The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, May 07, 1920, Image 1

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Demoted to the Interests of Southern Wasco County
VOL 6. NO. 30
THE YEAR $1.50
Base Ball
Last Sunday the Maupin base
ball team added one more victim
to its- list in winning tbe game
over Wawo, making the fifth vic
tory without losing a game. The
game was very interesting and a
one to one Bcore until the et h t li
inning when the Wasco boys went
to pieces and let the Maupin boys
make' live rung. 'J lie. last two
luninpi.WM a one-sided affair, the
tiual score being G to 1 in favor of
the Maupju team. The next game
will be with Madras ou the Mad
rag home field.
The schedule of future gainon is
next Sunday, May 9th, Madras
vs. Maupiu at Maupin; May 16,
Maupin vs. Madraa at Madras;
May 23, Maupin vh. Antelope al
Antelope; May 30, The Dalles vs.
Maupin at Maupin; Tune (5, Tyeh
Valley W a mic vs. Maupin at'
Maupin; June 18. Goldeudale, Wu
vs. Maupin at Matipin.
A special excursion will be run
to Madras and return May lOlh.
Tickets are now ou sale at the
Drug Store price 13.25 round trip.
It Pays to Pay
lAi V
F. M. Jory
all Staple Groceries .
; Fresh Meat
Fresh Fruits & Vegetables
Butter-Nut Bread
- Doughnuts and Buns
House Dresses
Woolen Goods
"It Pays to Pay Cash at Jory's"
Come In
And see what we have in good 2nd hand
cars to sell you.
. You can buy 2nd hand cars at reasonable
prices in Tygh, why spend time going farther
If you own a car and want to trade it in
we will sure give you a trade In new cars
We nave
Chandler, Dodge Bros. Motor Car, Ford,
could you get a better bunch to pick from?
We will say
You couldn't; anyway come into
Tygh Valley, Ore.
New Subscribers
The following renewed their
subscription to the Times during
tbe past few days:
J. Buzan
E. Bothwell
Jim Brown
B. F. Cook
Mrs. Morda Litlovv
Mrs O. Chaatain
C. S. McCorkle
A. Crabtree ,
Peter Bilyen
Job Crabtree
G. W. -Feter
Two Merino bucks taken up;
owner may have; by calling al
Win. Kramer's and paying bill.
Palm Olive 8oap 10c.
Palm Olive Talcum Powder 20c.
Palm Olive Face Powder 40o.
Palm Olive Shaving Cream 23o.
Palm Olive Rouge 25c.
Maupin Drug Store.
Mr. and Mrs. -C. S. McCorkle
were over from Waruic Wednesday
Cash at Jory's
w y
Wapinitia Items
Some real spring weather again
the past few daye.
N. W. Hedin arrived Tuesday
from Portland with his truck.
Harold . Retherford came up
from Portland Saturday and is
visiting friends here. '
Mj-. and Mrs. EMnewood, danch
ter and son-in-law )f E. E. Miller
arrived the last of the week and
will be employed by tbe company
this summer.
Mr, and Mr. Keen are stopping
at present m the Petersen hnnoe
w lit re Mrs. Keen ig cooking for
the crew working on the rlilnh.
A small crew is working on the
ditch below here.
Ed B. inard who has been at
the buepiul for tbe past month
returned home Monday.
Mr. ami Mrs. John Lewis and
Mabel who have been visiting at
Burns arrived home Tuesday.
1 Mr., and Mr; Q. P. Weberg
went to The 1) i lies Saturday, Mrs
Weberg remaining at tbe hospital
to receive medical treatment.
Mr. and Mrs. Calvin McCorkle
have moved to the Maynard ranch
to do the gpiing plowing, Carl
Powell is helping Mr. McCorkle.
Mrs. Ella Livegrove wbo has
been here from Beud visiting her
sister, Mw L. A. Rice returned
home this wek.
Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Wilson
made a trip to The Dalles Sunday
returning Monday.
Joe Graham arrived houii' from
Portland the last of the week nnh
a big truck to be used in the lure t ;
service Ibis year.
Tue several different teams and
their" captains rmide the Iuter-
church drive here Saturday and
Rev. Parker reports our quota
($1200) almost in full. ,
Mr. and Mra. Will Nickeraou
aud family visited at the Powell
home bitnday.
John Williams hauled a truck
load of furniture from .Muunin t0
Pine Grove Tuesday. N. G.
tledin also brought up a load
Wednesday. The ditch company
bad a cai of goods shipped from
Mrs. Nathan Hiil arrived Tubs-
day from their farm near Ft. Rock
Urandma Morris has been visit
ing relatives here past ten day.
Ben Oabel spent Sunday in
Tbe Dalles.
E L. .Nelson, formerly of thie
place, now of The Dalles has been
looking after business interests
here the past few days. '
Olga Abbott who is attending
school in The Dalles is visiting
home folks at lirpsriit. t
H. L. Morris was showing a
prospective land bujer from the
valley over this section last week.
Smock Items
The box social at the ichqnl
house is postponed until Friday
evening, May 14.
Thomas Parrish relurued to hit
home iu Oregon city ufter seyeral
weeka" stay with his sit ter Mr?.
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Farlow took
tbe latter'a mother, Mrs. Adams
to The Dalles hospital where Bhe
will receive treatment.
Mrs. J. E. Woodcock is visiliug
a few day3 with Waniic relatives.
Get your tickets riuht awnv for
the big excursion to Madias, Hun-
day, May Kiih. K.iund trip furen:
Children under 12, $1.68: adult
13.25, For sale at : tbe Mtii in
Drug Store.
Charley Cunningham cnutht a
Uedside trout Wednesday morning
which makes him champion eo
far in the contest for Shaltuck's
coveted fishing outfit. Tba fish
measured 191-2 inches 'and was
8 pounds, 5 ounces in weight.
Ally. Baumgartner has made
cjuite a showing on hie addition to
His office and will ioon Lnve it
converted into a neat little oc tinge
Mrs. Lota Miller left for Port
land yesterday morning to attend
the funeral of her nephew Wulter
Republican Candidate
for the nomination for
County Treasurer
MAY 21; 1920
J. Richard Johmon
The Dalles, Oregon
Twelve years experience in clcrk
ial work. . I will apprecia'e your
Dr. T. DeLarhue
Glasses Properly Filled
Exclusively Optical
'Rooms 17-1 Vogt Block, oyer
Crosby's Prug store,
The Dalles, Ore
Phone Black 1111
and help you get any make you want
We recharge your batteries and examine them
Tir; Goodrich Diftn,ond, Goodyear, and the best
service we cangive you on any line that is in
our power to do so. We want your business large or small.
We appreciate it. We are out for tliis year's business and we
want to help you to get your needs and it 1 dps us to keep "what
you need.
Liberty Bonds
The United States Government is ready lo exchange Bonds
with all Coupons attached for the ones which you now hold.
We will exchange your bonds for you without any charge. We
are glad to do this for you to show you that we appreciate
your business.
Maupin State Bank
American Legion
Maupin Po-t No. 73 will meet,
auer "retreat," on f rulay, May
7th 8 p. m, at the Donaldson hull.
All exservice men are inviiid in
II. Duke, Adjl.
Scott. Mr, Scott Mit!Wed injuries
oyer seas which he wan unuble to
overcome. He is well known hern
Would you 'ike to have straw
bcrrie ami crvani fnuu Jure In
November? Kotniey tin furnish
llie Htrawlierry plant.", Yhi will
have 'o furnish I he cremn vouiself
Chronicle, May 4. -Judge Ad-
kisson and Commissioner Ciaussen
after looking over the Tygh Grade
road, decided that it should bo
improved, and lo lids end, fent
out orders to brjid work immedi
ately. R. I. Sellock, wife and eon from
Cleveland, Ohio, were here Friday
to Monday guests of the former's
bisters, Miss M. Selleck and Mrs.
U.K. McLood.
Overstocked on the following sizes we offer
you for a limited time
Size . Smooth Non SUM Cord
lire. . Sale Reg. Sale Rvg. Sale
l'riccs I'rkva Prices
30x8 19 i;u 17 37 21 3)-. 19.17 ,
30x8 22.55 20.0Q ?5.00 22.45 , 08,80 34.47
88x4 r"'-7lJ 33.93 '. -II to 37.71 H2.U5 55.85
84x1 3 55 34.67 42 80 38-52 08(38 57.29
The above tires are all new slo-k; original wrappings still on
them. When you can buy GOODY EAR and UAC1NB tires at
less than Service Station Trices, believe us, its a mighty good
time to buy tires.
Maupin School News
Mrs. Gray visited with primary
and intermedia'.e rooms Wednes
Nellie Whillock lias been out of
school on account of illnesB for
several days.
Tbe primary and intermediate
looms prepared a little surprise on
Mr. t'opelivnd's birthday .and re
ineiMbHiod him with a little token.
Mary Martiu visited in tbe In.
terumdiate room Thursday. "
Spelling for head marks in the
good old fashiourd way is creating .
an unusual amount of interest in
tbe intet mediate room.
Miss Russell visited the primary
room a few minutes Thursday,
Intermediate pupils are to be
see carrying books home more
determinedly than us .al. Ap
proaching finals give the explana
tion for the great industry.
Mrs. Kaiser substituted in the
primary room until train time
Monday morning thus allowing
Miss Selleck to see her brother
and wife off on the train.
only sizes luted below.
i Spalding Baae Ball gwdi,-
Maupin Drug Store."
I" T