The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, April 09, 1920, Image 4

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    The Maupin Times
Published every Friday at Maupin,
Mrs, W. L. Morrison, Publisher
Subscription: Oue year, fi.50; six
months, 75 centsjjthree months, 50
. Entered as second class mail
matter September 2, 1914, at the
postoffice at Maupin, Oregon, uu
der the Act of March 3, 1879.
ill !" I .. A - Cl.... '
c napinma auiu aiage
? Leaves Maupin, 8 a. m.
! Leaves Wapinitia, 1 p. m,
Li. nuuLiiu, iiuj,
I.O. O.F.
T.nHo Kn 9.(19. Maunin. Oreeon.
meets every Saturday night ir
Donaldson's hall. Visiting mem
bers Always welcome.
R. B. Bell, N. G.
B. F, Turner, Secretary.
Dr. T. DeLarhue
Glasses Properly Fitted
Exclusively Optical
Rooms 17-18 Vogt Block, oyer
Crosby's Drug Btore, '
The Dalles, Ore
Phone Black 1111
Tygh Valley
The Croscent Garage in doiiur a
thriving business. Mr. Wood re
ports that his chipf difficulty is
getting cars, not selling them.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Kistner . left
for Bend Sunday. ,
Barney Allen bad a runaway
on White river grade a few days
ago. The wagon was damaged
extennively, but Barney was able
to talk above a whisper a few niin
utes after the accident, be talked
to his team for some time. No-
boly hurt.
Miss Mary Smith is employed
at the Hauser & Dahl home.
Tourists this year wiil miss the
gasoline- pump at Fitqpatrick's.
This pump has been sold to
Quincie Morrow.
Two Merino bucks taken up
Owner may have by calling at
Wm. Kramer's and paying bill.
Acclimated Seed Corn
(Tested for Germination)
Red Northwestern Dent
White Minnesota Field
Crown by John V. Martin
for Bale by
Shattuck Bros.
3 .rrr
By the Golden Rule
not by the rule of Gold
''pHIRTY denominations of the Church are uniting in
A a simultaneous campaign in the week of April 25sh-
May 2nd. , , . ...
They are uniting because the task before the Church is
too great.for any one denomination; because there must be
no duplication of effort ; r.o waste.
These churches know that the world needs many things;
but It needs Faith most of all.
They know that there can be no final solution of our
economic problems that In not a spiritual solution, based
on the teachings of Jesus Christ and His Golden Rule.
They have had the courage to survey the whole task,
and to ask for a budget large .enough to sustain (l) the
work abroad, (2) the work at home including the church's
part In the huge task of Americanization, (3) the colleges
and (4)'hospitals supported by the Churches, (5) the reli
gious training of the young, and to provide (6) a living
wage for the Church's ministers.
The budget is large in the aggregate; yet
if each person who loves America would
increase his contribution by on'y a few
dollars the whole amount would bo
easily subscribed.
We face the task of rebuilding the world.
Let the cornerstone be a strong and vital
church in every American community ;
and the measuring rod by which the
builders build must be the Golden Rule.
April 2Jth
May 2nd
1 SI
World Movement
of 'North America
Tk fii;itn tf tkh tJrtrtiitm,nt i, mtdt f,suHk ty tkt
mperttnn if thirty i,n,m,n,H,ns,
mms ft
Material and labor available now for Spring building.
Start now and avoid delays coming later sure, on account
of great volume of building.
Our free plan books offer many -suggestions full of
splendid pictures of interiors and exteriors we can re
design any plan to suit.
See Us today no obligations to buy.
"Planners and Materialers of Homes and
Do "you want to Bell ?, We' have
buyers for fitrinn. llai vy L. and.
George L. Morris.
of the ownership, management,
circulation, etc., required by the
Act of Corigrens Augunt 24, 1012,
of the Maupin, Times published
weekly at Maupin, Oregon, for
April 1, 1919.
State of Oregon, )
County of Wunco )
Before me a -notary public in
and for the state and county afoie
said, personally appeared Mrs.
W. L. Morrison, who bavmg been
uly sworn according to law, de
poses and siiys that she is owner
and publisher ot llie luaupui
ritnen, and that thero are no
t tier security holders,
Mrs. V. L: Morrison.
owurn to aiul subscribed ueiore
me this 12th day of April, 1920
Harvey L. Morris.
My commission expires Janu
ary 27, 1924.
X a.'!,'
'3 fMJ.
Farm Buildings" X'& n
1 - .,n J".
m - --.r1 v 1 JC few;
We will sell your farm or business for you.
Are agents for Hartford Fire Insurance
Co. of Hartford, Conn., covering Auto,
Fire, and Hail Insurance.
Are representatives of California Joint
Stock Land Bank 6 percent money
And will help you in any way possible
Call in and'tell us your troubles
Harvey L. and George L. Morris
Thoroughbred, registered 1800
pound Clydesdale will stand on
Juniper Flat and Tygh Valley
Terms $7.50 for season; $10 to in
sure; $15 to stand and suck,
Jim Blown
Will be absent from office both Sunday and Monday
unless appointment is made in advance
Maupin, Thursday, April 15
William Desmond
Mints of Hell
Photo Play
Lloyd Comedy
Ice Cream at Cyr's ConfectVy
Maupin, Ore.
Smock Items
The B. W. Morgan place has
changed hauds again. This time
I. T. Couxtricht sold to W. H.
Mr. and Mr?. Frank Driver
visited with their daughter, Mrs.
J. E. Woodcock over Sunday and
atlend.ilEiisler service at,' the
Smock church. Lenore and 'Cr
mel Woodcock accompanied lh'm.
I. 1. Courtright sold tha" Hal
place to Mulvaoy Bros.
We hope the beautiful imro hu
made its last appearaca for Usi
Jftlesset Bradway and Blanch-
ard are sawing wood this week.
Dr. Hairy F. Shannon wishes
to announce that he has resumed
practice. Calls promptly answer
ed. Earl notification of confine
ment cafes ml be given.
Give the "dVvil his dues'. Ii
wasn't the jios.tmaMer, cierk or
mail carrier w ho iailed in duty on
The Times thi I rek, but the type
setter who was 1 and did Qot get
on the job at,t'be usual time, but
promises to tpy 4 do better again.
Blacksmith Shop
I have supplies and am prepar
ed to do all kinds of new work
and general repairing. Horse shoe
ing a specialty. Reasonable rates
A. P. Martin.
Department of the Interior
U. S. Laud Office at The Dalles
Oregon, April 2nd, iy2o,
NOlICJi is hereby given that
Alva I?. Wilcox.
of Wapiuilia, Oregon, who on
October, 23rd, 1916, made Home
stead Entry No. 016195 fr Lots 1,
2, 3, SI-2NEI-4, 8I-2NWI-4, NWI-4S-
wi-4. Section 3, Township 6 South
riange 13 East, Willamette Merid
ian, line filed uctice of intention to
make Final three year Proof, to
establish claim to the land above
described before F. D, Stuart, U.
S. Commissioner at Maupin, Ore
gon, on the 141I1 day of May, .1920..
Claimant names as witnesses:
Frauk McCoy, of Wapinitia, Ore
gon, J. L. Maddron, of Wapinitia,
Oregon, W. I). McClaiu, of Wapi
nitia, Oregon, Antoue Seifert, of
Maupin, Oregon.
H. Frank Woocock,
For Sale Holstein-Jersey milk
oow. This is a first class milk
cow. Inquire of G. E. Wood
Wamic, Oregon.
Six thoroughbred Toland Chin
sows to let out on shares. Twi
old ones, one registered, four
young ones. H. A. Muller, Tjgh
Valley. . .
Milk cow for sale.- Chas. II,
Good Black 2-year-old Bull for
sale, $100. - V. W. Endersby",
Maupin, Ore.
Mrs. E. A. Mayhew returned
home Monday from Kingsley.
Her sister-in-law, Mrs. J. S
Erafey, is much improved in
Let us figure with you on your
painting and wall papering.
Maupin Drug Store.
Ham and Eggs, aud Sandwiclns
and Coffee -at Cyr's Confectionery.
Watches and Jewelry. Maupin
Drug Store.
Do you need a cream separator?
Is so, buy "The Melotte" made
in Belgium. J. C. Bradway,
Wamio, agent.
A stock of typewriter ribbons
for different machines at' the
Times office.
Adyertieers please read over
your notices and notify us immtdi
ately if an error has occured.
232 sacks of good clean barley
for pale at Hunts Ferry Whse.
Call Fen Baity at Kell Hotel or
Hunts Ferry Whse.
The Portland Painless Dentist
All work, guaranteaJ. W. T
Slatten, D. D. 8., Prop., 305 Sec
ond St., The Dalles.
Spalding Base Ball goods.
Maupin Drug SUr.
Department of the Interior,
U. S. Land Office at The Dalles,
Oregon, April 2nd, 1920.
notice is hereby given that
W. D. McClain,
of Wapinitia, Oregon, who on Aug
161I1, 19 made Homestead Entry
NO. O1637S, for SEI-4SWI-4, SI-2SE-
1-4. fcectiou 19, swi-4Svl-4 Sec
tion 20, Lot 2, Section 29, NBI-4N-wi-4,
N1-2NBI-4, Section 30, Town
ship 6 South, Range 13 East Wil
lamette Meridian, has filed notice
of intention to make Final three
year Proof to establish claim to the
land above described, before F. D.
Stuart, U. S. Commissioner, at
Maupin, Oregon, ou the 14th day
of May, 1920.
Claimant names as witnesses,
A. R. Wilcox, M. L. Arnett, Ed
ward D. Davis, J. L, Maddron, all
of Wapinitia, Oreegon.
H. Frauk Woodcock,
Department of the Interior,
U. S. Land Office at, The Dalles,
Oregon, April 2nd, 19'20.
Notice is hereby given that
John L. Burliiigam,
of Wamic, Oregon, who on May
I7ln, I9!5- Ulade Homestead Entry
NO. OI4908, for SI-2NI-28WI-4, Nt-
2SI 2SWI.4, Section 14, Township 4
South, Range 11 East, Willamette
Meridian, has filed notice of iu
teutiou to make Fiual three year
Proof, to establish claim to the land
above described, before F. D.
Stuart, U. 8. Commissioner at
Maupin, Oregon, on the 14th day
of May, 1020.
Claimant names as witnesses:
G. W. Lucas, of Wamic, Oregon,
W. K. Lucas, Wamic, Oregon,
A. J. Bailee, of Wamic, Oiegon,'
O. J. Burlingame, Tygh Valley,
H. Frank Woodcock, , .
U. S. Land Office at The Dalles,
Oregon, March 17111,1920.
Notice is hereby given that
Jerry M.. Wilson, one of the heirs
and for the heirs of George S.
Wilson, deceased,
of Kent, Oregon, who on October
nth, 1915, made Additional Home
stead Eutiy No, 015279, for swl-
4SKI-4, WI-2SWI-4, SEI-4SWI-4,
Section 2, Township 5 South,
Range 16 East, Willamette Merid
ian, has filed uotice of iuteuliou
to make Final three year Proof to
establish claim to the laud above
described before Register and
Receiver, United States Land
Office at The Dalles, Oregon, on
on the 7th day of May, 1920.
Claimant names as witnesses:
W R. Adams, Ben Sias, J. C
Wilson, I. E. Wilson, all of Kent",
II. Frank Woodcock,