WORLD HAPPENINGS OF CURRENT WEEK Brief Resume Most Important Daily News Items. COMPILED FOR YOU Event! of Noted People, Government and Pacific Northwest, and Other Thing! Worth Knowing. Paris intellectual worker! have formed a federation, which hag been given recognition by labor organiza tion!. The nam of Herbert Hoover will be placed on the republican presiden tial preference ballot In Indiana, it Is announced. Lou Tfeng-Tsiang, Chinese minister of foreign affairs and Chen Lee, vice minister, have resigned, according to a dispatch to the state department, from Peking. No particulars were given. The United States shipping board steamer Orion, bound from Hamburg for St. John, N. B., has been caught in an Ice field in the Barrlngton pass age, off Nova Scotia and is in need of assistance, according to radio mes sages. The foreign legations have notified the Chinese foreign office that Great Britain, France, the United States and Japan are prepared to cause a loan of 5,000,000 to be Issued by a group of banks, to be Becured by the salt and other revenues. Search for the steamer Ville d'Alger, which, on February 6, was reported afire 100 miles off Reunion, in the Indian ocean, has been fruitless, ac cording to a statement made in Paris. The vessel had on board 91 passengers and a crew of 50. On the eve 6f a republican North Dakota state convention, William Grant Webster of New York filed a petition with the secretary of state as a candidate for vice-president of the United States on the republican ticket at the March primary. Young men of America should mar ry at the age of 21 and the girls they marry should be 18, Mrs. F. Josephine Stevenson of California told the Wo man's National Bar association, in con vention in Chicago. She read a paper on "Marriage and Divorce." Imports from the United States of sugar, canned meats, condensed milk, butter and cheese will be prohibited by the Italian government, in its ef fort to deal with the exchange situa tion, according to official advices to the department of commerce. In complutlng consideration of the annual postoffice appropriation bill, the senate postoffice sub-committee has Inserted an amendment providing for the establishment of a transcon tinental airplane mail route from New York to San Francisco via Chicago and Omaha. The suminor racing season opened in Paris Sunday along with the advent of summer time. The metropolitan racing season was ushered in at the beautiful Auteuil track. This year's budget of prize money exceeds by nearly 1,250,000 francs any sum hither to voted. Agreement has been reached by the Biipremo allied council to permit the sultan to maintain his court In Con Btantinoplo, but Turkey must give guarantees, especially relative to the Dardanelles, and must not have an army, according to London advices quoting a statement by Premier Mll luraud. Twenty-nine radicals, said by secret Bervlce agents to include the most dangerous terrorists in the United Statos members of the notorious L'Kra Nouva group, whose creed is assassination and violence by individ uals without waltiug for "mass action" were captured in Paterson, N. J., early Sunday by 100 picked agents of the department of justice in a dra matic raid on "red" headquarters. War rants had been sworn out for 32, but three escaped. Through an "interlocking" director ate, including not more than 500 per sona, the radical organizations of the country are attempting to gain control of American industry and destroy the present form of government, John W. Sullivan, former member of the war labor board, declared In New York In an address before the national civic federation. The meeting, presided over by Samuel Gompers, was held to consider methods of combating revo lutionary activities and the upholding of American ideals. AGREE ON RAILWAY BILL Conferee!' Plan for Joint Tribunal on Strikes Ii Altered. Washington, D. C.-FInal agreement on railroad reorganization legislation wag reached late Monday by the house and senate conferee!. The conference will deal primarily with the proposal of the president to create a joint tribunal on which both the railway corporation! and union labor will have representation, to han dle the labor demand! for increased pay. Mr. Hlnei will seek an agree ment with the executive! to the plan, which, of course, will become unnecee sary If the pending legislation is en acted Into law before the railroads are restored to their owners March 1. Railroad administration officials are desirous of having the conference com plete Us work before the meeting of union committeemen is here next Mon day to consider the president's pro posal that the wage demands be re ferred to such a tribunal. Aside from textual changes the gen eral features of the compromise bill follow the lines agreed upon recently by the conferees with the exception of the labor provision which was modi fied so as to provide for a federal appeal board appointed by the presi dent and consisting of nine members, equally divided between the employes, employers and the public. As previ ously agreed upon this board was to have consisted of five members. TREATY WAR AGAIN RAGES IN SENATE Washington, D. C Laying aside its legislative business, the senate, by unanimous consent, took up the treaty of Versailles again Monday and re sumed in all its vigor the ratification debate Interrupted last November. The opening gun in the new phase of the fight was fired by the treaty's irreconcilable foes, Senator McCor- mlck of Illinois reopening the discus sion with a speech bitterly assailing many provisions of the document and counseling the republican leaders not to consent to further compromise. He was followed by Senator Mc Cumber, who flayed the heads of both parties for their failure to compromise and declared that "child's play ob stinacy" alone stood in the way of ratification. Drawn into the debate by charges of the North Dakota senator, Senator Hitchcock asserted that the democrats already had "abandoned" their pre vious Btand and had offered a com promise, but that the republicans were demanding nothing short of complete democratic surrender. Once it got under way, the debate speedily revived the whole scale of issues which the senate had debated from last May to November. The subject technically under considera tion, a motion by Senator Lodge to modify the republican reservation on withdrawal, was not mentioned until late In the day, when Mr. Lodge took the floor to explain briefly his reasons for moving the change. When the debate was reopened the private negotiations for a compromise apparently passed Into the doldrums and some of the treaty's most active friends on both sides of the chamber predicted that there probably would be no settlement until discussion on the floor had Bpent itself. Logger Is Millionaire. South Bend, Wash. V. E. Sage of Sutico, head pond man at camp 2 of the Sunset Lumber company, is speed ing for New York in response to the news contained In a letter from a New York firm that he had become a mil lionaire. In the provisions of a will of his late uncle, Simon Sage, wealthy realty dealer of New York, he is lega tee of one-fifth of an estate valued at $7,000,000. Sage was at work when the letter was brought to him last Wednesday. He dashed to his bunk- house, changed his clothes and made ready for the Gotham trip. After buy ing his ticket he had E cents left Poles Face Starvation. Washington, D. C Poland needs 400,000 tons of American grain to avert starvation until her harvests next September, according to Stanis laus J. Arot, newly arrived here to act as plenipotentiary of the Polish government In food matters. Even with American grain, the Poles will suffer from undernourishment, he said. At present, he stated, all non producers are on rations of ISO grammes dally per person. Slav Reds Worry Poles. Warsaw. A heavy concentration of bolshevik troops is reported at three points along the Polish frontier and discussion of the soviet operations is overshadowing the peace talk, especial- ly among the Polish military authori ties. Nevertheless, discussions looking to the opening of peace negotiations, possibly in March, are continuing in Warsaw and Moscow. ANSING REINS CABINET OFFICE Wilson Accuses Secretary of Usurpation of Power. CABINET MEETS ANGER Secretary Explains Need of Gather ings While President Was Un able to Attend to Duties. Washington, D. C Robert Lansing ended his career as secretary of state Friday after President Wilson had ac cused him of usurping the powers of president by calling meetings of the cabinet during the president's illness. Mr. Lansing denied that he had sought or intended to usurp the presi dential authority. He added, however, that he believed then and still believed that the cabinet conferences were "for the best interests of the republic," that they were "proper and necessary" be cause of the president's condition and that he would have been derelict In his duty if he had failed to act as he did. As the record stands, Mr. Lansing tendered his resignation and Mr. Wll son accepted it. The resignation was offered, however, only after the presi dent, under date of February 7, had written asking if it were true Mr. Lansing had called cabinet meetings and stating that if such were the case he felt it necessary to say that "under our constitutional law and practice, as developed hitherto, no one but the president has the right to summon the heads of the executive departments In to conference." Mr. Lansing answered two days lat er, saying he had called the cabinet conferences because he and others of the president's official family "felt that, In view of the fact that we were denied communication with you, it was wise for us to confer informally together on matters as to which action could not be postponed until your medical advisers permitted you to pass upon them." The secretary concluded by saying that if the president believed he had failed in his "loyalty" to him and if Mr. Wilson no longer had confidence in him, he was ready to "relieve you of any embarrassment by placing my resignation in your hands." The president replied last Wednes day that he was "much disappointed" by Mr. Lansing's letter regarding "the so-called cabinet meetings." He said he found nothing in the secretary's letter "which justifies your assumption of presidential authority in such a matter" and added that he "must frankly take advantage of your kind suggestion" to resign. 'I must say," continued the presi dent, "that it would relieve me of em barrassment, Mr. Secretary, the embar rassment of feeling your reluctance and divergence of judgment, if you would give up your present office and afford me an opportunity to select someone else whose mind would more willingly go along with mine." ENTENTE REJECTS WILSON'S DEMANDS Paris. Premiers Millerand and Lloyd-George have sent a reply to President Wilson's note relative to the Adriatic compromise and hold to their position expressed in the note sent to the Jugo-Slav government on January 20, giving that government a choice be tween the compromise or the execution of the treaty of London, according to Pertinax in the Echo de Paris Monday morning. Mr. Wilson's charges against Italy are rejected by the two premiers, it is said by the newspaper, which declared they asserted in their reply that Italy threw all her weight into the struggle and fought for high ideals. The num ber of Italian dead is recalled in one section of the reply. While thus replying to Mr. Wilson, Mr. Lloyd-George, acting as president of the conference, wrote M. Trumbitch, Jugo-Slav foreign minister, informing hlin that England and France main tained their original viewpoint, name ly, that Jugo-Slavla must accept the compromise agreement or face the ex ecution of the treaty of London. Red Laws Held Too Mild. Spokane. William Flynn, director of the bureau of investigation, was in Spo kane Sunday conferring with secret service and department of justice of ficials. "In order to stamp out com pletely criminal anarchy the states must adopt more drastic laws," said Mr. Flynn. "While the present laws are directed at aliens, the statutes are not strict enough for the cltiien-sedl- tionist" W3 Hn idiom "WHAT'S YOUR AN8WER7" Synopsis. David Elden, son of a drunken, ahlftleu ranchman, al moit a maverick of the foothills, Ii breaking bottles with his pistol from his running- cayuse when the first automobile he hat ever seen arrives and tips over, breaking the leg of Doctor Hardy but not injur ing his beautiful daughter Irene. Dave rescues the injured man and brings a doctor from 40 miles away. Irene takes charge of the housekeeping. Dave and Irene take many rides together and during her father's enforced stay they get well acquainted. CHAPTER II Continued. For the first time he looked her straight in the face. His dnrk eyes met her grny ones and demanded truth. "Irene," he said, "do you mean that?" "Sure I do," she answered. "College courses, and all that kind of thing, they're good stuff, nil right, but they make some awful nice boys real live boys, you know Into some awful dead ones. My father says about the best education is to learn to live with in your income, pay your debts and give the other fellow a chance to do the same. They don't all learn that at college. Then there's the things you do, Just like yu were born to it, that they couldn't do to save their lives. Why, I've seen you smash six bottles at a stretch, you, going full gallop and whooping and shooting so we could . ardly tell which was which. And ride you could make more money riding for city people to look at than most of those learned fellows, with letters af ter their names like the tail of a kite, will ever see. But I wouldn't like you to make it that way. There are more useful things to do." He was comforted by this speech, but he referred to his accomplishments modestly. "Rldln' nn' shootln' ain't nothin'," he said. "I'm not so sure," she answered. "Father says the day is coming when our country will want men who can Shoot and ride more than it will want lawyers and professors." "Well, when it idocs it can call on me," he said, and there was tne prme In his voice which comes to a boy who feels that in some way he con take a man's place In the world. "Them Is two things I sure can do." Years later she was to think of her remark and his answer, consecrated then in clean red blood. They talked of many things that af ternoon, and when at last the length ening shadows warned them it was time to be on the way they rode long distances in silence. Both felt a sense which neither ventured to express, that they had traveled very close In the world of their hopes and Borrows and desires. The shadows had deepened into darkness, and the Infinite silence of the hills hung about them as they dropped from their saddles at the Elden door. A light shone from within, and Doctor For the First Time He Looked Her Straight In the Face. Hardy, who was now able to move about with the aid of a home-made crutch, could be seen setting the table, while Mr. Elden stirred a composition on the stove. They chatted as they worked, and there was something of the joy of little children in their com panionship. The young folks watched for a moment through the window, and In Dave's heart some long-forgotten emotion moved momentarily at the sight of the good-fellowship prevailing in the old house. Irene, too, was think ing; glimpses of her own butlered home, and then this background of primal simplicity, where the old cow man cooked the meals and the famous specialist set the plates on the bare board table, and then back of It all her mother, sedate and correct, and very much shocked over this mingling of the classes. "Well, you youngsters must have this country pretty well explored," said Doctor Hardy, as they entered the house. "Where was it today the prairies, the foothills or the real fel lows behind ?" "The canyon up the river," said Irene, drawing off her sweater. "What's the eats? Gee 1 I'm hungry I Getting nrettv sucDle. Daddykins, aren't you?" "Yes. an' I'm sorry for it miss," said The COW PUNCHER By Robert J.C. Stead Author c ore othar Kttchnr, and othar poem lylrwlnMytr mnm 0 WtHMl the old rancher, "not wlshln' bim any harm, or you, neither. We was Jus' talkin' It over, an' your father thlnka he'i spry enough for the road again. Ain't ever goln' to be like It used to be after he's gone, an' you." "We'll be aorry to go," said the doc tor. "That'i what I've been saying all day, and thinking, too. If misfortunes can be lucky, ours was one of that kind. I don't know when I've enjoyed n holiday bo much. What do you say, girl?" he asked, as he rested nn arm on her round, firm shoulder and looked with fatherly fondness Into the fine brown af her face. "I've never known anything like it," she answered. "It's wonderful. It's life." Then with a sudden little scream she exclaimed : "Oh, daddy, why can't you sell your practice and buy a ranch? Wouldn't that be wonderful?" "Your mother might not see It that way," he replied and her eyes fell. Yes, that was the obstacle. She would have to go buck to the city and talk bv rule, and dress by rule, and behave by rule, and be correct. "It's been a good time," the doctor continued, when they had commenced supper, "but I've already overstayed my holiday. I feel I can travel now, and my leg will be pretty strong by the time I am back east. If Dave will oblige us by going to town tomorrow and bringing back some one who can drive a car, we will be able to start the following morning. I will just take the car to town, and either sell it there or ship it." The following morning found Dave early on the trail, leading a saddled horse by his side. The hours were leaden for the girl all that day and, looking into the future, she saw the specter of her life shadowed down the years by an unutterable loneliness, How could she ever drop it all all this wild freedom, this boundless health, this great outdoors, this life, life how could she drop it all and go back into the little circle where con vention fenced out the tiniest alien streamlet, although the circle itself might lie deep in mire? And how would she give up this boy who had grown so imperceptibly but so inti mately into the very soul of her being give him up with all his strength and virility and, yes, and coarseness, If you will, hut sincerity, too an essential man, as God made him In exchange for a machine-made counterfeit with the stamp of Society? Deeply did she ponder these questions, and as the dny wore on she found herself possessed of a steadily growing determination that 6he would not follow the beaten trail, let the by-paths lead where they might. Darkness, save for a white moon, had sert Jed over the foothills when the boy returned with another young man. The stranger ate a ravenous supper, but was not too occupied to essay con versation with Irene. He chose to call her cook. "Swell pancakes, cook," was his opening remark. "Can you find an other for yours truly?" She refilled his plate without an swer. "Used to know a girl mighty like you," he went on. "Waitress In the Royal Edward. Geel but she was swell! A pippin! Class? Say, she had 'em all guessing. Had me guessing myself for a while. But Just for a while." He voiced these remarks with an air of Intense self-approval more offensive than the words. Irene felt the color rise about her neck and cheeks and run like an over flowing stream Into her ears and about her hair. It was evident that, for a second time, Dave had chosen to say nothing to strangers about her pres ence at the ranch. Her father and Mr. Elden were in Dave's roonl ; Dave had stopped eating, and she saw the veins rising in his clenched fists. But the challenge was to her, and she would accept it ; she felt no need of his pro tection. "Fill your stomach," she said, pass ing more nancakes: "your head is hopeless." He attempted a laugh, but the meal was finished In silence. The stranger lit a cigarette and Irene went to the door with Dave. "Come for a walk," he whispered. "The horses are tired, so let's walk. . . . It's our last chance." She ran for her sweater and rejoined him In a moment. They walked in silence down a path through the fra grant trees, but Dave turned from time to time to catch a glimpse of her face, white and fine as ivory in the soft light. He had much to say, but he was tongue-tied under the spell of her beauty. "You squelched him, all right," he broke out, at length. "Just in time, too, I think " she re plied. "I was watching your hands." He smiled a quiet but very confident smile. "Reenle." he said, "that fellow makes me sick. All the way out he talked about girls. He's a city chap an' wears a white collar, but he ain't fit to Epeak your name. Another min ute an' I'd V had 'im by the neck." He seized a spruce limb that stuck across their path. It was the size of a stout stick, but he snapped it with a turn of his wrist It was very tough ; it ooied sticky stuff where he broke It "Ills neck," he said, between his teeth, "Jus' like that." They reuched an open space, some thing bluck or wus It red? lay on , the ground. Dave bent over it a mo ment, then looked up to her white, clear face, white uud clearer than ever since witnessing the strength of his hate. "It'g a calf," he said, as calmly as he could. "Half et up. Wolves, I guess." "The poor, poor thing 1" she breath ed. "The poor, Innocent thing I wny did it have to die?" "It's always the Innocent things at mfferg," he answered. "Always the Innocent thing!," ihe repeated mechanically. "Alwaya " She aprang to her feet and faced him. "Then .what about the Justice of God?" she demanded. "I don't know nothin' about the Jus tice of God," he answered bitterly. "All I know is the crlttur 'at can't run gets caught." There was a long pause. "It doesn't seem right," she suid at length. "It ain't right," he agreed. "But 1 guess it's life. I see It here on the prairies with every llvln' thing. I guess I was like that, some. I've been caught. I guess a baby ain't respon sible for anything, Is it? I didn't pick my father or my mother, did I? But I got to bear it." There was something near a break In his voice on the lust words. She felt she must speak. "I think your father is a wonderful old man," she suld, "und your mother must hove been wonderful, too. You should be proud of them both." "Reenle, do you mean that?" he de manded. His eyes were looking straight Into hers. "Absolutely," she answered. "Ab solutely I mean It." "Then I'm goin to say some more things to you," he went on rapidly. "Things 'at I didn't know whether to say or not, but now they've got to be said, whatever happens. Reenle, I haven't ever been to school or learned lots of things I should 'a' learned, but I ain't a fool, neither. I didn't learn to break all those bottles in a day. Well, I can learn other things, too, an' I will, if only It will take me across. I'm goin' to leave this old ranch, some way, jus' as soon as It can be arranged. I'm goln' to town an' work. I'm strong ; I can get pretty good wages. I've been thinkln' it all over, an' was askin' some questions in town today. I can work days an' go to school nights. An' I'll do It If It'll get me across. You know what 1 mean. I ain't nskin' no pledges, Ree nle, but what's the chance? I know I don't talk right, and I don't eut right you tried not to notice but you couldn't help but, Reenle, I think right, an I zuess with a girl like you that counts mure tliun catln nnd talkin'." She hud ihiniaht s-he could say yes or no to any question lie could ask, but as he poured forth these plain, passionate words she found herself enveloped in a flume that found no ex pression in speech. She had no words. She was glad when he went on : "I know I'm only a boy an' you're only a girl. That's why I don't ask no pledge. I leave you free, only I want you to stay free until I have my chance. Will you promise that?" She tried to pull herself together. "You know I've had a good time with you, Dave," she said, "and I've gone with you everywhere, like I would not have gone with any other boy I ever knew, and I've talked and let you talk about things I never talked about be fore, and I believe you're true and clean and and " "Yes," he said. "What's your an swer?" "I know you're true and clean," she repeated. "Come to me like that when I'm a woman and you're a man, and then then we'll know." He was tall and straight, and his shadow fell across her face, as though 1 "Reenle," Ho Said, "Kiss Me." even the moon must not see. "Ree nle." he said, "kiss me." For one moment she thought of her mother. She knew she stood at the parting of the ways ; that ail life for her was being molded in that moment. Then she put both arms about his neck and drew his lips to hers. Dave goes to town to seek his fortune. (TO BE) CONTINUED.) It's the Calm Ones Who Get Fat "So you married that Miss Meek. I remember her well, a quiet shrink ing sort of girL" "Nothing shrinking about her; she's twice the size ah used to be," Boa ton Transcript .1