The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, January 02, 1920, Image 2

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Brief Resume Most; Important
Daily News Items.
Eventi of Noted People, Government!
and Pacific Northwest, and Other
fThlngi Worth Knowing.
A number of members of the cham
ber of deputies Intend shortly to en
deavor to Induce Premier Clemenceau
to become a candidate for the presi
dency of France.
Another American oil well, one of
the largest In the Taraplco region, has
been closed by order of the Mexican
government, the state department was
advised recently,
Premier Nittl expressed the opinion
Saturday that from 12,000,000,000 to
15,000,000,000 lire were to be sub
scribed to the Italian victory loan, the
sal; of which begins January 5.
Constitutionality of a state law de
signed to curtail use of the foreign
languages In Nebraska schools as an
Americanization measure was upheld
by the state circuit court Friday,
William Fogel, an American farmer
living south of Juarez, Mexico, has
been missing for some time. These
advices were received by Edward A.
Dow, American consul at Juarez.
William Peyton, a negro, died Fri
day at Little Hocking, Ohio, at the
age of 128 years. As a slave and a
freed man he served one family
through six generations, it was said.
Los Angeles formerly had a group
of a dozen or more institutes for the
cure of the liquor habit; now it has
one and that one is running at a loss,
according to W. M. Brown, the man
ager, A boy believed by Chief of Police
Robert Auton of Colllnsvllle, Okla,, to
be the missing "Billy" Dansey of Ham
monton, N. J is not the Dansey boy,
according to statements by Chief Au
ton and Chief of Police Allen of Tulsa.
Major A. E. McKeever, M. C. D. S.
O., one of the best known Canadian
aces in the great war and credited
with the destruction of 45 German
machines, died In the general hospital
at Toronto, Can., following an opera
tion. '
A Reval dispatch says an agreement
has been reached at the Dorpat con
ference under which Esthonla will ob
tain 10,000,000 rubles. This is one
hundredth part of the Russian gold
Uruguay was linked to the United
States Friday through the all-American
cable by the opening of a new
line from Buenos Aires to Montevideo,
putting New York and Montevideo In
direct telegraphlo communication with
each other for the first time.
Halt the Imperial hotel in Tokio,
housing 40 American tourists, burned
late Sunday night. There were no
casualties among the Americans, many
of whom were prominent and several
of whom were women or children. A
considerable quantity of their baggage
was lost.
Frank Kelley, a negro, arrested at
Newark, N. J., Saturday on suspicion
of having been implicated In the mur
der last week of Catherine Dunn, a
maid employed In the home of Clar
ence S. Clark of Brooklyn, has con
fessed the crime, according to an an
nouncement by District Attorney
The Turkish grand vizier has re
quested Tewfik Pasha, head of the
commission appointed to prepare de
fense of Turkey's interests before the
peace conference, to hasten the work
of the commission because the Turk
ish delegates may be summoned to
Paris next week, according to advices
from Constantinople.
Four robbers entered a New York
grocery store late Saturday, bound the
proprietor hand and foot, and hanged
him by the neck from a wall bracket
while they looted his safe and cash
register of $418. A little girl sent to
the store on an errand saw the body
suspended and notified the police. The
man was alive when cut down.
An increase of 82.2 per cent In the
cost of living for American wage
earners between July, 1914, and No
vember, 1919, was shown in a state
ment Issued by the national Industrial
conference board Sunday. This rep
resented an advance of 10.4 per cent
since November, 1918, 13.6 per cent
since March, 1919, when prices drop
ped temporarily, and 5.8 per cent since
las. July.
Source of Poison Liquor Found
In New York.
Undertaker Taken in Net; Reports of
Death Grow Wood Alcohol
Used In Mixture.
New York. Seventy-six persons
died on Christmas day and scores of
others are Buffering from paralysis and
blindness, due to drinking wood-alcohol
"whisky," according to reports receiv
ed from eight eastern cities and Chi
cago. The toll of poisonous liquor was the
highest In New England, where 68
deaths have been recorded. -
Two women at Chicopee Falls, MaBB.
and one at Springfield, Mass., are In
cluded In this list.
In connection with the New Eng
land deaths and the six reported In
New York city, police, Internal reve
nue officers and agents of the depart
ment of justice are seeking Adolph
Paranell, Importer and commission
merchant of this city, who, they as
sert, sold 12 barrels of the poisonous
liquor. The police charges that the
"whisky" was concocted In Paranelll's
In Chicopee, Mass., 33 men and two
women died; In Springfield, three men
and one woman; Holyoke, six men,
and In Greenfield, Mass., one man. In
Harford, Conn., 13 persons died. In
Thompsonville, Conn., two deaths were
Chicago reported eight deaths.
Two deaths were announced at
Newark, N. J.
New York. Federal agents late Sun
day night arrested five men who they
claimed were the heads of an organ
ized band which has been responsible
for the recent widespread eale of wood
alcohol concoctions through five states.
One of the men arrested was describ
ed by the government agents as "the
kingpin of the ring." Two of the men
in custody were described as New
York business men.
For ten days, since the first fatali
ties were reported from wood alco
hol poisoning, Colonel D. L. Porter,
supervising revenue agent for New
York, and H. B. Dobbs, special federal
agent, have been working on the
theory that the poison which has
caused scores fit deaths throughout
New England and New York, origi
nated in this city.
The arrests wore made in widely
separated parts of the-city,
Three of the prisoners arrested are
Adolph Panarelll, a wine and liquor
dealer; John Ramanelll, an undertaker,
and Samuel K. Saleeby, a druggist.
Panarelll said: "I am glad you got
me. I will tell all I know."
Panarelll, according to Dobbs, said
he had a fried named Salsberg In
Hartford, Conn., who. asked him to
get some liquor for Christmas. He
then got In touch with Saleeby, the
When the druggist was taken Into
custody, according to Dobbs, he ac
cused Romanelli of being the "king
pin" of the wood alcohol traffic. Dobbs
claims he traced Romanelli to a store
In Brooklyn where 50 men were found
playing cards.
According to Dobbs, Panarelll, after
his arrest said:
"For God's sake don't send me to
Connecticut. I don't want to be lynch
ed. I am an Innocent man. My name
has been published in all the papers
and it would mean certain death."
Cattle to be Changed.
Ogden, Utah. Five representatives
of the Jackson Cattle & Horse Grow
ers' association, representing 98 per
cent of the livestock men of the Jack
son Hole country, will confer soon
with the Unltod States forest service
officials regarding methods to be fol
lowed In transferring 10,000 head of
livestock from the Wyoming district
into Idaho In order that available feed
may be provided for the Yellowstone
park elk.
Wilson Observes Sixty-third Birthday.
Washington, D. C President Wil
son observed his 63rd birthday quietly
Sunday much Improved In health, sur
rounded by the members of his family
with the exception pf Mrs. W. G. Mc
Adoo, who was unable to be present.
Mr. and Mrs. Francis B. Sayre arrived
from Cambridge, Mass., and Miss
Margaret Wilson has been at the
White House since her father's Illness.
Astoria. Clatsop post, American
Legion, lias decided to request the
Oregon legislature at its coming spe
cial session to enact a law requiring
all foreign language papers to be print
ed bilingual style.
Klamath Falls. By a vote of 192
to 7, taxpayers approved a special tax
levy of $4500 for teachers' salary in
crease Saturday. The vote means an
increase of approximately $25 a month
to all teachers In the schools, prob
ably retroactive to November, 1919.
Pendleton. A store for the sale of
surplus army supplies is to open here
about the first of the year. The order
has been sent In for the first carload
of supplies. A. R. Roberts of Portland
will be manager of sales. The first
carload to be received In this county
was unloaded in Stanfleld last week.
Salem. E. H. Hartwig of Hood
River has filed application with the
state engineer covering the appropria
tion of water from McGuire spring for
domestic purposes. George H. Smith
of Illaliee has asked for appropriation
of water from the north fork of Foster
creek for the irrigation of a small
tract of land In Curry county.
Salem. The Vulcan Oil & Gas com
pany, with a capitalization of $3,000,
000, has been granted permission to
operate in Oregon by J. H. Schulder
man, state corporation commissioner.
The corporation was organized under
the laws of Washington and E. H.
Janney, 1123 West Main street, Med
ford, Is named as Oregon representa
tive for the concern.
Eugene. While reports come in
from all parts of the valley that Chi
nese pheasants have died in consider
able numbers, not one of the 1000 at
the new state game farm near Eugene
perished during the cold weather, ac
cording to L. E. Bean, who was largely
instrumental in having the farm estab
lished here. This fact has proved the
sound judgment of the state game
commission in establishing farms for
the propagation of these game birds, in
the opinion of Mr. Bean.
Salem. The Oregon Duroc Jersey
Swine Breeders' association has com
pleted arrangements for a swine show
to be held at the state fair grounds
here on Wednesday, February 4. Hogs
will be exhibited by a number of the
leading breeders of Durocs in Oregon
as well as from Washington and Cali
fornia. An auction sale will follow
the show. A get-together meeting will
be held in the commercial plub rooms
as an entertainment feature for the
visitors. The members of the asso
ciation Include many of the leading
breeders of the state.
Eugene. The recent freezing weath
er killed the mammoth blackberry
vines as far down as the snow level,
according to C. E. Stewart, county
fruit inspector, but as far as he is
able to observe the loganberry and
raspberry vines were unharmed. The
mammoth blackberry vines are quite
tender, Mr. Stewart said, and they
were the first of the small fruits to
be affected by the extreme cold
weather. Reports have come In that
apples in storage in different parts of
the country were badly frozen and in
some instances are expected to be a
total loss.
Salem. During the period between
February 26 and November 30, 1919,
enough gasoline was sold in Oregon to
operate each motor vehicle now li
censed in the state for a distance of
approximately 5400 miles, based on
an average of 15 miles to each gallon
of gasoline consumed, according to a
statement issued by Sam A. Kozer,
assistant secretary of state. Nearly
30,000,000 gallons of gasoline was sold
to Oregon motor vehicle owners during
the period covered in Mr. Kozer's
statement. To transport this amount
of fuel oil would require about 3000
10,000-gallon tankers, which would
make an oil train 25 miles in length
and would cover the distance from
Salem to Aurora or from Portland to
a point one mile beyond Forest Grove.
Salem. That the late freeze result
ed in considerable more damage to
the fruit industry of the Willamette
valley than at first estimated, was the
information brought here by growers
during the past few days. The Ever
green blackberry, which early In the
storm was thought immune to injury,
has suffered the fate of the loganberry,
and where vines were unprotected
they were badly frozen. It was be
lieved by growers that this crop for
1920 will be materially shortened.
Loganberry vines also suffered con
siderably from the below-zero weather
and in most instances vines have been
killed to the snow line in the trelllsed
yard. Peaches probably suffered the
most certain fate of any fruit grown
in this vicinity, according to growers.
The buds have not only been killed,
but the small limbs have also been
frozen. It was said that it will be
at least two or three years before
these trees will grow a new top and
resume bearing.
Oopjrlf t if A. O. McOlurg a Co.
CHAPTER XXV Continued.
She turned her head, and I felt her
eyes searching the dim outline of my
face questionlngly.
"Of course Ldld everything I knew,"
she replied. "Why should I not? You
are here, Captain Carlyle, for my sake ;
I owe you service."'
"And must I be content merely with
that thought?" I urged, fur from
pleased. "This would mean that your
only Interest In me arises from grati
tude." "And friendship," her voice as confi
dential as my own, "There is no rea
son why you should doubt that surely."
"It would be easier for me to under
stand, but for the memory of what I
am a bond slave."
"Your meaning Is that true friend
ship has as a basis equality?"
"Does it not? Can real friendship
exist otherwise?"
"No," she acknowledged gravely.
"And the fact that such friendship
does exist between us evidences my
faith in you. I have never felt this
social distinction, Captain Carlyle,
have given it no thought. This may
seem strange to you, yet is most nat
ural. You bear an honorable name,
and belong to a family of gentlemen.
You held a position of command, won
by your own efforts. You bore the
part of a man In a revolution ; If guilty
of any crime, It was a political one, in
no way sullying your honor. I have
every reason to believe you were false
ly accused and convicted. Consequent
ly that conviction does not exist be
tween us ; you are not my uncle's serv
ant, but my friend you understand
me now?"
"And you would actually have me
speuk with you as of your own class
a free man, worthy to claim your
friendship in life?"
"Yes," frankly, her face uplifted.
"Why should it be otherwise? No man
could have done more, or proved him
self more stanch and true. We are In
danger yet, but such peril is nothing
compared with what I have escaped. I
feel that your skill and courage will
bring us safely to land. I am no long
er afraid, for I have learned to trust
you. You possess my entire confi
dence." "But do you understand fully?" I
questioned anxiously. "All I have done
for you would have been done for any
other woman under the same condi
tions of danger. Such service to an
other would have been a duty, and no
more. But to be with you, aiding and
protecting, has been a delight, a joy.
I have served Dorothy Fairfax for her
own sake not as I would any other."
"Did you not suppose I knew?"
Her glance flashed into mine through
the star-gleam, with a sudden message
of revealment.
"You knew that that it was you
personally I served?"
"Of course I knew. A woman Is
never unaware of such things. Now,
If ever, I must tell you the truth. I
know you care for me, and have cared
since first we met. An interest no less
fateful has led me to seek your ac
quaintance, and give you my aid. Sure
ly it is not unmaidenly for me to con
fess this when we face the chance of
death together?"
"But," I stammered, "I can scarcely
believe you realize your words. I I
love you Dorothy."
"And Is it not also possible for me
to love?"
"You you mean, you love me?"
"I love you are you sorry?"
"Sorry 1 I am mad with the joy of
It; yet stricken dumb. Dorothy Fair
fax, I have never even dared dream of
such a message from your Hps. Dear,
dear girl, do you forget who I am?
What my future?"
"I forget nothing," she said, proud
ly. "It is because I know what you
are that my heart responds. Nor is
your future so clouded. You are to
day a free man If we escape these
perils, for whether Roger Fairfax be
alive, or dead, he will never seek you
again to hold in servitude. If alive he
will Join his efforts with mine to ob
tain a pardon because of these serv
ices, and we have influence In Eng
land. Yet, should such effort full, you
are a sailor, and the seas' of the world
are free. It Is not necessary that your
vessel fly the English Sag."
"You g' me hope a wonderful
"And courage," her hands firmly
clasping mine. "Courage to fight on
In faith. I would have that my gift to
you, Geoffry. We are in peril still,
great peril, but you will face it beside
me, knowing that whether we live or
die we are together. I am not afraid
any more."
A Floating Coffin.
The laboring boat rested so low In
tha water It was only as we were
thrown upward on the crest of a wave
that I could gain any view about
through the pullid light of the dawn.
It was all a desolate, restless waste
In the midst of which we tossed, while
above hung masses of dark clouds ob
scuring the sky. We were but a hur
tling speck between the gruy above
and the gray below.
The first thing needing my attention
was the food and wuter. I crept for
ward cautiously and soon hud Sam
busily engaged In passing out the vari
ous articles for Inspection. Only es
sentials had been chosen, yet the sup
ply seemed ample for the distance I
believed we would have to cover be
fore attaining lund. But the nature of
that unknown const was so doubtful I
determined to deul out the provisions
sparingly,, saving every crumb pos
sible. The men grumbled at the small
ness of the ration, yet munched away
contentedly enough, once convinced
that we all shared alike.
"All right, lads," I said cheerfully.
"Now we understand each other and
can get at work. We'll divide into
watches first of all two men aft here
and one at the bow. Watklns and I
will take It watch and watch, but
there Is enough right now for all hands
to turn to and make the cruft ship
shape. Two of you ball out that water
till she's dry, and the others get out
that extra sail forward and rig up a
jib. She'll ride easier and make better
progress with more canvas showing."
The men graduully knocked oft work
and lay down, and finally I yielded to
Dorothy's pleadings und fell Into a
sound sleep. It seemed as though I
scarcely lost consciousness, yet I must
have slept for an hour or more, my
head pillowed on her lap. When I
awoke Schmitt was again at the steer
ing paddle, and both he and Dorothy
were staring across me out over the
port quarter.
"What Is it?" I asked eagerly, but
before the words were entirety uttered
a hoarse voice forward bawled out ex
citedly: "There you see It ; straight out agin
that cloud edge. It's a full-rigged
"Ay," boomed another, "on' headln'
straight cross our course astern."
I reached my feet, clinging to the
mast to keep erect and, as the boat
was again flung upward, gained clearly
the glimpse I sought.
"Ay, you're right, lads I" I exclaimed.
"It's a schooner, headed to clear us by
a hundred fathoms. Port your helm,
Schmitt hard down, man. Now, Sam,
off with that red shirt; tie It on the
boat hook and let fly. They can't
help seeing us if there Is any watch on
We swept about in a wide circle,
headed straight across the bows of the
on-coming vessel. AH eyes stared out
watchfully, Sam's shirt flapping above
We Swept By in a Large Circle.
us, and both Watklns and Schmitt
straining their muscles to hold the
plunging quarter-boat against the force
of the wind. A man forward on his
knees growled out a curse.
"What's the matter aboard there?"
he yelled. "Did yer ever see a boat
yaw like that, afore? Damn me, If I
believe they got a hand at the wheel."
The same thought had leaped Into
my mind. The schooner was headed
to pass us on the port quarter, yet
yawing so crazily at times as to make
me fearful of being run down. I could
perceive no sign of life aboard, no
signal that we had been seen. The sight
angered me.
"Stand by, all hands," I cried des
perately. "We'll board whether they
want us or not. Slip across, Miss Fair
fax, out of the way. Now, Watklns,
run us In under those fore-chains;
easy man, don't let her strike us. Lay
hold quick, lads, and hang on for your
lives. Give me that end of rope-
ready now, all of you; I'll make the
leap. Now then hold hurd !"
It was five feet, and up, my pur
chase the tossing boat, but I made it,
one hand desperately gripping a
shroud, until I gained balance and was
flung inboard by a sharp plunge of the
vessel. My head was at a level with
the rail, yet I saw nothing, my whole
effort being to make fast before the
grip of the men should be torn loose.
This done, I glanced back Into the up
turned faces below.
"Hand in slowly, lads; yes, let go,
the rope will hold, and the boat ride
safely through. Let a couple of men
come up till wa aee what's wrong with
the hooker the rest of you trail on.
Let Schmitt and Sam come with me."
I helped them clamber up and then
lifted my body onto the rail, from
which position I had a clear view of
the forward deck. It waa Inei
preaslbly dirty, yet otherwise ship
Bhapa enough. Nothing human greet
ed me, and conscious of a strunge feel
ing of horror, I slipped over onto the
deck. The next moment the negro and
Dutchman Joined me, the former star
ing about wildly, the whites of bis
eyea revealing hit terror.
"My Gawd, sah," he ejaculated. "Ah
done know . dls boat it's shore de
Santa Marie. All's cooked In dat gal
ley. She was a sluver, sah." He
sniffed the air. "A kin smell dem nig
gers right now, sah. Ah suah reckon
dars a bunch o' ded ones under dem
hatches right dls minute." ' '
Schmltt'a hand fell heavily on my
sleeve and I glanced Into bla stolid
"I Just bet I know vat wus def trou
ble." "What, man?"
"Cholera," he whispered; "ve haf
boarded a death ship.!'
On Board the Slaver.
The terror of the two men as this
thought dawned upon them In all Its
horror was apparent enough. Nothing,
not even fire, wus more to be dreaded
than a visitation of this awful nature
on shipboard. Charnel ship though
this might be, it was safer by fur than
the cockleshell towing alongside.
"Let's find out the truth first, men,"
I suld quietly. "Hold your tongues.
Tltere is no use giving up until we
know what the danger is. Will you
come with me?"
The terror In Sam's eyes caused me
to laugh and my own courage came
back with a rush.
"Afraid of dead men, are you? Then
we'll face them together, my lads, and
have It over with. Come on, now, both
of you. Buckle up; there Is nothing
to fear, If you do what I tell you
this isn't the first cholera ship I've
been aboard." v
It was no pleasant job confronting
us, although we had less dead men to
handle than I anticipated. Indeed, we
found only five bodies on board. There
were only two on deck, a glnnt, coal
black negro, and a gray-bearded white
man, his face pitted with smallpox.
Determined on what was to be done, I
wasted no time with either body. The
two sailors hung back, terrorized at
the mere thought of touching these
victims of plague. I steeled myself to
the job and handled them alone, drag
ging the bodies across the deck and
launching them over the low rail Into
tjie sea. I ordered Schmitt to cut the
lushlngs and take charge of the wheel.
"See here, Sam, and you too,
Schmitt, I am In love with that girl
In the boat. Do you suppose I would
ever have her come on this deck If I
believed she might contract cholera?
You do as I say and you are perfectly
safe. Now, Schmitt, remain at the
wheel, and you, Sum, come with me.
There will be a dead nigger aboard
unless you jump when I speak."
He trotted close at my heels as I
flung open the door leading into the
cabin. The air seemed fresh enough
and I noted two of the ports wide
open. A tall, smooth-shaven man, with
an ugly scar down one cheek, lay out
stretched on a divan at the foot of the
after mast, his very posture proclaim
ing him dead. His face was the color
of parchment, wrinkled with age.
The negro crept up behind me and
stared at the upturned face.
"My Gaud, sah, he wus de ol' cap
tain. Paradllia, sah; damn his soul I"
In what was evidently the captain'a
room I discovered a pricked chart and
log-book, with no entry In it for three
days. Without waiting to examine
these I stowed them away in my pock
et. Between us we forced the stiffened
form of the captain through the open
after port and heard It splash Into
the sea astern. There were two dead
seamen In the forecastle, both swarthy
fellows, with long Indian hair. I never
saw a dirtier hole, the filth overpow
ering, and once satisfied that both
men were beyond help, I was content
to lower the scuttle and leave them
there. God! It was a relief to return
once more to the open deck and breathe
In the fresh air. I hailed the boat tow
ing below.
"Come aboard, Watklns," I called
sharply. "Pass the lady up first, and
turn the boat adrift."
I caught Dorothy's hands and aided
her over the rail.
"Why was the vessel abandoned?"
she asked. "What has happened? Do
you know?"
Quietly I told her the truth and as
sured her that If we staid on deck and
used our own bedding and provisions
we were in no danger.
"How can I help you?"
"Tell the men Just what I have told
you," I said gravely. "They will be
ashamed to show less courage than
We turned and faced them together
as they formed a little group against
the rail. Hallln was first to speak.
Soul That la Truly Great
Emerson, that greatest of modern
philosophers, has told us that it la
easy when In a crowd to allow our
selves to be awayed by the opinion!
about us and comparatively easy to
keep our Individuality and sweetness
when alone, but that the great soul
is he who In the midst of a mass of
other Individuals can still keep the
poise and sweetness of solitude.
Work and Workers.
There Is not so much difference In
the world's work as In the world's
workers. It la not so much difference
what we are doing so long as It la
useful that counts as the way in
which we are doing It The work of
which we are ashamed we either have
no right to do, or we are not doing It
as we should,