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About The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 27, 1920)
WORLD HAPPENINGS 'OF CURRENT WEEK Brief Resume Most Important Daily News Items. COMPILED FOR YOU Events of Noted People, Government! and Pacific Northwest, and Other Thing! Worth Knowing. Dr. Harry R. Lemens, Bged 40, for merly private phyBlclan to the emperor of Japan, was killed In an automobile accident in Alton, 111., Saturday. Police and cavalry were obliged to charge strikers who organized a dem onstration In Naples Saturday. Sev eral soldiers, policemen and strikers were wounded. A bomb was thrown at Chefik Pa sha, minister of agriculture, at Cairo, as he was driving to the ministry Sun day morning. No one was Injured. Two students were arrested, one of whom confessed he threw the bomb. The average expenditure for food increased 2 per cent In the month end ing January 15, according to statistics made public at the labor department. This is an Increase of 9 per cent over January, 1919, and 104 per cent since January, 1913. Out of a total of 12,644 bills Intro duced In the house since the special cession opened, May 10 last, clerks counting up reported that 205 had passed. Of the number passed 114 have become law. - A million-dollar university for In dians and community centers for Spanish-Americans will be located In the southwest by the Inter-church ' world movement, says a dispatch from Albuquerque, N. M. Robbers locked the paymaster of the Saylor mine, seven miles north of Des Moines, la., in a vault in the of fice of the mine just before noon Sat urday and escaped with the entire two weeks' payroll of 515,000. Amendment of the Volstead prohibi tion enforcement act so as to permit the states by referendum to authorize sale of 2.75 per cent beer and 10 per cent wine Is proposed in a bill intro duced by Representative Minahan, democrat, New Jersey. Three hundred persons made their way through front and side exits of a theater Saturday night in Sioux Falls, S. D while firemen fought a blaze in the projection rooms In a futile effort to save the life of John Theo bald, 24 years old, an operator. Representative Fess, republican, Ohio, has introduced a bill providing for physical training for all school children from the ages of 6 to 18. He pointed out that a large percentage of the men taken into the army during the war were physically defective. The $70,000,000 powder plant at Ni tro, W. Va not only will be sold on the installment plan for ?8,500,000, but the government will throw In $9,000, 000 worth of loose materials for good measure. ThiB, Chairman Graham of the house war Investigation committee, declared recently in the house. The bill to authorize sale of three large army camps and to provide for fulfillment of war-time contracts for purchase' and equipment of numerous other military posts was finally agreed to In conference Friday and the con ference draft was agreed to by the senate. The house is expected to act within a few days. E. J. Crips, an engineer for 30 years for the Oregon Short Line railroad, died in his engine cab on the morning passenger train Saturday, says a dis patch from Dillon, Mont. He was seated In his usual manner, his hand clutching the throttle, and was leaning out the window watching the track ahead when death claimed him. Another issue of about $300,000,000 of treasury certificates of Indebtedness may be expected abont March 15, Sec retary Houston announces. He de clares, however, that he sees "nothing in the present situation to indicate that It will be either necessary or de sirable to Increase the interest rate on the certificates." The last issue bore 4 per cent Retail meat dealers throughout the country must reduce their prices as the wholesale price of meat declines or else submit their books to federal agents for investigation of their prof its. This definition of the govern ment's attitude was announced Sunday night by Attorney-General Palmer. In structions to serve the notice on retail meat dealers have been lent to every United States attorney, he said. STATE NEWS 1 IN BRIEF. : PWwWWWwwWWWWWWWWWWWWWe,v Ealem. Salem children under 18 years of age must attend school at least five hours a week under a new law passed at the last regular session of the state legislature, and put Into effect by the local school directors, Philomath. President Epley of Phi lomath college has returned from Cali fornia where he raised $12,000 for the college endowment fund. The sub scriptions bring the total to $35,000 of the $50,000 proposed In increased endowment. The Dalles. The suit against Clyde T. Donney, principal of the Antelope high school, and former Wasco county school, superintendent, has been dis missed by District Attorney Galloway at the request of H. E. Wlllerton, coun ty treasurer, and A. E. Gronewald, county superintendent. Eugene. Initiative petitions for a constitutional amendment extending the term of office of the sheriffs, coun ty clerks, county treasurers, county surveyors and county coroners from two years each to four years, appeared In Eugene recently and many signa tures have been obtained. Roseburg. J. W. and M. G. Smith, who recently arrived here from the east, both familiar with the sawmill Industry, have purchased the Vinson mill at Cole's Valley. The deal in cludes several hundred acres of fine timber and the new proprietors will operate the plant tofull capacity. Bend. Of 8000 feet of frontage In the Bend business section, owners of one-fourth of this property have signed a petition for hard-surfaced streets. Out of town owners are be ing communicated with on the sub ject. The improvement, it is estimat ed, would cost approximately $64,000. Salem. Because of the Increased business in the inheritance tax depart ment of the state treasurer's office, R. A. Reld of Portland was appointed special Inheritance tax auditor and will have charge of all Multnomah county estates. Mr. Reid formerly was deputy clerk of Multnomah county. Klamath Falls. A dispatch from Washington last week said that Sec retary Lane had definitely decided not to lease 10,000 acres of marsh lands on Upper Klamath lake to Doak & Brown, San Francisco contractors, under any conditions, and that as far as he was concerned the matter was finally closed. The Dalles. A new bank has been organized In The Dalles with a capital ization of $200,000, financed exclusive ly by local men. The financial insti tution will occupy the building form erly the home of Hotel Albert. The new bank has applied to the state bank commission for a charter for a national bank or a Btate bank. Salem. When the soliciting teams filed their reports last week it was found that more than $7000 of the re quired $10,000 to insure the successful operation of the Salem commercial club during the year 1920 had been pledged. The remaining $3000 need ed to complete the quota, it is believed, will be forthcoming at an early date, Salem. In order to encourage con tractors to store materials for state work during the year 1920 and thereby guard against delays of operations due to the car shortage, the highway com mission at its last meeting authorized the Btate engineer to estimate material up to 75 per cent of Its actual cost and Include the same in' the con tractor's monthly estimate. Klamath- Falls. Mrs. Toby Riddle, Wlnema in the Modoc tongue, descend ant of a long line of Modoc chieftains, Is dead at the Klamath reservation, She was official Interpreter for "the government during the Modoc rebel lion and was at the conference on April 11, 1873, when General E. R. S. Canby and Dr. Thomas were treach erously slain by Captain Jack, the Modoc leader. Salem. Enlargement ,of the box factory to meet future demands and increases In the payroll to a total of $300,000 for the year 1920, were an nounced by the Charles K. Spauldlng Logging company In an address by Oliver Meyers, superintendent of the plant, at the regular weekly luncheon of the Commercial club. Last year the corporation employed 200 men with an aggregate payroll of $227,000. Marshfield. A Btock growers' asso ciation has been organized at Gold Beach for the protection of farm animals from predatory beasts, and for the purpose ot securing better prices for the animal products of the county. One of the measures agreed upon Is the establishment of prices for cattle, hogs and sheep, and the association will work with the wool growers' as sociation to protect the small pro ducers from low prices. hcCowPunchcr Coorriffht br Haroer m Brothri "MY NAME IS CONWARD." Synopsis. David Elden, ton of a drunken, shiftless ranchman, al most a maverick of the foothllla, ! breaking bottles with his piatol from hla running; cayuse when the first automobile he has ever seen arrives and tlpa over, breaking the leg of Doctor Hardy but not Injur ing hla beautiful daughter Irene. Dave rescues the Injured man and brlnga a doctor from 40 miles away. Irene takea charge of the housekeeping. Dave and Irene take many rldea together and during her father's enforced atay they get well acquainted. They part with a klsa and an Implied promise. CHAPTER III. 5 Dave's opportunity came sooner than he had expected. After the de parture of the Hnrdys things at the old ranch were, as both futher and son had predicted, very different. They found themselves on a sort of good behavior a behavior which, un happily, excited In each other grave suspicions as to purpose. The tension steadily Increased, and both looked forward to the moment when some thing must give way. For several weeks the old man re mained entirely sober, but the call of the appetite In him grew more and more Insistent as the days went by, and at last came the morning when Dave awoke to find him gone. He needed no second guess; the craving had become Irresistible and his father had ridden to town for the means to satisfy It. The passing days did not bring his return, but this occasioned no anxiety to Dave. In the course of a carouse his father frequently re mained away for weeks at a stretch. He moped around the rnnch build ings, sat moodily by the little stream, casting pebbles in the water, or rode over the old trails on which she had so often been his companion. Then the old man's horse came home. Dave saw it coming up the trail, not running wildly but with nervous gallop and many sidelong turnings of the head. As the boy watched he found a" strange empti ness possess him; his body seemed a phantom on which his head hung over heavy. He spoke to the horse, which pulled up, snorting, before him; noted the wet neck and flanks, and at last the broken stirrup. Then, slowly and methodically, and still with that strange sensation of emptiness, he saddled his own horse and set out on the search. . . . After the last rites had been paid to the old rancher, Dave set about at once to wind up his affairs, and it was not until then that he discovered how deeply his father had been In volved. The selling of the cattle and the various effects realized only enough to discharge the liabilities, and when this had been done Dave found himself with a considerable area of unmarketable land, a considerable bundle of paid bills and his horse, saddle and revolver. He rode his horse to town, carrying a few ar ticles of wear with him. It was only after a stiff fight that he could bring himself to part with his one compan ion. The lust miles into town were ridden very slowly, with the boy fre quently leaning forward and stroking the horse's neck and ears. He sold horse and saddle for sixty dollars and took a room at a cheap hotel until he 6hould find work and still cheaper lodgings. In the evening he walked through the streets of the little cow town. It snubbed him with Its Indifference. . . . He became aware that he was very lonely. He realized that he had but one friend In the world; but one, and of her he knew not so much as her address. ... He began to wonder whether he really had a friend at all ; whether the girl would not discard him when he was of no further use, just as he had discarded his faithful old horse. Tears of loneliness and re morse gathered In his eyes, and a mist not of the twilight blurred the street lamps now glimmering from their poles. He felt that he had treated the horse very shabbily Indeed. He want ed old Slop-eye back again. He sud denly wanted him with a terrific long ing; wanted him more than anything else In the world. For the moment he forgot the girl and all his home sickness centered about the beast which had been so long his companion and servant and friend. "I'll buy him back in the mornln'; I will, sure as h 1," he said. In a sud den gust of emotion. "We got to stick together. I didn't play fair with him, but I'll buy him back. Perhaps I can get a job for him, too, pullin' a light wagon or somethin'." The resolution to "play fair" with Slop-eye gradually restored his cheer fulness and he walked slowly back to the hotel. The men's sitting room now present ed a much more animated picture than when he had registered earlier In the evening. It was filled with ranchers, cowboys and cattlemen of all de grees breeder, buyers, traders, own ers and wage earners, with a sprin kling of townspeople and others not directly engaged In some phase of the cattle business. Soon he was in a group watching a gaudily dressed In dividual - doing a sort of sleight of hand trick with three cards on a table. "Smooth guy, that," said someone at his side. The remark was evidently Intended for Dave, and he turned toward the speaker. He was a man somewhat smaller than Dave, two or three years older, well dressed in town clothes, with a rnther puffy face and a gold-filled tooth from which a corner had been broken as though to accommodate the cigarette which hung there. "Yes," said Dave. Then, as It was apparent the stranger was Inclined to be friendly, "he continued, "What's the Idea?" The stranger nudged him gently. "Come out of the bunch," he said In a low voice. When they had moved a little apart he. went on, in a confiden tial tone: "He has a little trick with three cards that brings him In the easy coin. He's smooth as grease, but the thing's simple. Oh, It's awful simple! Now you watch him for a minute," and they watched through an opening In the crowd about the table. The player held three enrds two red ones and a blnck. He passed them about rapidly over the tnble, oc casionally turning his hand sideways so that the onlookers could see the position of the cards. Then he sud denly threw them face down on the table, each card by Itself, " "The trick Is to locate the black card," Dave's companion explained. "It's easy enough if you keep your eye on the card, but the trouble with these rubes is they nume the card and then start to get out their money, and while they're fumbling for It he makes a change so quick they never see It. There's just one way to beat him. Get up close, but don't say you're getting interested. Then when you're dead sure of a card crack your fist down on It. Glue yourself right to It and get out your money with the other hand. When he sees you do that he'll try to bluff you, say you nln't In on it; but you just tell him that don't go, this Is an open game, and he's got to come through, and the crowd'll back you up. I stuck him once a whole hundred first crack and then he barred me. Watch him." Dave watched. Saw the black card go. down at one corner of the board; saw a bystander fumbling for a five dollar bill; saw the bill laid on the card; saw It turned up and It was red. That is smooth," he said. "I'd 'a' sworn that was the black card." "So It was when you saw it," his companion explained. "But you were just like the sucker that played him. "You Ain't Playin'," Said the Dealer. "You Ain't In on This." You couldn't help glancing at the jay getting out his money, and It was in that instant the trick was done. He's too quick for the eye, but that's how he does It." Dave became interested. He saw two or three others lose fives and tens. It was plain his companion's tip was straight. There was just one way to beat this game, but It was simple enough when you knew how. He sidled close to the table, making great pretense of Indifference, but watching the cards closely with his keen black eyes. The dealer showed his hand, made a few quick passes, and the black card flew out to the right. This was Dave's chance. He pounced on It with his left hand, while his other plunged into his pocket. "Sixty dollars on this one," he cried, and there was the triumphant note In his voice of the man who knows he has beaten the other at his own game. "You nln't playin'," said the dealer. "You ain't in on this," "That dont go, said Dave very quietly. "You're playin' a public game here, an' I chose to play with you this once. Sixty dollars on this card." He was fumbling his money on the table. "You ain't playin'," repeated the dealer. "You're a butt-In. You ain't In this same at all." "Sure he's In," said the crowd. "That ain't right," whined the dealer, "but you got It on me. Turn 'er tip." The card was red. Dave looked at it stupidly. It wai Bt Robert J. C. Stead Author of "Kllchtrur and Oth f Poms" i ' Illustration! by IRWIN MYERS a moment or two before be realized that his money was gone. Then, re gardless of those about, he rushed through the crowd, flinging bystand er! right and left, and plunged into the night. He walked down a street until It lost Itself on the prnlrle; then he fol lowed a prairie trail far into the coun try. The air was cold and a few drops of rain were falling In it, but he was unconscious of the weather. He was In a rage through and through, Slop eye was now a dreiiw, a memory, gone gone. Everything was gone; only his revolver and a few cents re mained. He gripped the revolver again. With that he was supreme. No man In all that town of men schooled In the ways of the West was more then his equal while that grip lay In Ills palm. At the point of that muzzle he could demuud his money bock and get it. Then he laughed. Hollow and empty it sounded In the night air, but It was a lnugh, and It saved his Bplrit. "Why,- you fool," he chuckled, "you cume to town for to learn somethin', didn't you? Well, you're learnln'. Sixty dollnrs a throw. Education comes high, don't it? But you shouldn't kick. He didn't coax you In, an' gave you every chance to back away: . You butted in and got stung. Perhaps . you've learned somethin' worth sixty dollars." In his Innocence of the ways of the game It never occurred to him that the friendly stranger who had showed hini how to play It was a friend of the sharper, and probably at this moment they were dividing his sixty dollars the price of old Slop-eye between them. Early next morning he was awake" and astir. The recollection of his loss sent a sudden pang through his morn ing spirits, but he tried to close his mind to it. "No use worryln' over that," he said, jingling the few coins that now rep resented his wealth. "That's over and gone. I traded sixty dollars for my lirsl lesson. Maybe It was a bad trade, but anyway I ain't goin' to squeal." He whistled as he finished dressing, ate his breakfast cheerfully, and siM out In search of employment. Almost the first person he met was the stranger who had schooled hhn in the gambling game the night before. There was something attractive about his personality; something which In; vlted friendship and even confidence' and yet beneath these emotions Dave felt a sense of distrust, as though part of his nature rebelled against the ac quaintanceship. "That was the rottenest luck you had last night," the stranger was say ing. "I never saw the beat of It. 1 was hopin' you'd stay and raise him next time; you might got your money back that way." "Oh, I don't mind the money!" said Dave, cheerfully. "I don't want It back. In fact, I figure It was pretty well spent." "Lots more where It came from, eh?" laughed the other. "You're from the ranches, I see, and I suppose the price of a steer or two doesn't worry you a hair's worth." "From Is right," Dave replied. "I'm from them, an' I ain't goin' back. As for money well, I spent my last nickel fqr breakfast, so I've got to line up a job before noon." The stranger extended his hand "Shake," he said. "I like you. You're no squealer, anyway. My name Is Con ward. Yours?" Dave told his name and shook hands. Conward offered his cigarette box, and the two smoked for a few moments In silence. "What kind of a job do you want?" Conward asked at length. "Any kind that pays a wage," said Dave. "1 know the fellow that runs an employment agency down here," Con- w'ard answered. "Let's go down. Per haps I can put you in right." Conward spoke to the manager of the employment agency and Intro duced Dave. "Nothing very choice on tap today,' said the employment man. "Yo can handle horses, I suppose?" "I guess I can," said Dave, "some. "I can place you delivering coal. Thirty dollars a month, and you board with the boss." "I'll take It," said Dave. The boss proved to be one Thomas Metford. He owned half a dozen teams and was engaged in the cartage business, specializing on coal. He was a man of big frame, big head, and a vocabulary appropriate to the pur poses to which he applied It. Among his other possessions were a wife, nu merous children and a bouse and barn, In which he boarded his beasts of bur den, including in the term his horses, his men and his wife, In the order of their valuation. The children were a by-product, valueless until such time as they also would be able to work. Dave learns lesson No. from Conward. (TO bfi CONTUiUaUU MAN UFA CT U R I NOJ E WJEI LER S '"Rosa eViio'.rTne, hfrSalrdur work. Fine workmanship. Prompt mall service. Mohuwk Ulclg,. Portland, Ore, naturopat Dr. UBo'VT'CrocKwell,' VpaViitliai 111 Female Discuses 704-6 Dekum Wilg, PAINLESS DENTISTRY Absolutenrp'JrToTmfTTrrTieTv method without al'-ir effects. Let u prove It to you. We make X-rny exam inations end specialize In flrat-clnsa dent istry at reasonable fees. Dr. A. W. Keen, Dr. E. W. Prehn, Majestic Theatre Bldg., 35U4 Washington Bt.. rortland, Oregon, PA1J3ALtPAEJ Vv7fteys"'fir prices. Pioneer Paint Co., 18e First Bt., Portland. , P L AT IN Q -NICKEL AND SILVER Vi1TeNTo7la7'foT"pTi fiostnge on nmall parcels. California Plat ng Works. 814 2nd St.. Portland, PERSONAL me; best and most successful "HOME MAKEK"; hundreds rich wish marriage snon; strictly confidential; most reliable; years of experience; description free. "The Successful Club," Mrs. Ball, Box 666, Oakland, California. S A FES Fire and burglar Eroof aufes, new and second and, at right prices, bought, sold and exchanged. NORRI8 SAFE A LOCK CO. 1U5 Second Street. Portland. PLUMBING AY PLJJMEJN5L5yP-P-Li9-"VvTaTTuppiyyou with any kind of plumbing supplies at wholesale prices. We will gladly estimate cost of any Job. Write for prices. STAKK-PAVI8 CO., 212Thlrd Bt Portlandj SANjTAJRYJlEAUTYPARLOJR "vWeheTthe'"apljeir? Twenty-two Inch switch or transforma tion, value ii. uu, price IU 116 LJVnuiH 1IUB' RAILWAY TELEGRAPH IN8JlfytE Youna men and women; best returns for nm't Invested. Position when quultfled. 434 Railway Exchange Bldg., Portland. RAZORS The famous compound for tempering ruzois without heat. Makes shaving a delight. The Stratanum Co., ous unamDer of Com. Uf.nirM I'nr all sLoves and heaters. Prompt attention to mall orders. Spokane Stove & Furnace Repair Works, Spokane. TEACHERS' AGENCY , Rocky Mountain Teachers' Agency, Frank K. Welles, ex-asst State Supt, mgr, Portland, Or. Teachers placed promptly, WANTED FIR PITCH will hnv Fir Pitch In any Quantities. We pay the freight and furnish the bar rels. Correspondence solicited. North western Turpentine Co., 1212 Gasco Bldg. Portland, uregon. At wholesale and retail. Mall orders promptly filled. Smith's Wall Paper House, lus-110 peconu eu., ruruauu. A Moderately-Prlced Hotel of Merit HOTEL CLIFFORD East Morrison St. and East Sixth 11.25 per Day. Two In a Room. 11.71. With the Fingers! Says Corns Lift Out Without Any Pain You reckless men and women who iro pnsfprnd with corns and who have al i,., week Invited an awful death Iiuil im I. tv nr blood poison are now told by a Cincinnati authority to use a drug called freezone, which the moment a few drops are applied to any corn or callous the soreness Is relieved and soon the entire corn or callous, root and all, lifts off with the fingers. Freezone dries the moment It Is ap plied, and simply shrivels the corn or callous without inflaming or even Ir ritating the surrounding tissue or skin. A small bottle of freezone will cost very little at any of the drug stores, but will positively rid one's feet of every hard or soft corn or hardened callous. If your druggist hasn't any freezone he can get it at any whole sale drug house for you. Adv. Churchman's Good Advice. Let "the brothers take care not to appear longfaced, gloomy or overpious; but let them be joyous about their faith in God, laughing and good mix ers. St. Francis of Assisi, Light Waves' Pressure. By the use ot delicate apparatus which he invented a Russian scientist has demonstrated that light waves ex ert a measurable mechanical pres sure. Polite Dismissal, Verona and Effie were playing house one day, when Bernice joined them. They were not particularly anxious to see her that day, and Verona said: "Well, Bernice, you can be the cook, and this is your day out." For Constipation use a natural rem edy. Garfield Tea is composed of care fully selected herbs only. At all drug stores. Adv. Failure. Failure is but a mile post along the trail of life, unless we call it the end of the journey. Forbes Magazine. JiLr Beals-Keep your Eyes ill 1 Stron8 d Healthy. If S4Li 'heyTire, Smart, Itch, or ifilintXTC Burn if So5- Irritated, IUUK 1.1 U Inflamed or Granulated, use Murine of tea Safe for Infant or Adult At all Druggists. Write for Free Eye Book. Marine Eye Remedy Company, Chicago, U. S. L Are Y lkn17 Behnke-walker Me 10B Outlined! BUSINESS COU-EGl la the biggest, moat perfectly equips: Buslaes Training School n the Nortk west. Fit yourself for a klgher posltioi with more money. Permanent poaltlona asured our Graduates. Write for aataJoc foarU aal TaaaaW rt!a New Houston Hotel Sixth and Everett Stk. Portland. Ore. fear blocks from Union Depot Tw Mot treat New PottoOee, Modem and tram Orm too evtside rooms Rates 7le as H.0O P. C MORGAN, Uuanr. P. N. U. No. 9, 1920