Image provided by: Hood River County Library District; Hood River, OR
About The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 20, 1920)
dance, ail together, everyone cf you, for it's going to be a regular time. Music from 8:30 until 2 A. M. and later if you want it. Get together and come End visit with us we will do our best to entertain ycu. ' GUARANTEED REBUILT FRANKLINS Same guarantee of Service and Workmanship as on Our New Cars ;.! : ... f List . i . i' 'A' .flann i. Uiifin-, On g' n, f r n-ai-Bales. KiiHtniiti Kodaks and Kodak BUpl ie.s (or sale at The Manpin Drug S'ore. Verli' D. Tunison who weighs t.'ight pounds came Monday nt 1 p. in. to mnke his home with Mr. uud Mrs. Verne Tunison. Ili'Vo and soft drinks at K. A. Cyr'e. CALENDAR SAMPLED Largest and Most (mmm stock rvi'i displayed tare ' s :-is J . ' j 1 its.: ? p?n llaie your rcpoits right. If yon understate your incrme the Rev eiius Department will find it some time and uss-ess the additional tax with penalty aod interest, hnt don't overlook the exemptions and credits you .are. entitled to. You ghould pay only the amount due Let us a'stiittt you. HOOT1I & DUNBAR, Income Tax Advisers, Acer tintants. Ruoni 15, Vogt Block, The Dallee, Osegon. For Sale It" wanting a beautiful mondern home furnace heat with income write to U. C. rhetteplace, The Dalles, Oregon. Blacksm-th Shop 1 ( 'ie- uud m prepar ed tu . . ' K ! t .1- , ! m vvui'k and fi- m i'.. I r p.iiriiii. Hore shoe ing h i"'iaiy. Reiifoiiahle rati 1 ' M t ;-' j t -i . .. ; ( ; - . ;f V 1. 11 -V liCS i ' -.'e. ii quire of C'l'ivi- ier or . V, -I : .Vh . " , !: -.. ii., ..i ; ; i Mr. Geo, Morris went (0 The Dull s Ji,- ' v, 1 . 1: 1 1. v. i' 1 Foru cur. in Ticies - ? "i -v mv I'm! lisli. r CI K i'Mii:- 17-IS V'ogl iiiofli', 'ivel Ci "shy'n I'rng; store, , The Dalles, Ore Phone Bluck 1111 Harvey L. and George L. Morris vviil sell your real estate take care of your loans and wrile your tire insurance Office on Deschutes Avenue ;. B. Fox U. T. Yates WASCO COUNTY ABSTRACT CO. Makers of Abstracts That L rotect. Books Posted to Date Daily Plant Second to None First National Bank Building Phone Black 2831, The Dalles, Oregon Hi: ; Mj.i', fi u W j.f-it.iiia. ! a. rn. 1 p- tv 7 &J'JlM-' 17 it to S H U lite iiionesi rnces ivsi8 mown That's What You'H G! i?cm "SilUDERT" U' WANT 'EM NOW AN WilX PAY IX E PiiiCE T9 GET 'EM KviotnauscE . b?i usoe' i K?iiwuirr'Nvi smalTI n 2 10 ll.ltt'ue riTPfl TO H.maCI tXTHfl Tc ' TR.' TPft Tr.'f Tf i'Zl B 3ULlTY COYOTE !Svj Frj, Cud 30.t to 25.00 1 22X3 iJ iFiil K.CS !DRCJll0jt9 9.10 12.00 io 7.ui! itn Mm 22,00 fg 18.00 1 18.00 to 14.H0 1 1?.CG is 'JU j , I" 09 to S 0 i MEM'lC Fine, Dark 30.00 to 25.C0 20.00 lo 15.S Si 12.CJ ' W.0i ta 8.M 10.00 to 600 Usual Color 20.00 fa 16X0 15.00 to 12.09 10."0!) 8cj 80 tj O g.COta 5.00 F.iln l5,:0!3i;,'Q 1103 to m J.H til 1M 6X:ilo 5X3 6fflo 4.08 ICO MIC ti Jill.', T If ' Tp fc':.,t-''-'c ' x 1 J flJLl' fli ( l?LJZJL"' il Black 15.08 to 12.C0E:5t8 M ?.?5i3 8.23 8f3ia 7.09 7.53 ta 3 .30 short aooto 9.30 mu m imu c.;j su 6x0103.00 Narrow 8(!0a W 6 501a m 5:3!) 5X3 4.731s 43 4.50 to 2.00 SroaJ 1 5.00 to 4 0 3.73 to 3.2i 3f0i: 2.?3!o 1.73 2.23 to 1.2S These extremely high prkcj for Ore "-a Fu.-s are based known "SHUBERT liberal gradi.ij and ara ruot d fcr ira ment. No. i, Mo. 4 ana otherwise value. Ship your Furs now when money", and get it "quicksr" too. "SH nETL'UKS WILL MAliE YOO IIAFPV TODAY AND KELP Ship AIL V.HIR t'ORS A.B.SHUBE THE LARSEST HOUSE IN THtWRLD DEALIN3 AMERICAN RAW FURS iy i7 W.Austin Ave. PcptmsChicaqo. U-SrA Local Items " " ti""" "' J''- ' ' i.eo, uavmier Him honfl 'r;Mjljtt) or,-. Phone ld-c8. MoniH A. M. White made u trip home from Dufur Tuesday and announc ed a wee girl hail come Monday night to call him pupa. Wanted to rent a farm furnish ed or unfurnii-lii'd; might consider buying after fiit year. Addrea A. W. Cook, liund, Ore., Box 01!;! Mn. Chas. Kessler and Mrs. Roy Stafford, of Banks, daughters ot Mr. ami Sirs. win. Moss are visiting relatives here. Real Fstate for Sale, Prineville, 3 lots, 8 roi 111 house wired and plumbed; 2 blocks S , one block U'. of court house. Price $3500 c.ish or will trade for cattle. II. L, Morris, Manpin, Ore. At the lat regular meeting of the Miupiu Post American Legion the following were elected us per manent oilicerd for the year: Dr. J. L. ICKvood, Post comma iider; K (' Voodi'oek, vice-ciuiimaiider; II 0. Duke, luijutmit; R. A. Cr.ihliee, historian; 0, I. Derthick . Executive ; h; i 1 e ( i r CI, I 1111 1 II III! A. column lee, I. .J in it-, li. M' hew. .oe hv ll.i K vv. w cr.ery x ii. oN Nw-JV.Jf;" T.vhj llx4 1520 A. B. S., Inc. cn the vieU immediate shin- micncr skins at lushest marltct we want 'era. You'll get "more FAST mrtccT E7XLUSVELY IN TO I Kor SalB-l'urobred S.C. WMte 'leghorn and Burred Plymouth !'.:: ', ' .,...!,.(,, ;,!, ((,r HutuiiK. Mr.. Jfruuk Jiu-, W" li i 1 1, l M-.l., Ail VCI ! i, 1 I:' J IT .-' I '' ; 1! " I' I 'ii r notice" anil notify ns iiMiitoi ately if an trior hatj ovctired, NOTICF, FOR PUBLICATION Department of the luteiior, U. S. Laud Office at The Dalles, Oregon, February loth, lyo. NOTICE is hereby given that Robert A. Stow of Tygh Valley, Oregon, who mi June 26th, 1915, made Additional Homestead Knlry No. 015172, foi Lot 4, Et-2.swi-4. Section 30, Nlil-4NK1-4 Sec, 31, Township 3 South, Range 15 East, Willam ette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make Final Three Year Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before Register and Receiver of United States Land office, The Dallei, Oregon, ou the 26th day of March 1920. Claimant names as witnesses: A. O. Harvey, of VVamic, Oregon I. A. Hull of VVamic, Oregon, J. II. Dugger, of Grass Valley, Ore gon, A, K. Leonard, of Grass Val ley, Oregon. II. Frank Woodcock, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of tlie interior, U S Land OUice at The Dalles, Oregon, February 6th, 1920. Notice is heieby given thai Maui ice C. Waid, The Dalles, Oiegon, who on Jan. -1st, 1916, made lioiuestcad L"U') ivo. ii-.yn, tin SI-2SKI-4, ?ertoi. ,.5. 'i - w iiMay 7 i-milii. Range 11 t-.asl, Wiliitn.eUt Meiidiuu lias fileo . ..I lei; i t. int ntum to inn ke l'liidi i'liite iitii 1 iu"l, to is- .llMinil Ci.-ll!) i" IK. 'Mlill hlmVi k hv Yl: 1.. at 11 ll, IIJ20. i ' ' I I Mil il.i llll .1 -1 .. : i. Y. .', U'.uo, John f.iiit, tni iji im ii, Lti naiil .'i, '.'.,. x, a. . K.iskcla, Oiegon II Fiank 'n'ooiKock, Kt K'st' i Department ot the Interior, U. S. Laud Office at The Dalhs, Oregon, February 6th, 1920. NOTICE is hereby given that, George Clifford Allen, Manpin, Oregon, who 011 F' b ruary 15th, 1916, made Home stead Entry No. 014720, for S1-2.SK 1-4 Section 26, EI-2KWI-4 and i-4, Section 35, Township 5 S null, Range i4 Hast, VVillametu Meiidian has filed notice of inten tion to make Final three yeai Ptoof, to establish claim to the land above described, before F.I). Stuart, U. S, Coinmissoner at Maupiu, Oregon, on the 19II1 da of March 1920. Claimant names as witnesses; Thomas, Faherty, John Foley, O. I. Williams, C. A. Whit lock, all of Manpin, Oregon. II, Fhaxk Woodcock, Register. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT In (lie County Court of the State of Oregon for Whk'o County Li the Matter of the Estate of Jubn Kotter, Deceased. Notice is hereby giyen that undersigned has filed his dial Report and Account as adminis trator of the estate of John Kotter. lecenped, and that the above named Court has appointed Tues- ay the loth day of March, 1920. at the hour of 10 A. M. of said day in the the Count v Court Room in the County Court House in The Oalle, Wasco County, Oregon, at the time and place (r t- hearing ofsnid final Kep,: ocount and tao settlement of paid estate. All persons having any objections 10 saw l .ii.-ii K".,,rt ,ii,d Account hereby are untitled in he present; at paid time and and show eausp, it any exit. whv s .1 Final Report and Account shou.J not be approved, and allowed. Dated and fir?t publifhe 1 Feb ruary 13th, 192Q. Laid M-t'z, Adiiilni4rutnr. ' Georgn I). Hrodie, Ihifur, Oregon Attorney ir .. viaw. NOTICE FOR I'U BLICATION Department of llic interior U. S Land Office at Tlie Dalles, '. hollLli, ' i'l,l .M' i . 1 1;; I I II .1 '4 in. - .Ml t ' ill lol c 1- i land itiiovu m 011 un u I I. nt ay '.Stuart. U. S C"iiinil'"i' 1 .MailHlu, Oiegon, no Ihe 6.0 ol Aiareh lti2U. Cluliiiant uami'H a witneenes. Joint Fane, G rover l oulas, B. Jiurx, W. O. Ward, all ii Kas kela. Oregon. ii. t RANK WOODCOCK, pn Register. NO'IICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the luteiior, U. S. Land Olliceat. Th" D.nleu, Oregon, Junuiy 13, PJ20. Notice is hereby given that Mamie L. Piuitt, formerly Mamie L. Grace of Manpin, Oregon, who on May 27'b, 1915. made Homestead Entry NO. OI.189I, for SWI-4NUI-4, ki- 2sn i-.. ski -4, Section 21, neI- 4. WVI-4, Section 28, Township 4 .South, Range 15 East, Willamette 11. has filed notice of intention to make Final three year Procf, to establish claim to the laud above desciibed, before F. D. Stuart, U. 5. Commissioner at Maupiu, Ore gon, 011 the 23rd day of February, 1920. Claimant uaines as witnesses: Jerome Lluzan, Elizabeth C. Buzau F. S. Fleming F; 11. Fryman all ofMaupiu, Oregon, H. Frank Woodcock, Register. Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, January 13th, 1920. notice is hereby given that W illiam F. Pruitt ot Maupiu, Oregon, who 011 May 241I1, 1915, made Euiiy no. 014892, lor SW1-4'. Section 22, NWI-4, Section 27, Township 4 .luuin, Range 15 East W lllamclic Aleitdian, has tiled -notice of inten tion to make Final three year esuujii.-ili cianu 10 1 Ik ai.d a.ic U1.M.1111LU, buoie F. D Stuari, U. S Commissioner, at Moiipin. Oiegon, on t;.e 23 Hi .; ' 1 1" ebi uaiy , 1920 Claimant names as vw tresses, jerume Buzau, Elizabeth C buzan F. S. Htming, F. 11. l i wnan, all "I Maupiu, Ureguifr 11. Frank Woodcock, Reglsl t-l. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION V . S. Laud Office at 1 he Dalles, -Hcg n, January 21, 1920. Notice is heieby given that a Ceorge E. Cuunin!;liam of Maupiu, Oregon, who on May 2711.1, 1910, made Homestead Entry No. 016111, and ou October 18th, 1919, made Additional Homestead Kiaty No, 012051, for W1-2NWI-4, NWI-4SWI-4, Section 13, EI-2NEI-4, SW1-4NE1-4, Section 14. Township 5 loutii. Itange 13 East, Willamette' Meiidian, has filed notice of ititeo 'ion to make Final three year Proof to establish claim to the land above desciibed before F. D, Stuart -U. S. Commissioner, at Maupiu, Oregon, on the 9U1 day of March 1920. -T Claimant names as witnesses: B. F. Turner, A. B. Ashley, B. D. Fraley, E. M. Confer, all . of Maupiu, Oregon. II. Frank Woodcock, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Dtpartmeut of the Interior U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, t-'rtgon, Februaiy 10th, 1920. Notice is hereby given that Irwin A. Hull of Tygh Valley, Oregon, who, on March 16th, 1916, made Homestead Eutry No. 015845, aud 011 April 6 1916 made Additional Homestead iintry No. 015930, for NI-2NW1-4, and .Kl-4, Section 20, W1-2NW14, Section 21, Township 3 South, Range 15 Kast, Willamette Merit'.' lau has filed notice of iuteutiou to mske Final three year Proof, to establish claim to the land ahov'- desciibed. before Register an Uecciver, United States Laud Office at The Daites, Oregon, on the 26th day of March, 1920. ' Claimant names as witnesses: A. G. Harvey, of Wamic, Oregou R. A. Stow, of Grass Valley, Ore gon, j. H. Dugger, of Grass Vai- " ley, Oregon, A E Leonard of Grass Valley, Oregon. H. FRANK WOODCOCK, UP Re&ist!