jl JilVliJLjO Devoted to the Interests of Southern Wasco County MAUFIN SOUTHERN WASCO COUNTY. OREGON. FRIDAY. MARCH 19,1920 THE YEAR $1.50 VOL 6, NO, 23 4 1 ; 'I 1 I "I - - Base Ball! There will be a ball game be tween Tygh Valley aud Maupit) TeauiB Sunday, Match 21, and between Dnfur and Maupin Teams Match 28th, both games played on Maupin ground. Everybody eouie and see the boys perform. A League is being formed be tween ball teams from The Dalles, Hood River, Dufur, GraeB Valley, Wasco and Maupin. Lfnguc games will start let or 2ud Sun day in April. Watch this paper for announcements. Earl and Raymond Crabtree bought the 0. B. Dorthick place of II E. Wruy and this week wilb their father moved there and are commencing Fpring work. Mr. Wray moved bis family to The Dalles and will look for a ne.w location. 'It Pays to Pay Cash at Jory's' F, M. Jory On Sale Fridays and Saturdays: Fresh Hamburger Pork Sausage Bologna Sausage Cold Boiled Ham GROCERIES House Dresses Woolen Goods "It Pays to Pay Cash at Jory's" Dr. It G Bake DENTIST OFFICE HOURS 3 A. Li to S P. M. Wapiniiia Items Ten inches of enow greeted the people of I'ino Grove Tueday morning, about one inch here aiid on below Wapiniiia three or four miles none was In he been and farming was going on. A hard tsaet.niud has been" blowing here for two dayn, but the storm came from the west, and the wind seem ed to it near the timber edge. . John Boweu'waa called to Port land Sunday by the State Acci dent commission. M. 0- Wilerton of the Wasco Sherman Motor Co. of The Dalles viiited this section this week, fell ing three beautiful Paige cars, B L. Foreman and F. M. Confer e.iuh getting a .Sport 6 55, and 0. 1) Bothwell a 5j)assenger 6 12. Mrs. Ward and daughter are slopping at the Dodge home where Mih. Ward is chief cook. Geo. Oabom and Charley Lewis have tihitihed gxing th-e street in Wapiniiia. It Is now graveled ang tiif mud there will be a thing i of the push. A negro minstiel etitei tauin tut was given hy the school Friday night in connection, with a nie socials-' The nle of the pies neUid $45.45 which will be ueed to help i tandardize the lower grades. A large crowd wan nretent and all agreed it was 'Mime show'. Considerable farming is being done ou tte lower end of the Fl; t and several aie seedii g. Mr. and Mrs Joe (iiabain ppei t several days in Portland last week returning home Saturday. Mrs. Lizzie Bowen is employed at the Virgil Maylield home. G E Wood ejient last rek on hia farm here, helping with i ho plowing. Mrs. M;Keo was very pkk l,i t week, Dr. IUwood attended her. Local Items Ford Dodge CRESCENT GARAGE Buys: 1 5 Passenger Ford, new tires, Demountable rims, tpare tire and rim, tire carrier, spot light, 1919 model. 1 5 Passenger Ford, just ove hauled and painted, fine shape, 1917 model. 1 Dodge Bros. Touring, run 6000 miles, in fine shape, New tires. 1 1919 Maxwell Touring only run a few miles and you can't tell it from a new car. These cars are all in first class condition Write or call for prices. Terms. Overhauling, Repairing Livery Day or Night CRESCENT GARAGE Tygh Valley, Ore. Chandler Republic Trucks A. L. Daniels was down from to raise pululoes this year. .Sunflower Flat aud spent a I my lay h here last week. Mis Lois Batty, a native dnugb tcr of this place and well known here was recently nianitd to M F. Vanlanen of Salem. Mr. and Mrs. Vanlanen will make their homo at flillsboro. The groom is a stranger here, but everyone in this section knows Lois, and all wish to extend congratulations. Alfred Weberg recently imi chafed the White ranch in Kelly gulch. Beef for Sale at Cyr's Confe'c tionory NOW. Watches aud Jewelry. Maupin Drug Store. A basket social at White River school house Ibe 27lb. Several small farms wanted a! once. George I, Moiris. there is to bo a dauco here the '21 ih of this mouth. Houses and Iota for sale i:i Maupin. George L. Morris. Frances Molt went to l'he U illtin Tuesday for medical treatment. Ham and Eggs, and Sandwiches and Coffee at Cyt'a Coufecliouery. Spalding Base ltall goods.--Maupin Drug Store. O. L, Taquet loft Thursday morning for Kiddle, Oregon- to look at some land. Do you want to sell ? We have buyers for farms. Harvey L. and 3eorge L. Morris. L. B. Kelly was a Dalles visitor Sunday. Mrs, Kelly is expected liouie soon. A. Locke and son Fail were down from Nena Saturday and Sunday, Mrs. S'U'l'bi Kistner formerly of Walla Walla has notified this of fice to change her paper to Tygh. Lei us figure with you oft your painting aud wall papering. Maupin Drug Store. Atty. Baumgartner had, some lumber hauled Wednesday for an addition to his building. J. II. Chastdu ia circulating the Democratic petition for the nomination , of Ioover ' for -the next president. Mrs. Ditsbrow ou upper Smock reported eight inches of snow ou the ground there early Tuesday morning. Very fining like weather til Maupin and gardening is being commenced. Weaieall resolved were servid and the usual youf occasion of a birthday party was one to be remembered. B K. New Subscribers The following renewed their subscription to the Times during Turner is preparing for a cement foundation and basement ; the pagt few days. lor uis cunning 10 oe ereeieuoni T K Morgensen tils properly at ins nena oi the road below the school house. Mr. Turner Bays he intends to have a basement if nothing else. Levi Dyer is hauling ihe gravel. Don Yeck aud Miss Selleck week end guests at The Dalles and Boyd G. C. Allen I. N. Crablree Cr.-o. Woodruff Feu Batty Mrs. Azalia Bou'e Wasco-Sherman Motor Co. Dalles Public Library Quality Speaks for Itself WE OFFER YOU GOODYEAR MONOGRAM TIRES OILS RACINE MOBOLOIL COLUMBIA BATTERIES STORAGE New and Rental Batteries for any make of car. We furnish you a battery while your own Is charging1. ALEMITE The wonderful New Lubricating System for Oiling Cars Pearl Oil for Tractors 19c Transmission and Cup Grease SHATTUCK BROS. The House of Better Service W o 0 American Legion Last Saturday evening March 13, the Maupin fost No. 73 of the American Legion held the first of i mi t 1 1 a aeries ot uauces. i tie uai.es orchestra furnished splendid music A largo crowd was in attend ance ana a moot euioyau.e nine was bad by all. Many partit e coming from Tygh Valley, Wanrc Dufur, Wapiniula and Shanilio were present. The proceeds from the dunce are to be used for the bei.efit of the cx-uldier3 of the American Legion. We, the undersigned committee, wish to thank those who attended lor their genet otis help and cooperation.. Ceo. L. Morris Gus. I. Lertlfick W. W. Muir A, E. Mayhew For sain- 21 head ot cattle. Write or see lleo oborn, Wapini iia, Ore. We have a :uv Case Tractor .Hid plo.v all equipped ready to commi'iice plowing :it anytime. VV. H. SiaatH & t. Mrp. L. S. Slovall entertained last evening at her home on Filth street in honor of bee daughter Lorrain who was thirteen years old. Those present were Winifred Kiiser, Olive Turner, and iheir mothers, and Vera 'Tuiiisun and Mrs. L. V. Doty. Rel'reshiiu ni Automobile and Gas Engine Repairing Tires, Tubes and Accessories Gasoline, Oils Greases Agents for Ford, Dodge, Republic Truck, and Gas Tractors and Threshers Also Auoto Livery Day or Night f-Ao baumgartner"! LAWYER For Sale MAUPIN G A FLA G E WHAT VVK CAN SELL YOU FORD & MAXWELL CARS and help you get any make you want We recharge your batteries and examine them GASOLINE, DISTILLATE, COAL, OIL, OIL & GREASES qp Goodrich, Diamond, Goodyear, and the best 1 irC5S service we can give you on any line that is in a r . a . . 1 1 our power to do so we want your ousmess mrgc orsmaii, We appreciate it. We are out for this year's business and we want to help you to get your needs and it helps us to keep what you need. Die type I'olaud Chiua Boar. Registered. Will sell right oh I have no use for him. See him if you waut a good ttuiiual. Paoeie transferred to purchaser. J. M. McCorkle, Maupin, ore. OUR BANKING FACILITIES ENABLE US TO GIVE OUR PATRONS THE SAME BENEFITS AND PRIVILEDGES AS ARE . ENJOYED BY THE PATRONS OF MOST OF THE LARGEST BANS IN THE COUNTRY. WE INVITE YOUR ACCOUNT, LARGE OR SMALL. BANKING HOURS: EIGHT A. M. TO FOUR P. M. MAUPIN STATE BANK t ;