The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, May 14, 1920, Supplement, Image 5

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Supplement to the Manpin Time?, May 14. 1920. Vol 6, No 31
E first essentia! of painfcto preset. Second, to hm.''':
Hit 1 Too many people make the misUke of coiuiderin orJv the lab. ... :tfS
. f . cunsequcnuy Duy painis 01 inienor Quality.
The result is a temporary beautifying effect, without preserving 'f FULLER k
the wood. "ii s
FULLER Paints and other products
ItAentiliAM Tl. u ' . . i
rauuuco. xiuuugii meir
your home and
LaaIt if Tn ft ?XT
5fiarfei - i iXHS i
and other products are of that quality which preserves and " IS .m :02V '
iuffh their use, inside and out, years of life will be added to jf . Your"TOfTll
it will be made more livable to yourself and family. fJjF ' j'i
i Seventy-one years of paint-making experience are back of every brushful of
FIllM.F.R Prndnpfa Tnai'a n TTTTT T TTWd v,A M1 W- n.. aj
remember, there's a FULLER Product for every paintable surface inside '
I mid out. . v
v t a. i unci . v.ii. vr.
1849-19211 V
T . W -V
. Northwest Branch Houses at Portland, Seattle, Taeoma, Spokane, Boise. j
t Eincoc
slopped , h Ibe wul l-i and flour
bad nut cauglil.
Mis Ova fiuweu and Chaily
Lewis were quietly niai iied in Tlie
Dillei Wednesdny and arrived
here laet evening. Both were
rained in I Ins vicinity and well
kuowti by everyone. Congratula
tions. Mrs-L, M. Woodside arrived
liouie tbe la-l of Ibe week Irutn
abort visit wilii relatives iu tbe
Oabel Bros, lust their big stal
lion laet week.
H. N. Dodge bus the road com
pleted from Wapinitia creek can
yon to tbe top of tbe hill and is
raady to commence on the bridge.
Tbe Wapiuitia church wishes to
thank the public for the eplcndid
support and cooperation which
wat'given in assisting the church
to make up its quota in th Itilei
Chttrch canvaa which was recent
ly made. B this help we were
able to report in full with a good
uittrliin in our -favor. J. I. Paik
er, pantor.
I'reachiDg service next Sunday
morning at the Bchool house.
Hegular aerviccB at tbe church iu
the evening. ,
Talm Olive fluap 10c. .
Falm Olivo Talcum I'uwdcrSOc.
Palm Olive Face Tuwdor 40c. -
Palm Olive Shaving Cream 23c.
Palm Olive houge 25u.
M.mpin Drug Store. -
A. Owen, funnel ly with 'the
North Pacific Railway in Montana
iu agent tor the 0. T. .at this
place, having anmd thta week.
Joi) V will I'tty junr wool.
The liMle child of Mr. ami Mm
Phil Biid of Waniio died ;nd,H
and was boried Saturday.
Two Merino I'lick tnketi up,
owner nittV nave Uy calling ai
Win. Kramer's and paying bill.
Eaalmmi Knd'ik and Kodak
Suhidiea for i-ale it Uih Moupin
-r, ....
Drug .store. Ccud W 5 U,,D?
for developing.
Mih. II. Anderson U p'tidin(
the week 1 i'ortlaud.
We've, oi.l thn kind of Ifctll Ug
Tackln thiil gets tlie Fiah. Maupiu
Drug Gtorvj.
Mr. and .Mrs. J. H. Woodcock
weie Dulleij vihitorrf .Snturdav and
Sunday icnd were, itccompaniid
home by t(Ir, and Iflr?, U. F.
Mr, and Mr?. lean Swift were
up fiom Purlland Batiirduy and
3uud.iy to attend the funeral at
Whiii'ic "I 'ha former's grandfather
L. L'. Lel'y hau commenced thu
repiiintiiig ikiiJ pnperiug of bin
reridence and buildings on the
i e l pdn of ih'j river. A. A. Man
i duing the woi k.
Mr and Mrs. I') M. Confer were
Dalle- vinilois Fiiday and Sattir
dny. Mr. anil Mrs. K. fl Dufur ar
rived Sunday from l'ortluml and
are living iu tho J A) Crabirce
Mrs Arthur Btillis of ILmkins,
Oi'i gon, was called Suuday to Urn
home of her uncle and aunt. Mr,
and Mm. J. T. Harper of Tjg'i
Valley who were very ill.
Spalding Base- Hall g(KiU,-
Maupiu Drug Store.