THE MAUPIN y Demoted to the Interests of Southern Wasco County VOL 6, NO. 13 MAUPIN SOUTHERN WASCO COUNTY, OREGON. FRIDAY. JANUARY 9, 1920 THE YEAR $1.50 Rebekahs Install Last Wednesday evening Wapi nitia Rebekah Lodge No. 191 of I. 0. 0. F. installed their officers for the ensuing term. Sister Vena Kaiser, D. D, P. was in stalling officer. N. G., l.ydia Fraley; V, 0., Fern Jory; Sec'y. Margie Stuart; Treas , Frances Talcott; Chaplain, Lora Doty; Cod., Ida Duncan; Warden, May Slusher; R. S. N. O , Violet Crab tree; L. S. N. 0., Maude Crabtree R. S.V.G., Vina AyreB; L. L. V. G., Lena Turner. I. G , Dee Tal cott; 0. G., Williard Cunningham After initiation and installation of the officers the Rebekahs repair ed to the banquet hall where a delicious chicken supper served by the Odd Fellows was enjoyed by all. SENT IN BY OUR New Subscribers The following renewed their subscription to the Times during the past few days: L. C Wilhelm M. L. Arnett J. W. Ward J. Rice L. D. Kelly Hemar Martin A.W. Cook Peter Kilburg returned the last of the week from a trip to the metropolis. 1 Wapinitia Items This section has been vis' el the past week by the l.eaiest fig that has been here for a 1 ng tin e For seyeral days last week it doze on everything; telephone wires were large as cables and a number of the lines between here and Maupiu were broken by the heavy weight, but all are repaired mw Monday night about two inclus of biiow fell and the fog lifted but has settled down ngain. j Irma Smith returned to hir school in Portland Sunday night after a teu days' visit wthhinn folks. N. G. Hedin and Harold Reth- erferd returned from Portland Saturday evening. They left lcr 1 The Dulles Tuesday morning. Miss Ruby Wilson returne 1 from Portland Saturday and re sumed her school at Pii e Grove Monday, the first school there since the big snow, Tomy Kingsley who is trapping in the mountains this winter can e out here Monday. He ret ror s there is scarcely any snow in the mountains at present, it being as deep at Bear creek as it is at the b lmmit. Mr. Kingsley brought out 40 marten, 2 red fox and 7 To the Citizens of the Maupin Voting Precinct:- I, the undersigned, have concluded that the judg ment of my friends opposing incorporation of the town of Maupin is better than mine on that subject. Therefore we will not hold the meeting as adver tised in the Maupin Times on January 2nd. 1920. Dated at Maupin, Oregon, this 5th day of January, 1920. H. L. Morris. The Sam Lewis Com pany Soon to Appear A Million Dollars A Minute Tco much money isn't it? And yet that is what the New Yorkers This splendid Company of 4 artists SinimrH Musicians and entertainers annearimr here onPaid Tora SkeyhiU on the night ol the Lyceum Circuit January 30thjOctobe 9th',1918 whc" whal U" mew iom lnoune lertnt'U me It Pays to Pay Cash at Jory's F. M. Jory When in Need of Dependable Goods -- Our Prices Are Right GROCERIES FRESH VEGETABLES BLANKETS Gas Air-o-lite Lamps "It Pays to Pay Cash at Jory's" will he the big event of the season and unless you have already .done so, don't lose any time in securing your seats for this attraction. Over 15) season tickets have already been sold and while we can at pi en 'lit accommodate that many mere it is going to be "S. R. 0." (Standing Room Only) for some of the late ones. Call up Central; she will fix tilings for you, and tbe first time you come down you can come in and get you tickets but DO IT today and insure yourself a good seat for tbe season. nun pfffllaiv ermine. He shipped 26 marten at one time before this season, making 'a total of 66. Clyde Flinn aud Miss Myrtle Chappie were' married, in The Dalles Wednesday. Miss Chappie has lived here for a number' of years but has spent the past t' ree months in Kansas at her old hoe e and just arrived in The Dalks Tuesday. The young people wil return home this evening, Thuru Mrs. W. J. Ilickey left Sunday for a week's visit in Portand. Jerry Young left here the laBt of the week to visit a sister in the Valley. Donald Wilson who spent the holidays at his home here return ed to his school in The Dalles Saturday. A Christian Endeavor Social was enjoyed by the young folks at the parsonage last Thursday even ing. Mrs. Parker had charge of it and all report a splendid time. Ernest Dodge and Emil Hackler were Maupin visitors Thursday. Mrs. R. W. McCorkle spent a few days visiting relatives in Wamic last week. G. E. Wood walked over to his ranch here from Wamic Monday. n ANNOUNCEMENT We have opened a garage at Tygh Valley and will strive to give you real service at a reasonable price. Bring us one job and you'll be a booster MORROW (EL TUNISON U Car, Truck, and Tractor overhauling' Oxy Acetylene Welding Vulcanizing' and Re treading' Service Car at Your Call fTTTTTTTTTTTTT Smock Items "Greatest demonstration in the History of any War Lo;in" he single-handed raised the enormous sum of $23,750,000 in Uentv three minutes. As a speaker the "Cleveland Plain Dealer" one of the big east ern papers- says: The most effec tive war speaker in America; a silver-tongued master of Eloquence whose vivid powers of description lift his audiences to heights of enthusiasm. Se him here on the night ol January 21st. been on the sick list and his wife has endeavored to take the nittil over the route. We heard the whistle of a train at Friend which which indicates that trains are again running. - The snow is going fast. If more does not fall we will have bare ground next month. The men are kept busy keeping home fires burning yet, tis nothing like the winter of '15 and '10. Pastor Eads and daughter Velma have been on the sick list, but are better now. Mrs. J. W- Farlow who has been afflicted for months was quite poorly yesterday. Leonard Farlow returned to Maupin Monday to enter school Ethel Ledford is visiting rela tiyes in Hood River. Miss Lou Jones has returned from a two months' stay at The Dalles much improved in health. Miss May has returned from her vacation trip home and has resumed school. The deed snow has been a hind erance to the carrying of mail on ! rural routes. Our postman has Ours Was Light Mrs. J. II. Kistner gave us n letter from her niece at the raig- ers' station 20 miles north ol Sisters and one from her brother idling of the s.iow at their horne? Sisters, Oregon, December 20. Dear Aunt Janie unci uncle Joe; Just a few lines to wish you a Merry Xmns and Happy New Year We are snowed in at the station. Begun to snow the eighth of tlie month and didn't let up until the tenth. We had six feet before it quit. It has settled to about, t hiet- now. My it was awful; couldn't see a fence or anything. It h awful cold too. It broke in a li t of buildings. ; Frank and Mr. ILinson are go. igg to try to go to Sisters in a sleigh They will start tomorrow. It will take them about four duys to make the trip. Perry South, George 'Atkins and two timber cruisers were snnvied in here and had some time getting home. They all went up to Hansen's and made slceis an it took them two hard day's woik from there. I mnst elose. Writ us all tl.e news. Dave and Nellie. NEWS THES OF LOCAL INTEREST Gold Near Maupin W. F. Axford wns in from Cri torion Monday and ri'pm Is' be has inado gold discovery at one pliice in that section. For pbK-Five () A. O ft'ii'k Cockerels. A. A, Phone 2V28. En rred l!i iiion. etter we got a few days ago. We have had some winter the lat two weeks. It pii uvimI and lrifted so we couldn't tell how leep it got but it Mowed snow into every place thnt iiir could get in. The coldent wns three above iro. We Uiuu'l Uihh anything oy tho cold unless it hurt tin' berry vines. Many people around here let their water pipes freeze and burst. It seemed much colder here than it really wns. We biirned lots of wood and kept the house warm. The snow is going pretty fust nw but there are many uig onus yet. ine river lid n't freeze o ver solid heie but it was full of ice, and would have fiozmi had not the boats kept breaking it open all the time. Well I will close with best wish es to ail. Write soon. Hud and Miniio. Mayhew-Miller Virgil Mayhew and Miss Violet Miller were married in Vancouver Tuesday, January 0. They visit ed a few days with relatives in Portland. A big party was given in their honor last night at the home of Mrs. D M. Shattuck at 1317 Miiwaukie Ave. , After a couple days yisiting relatives in The Dalles Mr. and Mrr. Maylew will return to Maupin Sunday afternoon and will be at home on the Mayhew farm where all is in readiness for a pleasant reception. The Times joins tbe ninny friends of these popular young people in offering congratulations and best islu s. ' N J, Sinnott has Bent this office an allotment of garden Beeds to tie distributed in this section. Call for yours before the 're gone. Mrs. L. C Henneghan went to Tbe Dalles Tuesday to see her mother Mrs. Alice Batty who is ill Reward will be paid by A. R. Wilcox of Wapinitia, Ore., for information concerning one light roan cow branded R on left hip and bar thus on right hip, up per bin in left ear, and one light roan yearling heifer same braud except no bar on right hip. Shattuck Bros, are making their yearly invoice lh!s week, Dr. H. Co Dak 0 OFFICE. KOURSs Sot B A.' Li f 5 P. M. a by &i Portland, Dec, 10. Dear Janie and Joe: Will try to answer your kind The Window of the Soul THE EYE Most precious gift to Man; As the busy years of life go by, Preserve it while you can. HERBERT W. COPELAND, Principal of Maupin School, also graduate and licensed OPTOMETRIST treats cases of hypermetropia, presbyopia, myepia, and astigmatism with properly fitted glasses. See him on Saturdays or evenings, not at any time that will interfere with school duties. Tendleton, Oregon, Jan. 29,' 1916. To whom it may concern: I have been very near sighted all my life, being compelled to quit school 'at twelve years of age on account of my eye trouble. At different times I have been fitted with glasses by eye specialists, with more or less satisfaction, until last June, when I had my eyes examined by Dr. Herbert W. Copeland, who made me the best pair of (flaws I ever I ai. I use them for both reading and distance with perfect comfort. M. W. Deardorff. fA. MUMGARTNER LAWYER Mmpiiini iregomi IT'S GONE No one knows where it it. You l ave pcssilly spent hours looking for it and many more hours worrying as to where it might be. There is really only one way of preve' ting valuable papers and documents from becoming mislaid or lost, and tr at is to place your valuables in one of our fire-proof Safe Deposit Boxes. Rates $2 per year. MAUPIN STATE BANK