help you get any ma Re you want
We recharge your batteries and examine them
TirPCt Goodrich, Diamond, Goodyear, and the best
irCai service we can give you on any line that is in
our power to do so. We want your business large or small.
We appreciate it. We are out for luis year's business and we
you need.
White River
Chas. Cotiley started his new
house Monday the JOtb. Mr. Ross
his the building of it.
Tom Ashley's house burned
May 14th. Most of their house
hold fixtures as well ns Ih ir
clothiug was destroyed. Lee Jack
son went to Tbe Dalles the Utb
on busiuees.
John Cobroy is preparing to
shear his ebeep uext week.
Liberty Bonds
The United States Government is ready to exchange Bonds
I with all Coupons attached for the ones which you now hold.
We will exchange ypur bonds for you without any charge. We
are glad to do this for you to show you that we appreciate
your business.
Maupin State Bank