Demoted to the Interests of Southern Wasco County VOL 6, NO. 24 MAUPIN SOUTHERN WASCO COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY. MARCH 26. 1920' THE YEAR $1.50 6 Base Bail! The base ball game last Sunday between the Tygh Valley and Maupiu teams proved to be a very interesting affair. It looked for a while like the visiting team was going to get Maupin's goat. The final score was 10 to 6 in favor of Maupin.' The game advertised for next Sunday will be postponed , one week on account of the Dufur boys not being able to get their Buits in time for this date. The schedule for games is Dufur vs. Maupin at, Maupin Easter Sunday, April 'lib, and Maupin vs. Dufur at Dufur, April 11th. The Maupin boye will all be out for practise on the local field next Sunday. Come out and sec our lineup, and don't forget the big game at .Maupin Easter Sunday, April 4th. Mrs. A. Philmlee returned home Saturday from The Dalles hospital For Sale rure bred S. C. White Leghorn and Barred Plymouth Rock baby chicks, also egps for setting. Mrs. Frank Batty, W'api nitia, Ore. Phone ICfRS. n ffti u Sy "It Pays to Pay Cash at JoryV F. M. Jory On Sale Fridays and Saturdays: Fresh Hamburger Pork Sausage Bologna Sausage Cold Boiled Ham GROCERIES House Dresses Woolen Goods "It Pays to Pay Cash at JoryV' Dr. H. C Pake D I T MIME! - OFFICE HOURS: 9 A. Li to S P. M. Swumdffiy audi o&sv Iiousrs hy sfchdw&zd Wapinilia Items A heavy rain and hail storm struck here Sunday evening, mak ing the roads quite muddy between here and Tine Grove. Some real March wind Tuesday N. W, Flint) drug the roads Monday and Tuesday. Earl Baizee was up from Mau pin Monday. Mrs. L. A. Rice returned Thurs day from a two weeks' slay in Bend. N. G. tledin arrived Friday from Portland. Mr. and Mrs. S. II. Wilson will move in a few days to the Ward place which they have purchased. Wilson Bros, have purcbaeed a new Case tractor and are plowing with it. Mrs. J. R, Lewis and Mabel left Monday for a month's visit with relatives at Burne, Ore, Vi'i'a and Robert Magill yisited Saturday and Sunday at the home of their uncle, Geo. Magi 11 at Wamio. ' Relatives of Jesse Walters who formerly lived here leceived the sad newt ihat he and his only son a young man bad both passed away at their homo in Mo. Mrs, Ollie Weber;; and , Mrs. Waller Woodside ate his sisters, and Lewis Walterf a brother. 'I be Conitueicial Club meeting at the school house Saturday night was pretty well attended and proved very interesting, A short program. wag reiiimred. Luunty I Agent Kltihat ly and Slate Supl. of agents Ballaid wrie present, Ithe latter discussing bum lur9U work in the different pmU of the ela'.e. The Club agreed t" adopt the work of the Farm Pureau. Mr. I'luharty outlined tie work and project committco i ban men were choten. Standuruizatii n id cattle in this section was (litem . d Local Items for sale. Clias II. Ford Dodge tora line OILS, GREASED Full stock of TIRES BATTERIES, ACCESSORIES First Class Service in Every Item Overhauling, Repairing Livery Day or Night CRESCENT GARAGE , Tygh Valley, Ore. Chandler Republic Trucks Milk cow Crofoot. A number of the Maupin vounp people attended the dance at Sherar Friday niht. Two Merino bucks taken up. Owner may have by calling at W'm. Kramer's and paying bill. A. A Brit ton returned the first of Hie week from a visit to Pott land,, the first niek off duly bis friends remember for him. Do you want to sell ? We have buyers for farm?. Harvey L. and George L. Morris. J. II. Woodcock, in bis improve ments about his home, has been veiy deliberate, but doesn't bis fence look fine? Let us figure with you on your painting and wall papering. Maupin Drug Store. Q. C. Morrow made a number of trips over from Tygh this week Mr. Morrow is installing a gaso line tank and pump at his garage. We have a new Case Tractor and plow all equipped ready to commence plowing at any time. W. If. Staate & Co. , Chester Rico and Joe Grab am were 'among Wnpinitia visitors here last Friday. A large gasoline tank of one third carload capacity arrived this week for the Maupin Garage, and is being installed. Some of tho farmers dout like to be skinned, but Dad Coale still buys pkins and hidep. Jim Brown was oyer from Tygh Friday, Mr. Brown related, that Mr. Morgcnseu was very ill when he arriyed at their home fioui bin trip to Maupin last week and bad lo stop v,ilh them a few days'. limn and Eggs, and Sandwh. bri and CofT'-e at Cyi'Coiif"c!ioiiery, Mrs. Lsuna Durham veiled J. C. Pratt, potinasbr at Wainic was a caller in town Tn. day. Mr. Pratt said an American Legion Post is being at that place. Times, if 1.50 per year, For Sale Tractor outfit complete with a orga dzdj 2-11 Oliver gang plow. Snap if taken at once. M. li. Iltrtzler ion the former G. R, Crofoot farm, Stop That Dirty Work! Over Half the Cars in America -31x4 You know how you hate to fill up the grease cups on your car- keep putting it off from day to Use Clincher Tires day, week to week, until jour Size 30x3 1-2- ear fairly ''spi'ohius" fnr crronap. You can'install an Alemite Sys- We've got them for tern in the time it ordinarily Forda-MAXWELLS-Chevrolet takes to ''grease her up" once.' and we're specializing on tire and ever afterwards its a 5 niin- service to the owners of these ute job to grease you car and light cars. We're maintaining grease it right. 500 pounds complete stocks of Goodyears in pressure on your shackle bolt the smooto, anti-skid, and the grease connections in five sec- All-Weather treads. onds with the Alemite "gun" ,v , , . . . . .' r, ,. , We've got your size at just about For all makes of cars. the price yo(J, been accustomed Ask the following users who to pay for ordinary tires. have installed Alemite: G rover Slushei Buick F. G'Butler-Oldsmobilo Ray Kaylor Oldsmobile Harry Gabel-Cheyrolet W. 1. Driver-Chevrolet A. E- Mayhew-Chevrolet E. A. Mavhew-Mitchell J. R- Fleming Velie (Also on Engine Gang plow) C F. Fargher - Hudson . O. J. Williams-Master Truck Jay Fowler-Oakland Jake Davidson -Studebaker Come in and look them over. Here's a Little Record of Our Own Three years as dealers in Good year tires and only three adjust ments in that time. Hundreds of tires sold and practically no adjustments to make. Other sizes in Fabric and Cord Tires in Stock SHATTUCII BROS,, DISTRIBUTORS MAUPIN, OREGON WapkMa Garage '.'eek. Mrs. 1C. J. Slyer and children .mi'Ved to C Vinl last week. O, 11 Ci'.f"ot liouglit flic .Slyer properly W'atdiea and J' wclry. - Muuiiin DlUg S'.oih. (UUi Uerrjing. ,?.,bn Hall and Win. K i, uiier were 1 u iue-s visit ui.i t'roin Ci'.lcriuii 'i'm-Mlay, P, K. Couroy w.i" over lrom iiliaiiiko Tuesday. Spalding Bass Hull good.- Maupin Drug St i ire. Mr, arid Mr G. W. Mal'atl and son were in from the 1J. ke oviui section I'li lay. PA. BAUMGMTNER Jl LAWYER I! . i freely, showing the advantage ', dienda in this nee t inn' lhe past having Homo good .standard breed and all working to that lire in stead of all breeds being turned on the range together, Joe O'Erien is chairman of this project. Jlc.-t methods of glowing allalfn, .sweet clover and other legumes, N. (. Ilcdin, The need of silus and be;;t crop to fill them. Lcn Wi'ton will have charge of this experi ment. methods of irrigation for this section will he tried out by J. S. Urown. Need for fino need wheat is al.-,o felt here anil Jack Kelly will woik along thai line. S'l'iirrel poieoniiig will he looked after by Mr. Vood.:ide Frank Batty is bead of a commit tee to work along the lino of help ing standardise the farm flecks of dheep. While it is Dot expected to accomplish all of the 6evtn projects above mentioned, yet they are the gcal to be worked to. The niobt brilliant display of northern lights Been here for years was witnessed Monday night. Frank Gabel came out from The Dalles and visited ut the Gabel ranch last week. Lambing commenced ou Abbott ranch this week, Mrs. II. M. Canlwill has been visiting her mother, Mrs. Bell Delco the past week. She return ed to Maupiu late Tuccduy night as one of the hildreu was quite tick. An 8-pound baby girl waa born Thursday morning, tho 20th, at' the Virgil May field houic. j Mrs. liigbco withes to meet allj the ladies of the colinnuiiity ccry: Wednesday at 4 o'clock at Mr;.1 Woodnide's to hiud y the g- nitatiou course. j Automobile and Gas Engine Repairing Tires, Tubes and Accessories Gasoline, Oils (2, Greases Agents for Ford, Dodge, Republic Truck, and Gas Tractors and Threshers Also Auoto Livery Day or Night MAUPIN GARAGE WHAT V.T, CAN !KLL YOU WW lt. 0 iL. HO and help yovi fet any make you want We recharge your batteries end examine them GASOLINE, DISTILLATE, COAL OIL, OIL & GREASES np Goodrich, Diamond, Goodyear, and the best 1 li "i)5 service we cangive you on any line that is in our power to do so. We want your business large or small. We appreciate it. We arc oat for this year's business and wc want to help you to get your needs and it hslps us to keep what you need. Edward, Mrs. K, 11. and Mi,i from Vina I'ii-brow motored over Smock Sunday and were gucsU at OUR BANKING FACILITIES F:NABLE US TO GIVE OUR PATRONS THE SAME BENEFITS AND PRIVIL EDGES AS ARE ENJOYED BY THE PATRONS OF MOST OF THE LARGEST BANS IN THE COUNTRY. WE INVITE YOUR ACCOUNT, I ARGE OR SMALL. BANKING HOURS: EIGHT A. M. TO FOUR P. M." MAUPIN STATE BANK li pi " z - JJ the Times building. I