Plee Mention Thla Paper When BONDS Write lot deacrlrttlve circular! and booklets MORRIS BROTHERS, Inc., Morris BuHdlnl,309-H Sturli Street PORTLAND, OREGON Hazelwood Candy By Parcel Post, Prepaid. THE HAZELWOOD CONFECTIONER & RESTURANT 388 Washington Street, Portland, Oregon. CYLINDER GRINDING Motor RTTTT'F"PT5,AT We pay Higheat Market Price for Butterf at and tend check by return mail. Bead us your name and we will mail you our quotation. R1VERVIEW DAIRY COMPANY, 1W3 Belmont St., Portland, Oregon. Established lull. Hotel Alder boilo DIXIE BREAD Ask Your Grocer MUSIC TAUGHT SUCCESSFULLY BY CORRESPONDENCE. Piano and all band and orchestral instruments. Personal attentiona from a personal teacher. A western school for wet) turn pupils. No long waits between lessons. MODERN CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC, 148, 13th St., Portland, Ore. Mm auto mm co; yv 1 1 We can use unlimited amounts ol r OUltrVmen Strictly Fresh, full size White Eggs nt n nrpmiiim nupj- markpt. nnnt.Ht.inns. Attention! EgS Department, it 0.1 THE BEST IN VAUDEVILLE Lit PI nWPPQ TONSETH FLORAL CO. r LKJWV LlflX O Th. Hnne. f Rawer. FOR All OCCASIONS Phones Main S102 287 Washington St.. THE When in Portland try this RESTAURANT PEPPER Good Service Moderate Prices. BOX Right Down Town. 108 Fifth St,. Neil to New" Perkins Hotel DES PA BISSINGER & CO., Largest dealers on the Coast. 148 Ore.; Wool Pullery Sellwood Sta., paid at all times. Genuine Ford Parts TALBOT & CASEY, Inc. Authorized Ford Dealers When in town, bring your Ford to ua. Exceptional repairing: facilities by first-clans Ford mechanic!. Magnetos re-charged in ear while you wait Try ob for parts. wsmm VTA , "Where Home Comforts Abound" PORTLAND, ORE. The pleasure of your trip to Port land will depend upon the hotel you elect. Cozy surrounding", moderate rate, and the welcome you tlnd In your own home town, await you at the Multnomah. Garage in Connection. TRUSSES We specialize in fitting trusses. Send for measur ing blank and circular, We carry everything in Drugs, Rubber Goods, Elastic Hos J lerr, etc.. and pay postage. LAUE-DAVIS DRUG CO., Trass Experts OREGON PORTLAND. VkMl 1 H I N Ci FOR iHfc wrML,, Office Furniture a Appliances Printing a Ekgra ving Bookbinding Mm OAK STREETS POaTLANO OWfOO' COMPLETE LINE OF STFFL F1UNQ DEVICES ANQ SVSTfws Blame Nightmare on Demon. In some portions of the continent of Europe nightmare is believed to be a spectral creature that comes and takes a seat on the breast of the unconscious sleeper, half smothering him and not permitting him to move. As those who have suffered therefrom say they cannot so much as bend the little fin ger during those moments of anguish, It is not surprising that the supersti tious explained the condition as a ma licious demon crushing his victim. An.w.rlni Theae Adrertisenonta. If you Must sell vow LIBERTY or VICTORY bonds-sell to us. If you can buy mora LIBERTY or VICTORY bonds buy from us. Wo buy and sell at the New York market GOVERNMENT AND MUNICIPAL BONDS Homemade Specials, $1.25 per lb. Ml Hood Chocolates, $1, 2, 3 & 5, box. Oregon Chocolates, $2.00. per pound. FRED DUNDEE Car Repairing & Machine Works Portland, Oregon, Boom a 1 per day Htid op. Special monthly ratal. Out-of-town visitors made to foal at home. Southern Pacific electric train depot Id satM Inn. J. W. WUbHUNU. Manaflrer. 26 Alder St.. cor. 4th. PORTLAND. ORE HAYNES-FOSTER BAKING CO. Portland, Ore. Dixie Co., Aatoria, Ore. SAIIM BAKING CO., Salem, Ore, You Can't Break 'Em! Got Si rings with written guarantee for year, 15,000 Springs ia Stock Portland. Ore. at a premium pver market quotations. Write us advising amount you have to otter each week during the season. MUTUAL CREAMERY CO., PORTLAND, OREGON HPJI1P Sunday, Monday. Tuesday Nujhta iUilldU Sun. Mod. Turn. Wed. Aftemoont TUEATFB Show Wed. Night Oceuionally. Niiktt, 15c It $1.00; HitM. lSe a, 75c Portland. Oregon Keep the Northwest Prosperous by tiling Northwestern Made Coodt ZAN BROS., Inc. Wool, Pelts, Tallow. Wool Pullen - 154 North 13th St., P. O. box 4378 Portland, Portland. Ship us your goods; highest prceB "VTa 1 "Vaticl A VP Portland, Or. Simple, Harmless Home Remedy Brings Results The medicinal properties of olive oil have been known for 'hundreds of years. S ALGKENE mixed with olive oil is a household remedy for rheumatism. No medicine chest should be without this wonderful remedy during the winter months. lark Yost Siupneati hi We Pit Us for DAIRY BUTTER, . Cream, Eggs, Lire P0UTRY. riti for Prlcei and Tags PORTLAND, ORE. TO TICKETS and Money Orders Europe UDELL & CLARKE PORTLAND, ORE 105 Third St, J QUEEN CITY Soldiers' regulation Coata redyed and re modeled. Superior process, certain to give satisfaction. We pay postage one way. 288 Grand Avenue, Portland. RHEUMATISM-PILES-CONSTIPATION Wild Pigeon 6prlnga Mineral Water Nature's own remedy from the Rock. Drink It and set welL Bottled by Rook Remedy Co.. 7 1st Ht.. Portland. Or World's Smallest Violin. Perfect In every detail, and so small it will lie within a space covered by two half crowns laid side by side, London now boasts of having the smallest fiddle in the world. It was made by the well-known violinist, B. Vandermeulen, and is exquisitely con structed as to scale. The exact meas urements are: Violin body, 1 11-16 inches; violin, over all, 2 Inches; bow, 3 ft inches. Philadelphia Record. MUSKRATS S BRING f BIG MONEY Rustle up all the musk v.) rats you can and send to I us now while we are pay- Jj Ing the high top prices, jm You never got as much for your raw furs as we are if now paying. 1 We also want your k OTTER, MINK, f ' RACCOON, OPOSSUM k and all other furs. We pay highest prices. 1 We send your money at once. . We give you a fair deal, p Give us a trial.' j H. LIEBES & CO., Dept. B., Liebei Bids. Portland, . 'Ore. Fellows! Look Here!! Listen!!! Which is better work every day 8 hours at 45c and have a good place to stop, and eat at minimum cost; or to be laid off every time It rains and get a few cents more pay? 'You can work every day with us and we pay 67 c per hour for Sunday work if you care to work Sundays. Splendid opportuni ties for promotion. Apply at Crown-Willamette Paper Co., Employment Department at West Linn, Ore,, at Camas, Wash., or 210 Commonwealth Bldg., Portland, Ore. r jfLmssa mm. v, ',,1 ...'jit If you only knew the astounding ben efits to be derived from this Llfe-Glv-lng, Health-Restoring, Invigorating GENERATOR you would not be without one for many times its small coflt. Free book tells the whole story. ALGRAT CO., Casco Bldg., Portland, Ore. Ground Gripper Shoes are made and carried in stock tor men, women and children, and can be fit by maiL .- SEND FOR LITERATURE GROUND GRIPPER SHOE STORES S81H Wain. Street, Portland, Orecoa. TM St Helena Ave., Tacoma, Waahinaton Carpenters Wanted for work on new unit of pa per mill at West Linn, $5.20 for 8 hrs, work. Splendid accommodations in new ho tel. Meals 35c; beds 10c, 25c, 35c. Apply Crown Wil lamette Paper Co., West Linn, Oregon. - (5 TTi mm The Desert's Silence.. No quality of. nature is more abso lutely fulfilled than the desert's si lence. Even the sea, with all her mystery, falls to keep her secrets as the sifting sands. 'And with the cool of the desert nights the heavens are uncovered as nowhere else. The won derful desert night, when the hot sands turn cool and the heavens are revealed in their perfect glory and rest, the per fect rest of that eternal quiet which succors the soul. R. 8. Carroll. 78 lanaaer INFORMATION DEPARTMENT Commercial Information furnished frta of charge. Catalogues supplied and com mercial Inquiries cheerfully answered. write any tirm Deiowi do it nowi ADJUSTMENTS AND COLLECTIONS FoaroyJIroa., Inc., tut) Dokum Uulldlnir. Short AdJustment'CoT 8211 N.W.BnkJBIg. ARTIFICIAL" TEETH "SPECIALIST Dr. M. C. ItoHSiiitth, 807 journal Uldg. Bakers, Confectioners, ountalfPSuppilea Clray, Mcl.eun & Percy, 4th Ollsan Hts. CIGARS, PIPES Rlch'e Cigar Stores, 6th and Wash. Bt DENTIST LATE U.8. NAVY " Dr. P. O. Drown, 809 Stevens UlPortlsnd PENT 1ST " B. K. Wright, '8ii Raleigh lilil'g.. & Wn. ELECTRIC d" ADVERTI8INQ 8iaNS Union Hlgn Co., 79 West Park at Oak. ENGRAV EDW E D D I N Q JN VITATION8 Irwln-llodsun, Htutlonera, Puitlund, Ore. EXPERT GOWN MAKER MIbs M. K. Cole, 207 Tllford Dl", ir& Mor" FARM LIGHTING PLANT Laliey Light, "lat kit. GOITRE SPECIALIST R. M. Erwin, M. D., 80D-01 Journal Bldg. HEMSTITCHING Kllu M. Stevens, 2nd Fir, J60H Morrison. KODAKS AND FOUNTAIN PENS Sandy, Portland's Kodak and Pen man. MILLINERY A EARCLEY CORSET Jones Millinery, "9 Grand Ave. MUSIC SCHOOL Oregon 'Conservatory oTalusic, lCOtlTBt. OIL SHAMPOOING & MANICURING ' Myrtle Clarke, "783' Morgan lildg, Portland PIANOS & TALKING MACHINES Soule Hros., 166 Tenth St. PIANOS AND PHONOGRAPHS U. P. Johnson Piano Co., 149 6th PLASTER DOLLS AND NOVELTIES Rose City Novelty Wka., 196 Grand Ave. PROTECT YOUR EYE8 . A. E. Hurwltz, Optometrist, 225 FliBt St. PYORRHEA DENTI8T8 " Smith Long Service, 319 "Bush ft Lane Bl. REALTORS Interstate Land Co., 248 Sturk JSL SHEET METAL 41 RETINNINa vvKk. Union Ave. Metal Wks.. 411 Union Ave. 8 ANITA R I U M Dr. A. V.' liownB, 949 Corbett ML TEACHERS AGENCY Yates-Plsher, free registration, Brdy Big. WATER PRESSURE SYSTEM Duro Pumps, 93 1st HL CANCER TREATED Lowell M. Jones, M. D., 812 Morgan Bldg. AUTO ACCESSORIES VWVVWWVWWVVArViAArVVVV i--- Classy Bug Bodies Prttee-SSS and up. Burneae & Martin I6th at Alder ate., f ortlano ACCORDIAN PLEATING Knife "ahd'Xox "pleating, hemstitching, 19c yd. Buttons covered, liastern Novelty Mlg. Co., Klfth street, Portland. ARTIFICIAL LIMBS Oiesun Anilk'iul Limb Co., Inc. Write lorjju tmug. 426 Wash. St., Portland CARPET WEAVING AND CLEArTlNG Fluff Kugs From Old Carpets nug nugs, au sizes. Man orders prompt Send tor Booklet 8x12 Rugs, Steam or Dry Cleaned, $1.60. WKSTliRN PLUPP KUU CO. 64-68 Union Ave. N. JSast 6616, B-1476 JoTInWeTehT)e7ituTT)epoL' CeTiuirBup plies of all kinds. Morgan Bldg., Portland BUILDING MATERIAL SUOPE BRIOK CO., face and mantel brick a specialty. Phone East 1336; Resi dence, East 1797. E. Morrison St., r ui uunu, ure. w e win gmaiy muKe estl' mates. BEAUTY PARLOR Murlnello CoBmetic Shop. Permanent nair wave. Most modern equipped cosmet- ic snop in cuy. zua ijruy ill., Mar. 2297. CLEANING A NO DYEING Por reliable Cleaning nad Dyeing serv ice Bend parcels to us. We pay return postage. Information and prices given upon request. ENKE'S CITY DYE WORKS Established 1890 Portland DRUGS BY MAIL OreKon Herbs (Nature's Tea) for kldnev and bladder troubles. 60c a pkg by mall. Plummer Drug Co, 3d & Madison, Portland DOOR 6 AND WINDOW8 e can sell you Doors, windows. Ing, Paint, Glass and Builders' Hardware. direct at wholesale prices. Write for rices before buying. Heacock Sash at oor Co., 212 First St., Portland pay hiKhest Dilces Write us for quotation.Kahn Bros.,196 Front St. FURS RAW FURS BOUGHT Highest pifoes. The Pur Shop, 606 Swet land Hldg., upstairs Mine. Orenell relieves Itching scalp. Moles, superfluous hair . removed. 239 Flledner Building. MACHINERY Selioru1fyouTTmj'inrie Iron or Woodworking Machinery, Logging, Sawmill, Contractors' Equipment, Loco motives, P.ollers, Engines, Crushers, Rail, Cable, Belting, etc. Burke Machinery Co., 628 Hallway Exchange Bldg., Portland, Or. HIDES AND JUNK L. blrnnTToTclCsiFFTontHs market values for hides, pelts, old rubber, metals, etc. HMTJJHING Accordion Pleating, Hemstitching, But tons covered. Custom made shirts. Art Embroidery & Button Co., Morgan Bldg., Portland. mm PORTLAND MARULB WORKS 264-266 Fourth St. Neu Bros. Wanted--! Local Sales Representa tives for C a s- cade Steam Washer. Demonstration sells machine. Liberal Commission. Write today for details. PACIFIC COAST SALES CO., Distributors. 45 3d. St., Portland, Ore MODERN TORCH CO. Oxy-Acetylene Welding Equipment and Supplies. Write for catalogue. 3292 East Morrison St. Portland, Ore. Skmat Tiff aal IViu Lilt ciimuau uinc t uinni nn Bgg OUbbllHtl IHWh V MUVb WW. I 144 Front St. Almost Too Good an Excuse. Sarah was invited with her older sister to take tea with a friend of her mother. The little girl was anxious to do her sister credit, but after sampling a piece of cake which she had taken upon her plate was unable to eat It be cause Bhe did not like it. Her hostess noticing this, said: "Why, Sarah, you haven't eaten your cake!" Drawing a long breath and not wishing to hurt her friend's feelings Sarah replied: "No, It Is so good, I can't." I S&P Smm Tin nd Tnu li4i K0 t I nJ VA717Min -r; ir m m m Iff u n r VJS m (oT IP father, the boys I Atjy and a,r,s its i Mgr the Tweet for all lllll,,en y0Ur8 M -WmW nervous or tired, 'M ' UW see how It M : If refreshesl fJr WS LThe Flavor A ? A-9 VRIGLEYSiS urn jk PEKFl-CT OUMTtg NAME 'BAYER' MEANS ASPIRIN IS GENUINE For Toothache, Neuralgia, Pain, Colds, Headache! You want relief quickly and safelyl Then insist on "Bayer Tablets of As pirin," stamped with the Bayer Cross." The name "Bayer means you are getting genuine Aspirin prescribed by physicians for over eighteen years, and proved safe by millions of people. For a few cents you can get a 'handy tin box of genuine "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin," containing twelve tablets. Druggists also sell larger "Bayer" packages. Aspirin is the trade mark of Bayer Manufacture of Monoacotlc acidester of Sulicylicacid. Adv. Value of Molybdenite. The principal value of molybdenite is In the manufacture ot steel, to which it gives a hardness and tough ness that make the steel suitable for use In propeller shafts, guns and boil ers. Most of the molybdenite pro duced in Tasmania is shipped to. Eng land. 8weetest Tones. The sweetest voice is not in the or chestra, but In the human voice when It speaks from its instant life tones of tenderness, truth and courage. R. W. Emerson. Universal Patronage. Ever notice it? No kid is ever so dinky but some nice old lady stops on the street and says: "My, my! What a big boy you're getting to bo!" Judge. Since It Is worth while to be well, take Garfield Tea, Nature's medicine. Adv. Just a Temporary Stay. After the death of his wife Uncle Will went to live with his brother, and his little niece was overheard explain ing It to her little playmate: "You see, Betty, Uncle Will's wlfe just died, an' he's come to live with us till he finds another one." Skin Troubles 1 Soothed With Cuticura Sea 25c, Ointment 25 and 50c, Talcum 25c Sealed Tight- .in ivolt V Kept Right . Cutlcura for Sore Hands. Soak hands on retiring in the hot suds Df Cutlcurn Soup, dry and rub in Cu- tUnirn Ointment. Itemove surplus Ointment with tissue paper. This Is only one of the things Cutlcura will do if Soup, Ointment and Talcum are-used Cor nil toilet purposes. Adv. Home of the Circus. A school teacher was reading an ex citing story to her group ot youngsters about the jungle. In order that each child might understand clearly what the story was about, she said: "Which one of you can tell me what the jungle is?" One bright little boy waved his hand In the air and the teacher told him to give his definition. He stood up before the class with a great deal ot importance and said: "The jungle is where the circus lives." Good health cannot be maintained where there is a constipated- habit. Garfield Tea overcomes constipation. Adv. Perfume.. Perfume received its first real devel opment in Persia, and later the priests of Egypt, who were the only men of learning in those ancient days, de voted much time to the manufacture of perfume and aromatic oils. g" .)Nw - ' I tiiJifc 'i.' ' ' ' iiii'.'i.faiiajl l eaking all Records Eipht now when milk prices ar breaking all records is the tima to make new high records in milk production. It is surprising how effectively this can be accom plished by raising the health stand ard of your dairy cows. The most prevalent cow ailments Abortion, Retained Afterbirth, Bunches, Lost Appetite, Scours, etc. arise from an impaired condition of the jrenital and digestive organs. Kow-Kure has remarkable medici nal properties that act directly on these organs, producing regular, healthy action. The cow thrives on Nature's food, and a full milk flow naturally follows. An occasional use of Kow-Kure will pre vent disease and pay for Its cost a hui dredfold. The best dairymen keep It on nan I constantly. Fet-d ilralem anil iliwgiataaell Kow-Kure, In 60c, and $1.20 package!. Send for free booh "THE HOME COW DOCTOR" eery useful wherever there are ceurs. DAIRY ASSOCIATION CO. XYNDONVILLE, VERMONT