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About The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930 | View Entire Issue (March 5, 1920)
4 .. j THE MAUPIN Jl J11VIJH5 Demoted to the Interests of Southern Wasco County VOL 6. NO. 21 MAUPIN SOUTHERN WASCO COUNTY, OREGON. FKIDAY, MARCH 5. 1920 THE YEAR $1.50 Maupin School News Miss Sel'rck returned to her work Tuesday noon after Injun laid up nearly a week villi ti e m u 11) pi. Vina Ayrcs and Ida Duncan are working hard fur a liiuh school education. They "bach" and lake care of Vina'g two little sisters, who attend in tlie primary room. George Avrex and his little lirotli er ''Tiir'' alao b:iob and George and "Tug" are amung the firt t at school evury day. Intei mediate pupils whose work deserves special men (ion this liKiiitb are Lorraine S'oyall, V ini f red Kaiser, Arthur l'bilmle?, and M t ie Whifclock. The primary children making a "It Pays to Pay F. M. Jory On Sale Fridays and Saturdays: Fresh Hamburger Pork Sausage Bologna Sausage Cold Boiled Ham GROCERIES House Dresses v Woolen Goods "It Pays to Pay Cash at Jory's" Dir. H. C Dak DENTIST St Suswdlaiy aumdl other homn hj s ppmh.tmt&i Ford We handle four of the best cars on the market If you are thinking car or truck come in and talk it over with us. Why not buy your car here, it wont cost you any more than to buy it away from home, and we will give you just as good a trade on your old car. First Class Mechanics Auto LiveryDay or Night CRESCENT GARAGE Tygh Valley, Ore. Chandler Republic Trucks I Ao MUMGMTOER1 LAWYER I I hundred in spelling lor last ninnih were Ivan Donaldson, Dorris KeL 'ly, Blanche Hammond, Laurcuce Slyer, Velma Crofoot, Ella Ham. niond, Mclvin Jory, elli Whit, lock. Bird houses aul; I'miMy Clubs are coming in for their sham of attention this n onth. Vuny ar listic bird cottages are ready for their eagerly looked for tenants, Supt. Groncwald has exi'iied a great interest in poultry by his secuiing for the children smiles of pure bred eggs, The I'ortland Painless Dentist All work guarantied. W. T, Slatleu, I). D. B., Prop., 'Mb bee ond St., The Dalles. Beef for Sale at Cyr's Confec tionery NOW. Cash at Jory's - ' Oregoira S A. M. to S P. M. Dodge SENT IN BY OUR Wapinitia Items Some real Mai oh weather hat been experienced here the paBl few ilays. Monday night shout Ihree inches of snow fell but had nil disappeared Tuesday. Last Friday and Saturday a iohl east wind blew and the air was tilled with a luzo that resemled smoke Just what it was no one seems to know, but quite an epidemic of colds struck herp, almost everyone beidg uffected. Co. Supt. Gronewald, Q. W. liiewsler and Co. Agent Fluharty ! I " k e at the Pine Grove school a d a number of families of that seel i' n gatberod at the tebool 'hou and enjoyed a basket dinner Mrs. Callie Bigbee went to Tht Dal.ei- Friday evening with Supt. Grouemild and remained till Sun day visiting relatives there. VV, A. IMne arrived Saturday from Minnesota wuere lie vi at. called by tie serious illness of his brother wlm passed avtay before he reached mere. j Mr. and Mi. Julius Sbtpltin llulrp linuli rillitf fcifl? I III nil! Wffl .JU., ....... f - I " v Mrs. S is miii'ii improved. Dee Woods ide relumed the lust of (he week ftoui I lie stock show at Wapato, Wn. He brought home with him thuc thoroughbred animal, two lor LitnscK aud one for Gables. Mrs. Chester llice mid her mother came here from Iwlnciida Saturday. Several new .curs huy,c made their appcuiauce here l-.i'-ly. Mote Dolores have a iitw J. tin six, aud Wilson Bros, a new 'ml' ICIgin six. Mr and Mrs. S. II. Wili-on and I,cii made a trip to The Uallis Saturday iu their new car, Mrs. W- 0, Wilson who visited her sinter in Hood River the paft week came homo with tlictn. Rev. I. Parker aud Key. Mull hew of Symuash left Monday to attcud the inter-church movement meeting whloh convenes Wednes day to Friday in Poitlaud. C.0. and A. R. Maynard who left here recently wiile that tliey haye each bought property neur Redding, Cal , and like the coun try line. A dance was given at the Stuu tou here Saturday uight. Mr. aud Mrs. Cnlviu MeCorkle were visiting at Tygh Valley and Wu'nio Mouday. Everett Ricbmoiii sent a few days in Portland lust week attend ing the uulomohilo sl ow-.' He Came home Saturday. J. II. Lewia wmtto Bum last w.ek where he will.visit Lis tin Herbert Lewis. . ' Dr. Elvvood was calleJ Mouday to sue Mrs. Oswald Croiincr Mr. bii I Mrs. Earl Birchard are over from Uufur vicitiujj at the Bronner home. Bill Foreman has lecu quite sick the past week. Mr. aud Mrs. Nathan Hill and sou and Mrs. Jennie Gabel and .daughter are visiting at the Blown home this week. I N G. Hediu and Mr. qnd Mr. W. B . Keen arrived In-re Wedites day from Portland. ' An infant born to Mr. aud Mrs. I Raymond Duering Thursday of last week at Tygh died Frklay. j Rev; Matthew reports double Indian wedding st Sjtnuashio tbei 20th aftei cbuich. He also re. ! ports an Indian wedding Feb. 1st. NEWSIES OF LOCAL INTEREST Dar.ce! Dance! Dance! Given by America! Legion Post 7j, Maupin, Orcein,' SlinliuesV hall, March I3ih, 1920. Jazz minde, m Door, )an danoe, what more? Everybody come. ' : Dave DomUlson, Wj H. Will- iairis, Bert McClure, y. E. Hunt and Arthur Fargher were Dalles visitors from Maupin Friday and Saturday. Word was just received of the deitb of Fred Pratt at Salem Wedriosday. Funeral today. Mr. Pratt was a brother of Mrs. G. Ii. Wood and was for a few years a resident of .Tuuiurr Flit. Mrs. Wood aud baby left yes'erduy for' dalem. Raj Kaylor and Bates Shaltuck returned from Portland, Ray the proud owner of a Laudsome Olds mobile Six. Dr. Dake, W. IC. Kidder, and Mrs. Violet Mayhew were initialed Wednesday night into the mys teries of the (ibbekahs. A nice lunch and jolly good time was enjoyed after initiation. Six thorougbbied Poland Chiun sows to let out ou t-bures. '1 no old ones, one reglgteicd,' fmir young once.- II. A. Mulh r, Tygh. Valley, , WANTED' Woman to cot.k aud do Nome house work fur family iu Portland. Salary $M) u lumilh and fare to Porllund. Inquire Times ollice. )Jli Mr. and Mrs. V. W, Endorshy wore in from Wapinitia Wednes day to meet U. S. U idershy who arrived on the after noon lr:iu limn Caljfoi nia. Ye scribe t xpnicnctd the tt irit ! uu again Mundiy of missing a train, this time due to ignorance nf the change of schedule wheieby the afternoon O. W. train arrive? here an hour cailier than founoil) Cuiiiplire Mirthiiiullows. Tht bett yel, for tale at The Maupin Drug Store. Mrs. A. M White who hai Iihmi quite-ill since retuinii c h Dufur is enroutu to recovery On account oi the raise on , MAUPIN GARAGE F O ftp & M AXWELL CARS 1, and help you get any innKe you want j, We recharge your batteries ant! examine them GASOLINE, DISTILLATE, COAL OIL, OIL & GREASES Goodrich, Diamond, Goodycrr, end the best 1 irC! service we can five you on any line that is in our power to do so. We want your buinei ! Irfe or small. We appreciate it. We are out for this year's business and we want to help ycu to get your needs and it helps us to keep what you need. OUR BANKING FACILITIES ENABLE US TO GIVE OUR PATRONS THE SAME BENEFITS AND. PRIVILEDGES AS ARE ENJOYED BYTHE PATRONS OF MOST OF THE LARGEST BANS IN THE COUNTRY. WE INVITE YOUK ACCOUNT. LARGE OR SMALL. BANKING HOURS: EIGHT A. M. TO FOUR P. M. MAUPIN STATE BANK )op to up, e will he foroed to "h.vgo !') per bottle or 2 f. r 25c starting March 1st. Cry's Con. fectioncry, N. J, Sinnoit has ieiit this i. llice an allotment of garden seeds t be distributed in Ihit aiction Call for yours before lhc 're uiine. Fishing tackle, lln kind that gi U the Huh a big di pla v at tin M itiiin D'i Store, Thowpscn I Imronsjhhn'il P irreil li"ck Rooi-tiis $2, il o ir foi -ellinp $1 Mm W, At k-s. I ii ii p;n, Oici o, Te.l Di"l(eiiv h 'H'hieii ml.led In I ho Slrilliick Ft r I'oree thi week D M. Emerson has litu at the In pitul in The Dulles the greater pari of Ihe winter. K. N. Long is n Pmllaiid visit or this week. Correction A mistake was mix's in the Franklin Motor Co. ad for Keb 0 and 13 iu this paper in which it read: J2500 miles to the ret of tire, but we omitted a cipher. The weight of the Franklin cur is "2440 poutn's. BEN'S BIFOCALS By Herbert W. Copeland Y iu've lead how Hen Franklin dincovered "the juio ,'' That modi-u folks put to such varied use. Wherever he goes Hie Yankee is proud To tell ho.v "our Ben" drew fparky from the cloud! And wa'va a fihl to be proud of this wbrd and sage, The greatojt of diplomats of his day and age, . He harnessed the lighlrning, this genius of ours! He commanded respect of Ivirp-'s t'eat powers. But why take yo'w time his greutue'S to Ull When cvtrjuiie kimv.B all this very Wei'? Bui some may not know it seldom is tuld IIo did a great thing for folk? .''owing old: He made himself glasses for both near auJ far; Uifocals they're called, you know what they arc. Ha ti'st triod them out am' proved their great worth; Aud now tiny ere uned all over the "mill. Of c uiise we've improved tunko bettor oucs now, But 'twas ' lioiihoinme Richard" who fust showed us how To see neur ami far hb older we grow, Tito top part for distance, the leaders below, HERBERT W. COPELAND, Principal of Maupin School, also graduate and licensed OPTOMETRIST treat cases of hypermetropia, prtsbyepia, myopia, and astigmatism with properly fitted glasses. See him on Saturdays or evenings, not at any ,time that will interfere with school duties. ' Why strain you eyes to read when relief is so cuti'y obtained? WHAT WE CAN SKLL YOU Smock Items $nowy and rainy weather. March came in like a lion whalV the lest of the old saying, here's hoping it will prove true. The annual meeting of the Lost and Moulder Pitch Co. wil be held at Smock school bcti-'e on March 6ilu G. R. Kids went to The Dalles Monday. I. T. C'Mirlright of White Salm on moved to Sumck and will live on I lie Morgan faun. Jf. T. Feltch drove a four borEe tea m to Maupin Monday returning Tuidny with a load of Bulphur and oilier heavy stuff. Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Morgan exchanged ranches witb I. T. Courtright of White Salmon, Wn. and will move there soon. "Wa hale to see them leave Smock but wish them prosperity iu their. uew home Grandma Farlow is still poorly. Hur brother and niece Mrs. Baihy of Oregon City are here helping care for her. ii Times, J1.50 p;r year.