The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, January 02, 1920, Image 1

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    ygi j jgj i
Demoted to the Interests of Southern Wasco County
VOL 6, NO. 12
THE YEAR $1.50
Tbe past Week Karl Patrick ant
T. M. Moss Lave Fold sixty hides,
averaging from $10 to $12 each.
Ernest Patrick went Chehalis,
Wn., .0 spend the winter.
Nearly 1(0 horses have died
in this section during the pah t
J, E. Miller is still making his
trips to Maupin on horse hack.
Wapinitia Items
A dance was given at the Mud
ton' homo New Year's eve. A
large crowd was present.
A email party gathered bI the
church Wednesday evening, hold-
inir prayer, and watched (he old
year out and the new one in,
Mr. and Mrs. J. I, IMi'H.singi r
were here from Siinnaslio visiting
. at the Stanton home Wednesday,
Mrs. Mary Pechctte left Monday
for Sanday to visit her daughters,
Mrs. Ira Flmn and Mrs. 1 rank
Mr. and Mrs, Henry Delco who
have heen visiting here the at
month left Monday for their home
in Bend. Grandma Delco and
Richard rccompaniod them hoin'
and will remain llie rest of th
Ben Richardson made a trip to
Smock Monday.
Dr.' Kl wood w as called the firsl
of the wtek to see Mis. Kmi'
Huckler, who was quite sick but
The new year w as ushered in
bright and clear. The snow has
been gone here almost a week, but
a few miles below the ground js , is improving,
mill ctweroA m hii.i, is . mni ! The little son of
tection to the wheat Against the
freezing weather.
Miss Irma Smith who attends
Mr. and Mr?.
Sim Wall wis quite sick u few
days bui is about all right.
Earl Barzee of Man pin attended
tamers in tbe U. f We might
sav that Wm. J, Bryan or Kx-
I'regideni Tn ft could have teen
secured fur this circuit at
Frankie Mott came over from and in the hospital at The Dalles, greater con In the committee than
school in Portland is spending the' the dam;e Ur( Wednesday night,
holidays with home folks. i C B. Doyle has been quite sick
Notice i8 hereby fiver to the Maupin Voting Pre
cinct, that a meeting will Le called in Shalluck's hall,
Maupin, Oregon, on the 10th c'ay of January, 19L'0, at the
hour of 1:30 p.m., for the purpose of taking: a vote,
whether the Citizens of Maupin Voting Procirct are in
favor of incorp&rating the town of Maupin, or not. And
for such other and further business as may come before
this meeting. '
All the Citizens of the Maupin Voting Precinct are
cordially invited to be present.
II. L. Morris.
A Good Thing
Wapinitia Social
In another column of this issue The holiday house parly given
i Pilars the announcement of the! hist week by Mr. and Mrs. Heck
ripening number of the Ellison j ler and daughters provid a hng
While entertainment program; 4:snccess. In spite of the poor roa'
big numbers in all. These peopleicondilions a laage gathering was
have on their circuits some of the1 present. A most enjoyable time
best k iowii speakers and enter-1 was bad by all. Die evening wat
Dufur last week and is visiting at but is better and was able to be
ber home here.
Mrs, S. H. Wilson left last
week for Ridgefield, Wn., to fpeid
the holidays with her parents.
Chester Rice arrived Wednesday
from Portland. His father wet
him at Maupin.
moved to bis home Tuesday.
Wamic New:
A number of persons froze their
bauds while out in the storm dur
ing the late cold spell here". The
'It Pays to Pay Cash
J G3 Y-
at Jory's
F. M. Jory
in Need of
- Our Prices
Are Right
Gas Air-o-lite Lamps
"It Pays to Pay Cash at Jory's'
We have opened a garage at Tygh
Valley and will strive to give you
real service at a reasonable price.
Bring us one job and
you'll be a booster
Car, Truck, and Tractor U
Oxy Acetylene Welding
Vulcanizing' and Re
Service Car at Your Call
Tom Slfi'vhill, the Australian
Ssldier Poet."
The three fullowing number
each of which will he published in
their turn all consist of three or
four people in musical and varied
programs and ate all high class
entertainers and thoroughly famil
iar with their work.
The movement t lie business
and professional men of Maupin
in bringing these entertainments
to our little town is deserving of
the whole souled support of eyery
one in the community for the
reason that these performances
cannot be had for nothing; in f.iet
each number will cost in lie
neighborhood of J 150.00 and th"
object of the committee; to bring
as good an entertainment to you
as yuu could see anywhere, will
be reached if jou will all do your
part and boost. Afler you attend
once it will not be necessary to
ask you to boost; you will do it
"on your own hook".
f J. L. Elwood
F. D. Stuart
J A. L- Anderson
(as. II. Woodcock
( W. II. Staats
Bates Shattuek
spent with games and-dancing,
music being furnished by Wnpii i
tia's violin artists, Messers May
field, Delcoe, McCoy and Delore.
Refreshments were Beived at
midnight by ihe Misses Heriha,
Winifred and Elsie Hackler.
Amongst those present were:
Mr. Richardscn and family, Mr.
Doak and family, Mr. J. Hartman
and family, Mr. and Mrs. Waller
Sharp, Mrs. Barzee and daughter,
Mr. and Mrs. Mayfiehl, Mr. Holb
well and family, lr. J. Madron,
Misses Nellie Holland, Anna and
Mable Lewis, 0!va Boen; Ally,
Biiumgartiiet', Dr." Dake, John
Hoen, I?. Dodge and the Oooile
nougb brothers.
temperature reached 34 below and
the snow was three feet deep.
Little Carrnel Woodcock has
quite recovered from her recent
illness, a bad throat.
The mail service which was
badly hampered here during the
deep snow is arriving daily.
Frank Magill is out again after
an attack of pneumonia.
Mr. and Mrs. Marion Duncan
moved io their home ou Smock
arriving the day before the fall of
Bud Harvey is much improved
from the attack of rheumatism.
Liberty Cnastain had quite an
experience in going to the Lewie
Woodside place, bieaking a road
through the snow for medicine for
Mr. Harvey. Mr. Woodside went
to Maupin and got the medicine,
bringing it to his plaee.
County Agriculturalist Flukarty
was detained several days here at
11 the F. M. Driver home by the'
y i deep snow. f j
I Joe Xavier arrived here week
before last from bis home iu Cali
fornia. He was a former resident
Stephe Douglas of Hood Rive r
visited his mother Mrs. Frankie
Palrnateer week before last.
Mrs. Vard N'orval, and two
small children are visiting Ler I
Irrigation Meet
Portland, Dec. 5S).
Maupin Times:
The Slate Irrigation Congress
will meet in Portland, January 9,
in 1 1 1 e Oregon Building, Commer
cial Club rooms. The change in
date is due to the call of the legis
lature by Governor Olcott.
A foil instructive mid beneficial
program is prepared and all irri
gationisls should endeavor to be
present or send delegates from
their respective orgaizalions.
Wasco county has not been
fully represented at dome piisi
annual Congress meeting-', there,
fore I urge that von attend and do
all you can to boost the Irrigutinii
.Yours truly,
N. U. Hedin.
hi sister Mrs. (leorgii Du vet,
.Mrs. Jiinie Wimble of The Sis.
ers and ber I'uugblcis the Misses
f "if ' and Kvu McAtai of The
Dalles, are spending the holidays
with relatives here urn) at Tygh.
Zen as Walk ins came in from
Kent to Brend ('hristmiiH v iih his
family in Tygh.
Beacham Welkins came from
Salt Luke, Ut.ib. Iii"t week 'o be
with his inether, Mis. Clink Mc-
Cown and his two small bos
vhoni she is keeping in The l):illes
lie visited hi. brolber and f-ister
n Tygh last week.
Mrs Roy Foster is out of the
lospital where the bus been sev
eral weeks tor meuieal treatment,
Percy Driver, Don Miller, and
Mrs. (!. A. llaryey and baby went
'o The Dalles a week ann Siitnr
lay, Mrs. Harvey going on t
Hood River.
Miss Hilda I. 'ike returned frmi
I'be Dalles hn-piial Saturday
vhere she has been takieg treat
ment for several weeks.
Miss Lncile Kennedy arrived
Saturday from Portland, remain
ing fiver Friday id(iht 'illi liei
grandmother, Miv. It.- A. Drivui,
in The Dalles
(liorge Stou' who was coidinei'
in tin hospital for several weeks,
leinghnrt by d nuto is able to
e out. again and is a guest at the
I A. Driver lodging house.
Mrs, 11. F. and Cecil Woodcock
if Maupin went to The Dulles
Monday to celebrate, Christmas
(to lat't pag")
At Home
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Chaslain
"clurned home from Portland Fri
lav ninbt. J. II, Chastiiin met
Ui. in at Hie train with his Ford,
but while absent from his machine
in psenrt the bridal couple from
Ihe train, Ilavniond and Kail
Irabiree abducted the Ford and
I. If. was obliged to walk to the
iieiid in the, road above the bridge
arising a couple .suit eases. The
Hoys, heliiiving be bad walked far
noiigh, delivered up the machine
t this point. A ero.vil of young
ueople from Maupin and surround
'tig territory went out to the
Ihastain home that night aid
('iideied the happy couple a inv-
ins welcome and had the treats.
If you gt a season ticket to the
KMison While Shows (4 Big Num-
ei) you not only save yourself
ome money but you guarantee
yourself a giioi seat, liing Cell.
ral. She has a diagram of the
li.'ill and can ilek out a good seat
fur you.
Some of Hie farmers dont like to
be skinned, but Dad Coale still
'mys pkins and hides.
fc"E"C"' Dales '
office imm
S A. M. to S P.
tours by t
at Huntington,
Joe and Wilbur Wing with their
families made a trip to Toppenish
Wn., some time ago, returning
just before the enowlall.
Much damage .was done , to the
potato and apple crop here by the!
sever? weather.
Miss M. K. Qompton is staying
at the Emma Chastain home since
the fall of snow.
'Uucle' Ed Driver is among
those who have had an attack of
lagrippe. He is with his niece,
Mrs. Nell Harvey.
J. R. Woadcock is spending the
holiday season in The Dalles wiib
The Window of the Soul - THE EYE
Moat precious gift to Man;
As the busy years of life fro by,
Preserve it while, you can.
HERBERT W. COPELAND, Principal of Maupin School,
also graduate and licensed
treats cases of hyperme tropia, pretbyopia, myopia,
and astigmatism with properly fitted glasses.
Sue him on Saturdays or evenings, not at any
time that will interfere with echool duties.
Pendleton, Oregon, Jan. 29, 1916.
To wh m it may concern:
I havelcen v ry r ear sighted all my life, being compelled 1o
quit schoi I nt t" elve years of a:;e on account of my eye trouble.
At different limes I have been fitted with glasses by eye
specialists, with n ore or less satisfaction, until last June, when
I had my eyes e amiiM ' by Dr Herbert W. Copeland, who made
nie the best pair of gi:nsi s I ever hai. I use them for both
reading and distance with pi rfect otnfort
M. W. Deardorff.
We wish to take this means of expressing our
appreciation of your patronage and wish you a happy
and prosperous New Year.
r zi j -- t-
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Prout