The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, April 09, 1920, Image 2

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Brief Resume Most Important
Daily News Items.
Events of Noted People, Government!
and Pacific Northwest, and Other
Thlnga Worth Knowing.
The Japanese steamer France Maru
has arrived In Naples with 647 Italian
soldiers, the last of the Italian Vladi
vostok forces.
One hundred and eighty-eight cas
ualties, mostly slight, occurred as a
result of a conflict In Jerusalem on
Easter Sunday. The military are in
control of the situation.
The youngest daughter of Archduke
Frederick, the Archduchess Mary
Alice, has 'become engaged to marry
Baron Frederic Haldbot, who is, a
scion of an old Prussian family.
A lone outlaw In St. Louis killed
one police officer, seriously wounded
three others, and he himself was killed
when he held up and robbed the East-on-Taylor
Trust company here of $20,
000 late Monday.
The Mexican embassy has an
nounced receipt of advices from. Mexi
co City officially denying recent re
ports that Ambassador Bonillas had
been killed or wounded during a politi
cal demonstration.
, .- t i j
The body of Jeanne Anna De Kay,
20 years old, whose disappearance
from Hull house, Chicago, December
30, was followed by a national search,
was found Monday in Lake Michigan
near the municipal pier.
The motion of Henry Albers,
wealthy Portland miller sentenced to
Berve three years' imprisonment and
pay a fine of $10,000 for seditious ut
terances, for a rehearing of his case,
is denied by the United States circuit
court of appeals.
The second courtmartial trial In
Manila of Major Dennis P. Quinlan,
United States army, former judge ad
vocate of the Philippine department,
charged with embezzlement and con
duct unbecoming an officer, is closed.
It Is unofficially Btated he was acquit
ted. A delegation representing six Otta
wa associations of war veterans Mon
day presented a petition to Acting
Premier Foster for a bonus of $2000
for every man who served in France,
$1500 for service in England and $1000
for service in Canada. The petition
had 100,000 names.
; The first airplane to rise from and
alight again on the deck of a warship
was one of those aboard the Furious
while the British fleet was off Vigo
recently, says the London Times. Air
planes ascended from the Furious dur
ing the war, but were unable to land
on the vessel again.
' Striking stroetcar men Monday de
manded $0000 a day for the' time they
are out of work as the result of sus
pension of car service due to the re
fusal of the Toledo, O., city council to
permit a fare increase to take care of
a wage boost. The men expect the
city to compensate them, it was Bald.
Japanese troops Monday occupied
Vladivostok after eight hours of .se
vere fighting in all parts of the city.
Some of the officials of the revolution
ary regime already have been arrest
ed and deported. All Russians have
lieen disarmed and the Japanese im
perial flag was flying In the place of
the Russian ensign from all govern
ment buildings.'
Judge John M, Wilson Monday sen
tenced the seven I. V. W. convicted
on March 13 of second-degree murder
for the Centralis, Wash., armistice-
day massacre, to 25 to 40 years In the
state ponltoutlary at Walla Walla
Hoborta, the eighth defendant, was iui
prisoned in the Btate hospital. Imme
diately after sentence was pronounced
Vanderveer gave notice that he would
appeal the case. The I. W. W. who
were sentenced were: Brltt Smith, O.
C. Bland, Bert Bland, John Lamb, Eu
gene Harnett, Itay Bocker and James
The federal government has put
an end to the picketing of the
British " embassy In Washington,
which was renewed Monday morn
ing by women sympathizers with the
movement for an Irish republic. Unit
ed States District Attorney Laskey In
formed Matthew O'Brien, counsel for
the women, that if his clleuts persist
ed they would be prosecuted under a
federal statute which makes the of
fering of an Insult to a diplomatic rep
resentatlve of a foreign government
or to his official residence a felony,
punishable by a penitentiary sentence.
North Bend. Women here are swat
ting the high cost of millinery, under
the direction of Miss Doollttle, a mflll-
nery expert sent out by the extension
department of Oregon Agricultural col
lege to teach millinery work. -
' Bandon. Machinery for the manu
facture of sweetened condensed milk
has been Installed at the Nestle Food
company's plant in this city during
the past two months, and the manufac
ture of the new product will begin
this week.
Medford. Members of the Jackson
county farm bureau have received tbu
announcement made by Miss Florence
Pool, county home demonstration
agent, that the farm bureau would
purchase sugar by the carload and soil
It at retail to members.
Bandon. A mammoth sperm whale,
measuring 75 feet in length, has float
ed ashore about three miles north of
here at the mouth of Cut creek. The
animal had apparently been captured
by a whaling ship, robbed of its sperm
oil and the carcass turned loose.
Marsh field. Irving Ross, a young
man of Isthmus Inlet, was found Tues
day afternoon beneath a tractor he
had been using as power for plowing.
The tractor had reared backward and
fallen on him. Mr. Ross' injuries are
serious and he may not recover.
Salem. Measures to be submitted
to the voters of Oregon at the special
election to be held on May 21 are to
be printed on a ballot of their own and
not on the regular primary nominat
ing ballot, according to a legal opinion
given by Attorney-General Brown.
Salem. Contracts for the purchase
of Marlon county hops for fall deliv
ery are being made at 65 cents a
pound, and indications point to an ad
vance to 70 cents within the next
few weeks. For the crops of 1921 and
1922, buyers are offering 45 and 65
Bandon. The F. T. McMullen dairy
farm at Denmark in northern Curry
county has been sold to Kenneth Per
kins of Bandon, the consideration be
ing $30,000. The McMullen farm is
one of (the modern dairy plants of this
section.- Mr. Perkins has taken pos
Newport. C. J, Harrison of Corval
lis, former owner of a sawmill at Har
ris, Lincoln county, which he sold re
cently, has purchased a small sawmill
at West Vaquina. Mr. Harrison will
probably move the mill, as its present
location is almost inaccessible except
at high water.
Salem. Judge Kelly has overruled
a demurrer to the complaint In the
case brought by the Marion Tax Pay
ers' league through Edward Jory to
restrain Sheriff Needham from collect
ing approximately $48,000 in taxes lev
ied in Marlon county in excess of the
6 per cent limitation.
Newport. About 7000 feet' of first
grade clear lumber came ashore on
the beach Sunday night nine miles
north of Newport and more has come
ashore near Alsea bay. It is believed
to be part of a deckload lost from a
lumber schooner near Bandon, 100
miles south, Friday night.
Burns. The Harney Valley Irriga
tion district is now organized for the
construction of the reservoirs and the
building of the canals necessary to
place water on the 125,000 acres com
prised in the district. At the last
meeting William Hanley filed his bond
and took the oath of office, and was
elected president.
Eugene. As. a result of the series
of meetings held throughout the coun
ty to boost the pure-bred livestock in
dustry last week and the final rally
in Eugene Saturday, 72 new members
were added to the Toll of the Lane
County Pure-Bred Livestock associa
tion, according to Ira P. Whitney,
county agricultural agent, who was
one of the speakers at each of the
meetings. The total membership is
now 159.
Astoria. There are at present ap
proximately 15,000 tons, or 150,000
barrels, of flour stored at the port
docks ready for export and flour Is
arriving at the rate of about 4000 bar
rels a day. Sufficient flour is on hand
now to make nearly two full cargoes,
One steamer, which will take 75,000
barrels, Is expected to leave Seattle
this week, but when the next flour
steamer will come has not been an
Salem. Governor Olcott, in reply to
many Inquiries received at the execu
tive offices during the past few weeks,
has reiterated his statement made just
prior to the special session of the leg
islature last January, that he would
resign as secretary of state immedi
ately following the primary election In
May and appoint the successful repub
lican candidate at the nominating elec
tlon. Although Mr. Olcott Is serving
as both governor and secretary of
state, he has returned to the state
treasurer his Balary connected with
the state department.
CHAPTER VII. Continued. 1
. 11
"Real estate Is the only subject I
would trust him on," she continued. "I
must say, Dave, that for a shrewd
business man you are awfully dense
about Conward,
He remained silent for a few mo
ments. He decided not to follow her
lead. He knew that If she had any
thing explicit to say about Conward
she would say it when she felt the
time to be opportune, and not until
"How much did you invest?"
"Not much. Just what I had."
"You mean all your savings?"
"Why not? It's all right, isn't It?"
He had risen and was standing by
the window.
"It's all right, isn't It?" she repeat
"I'm afraid It isn't!" he said, at
length, in a restrained voice. "I'm
afraid it isn't."
"What do you mean?" she demand
"Bert," he continued, "did It ever
occur to you that this thing must have
an end that we can't go on forever
lifting ourselves by our own boot
straps? We have built a city here, a
great and beautiful city, almost as a
wizard might build it by magic over
night. There was room for it here;
there was occasion ; there was justifi
cation. But there was neither occa
sion nor Justification for turning miles
and miles of prairie land into city lots
lots which in the nature of things
cannot possibly, In your time or mine,
be required for city purposes. These
lots should be producing; wheats oats,
potatoes, cows, butter that is what
we must build our city on. We have
been considering the effect rather than
the cause. The cause is the country,
the neglected country, and until it
overtakes the city we must stand still,
if we do not go back. Our prosperity
has been built on borrowed money,
and we have forgotten that borrowed
money must some time be repaid."
"You mean that the boom Is about
to burst?" she said.
"Not exactly burst. It will not be
so sudden as that. It will just ooze
away like a toy balloon pricked with
a pin."
There was silence for some minutes.
When she spoke at length It was with
a tinge of bitterness. "So you are
"The firm Is. I beg you, Bert, to
believe that If I had known your in
tention I would have tried to dissuade
"Why me particularly? I am only
one of the great public. Why don't
you give your conclusions to the
world? Now that you see the reaction
setting in doesn't honesty suggest
what your course should be?"
There was reproach in her voice,
Dave thought, rather than bitterness.
He spread out his hands. "What's
the use? The harm Is done. To pre
dict a collapse would be to precipitate
a panic. It as though we were passen
gers on a boat at sea. You and I
know the boat Is sinking, but the
other passengers don't. They are
making merry with champagne and
motorcars If you can accept that fig
ure and revelry and easy money.
Why spoil their remaining few hours
by telling them they are headed for
the bottom?"
After a moment she placed her fin
gers on his, arm. "Forgive me, Dave,"
she said. "I didn't mean to whine."
"You didn't whine," he returned, al
most fiercely. "It's not you. You are
too good a sport. But there will be
lots of whining in the coming months."
Manlike, It did not occur to Dave that
in that moment the girl had bidden
goodby to her savings of a dozen
years and had merely looked up and
said, "Forgive me, Dave, I didn't
mean to whine."
He glanced nt his watch. "It's late
for a theater," he said, "but we can
ride. Which do you say auto or
"I can't go . horseback In these
clothes and I don't want to change.'
Dave pressed a button and the om
nipresent Chinese "boy" stood before
htm. "My car," he said. "The two-
passenger car. I . shall not want a
driver." Then, , continuing to Miss
Morrison: "You will need something
more than that coat. Let me see. My
smoking jacket should fit."
. In a few minutes they were thread
ing their way through the street traf
fic in Dave's machine. Presently the
traffic thinned, and the car hummed
through long residential avenues of
comfortable homes. On and on they
sped, until the city streets and the
city lights fell behind and the car was
swinging along a fine country road
through a lain,! marked with streams
ana Midges ana DiocKea out witn fra
grant bluffs of young poplars.
At last, after an hour's steady driv
ing in a delight of motion too keen for
conversation, they pulled up on the
brow of a hill. Dave switched off his
lights, the better to appreciate the
majesty of the night, and in the si
lence came the low murmur of water.
There were no words. They sat and
breathed it
Suddenly, from a sharp bend behind
In the road, flashed the lights of an
approaching car. Dave was able to
By Robert JC. Stead
ore '
Kitchener, and other poem
switch his own lights on again only
In time to 'avoid a collision. The on
coming car lurched and passed by fu
riously, but not before Dave had rec
ognized Conward as the driver. Back
on its trail of dust floated the ribald
notes of half-Intoxicated women. -
"Close enough," said Dave when the
dust had settled.. "Well, let us jog
back home." ' i
They took the return trip leisurely,
drinking In the glories of the night
and allowing time for the play of con
versation. Bert Morrison was a good
conversationalist. Her points of In
terest were almost Infinite. And they
were back among the street lights be
fore they knew.
"Oh, I almost forgot," Bert said, as
they parted, as though she really had
forgotten. "I was at a reception to
day when a beautiful woman asked
for you asked me if I had ever heard
of Mr. David Elden."
"'What, Dave Elden, the million
aire?' I said. 'Everybody knows him.
He's the beau of the town, or could
be If he wanted to.' Oh, I gave you
a good name, Dave."
"Thanks, Bert. That was decent.
Who was she?"
"She jaid her name was Irene
Upon the return of Irene Hardy to
the East It had slowly become appar
ent to her mother that things were not
as they once had been. It seemed as
though she had left part of her nature
behind had outgrown It, perhaps
and had created about herself an at
mosphere of reserve foreign to her
earlier life. It seemed as though the
loneliness of the great plains had
settled upon her.
"Whatever has come over Irene?
said Mrs. Hardy to the doctor one eve
ning. "She hasn't been the same since
she came home. I should not have let
her go west alone."
The doctor looked up mildly from
his paper. It was the custom of the
doctor to look up mildly when Mrs,
Hardy made a statement demanding
some form of recognition. From the
wide Initiation into domestic affairs
which his profession had given him
Doctor Hardy had long since entirely
ceased to look for the absolute in
woman. He had never looked for it
In man. He realized that in Mrs.
Hardy he did not possess a perfect
mate, but he was equally convinced
that In no other woman would he have
found a perfect mate, and he accepted
his lot with the philosophy of his
sixty years. So Instead of reminding
his wife that Irene had not been alone
when she went west he remarked very
mildly that the girl was growing older.
Mrs. Hardy found in his remark oc
casion to lay down the book she had
been holding and to sit upright in a
rigidity of intense disapproval. Doc
tor Hardy was aware that this was
entirely a theatrical attitude, assumed
for the purpose of Imposing upon him
a proper humility. He had experi
enced it many' times.
'Doctor Hardy," said his wife after
the lapse of an appropriate period,
"do you consider that an intelligent
"It has the advantage of truthful
ness," returned the doctor compla
cently. "It Is susceptible of demon
stration." -
"I should think this is a matter of
sufficient interest to the family to be
discussed seriously," retorted Mrs.
Hardy, who had an unfortunate habit
of becoming exasperated by her hus
band's good humor. "Irene Is our
only child, and before your very eyes
you see her you see her Do you
know, I begin I really begin to sus
pect that she's in love."
It was Doctor Hardy's turn to sit
upright. "Nonsense 1" he said. "Why
should she be in love?" It is the un
fortunate limitation of the philosopher
thnt he so often leaves irrational be
havior out of the reckoning. "She is
only a child."
"She will be eighteen presently.
And why shouldn't she be in love?
And the question Is who? That Is
for you to answer. Who did she
"She met no one with me. My ac
cident left me to enjoy my holiday as
best I could at a runch deep In the
foothills, and Reenie stayed with me
there. There was no one els "
"No one? No ranchmen, cowboys
cow punchers I think I have heard"
with nice disdain.
"No. Only young Elden"
"Only? Who is this young Elden?"
"But he is just a boy. Just the son
of the old rancher of whom I have
told you."
"Exactly. And Irene Is just a girl.
Doctor Hardy, you are all very well
with' your fevers and your chills, but
you can't diagnose a love case worth
a cent. What about this young El
den? Did Irene see much of him?"
The doctor spread his hands. "Do
you realize that there were four of
us at that ranch four only, and no
one else for miles? How could she
help seeing him?"
"And you permitted It?"
'I was on my back with a broken
leg. We were guests at their home.
They were good Samaritans to us. I
couldn't chaperon her. And besides
they don't do things that way In thut
country. You don't understand. It's
altogether different."
"Andrew," said Mrs. Hardy, leaning
forward, and the word was ominous,
for she used his Christian name only
In moments of crisis, "was Irene ever
with this young man alone?"
The doctor arose to his feet and
trod heavily upon the rich carpetlngs.
"I told you you don't understand," he
protested.- "The West Is not the East.
Everything Is different"
"I suppose human nature Is differ
ent," she interrupted meaningly. Then
her head fell upon the table and her
hands went np about her hair. . It
had been brown hair-once but was
now thin and streaked with gray. "Oh,
Andrew," she wept, "we are ruined!
That we should ever have come to
It was now Doctor Hardy's turn to
be exasperated. There was one thing
his philosophy could not endure. That
was a person who was not and who
would not be philosophical. . Mrs.
Hardy was not and would not be phil
osophical. "This is all nonsense I" said the doc
tor, Impatiently. "There is nothing
to it, anyway. The girl had to have
some company. What If they did ride
together? What"
"They rode together? Alone?" .
"They had their horses along," said
the doctor, whose impatience had
made way for sarcasm.
"You are mocking me. In this hour
of shame you are making jests. Call
The girl was summoned. Her fine
face had lost some of its brownness,
and the - eyes seemed deeper and
slower, but she was still a vision of
grace and beauty as she stood in re
sponse to their call, framed In the
curtains of an archway. Her quick
sense caught the tense atmosphere,
and she came forward with parted
Hps and extended fingers.
"Yes?" she said. "What is wrong7
Can I help?"
'Your father has confessed," said
Mrs. Hardy, trying hard to speak with
judicial calm. "Now tell us about
your relations with this young Elden,
this cow puncher. Let us know the
worst." '
Irene's eyes flew from her mother
to her father's, face, and there they
caught something that restored their
"There was no worst," she said
with a ripple of laughter, "but there
was a good deal of best. Shall-1 tell
you the best?"
"Irene," said her mother severely,
"did you permit that young man to
make love to you?"
"I did not give him permission, if
that answers you, because he didn't
ask it."
Mrs. Hardy had risen. "Andrew,
you hear that? She confesses. It's
dreadful! Horrible! What will ev
erybody say?"
"No worse than you have said, I'll
be bound," put in the doctor.
"Yes, take her part. What care you
for the family name?"
"I have a rightto speak for the
family name," said the doctor firmly.
"It was mine before It was yours. I
cannot see that the family name has
been compromised In the slightest , de
gree. This Is Irene's first adventure.
It will pass away. And even if It does
not he Is a manly boy." ; f . i
Mrs. Hardy surveyed her" husband
hopelessly, then turned to Irene.
"Have you made any promises?"
"Only that I wouldn't make any
promises until he had his chance. That
seemed fair."
"I suppose you are receiving letters
from him?"
"Why doesn't he write?"
For the first time Irene's eyes fell
and the color mounted richer in her
cheeks. She had to confess now, not
for herself but for him. . .
"He can't write," she said.
"Merciful heavens !" exclaimed Mrs,
Hardy, collapsing into a chair. . ,-,
"Andrew, bring me a stimulant."
Beating the Train. .
"Now, Thomas," said the foreman of
the construction gang to a green hand
who had just been put on the job,
"keep your eyes open. When you see
strain coming throw down' your tools
and jump off the track. Run like
blazes!" "Sure!" said Thomas, and
began to swing his pick. In a few
minutes the Empire State Express
came whirling along. Thomas threw
down his pick and started up the track
ahead of the train as fast as he could.
The train overtook him and tossed him
Into a ditch. Badly shaken up, he was
taken to the hospital, where the fore
man visited him. "You blithering
, idiot 1" said the foreman, "didn't I tell
you to take care and get out of the
way? Why didn't you run up the side
of the hill?" "Up the-soide.of the hill,
is It, sor?" said Thomas through the
bandages on his face. "Up the solde
of the hill? By the powers, I can't
bate It on the level, let alone runnln'
up MIL"
First Safety Bicycles.
The first of the safety bicycles was
put on the market In 1880. In this the
high front wheel was reduced and the
rear wheel was about two-thirds the
height of the front ode. The machines
with wheels of the same size appeared
In 1885. Bicycling began to be popular
about 1891, and the "craze" reached
Its height about 1895, when wheels
had become low enough in price to be
within the means of the multitude.
Explained. -
"Wonder 'why woman Is so - per
verse and contrary." "You must re
member that she was made out of one
of the crooked est carta of man.''
land Hlilg., upstairs.
Accordiun and Box Pleating. Button
and Pleating Shop, 609 R fal Bid.
Accordiun Heating, Hemstitching, but
tons covered. Custom made shirts. Art
Embroidery & Button Co., Morgan Bldg.,
quotation. Kahn Bros., 195 Front St
"SendusvoLir Tiimm-lesfor ahyuimgln
Iron or Woodworking Machinery, Logging,
Sawmill, Contractors' Equipment, Loco
motives, Bullets, Engines, Crushers, Rail,
Cable, Belting, etc. Burke Machinery Co.,
628 Railway Exchange Bldg., Portland, Or.
Ron & Co.. Inc. Special order work.
Fine workmanship. - Prompt mall service.
MonawK umg., ortiana, ure.
264-266 Fourth St. Neu Bros.
Dr. Geo. W. Crockwell. Specialist lu
Female Diseases 704-6 Dekum Bldg.
Absolutely performed by nerve-blocking
method without after effects. Let us
prove It to you. We make X-ray exam
inations and specialize in first-class dent
istry at reasonable fees. Dr. A. W. Keene,
Dr. E. W. Prehn, Majestlo Theatre Bldg.,
351 Washington St., Portland, Oregon.
me; best and most successful "HOME
MAKER"; hundreds rich wish marriage
soon; strictly confidential; most reliable;
years of experience; description free.
"The Successful Club," Mrs. Ball, Box
606, Oakland, California.
Write today for prices we pay return
postage on small parcels. California Plat
ing Works, 214 2nd St., Portland.
We can supply you with any kind of
plumbing supplies at wholesale prices.
We will gladly estimate cost of any Job.
Write for prices.
188-190 4th St., Portland
am't Invested. Position when qualified.
434 Railway Exchange Bldg., Portland.
We hp.ln the aDDearance of women.
Twenty-two Inch switch or transforma
tion, value v.uu, price
4itu to 412 uekum Blag.
Rnnflirn for all stoves and heaters.
Prompt attention to mail orders. Spokane
Stove & Furnace Repair Works, Spokane.
if vnn wifnt iin-to-date suits see -M.
Welnstein. Satisfaction guaranteed. 410
Stark St., Portland, Ore.
ROCKY MOUNTAIN Teachers' Agency.
Enroll free. Frank K. Welles, former Asst
State Supt, mgr. NW. bank J)ld. Portland.
At wholesale and retail. Mall orders
promptly filled. Smith's Wall Paper
House, 108-110 Second St, Portland, i ,
Hard Luck, Indeed. j1
Robert was decided in his refusal
to go with his family to a dinner: at
his uncle's house. When pressed for
a reason he said: "Well, it's mighty
tonsil on a guy to have nothing to
play with l iil cirls and them all Re
lations, at that." I
. Worse Than Egg Profiteers.
Client "This bill of yours is ex
orbitant. There are several items
it that I don't understand at all." Law
yer "I am perfectly willing to jex-
platn it; the explanation will cost
you $10." Boston Transcript U
' " '" ' The Past
I have said that I deemed It a great
thing for a nation, in all periods' of
its fortunes, to be able to look back
to a race of founders and a principle
of Institution in which it might seem
to Bee the realized idea of true hero
ism. That felicity, that pride, that
help is ours..' Our past, both Its great
eras, should announce, should compel, '
should spontaneously evolve as from
a germ a wise moral and glorious
future, Henry Chorley. .
Beyond Feeling.
Shirley's grandmother had been seri
ously ill for several days so I inquired
of the tiny miss:... I'How is grandma
feeling this morning?" With a sol
emn expression Shirley answered:
"She isn't feelin' this mornin', she's
dead." Exchange. .
At Lunch. Time.
The struggle - to make both ends
meet often results in an empty" mid
dle. Bdsto'n Transcript
Peculiar Feeling.
Celia had been 111 for many weeks.
One day when she was Btronger and
had been put in a chair, she slipped
down to the floor and stood for a mo
ment on her feet. "Oh," she said in
a much surprised voice, "I feel heavy
to myself."
Might Be Worth It
- It is estimated thatan expenditure
of $10,000,000,000 would be required to
equip the United States with all tillage
tools necessary to bring its farms
up to the highest possible production.
Rest the Eyes.
Look up every once in a while from
your work and lay it down for a min
ute or two now and then, and let your
interest focus on more distant things.
Thus you will give the eyes a litttle
rest by focussing in another position.
Silly Jamie.
The other day Jamie came running
into the house crying at the top of
his Voice. He was followed by Jane,
who explained by saying: "Mother,
I'm 'shamed of Jamie he's so unbrave,
crying 'cause a little dog chased him."