imi "?f Pleas. Meatlos This Paper When BONDS write tor descriptive circulars ana booklets. rite for descriptive di s i O a " I MORRIS BROTHERS, Inc., Morrii Building, 309-11 Stark Street Welding FRED DUNDEE pa SAVE 75 PER JJ You can avoid the hiffh prices of some new tires. As long as the fabric in in eood condition, don't throw them au'nv. Hm Id nntn VfiW thorn Express in your Guaranteed 4000 M ,. "U1Ula Mile. 70 Suth Street, Hotel Alder DIXIE BREAD Ask Your Grocer You Will SAFE AND at VAUDEVILL FLOWERS Phones Main 5102 BUTTER FA" r? Vta n.i ' mi THE BEST$ IN Bend us your name ana we win man you our quotation. RIVERVIEW DAIRY COMPANY, 1003 Belmont St.. Portland, Oregon. Established 1911. THE When in Portland try this, RESTAURANT PEPPER Good Service Moderate Prices. BOX Right Down Town. 108 Fifth Sl Nl io New" Perkins Hold Smelt HEYES BROS., BISSINGER & CO., t Jlr o the roast. Ore.; Wool Pullery Bellwood Sta., paid at all times. Ground Gripper Shoes are made and carried in stock !ormen,women and children, and can be fit by maiL SEND FOR LITERATURE GROUND GRIPPER SHOE STORES Mm Wash. Street Portland, Oresoi. 756 SL Helens Ave., Tacoma, Washington Mi "Where Home Comforts Abound" PORTLAND, ORK. The pleasure of your trip to Port land will depend upon the hotel you select Cozy surroundings, moderate rates, and the welcome you find In your own home towa, await you at the Multnomah. Garage in Connection. Added Information. Little Vivian was repeating the Lord's prayer after her mother one evening, and when she reached that part which relates to our dally bread she paused and said: "Mamma, 'ou might mention to Dod zat I like butter on It." Dally Thought. Dreaming o' a tomorrow, which to morrow will be as distant then as to day. Tome Burgulllos. IE i i ' Tr rr (MULT DMA!! !! ) aaa m m IK II Answering Thee. AdrertlMmenta. If you Must sell your LIBERTY or VICTORY uKnil? I18-J If yu can buy mor LIBERTY ! CJ;UKY bonds buy frm "a- We buy and Bell at the New York market GOVERNMENT AND MUNICIPAL RONrxi PORTLAND. ORECON CRACKED CYLINDERS AND BROKEN CASTINGS Motor Car Repairing i, Machine Works Portland, Oregon. m 0F Y0I,R TIRE E old tires. 1 1Kt SUffLY UJ., PORTLAND, ORE. RoomB SI per day and up. Special montbly rates. Out-of-town visitors made to feel at home. Southern Pacific electric train depot in asms building. J. W. BUSHONG. Manager. 8X6 Alder St., eor. 4th. - PORTLAND. ORB HAYNES-FOSTER BAKING CO. Portland, Ore. Dixie Co., Astoria, Ore. SALEM BAKING CO., Salem. Ore. You Can't Break 'Em! Get Springs with written guarantee for year. 15,000 Springs in Stock. Portland, Ore. Feel Right at Home Here CENTRAL REASONABLE RATES NORTONIA HOTEL 11th and Stark, Portland, Ore. But Meets All Trains HEILIG Sunday, Monday, Tuesday Nlgbta Sun. Mon. Tues. Wed. Afternoons TKFATFR Show Wti- N'"hi Occasionally. I illirt 1 Ll s 15e ,, ilM. 15t ?5t TON SET H FLORAL CO. The House of Flowers FOR ALL OCCASIONS 287 Washington St., Portland. Oregon Keep the Northwest Prosperous by using Northwestern Made Goods. 7,- ".&., Inc. Hiorhest Pri- fnr Rnrtei-fot and send check bv return mail. Live Agents Wanted ' WRITE US AT ONCE We have a full line of New and Used Motorcycles and Bicycles INDIAN MOTORCYCLE & BICYCLE CO. 204 6 3rd SL (S!alt'Dislrihii!or) Portland, Ore. FRESH COLUMBIA RIVER SMELT Soon to Appear Send Orders to 205 Yamhill St., PORTLAND, ORE. Wool, Pelts, Tallow. Wool Pullers 148 - 154 North 13th St.. P. O. box 4378 rortiana, Portland. your goods; highest prices Clock of Long Service. In the examination hall at Canton, China, where under the old regime students sat for their military tests, is a water clock which has automatically recorded the time for 3,000 years. Country WanU Blgnesi. The bigger the man the more room there is for him out In the country. Not much room there for the small souls. . , $tEp'rlORA0 iiliSpldll z - - 'T7 ffffZk' P!W1 HOLT AUTOMATIC LIGHTING BIG MONEY TRAPPING r MUSKRATS Make a fortuue now on muskrats. Never was the demand so great. Never were the prices so high. Trapping muskrats is easy and interesting work. All Other Furs Wanted You'll get highest prices. You'll get your check im mediately. You'll get fair treatment in shipping to H. LIEBES & CO., Dept. B., Liebes Bldg. Portland, Ore. TRUSSES We specialize In fitting truBBea. Send for meaeur- inir blank and circular. We carry everything in Draff. Rubber Goods, Elastic Hos lerr, etc., and pay postage. LAUE-DAVI8 DRUG CO., Trass Experts OREGON PORTLAND, Si&i JJti&4Xfrt-tt-iinUi!s- Warn. Turkeys Wanted We alto pay best market prices for Cream, Eggs and Live Poultry. HAZLEWOOD COMPANY Front and Ankeny Sts., Portland, Ore, Box 746 Carpenters Wanted for work on new unit of pa per mill at West Linn, $5.20 for 8 hrs. work. Splendid accommodations in new ho tel. Meals 35c; beds 10c, 25c, 35c. Apply Crown Wil lamette Paper Co., West Linn, Oregon. EVERYTHING FOR THE OFFlCt Office Furniture & Appliances Printing s Engra ving .: Bookbindinc 4ARSKAU. 6060 WTM OAK STBESTS eOATLANO. OSKOO COMPLETE LINE OF STEEL t flUNO DEVICES ANO SYSTEMS "1920 Seed Catalog and Buyers Guide, of vital interest to GARDENERS, POULTRYMEN, ORCHARDISTS & FARMERS PLANT No Storage Battery. 1 10 volt: Good for 30 25-watt Lamps. Stand ard made plant. Will run washing" marhuie. cream separator, pumps, etc. Now being demon strated by Rierdan Electric Company, Near the City Hall Write for Folder. 271 Jefferson St., Portland. Ornron Optimistic Thought. The hero lifteth his sword against the enemy that reslsteth, but no Boon er does he submit than he Is satisfied. Even Then. Even the man who thinks twice be fore he speaks Is often sorry he said it.- Boston Transcript. Any fool knows how to resist, but It is the province of a wise man to know how and when to submit INFORMATION DEPARTMENT Commercial Information furnished free of charge. Catalogues supplied and com merclal Inquiries cheerfully answered. Write any firm below! Do It nowl ADJUSTMENTS AND COLLECTIONS Fearey Bros., Inc.. 806' Peknm Building. Short Adjustment Co.826 N.W.Bnk. Big. ARTIFICIAL TEETH SPECIALIST Dr. E. C. Rossman, 307 Journal Bldg. ATTORN EY-AT-LA W Wm. S. U'Ren, Oregonian Bldg., Portland. Bakers. Confectioners. Fountain Supplies Gray. McLean & Percy, 4th & Glisan Sts. AUTO TIRES Mason Tire Sales Co., 82 N. Broadway. Complete line for live dealer. Write. CIGARS, PIPES FOR CHRISTMAS nich's'Clgar Stores. 6th and Wash. St. DENTIST, LATE U. S. NAVY Dr. P. O. Brown, 809 Stevens Bl, Portland PENT I ST E. Wright, 308 Raleigh Bldg., 6 & Wn. E LE CT RIC'e." ADV E RTISING JSIG N 8 Union Sign Co., 79 West Park at Oak. EXPERT GOWN MAKER Miss M E. Cole, 207 Tllford Bl, 10 & Mor. EYE, EAR, THROAT SPECIALIST Henry C. Vlere.-k, M. P.. 310 Selling Bldg. FARM LIGHTING PLANT Lalley Light, 93 1st SL GOITRE SPECIALIST RM. Erwln, M. D.. Wn-frl Journal Bldg. DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY Aronson's, Broadway and Washington Sts. HEMSTITCHING Ella M. Stevens, 2nd Fir, 860 Morrison. KODAKS AND FOUNTAJNPENS Sandy, Portland's Kodak and Pen man. MILLINERY & PARCLEY CORSET Jones Millinery, 89 Grand Ave. MUSIC SCHOOL OrejronConservatoryofMuslc, 165 4th St. OIL SHAMPOOING 4 MANICURING Myrtle Clarke, 733 Morgan Bldg, Portland PAjNLESSJlHlROPODIST Dr. Ethel A. Sacry," R 603-4, 327 Wash. St PHOTOGRAPHIC STUDIO Hofsteathar, 16514 3rd bet. Mor. & Yamhill PHOTO STUDIO V. L. Northrup, 412 Washington St. PIANOS 4 TALKING MACHINES Soule Bros., 166 Tenth St. "" PIANOS AND PHONOGRAPHS G. F. Johnson Piano Co., 149 6th. PIPES, FITTINGS, ALL SIZES Ztdell-Berenson Co., 208 Front St. POULTRY AND PETS Cash Produce Co., 300 East Morrison St. PLASTER DOLLS AND NOVELTIES Rose City Novelty Wka., 105 Grand Ave. POTATOES Potatoes, Onions, Apples, carload lota. W. S. Hurst & Co., Wholesale Produce p alers, 202 AlderSt, Portland. PROTECT YOUR EYES A. E. Hurwltz, Optometrist, 226 First St. PYORRHEA DENTISTS Smith Long Service, 310 Bush & Lane Bl. REALTORS Scandl navian-American Stark St. Realty Co., 248 SHEET METAL & RETINNINQ WKS. Union Ave. Metal Wks., 411 Union Ave. SANITARIUM- Ijr. A. V. Downs, 940 Corbett Bt TEACHERS AGENCY Yates-Fisher, free registration, Brdy Big. TUPEYSiVEAL,JHOGS1JRODUCE Ruby & Co., 169 Front8t, Portland. WATER PRESSURE SYSTEM Duro Pumps, 93 1st St. CANCER TREATED Lowell M. Jones, M. D., 812 Morgan Bldg. A Moderately-Priced Hotel of Merit HOTEL CLIFFORD East Morrison It. and East Sixth 11.25 per Day. Two In a Room, 11.71. AUTO ACCESSORIES uiassy bus bodies Prices 185 and up. Burneis & Martin 16th ft Alder sts., Portland LOOK OUT ! Keep your windshield clear In all kind of weather. Use SEE-CLEAR and AVOID ACCIDENTS. Send 60 cents and be sarin. K. (J. Fiske, 230 Stark St., Port luiiu, lyre. NATUROPATH DrTCeirCrockmn Femule Diseases 704-6 Dekum Bldg. QUEEN CITY SsSffirsJH soldiers rotfumtion Uoats redyed and re modeled. Superior process, certain to (five cuon. we pay postage one way. 288 Grand Avenue, Portland RHEUMATISM-PILES-CONSTIPATION Wild Pigeon Springs Mineral Water Nature's own remedy from the Hock, Drink it and get welL Bottled by Rock Remedy Co., 7 1st St., Portland, Or. BUY THIS INCOME In Salem, 30-room apartment house, well furnished, always full of tenants. god location, fine income property. Can tie Dougnt right. Consider some trade H. M. Baker, 645 Ferry St., Phone 1806-W. SAFES Fire and burglar proof safes, new and second hand, at rignt prices, Dougnt, sold ana exchanged. NORRIS SAFE & LOCK CO, 106 Second Street, Portland Simple, Harmless Home Remedy Brings' Results The medicinal properties of olive oil have been known for hundreds of years. SAL011ENE mixed with olive oil Is a household remedy for rheumatism. No medicine chest should be wlthuut this wonderful remedy during the winter months. RM B K f 100 will be paid for sny case Had Smelling reet that the K. foot Remedy will not PREPAID BY MAIL 13.00 17 f f T'1' win h" nM ,OT " P"1 r J J 1 between the Toes that K. M. K. rw'" not remove without pain ULML II Vor knife. PREPAID 11.00 11 L 111 L V 1 AGENTS WANTED. Robbiu-Mirr Remedy Ca., 314 Stock Eicbtnge Building His Regret, One shrewd old farmer who had heard his first lecture on dietetics said if he'd known as much about feeding children as he did about ra tions for cows and hogs "his family' have been a heap healthier folks." Philosophical. "Love levels all things," sighed the sad-eyed swain, with a pang of pain, as his sweetheart sat on his new high hat and smashed it flat. I BJ1 Stissiaf Jus tU Met Lis) '4(1 rTsULLIVAN HIDE & WOOL CO. Jl frW 144 Front St ACCORDIAN PLEATING Knife" and "box pleating, hemstitchinc loe yd. Buttons covered. Eastern Novelty tg. CO., sovi l'Utti street, Portland. RTIFICIAL LIMBS Ul'eKun Artificial Limb Co.. Inc. Write for Catalog. 425 Wash. St., Portland. ENTAL SUPPLIES John Welch Dental Depot. Dental sup ies of all kinds. Morgan Bldg., Portland. UILDING MATERIAL SHOPE BRICK CO., face and mantel ick a specialty. Fhone East 13 5: Res . dence, East 1797. StilVj E. Morrison St ortiund, ure. We will gladly make est! mates. Wall Board. 32 and 4X In wiile nn tn 12 ft. length. P. L. Cherry Co.. 271 Haw thorne Ave., Portland. Ore. EAUTY PARLOR Alill'inello Cosmetic Shnn. Permanent hair wave. Most modern equipped cosmet ic shop In city. 203 Brdy HI.. Mar. 2207. ARPET WEAVING AND CLEANING Rag Rugs, all sizes. Mall orders prompt. Send for Booklet 9x12 Rugs, Steam or Dry Cleaned, $1.50. VVrJHTKKiN FLUiK RUG CO. 54-58 Union Ave. N. East 6516. B-1475 LEANING AND DYEING "1'or reliable Cleaning nadT5ydngserv Ice send parcels to us. We pay return postage. Information and prices given E.NKE'S CITY DTE WORKS Established 1890 Portland RUGS BY MAIL Oregon Herbs (Nature's Teal for kidnev and bladder troubles. 6Uc a Dkg bv mall. lummer Drug Co, 3d $ Madison, Portland DOORS AND WINDOWS We can sell vou Doors. Windows.. Roof ing, Paint, Glass and Builders' Hardware, direct at wholesale prices. Write for Slices before buying. Heacock Sash & ioor Co., 212 First St., Portland. IDES, WOOLS & CASCARA BARK XNnuKhsTjrsU quotation. Kahn Bros., 195 Front St. URS RAW FURS BOUGHT TluThHtDilceirTlie'r land Uld(r., upstairs. HAIR DRESSING Mme. Grenell relieves itching scalp Moles, superfluous hair removed. iledner Building. MACHINERY Send us your Inquiries anvthlna tn Iron or Woodworking Machinery, Logging, Snwliiill, Contractors' Equipment, Loco motives, Boilers, Engines, Crushers, Kail, Cable, Belting, etc. Burke Machinery Co.. 28 Hallway Exchange Bldg., Portland, Or. HIDES AND JUNK L. Shaiik&CoTlFFrontnr?trT;aV?im market values lor hides, pelts, old rubber, metals, etc. HEMSTITCHING Iv. Stephan. hemstitching, scallonlnc braiding, accordion side pleat, buttons covered; mail orders. 219 Plttock block. Accordion Pleating. Hemstitching. But- ons covered. Custom made shirts, Art Ombroidery & Button Co.. Morgan Bide-.. furtianu. PORTLAND MARBLE WORKS 264-200 Fourth St. Neu Bros. PAINTS AND WALL PAPER Write us for prices. Pioneer Paint Co. 86 First St., Portland. PORTLAND C.o with the crowd to the Abliurton riiug., foruana, . lu uu.v. sell ui exciiuiiife Real Estate. v ranK u. Mcuuire. PLATING NICKEL AND SILVER write today for prices wo lav return postage on small parcels. California Plat nig works, 214 2nd St., Portland. OXY-ACEf YLENE WELDiNGiCUTTING earn a good paying trade. We teach you now to weld all classes of metals. w rite tor circular and prices. W-U VVKL.D1.NU WORKS 105 East Water St. Portland, Ore PERSONAL me; best and most successful "HOMJfi MAKKK : hundreds rich wish marriuire suon; Binctiy contmenuai; most reliable; years or experience; description free. "The Successful Club." Mrs. Hull. Box 5ju, Oakland, California. PLUMBING & PLUMBING SUPPLIES We can supply you with any kind of piutnmnfr supplies at wnoiesaie prices. We will gladly estimate cost of any job. w rite ror prices. STAKK-DAVIS CO., 212-Third St., Portland. SANITARY BEAUTY PARLOR We help the appearance of women, Twenty-two inch switch or transforma tion, value ?7.00, price WAb. 400 to 412 Dekum Bldg. RAILWAY TELEGRAPH INSTITUTE Young men and women; best returns amt Invested. Position when qualified. 4.14 uauway exchange mug., ror t land, RAZORS The famous compound for tempering razors without heat. Mares shaving delight. The Stratanum Co., 0U9 Chamber or Com. ?! UeuaiiH tur all Htovea ami lit-at Prompt attention to mall orders. Spokane Htove & f urnace itepatr woi-kh, wpoKane, TEACHERS' AGENCY Kocky Mountain Teachers' Agency, I' rank K. ellcs. ex-asst Slate Hiipt. mgr Portland, Or. Teachers placed promptly. 3 At wholesale and retail. Mail orders promptly filled. Smith's Wall Paper House, liix-nn wecnnil Ht., I'nrtlnnrt. Possession Begets Desire. A man doesn't really know what money will do for him until he has a lot of it. That is why men want more as they get more. The same Is true of knowledge, or fame, or friends, or religion. His Versatility. Many a man who boasts he can turn his hand to anything has also a genius for putting his foot In it. Edinburgh Scotsman. Egyptian Pyramids. It took 123,000,645 slaves, working 14 hours a day for three centuries to complete the pyramids of Egypt, and the mummies exported from them have not brought, all told, (1,000,000, New York Sun. ELECTRIC MOTORS Bought, Sold, Ranted and Repairs WALKrJK Ll.bClKli; WUKKS Barnslde, cor. loth. Portland. On t Do Your Own Plumbing By buying direct from'ua at wholesale prices and save the plumber's profits. Write us to day your needs. We will give you our rock bottom "direct-to-you" prices, f. o. b. mil or boat. We actually savs you from 10 to ii5 per cent. All goods guaranteed. Northwest headquarters for Leader Water Systems and Puller A Johnson Kngines. STARK-DAVIS CO. 212 Third Streat. Portland, Ortson P. N. U. No. 4, 1920 1mm "'"wo tlitlkpt Breaking all Records; Hisrht now when milk prices are break ing all records is the time to make new hitth records .in milk production. It is sur prising how effectively this can be accom plished by raisins the health standard of your dairy cows. 9 The most prevalent cow ailments Abor tion, Retained Afterbirth, Bunches, Lost Ap petite, Scours, etc. arise from an impaired condition of the genital and digestive or gans. Kow-Kure has remarkable medicinal properties that act directly on these organs, producing regular, healthy action. Feed dealers and druggists sell Kow-Kure, In 60c. and 1.20 packages. Send for tree book "THE HOME COW DOCTOR" Dairy Association Co. Lradenrills, Vt. For Constipation, Biliousness, Liver and Kidney troubles, take Garfield Tea. Adv. NAME 'BAYER' MEANS ASPIRINjS GENUINE 'akc without fear as told in "Bayer package" To break up a cold in the head, neck, back, or any part of body be sure you take only "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" with the Bafety "Bayer Cross on tiiem. Ths Is the genuine Aspirin prescribed by physicians for over eighteen years. In each unbroken Bayer" package are proper directions to safely relieve your Colds, Heartache, Neuralgia, mar ache, Toothache, Rheumatism, Sciatica, Lumbago, Neuritis and Pains generally. Handy tin boxes containing 12 tab lets coBt only a few cents at any drug store also larger Bayer packages. Aspirin is the trade mark of Bayer Manufacture of Monoacetlcacldester of Salicylicacld. Adv. postal card to Garfield Tea Co.," Brooklyn, N. Y asking for sample will repay you. Adv. Need for Both Law and Sword. In all government there must of ne cessity be both the law and the sword; laws without arms would give us not liberty but licentiousness, and arms without laws would produce not sub jection but slavery. Colton. His Poor Selection. 'I can't believe mo' dan half some folks says," said Uncle Eben, "an' somehow de half I does believe is mos' generally de half dat aln' so." HAVE YOU A SWEETHEART Son or Brother In camp or training for defensel If so, mail him a package of Allen's Foot Ease, the antiseptic Powder for Tired, Aching, Swol len Feet, and prevents DUBters ana sore spots. Makes walking easy. Sold everywhere, 26c. YES! MAGICALLY! CORNS LIFT OUT WITH FINGERS i,ms,,fciMStia"t"a""S"a"SS"t"B You corn-pestered men and women need suffer no longer. Wear the Bhoeg that nearly killed you before, says this Cincinnati authority, because a few drops of freezono applied directly on a tender, aching corn or callous stops soreness at once and soon the corn or hardened callous loosens so It can be lifted out, root and all, with out pain. A small bottle or freezone costs very little at any drug store, but will positively take off every hard or soft corn or callous. This should be tried as It is inexpensive and is said not to irritate the surrounding skin. If your druggist hasn't any freezone tell him to get a small bottle for you from his wholesale drug house. It Is fine Btuff and acts like a charm every time. Adv. Taking Garfield Tea keeps the system clean, the blood pure and the general health good. Buy from your druggist Adv. If you can't tell the truth, do not toll anything. If you do not wish to answer a man's question, tell him that if you did it would embarrass him and yourself, and he'll be glad to lot you off. Are Yon Satisfied? BF.HNK WALKER BUSINESS COLLEGE la the biggest, most perfectly equipped Bust sobs Training School In ths Nortk west. Fit yourself for a higher posttloi with mors money. Permanent positions assured our Graduates. Write for s.tsdof JosrU ail TasakJU Fortius. IJDTNR ResU.BelreshcJ.Soolhei, V!Vir Ueals-KeeD vour Eve Strong and Healthy. If t hey Tire, Smart, Itch, or T ix c f : . i UUR LTU Inflamed or Granulated, use Murine often. Safe for Infant or Adult At all Druggists. Write for Free Eye Book Murine Eyt Bcmedy Company, Cblcags, U.S.A. SSL. mm a asms