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About The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 26, 1919)
WORLD OF Brief Resume Most Importan Daily News Items. COMPILED FOR YOU Event! of Noted People, Government! nd Ptelfle Northwest, and Other Thing! Worth Knowing. A loiter from Archbishop Waluli condemning the attempt on the life of Viscount French, the vlcoroy, was road In all the Catholic churches In the Dublin dloceso Sunday. The price of news print paper In Canada Is to be rained to $80 per ton f. o. b, mill, January 1, according to an announcement made by Paper Con trailer Prlngle. The spread of anti-Japanese agita tion In China, with reported Incidents of the molestation of Japanese, In cluding women and children,, by the Chinese, was tbe subject of discus sion by the Tokio cabinet. Lieutenant B. W. Maynard, "the flying parson," winner of the recent army transcontinental air race, an nounced Sunday that he had resigned from the army aviation service. He will resume his work as a clergyman. The Belgian government has cate gorically refused a proposition sub mitted last week by France and Great Britain guaranteeing Belgian territor ial Integrity for five years on condi tion that Belgium observe strict neu trality during that period. In the face of a growing scarcity of sugar, more than a billion and a quar ter pounds of sugar, valued at nearly $97,000,000, were exported from the United States during the first ten months of the present year, a depart ment of commerce report shows, General Pershing Bhows little or no concern over his own political future, He Is not a candidate for the presi dential nomination either republican or democratic and the soft pedal was officially applied to anything that sav ored of politics during his stay In Chi cago. Awards by the shipping board, in volving $22,197,934 for the cancella tion of contracts, were announced Sat urday night. A total of 341 cases amounting to $18,300,360 have been approved for payment and 52 advances totaling $3,987,574 have been recom mended. Adam Shank, a wealthy farmer, his wife and four young children, were murdered on their farm near Gilcrest, Colo., Sunday. One child, Juauita, was found wounded. She died later. The bodies were found by Shank's cousin, Adam George, when he went to the farm to take the family to church. The government's anti trust action against the great moat packers, begun at President Wilson's direction last summer as part of the fight on the high cost of living, has been com promised under an agreement by which the packers will confine them solves hereafter to the meat and pro vision business. William C. McCullough, of San Francisco, held up by throe men and shot early Sunday while on his way home from a visit to his fiancee to discuss plans for their wedding next Wednesday, died in the emergency hospital. McCullough was 28 years old, born In Victoria, B. C, and had served overseas In the navy during the war. Despite efforts of the government to reduce the coBt of living, retail cost of 22 staple food articles showed an average Increase of 2 per cent In No vember as compared with October, the bureau of labor statistics announced Sunday night. The average family expenditures for these articles Incrcas-' ed 5 per cent from a year ago, the report said. Two porsons were killed and 48 In jured when a "Frisco" passenger train was derailed three miles east of St. James, Mo., Sunday. The train was en route from Oklahoma City, Okla., to St. Louis. The accident was caused when an axle of bne of the coaches broke. The dead are J. O. Hopper of West Virginia and Mrs. William H. Frehn of St. Louis. The peace conference Saturday was handed three German notes. The first deals with transportation of troops Immediately after the peace treaty goes Into cfVect, the second gives ex act details about German light cruis ers undergoing repairs and the third announces ratification by the national assembly of the protocol signed by Kurt von Lersner in September. CURRENT IE 249 ANARCHISTS DEPORTED "Long Live Revolution in America' Cry Radicals ai Ship Leaves. New York. The United States ar my transport Huford, "Ark of the So vlut," sailed before dawn Sunday with a cargo of anarchists, communists and radicals banned from America for conspiring against its government. The ship's destination was hidden in sealed orders but the 249 passen gers it carried expect to bo landed at some far northern port giving access to soviet Russia. "Long live the revolution In Amer ica," was chanted defiantly by the motloy crowd on the decks of the steel gray troopship as she churned her way past the Statue of Liberty. Now and then they cursed In chorus at the United Stales and the men who had cut short their propaganda here. Not until the Buford steamed out of the narrows between Forts Hamilton and Wailsworth did tlio din cease, Over their heads, whipping In the wind, the Stars and Stripes floated from the masthead. The autocrats of all the Russians on the transport were Alexander Berk- man and Emma Goldman, his boon companion for 30 years. With them were 245 men and two women, Ethel Bernstein and Dora Lipkln. None knew whore they would debark and even Captain C. A. Hitchcock, com mander of the veteran transport, was no better off. Only a few high offi cials of the war and labor departments know the ship's destination. The voyage will last 18 days un less it is prolonged by unfavorable weather. The presumption is that the Buford will land at Hanme, Helsing- fors, or Abo in Finland, which are con nected by rail with Bielo-Osporoff on the Russian frontier. It was intimated in official quarters that arrangements have been made with the Finnish gov ernment to permit the passage of the Russians through that country. The transfer from Ellis Island to the Buford of the agitators who have preached death and destruction, was an event unique in the annals of this nation. Seized in raids in all parts of the country, they were mobilized here for deportation. An elaborate screen of secrecy was thrown about the preparations for sending them away. It was In the darkest hours of night that an army tug drew up at the dock at the immigration station to take aboard the undesirables for the seven mile journey down the bay to the Bu ford. Two dozen soldiers armed with rifles and as many immigration In spectors carrrying night-sticks patrol led the shores of Ellis Island until the tug arrived at 5:15 A. M. The reds were marched single-file between two lines of guards from the immigration barracks to the boat landing, each car rying his or her baggage. A Bcore of agents of tho department of justice circulated among the Russians. These agents and the soldier guards on the island went on board the tug with the deportees and took them to the trans port. MYSTIC INVENTION DRIVES BIG MOTOR Seattle, Wash. Experiments even more baffling than those witnessed by local electrical experts this week when Alfred M. Hubbard, 19-year-old Invent or, demonstrated his atmospheric pow er generator, were shown Saturday when the young man threw a switch Into place on a 25-horsepower electric motor and instantly the motor jumped into life, developing Its full capacity of power. Skeptics present said the motor was connected by unseen wires. Hubbard hoisted the motor with a tackle and allowed those present to make exam inations and tests to assure themselves that no wires extended from the mo tor. The result of the demonstration was an even greater mystery regard ing the young man's discovery, if It is one. Hubbard went even further. He told how the motor was made to oper ate, took It apart and showed those present just what it consisted of. He would not tell, however, how he had arranged the parts to change the po larity at the rate of 120 times a sec ond, which- he says is the secret of his invention. Copper Mines to Open. Butte, Mont. Eight thousand min ers returned to work Monday morning when 10 properties of the Anaconda Copper Mining company and those of the North Butte company resumed op eration. These mines were closed down December 1 when the fuel fa mine began. It Is said the smelters in Anaconda and Great Falls will be operating again soon as ore shipments from Butte can be sent to those plants. CT A TC IVTTTTT TO ! IN BRIEF. WW WW WW WWW WWW WW WW WW WW WW WW BurnB. Mall service has been re duced to trl-weekly deliveries. Branch trains operating between Ontario and Crane will operate three a week, on account of the coal situation. Salem. Attorney-General Brown will represent the state In the quo warranto proceedings brought by Thomas Nelson of Astoria, deposed member of the state board of pilot com missioners, to oust Frank M. Sweet, who was named as his successor on the board. Harrlsburg. Many birds perished In this section during the severe cold, due to exposure. In many Instances snow birds froze in barn lots where feed had been thrown out for them Quail found shelter In stock barns and vacant, buildings. Salem. Auction sales of blooded livestock probably will be added to the list of attractions at the Oregon state fair next year, according to A. 11. Lea, secretary of tho state fair board, who returned here recently from Chicago, where he attended the International livestock exposition. Seaside. By a vote of 274 and 20, Seaside went on record in favor of a $253,000 bond Issue for the construc tion of a scenic drive 55 feet In width paralleling the Spokane, Portland & Seattle railroad, from Wahanna to Broadway and south to the city limits, a distance of one and one-balf miles. Pendleton. Umatilla county's tax levy for the coming year will be 13 mills, an Increase of 5 1 i mills over last year. Of this 3!j mills covers the Interest and payments on the principal of the road bonds Issued last year. One mill goes toward market roads and Vi toward the Increase In state taxes. Salem. Deposits In the banks of Oregon on November 17, 1919, totaled $306,330,743.22, according to a report prepared by Will H. Bennett, state superintendent of banks. These de posits show an increase of $17,889, 419.29 over Setpember 12, 1919, and $79,949,039.78 over November 1, 1918 Marshfleld. A 20-foot trestle over which coal from the Libby mine bad been delivered for a period of from 25 to 30 years went down Wednesday with a locomotive and three cars of coal, at a point opposite Englewood and Engineer Enoch Holland, the only person on board, escaped with only a few bruises. Klamath Falls. The executive com mittee of the newly organized county farm bureau mapped out a detailed program of work for the coming year at Its first meeting. The sub-commit tee on hay production and marketing is undertaking a complete survey of the county to determine the amount of alfalfa still unsold. Oregon City. In anticipation of the expenditure of $1,700,000 worth of road bonds, and funds to be derived from general and special taxation, the coun ty court has announced a complete reorganization of its highway depart ment, effective January 1, with Harold A. Rands as roadmaster, and II. G. Conipton and Lee J. Caufield as dis trict engineers. Salem. The value of the taxable property in the 36 counties in Oregon, including that equalized by the county boards of equalization and that equal ized and apportioned by the state tax commission totals $990,435,472.17, ac cording to a statement prepared by Frank Lovell, state tax commissioner. Last year the valuations were $987, 533,896.97, showing an Increase this year of a trifle more than $2,000,000. The aggregate value of taxable prop erty In each county as assessed by the county assessors and equalized by the county boards of equalization thereof, as of March 1, 1919, totals $869,443,- 174.86, as Bhown by the statement, while the value of taxable property as sessed and equalized by the state tax commission and apportioned wcording to the respective county ratios aggre gates $120,992,297.31. Salem. After liquidating all in debtedness, there remained in the sur plus fund of the Oregon state fair board on December 1, 1919, a total of $2,409.71, according to the annual re port prepared by A. H. Lea, secretary of the board. This report will be sub mitted for consideration of the fair board at Its annual meeting to be held in Salem during the second week In January. According to Mr. Lea's re port, net receipts of the 1919 fair, which probably was the most success ful event of its kind ever held in Ore gon, totaled $30,000, while the -net returns from the fairs held during the last four years aggregated $85,526.98. On December 1, 1918, there was a total of $498.24 remaining in the fair fund, which during the past year was aug mented by $108,828.96, making a grand total of $109,327.20. The disburse ments, Including both current expenses and indebtedness, aggregated $106,917.- 49, leaving a balance on December 1 of this year amounting to $2,409.71. CHAPTER XXIII Continued. 1 fr it was as though my brnln snapped back into ascendency. I was no long er a raging fury, mad with the desire to kill, but cool-headed, planning es cape. Before a hand could reach me In restraint, I sprang backward and ran. I stumbled up the stulrs leading to the companion. The vague glimmer of daylight showing through the gluss, revealed the presence of Walking. I heard him dush the door wide open, call to those on deck, and then saw him wheel about to uguin confront the devils plunging blindly forward toward us through the dark cubln. We could hold them for a time at least, yet I bad the sense to know that this check would prove only temporary. They out-numbered us ten to one, and would arm themselves from the ruck. Yet the greater danger lay In the possible disloyalty of my own men. A dozen of us might hold these stairs against as sault, but treachery would leave us helpless. If one among them should steal below forward, nnd force open the door from the forecastle, we would be crushed between two waves of men, and left utterly helpless. I saw the whole situation vividly, and as quickly chose the one hope remaining. "Watkins," I called sharply back over my shoulder. "Get the boats ready and be lively about It. We'll hold these fellows until you report.' The two quarterboats will hold us all. Knock out the plugs in the others. See that Miss Fairfax Is placed safely in the afterboat, and then stund by. Send me word the moment all Is ready." I had glimpse of the thick fog with out as he pushed tlirougn the door, and of a scarcely distinguishable group of men on the deck. Those about me could only be located by their restless movements. I stepped down one stair conscious of increasing movement be low, the meat cleaver still gripped In my hands. "Any of you armed with cutlasses?" "Out, m'sleur, Ravel DeLnsser." "Stand here, to right of me, now an other at my left. Who are you?" "Jim Carter, sir." "Good; now strike hard, lads, and you others be ready. The cabin Is full of 'em, and It is your life nnd mine in the balance. If we can get away In this fog they'll never find us, but we've got to hold them here until the boats are ready. I killed their captain, Sanchez. That Is where we've Btill got them, without a leader." "But they've got arms?" "Only hand weapons," broke In Car ter. "There's ball in the bandoliers, but no powder. I wus goln' ter break open a cask, but Estada put me at another Job." "Then that leaves us on even foot ing, lads, we ought to be equal to them with the cold steel." CHAPTER XXIV. In Clasp of the Sea. The sounds of voices and of mov ing bodies were plainly discernible, but the darkness was too dense below to permit the eye perceiving what was taking place. The rattle of steel told me some among them had reached the arm rack. There followed the crash of wood as though the butt of a gun had splintered a door panel. Then a voice pierced the babel. My mind gripped the meaning of it nil; they had found a leader; they had released Manuel Estevan. Now the real fight was on I I could hear the fellow ques tion those about him, seeking to learn the situation. "Who hnve cutlasses? So many I a dozen form with me. Now bullies, they are on the stairs there, and that Is the only way to the deck. Now then to hell with 'em !" We met them, point to point, our ad vantage the narrow staircase and the higher position; theirs the faint glim mer of light at our backs. The first rush was reckless and deadly, the In furiated devils not yet realizing what they faced, but counting on force of numbers to crush our defense. Man uel led them yelling encouragement, and sweeping his cutlass, gripped with both hands, In desperate effort to break through. DeLnsser caught Its point with his blade while my cleaver missing him with Its sharp edge, nev ertheless dealt the fellow a blow which hurled him back into the arms of the man behind. I saw nothing else in de tail, the faint light barely revealing In distinct figures and gleam of steel. It was a pandemonium of blows and yells, strange faces appearing and dis appearing, as men leaped desperately at us up the steps, and we beat them remorselessly back. I saw nothing more of Manuel In the fray, but his Rbrlll voice urged on his fellows. It was strike and parry, cut and thrust Twice I kicked my legs free from hands that gripped me and DeLas- ser fell, a pike thrust through him. Who took his place I never knew, but a stout fighter the lud was, wielding his cutlass viciously, so that we held them, with dead men littering every step to the cabin deck. But they were of a breed trained to such fighting, and the lash of Manuel's tongue drove them Into umd reckless ness. And there seemed no end of them, sweeping up out of those black shadows, with beurded or lean brown savage faces, charging over the dead bodies, bucking and gouging In vain effort to breuk through. I struck until my arms ached, until my head reeled, scarcely conscious of physical uction, yet aware of Manuel's shouts. "Now you hell-hounds now I once more, and you huve them. Sunta Ma ria! you've got to go through, bullies there Is no other way to the deck. Rush 'em I Thut's the wuyl Here you go In outside the rail I Broth of hell I Now you huveMilin, Pedro I" For an Instant I believed It true; I saw Jim Curter seized and hurled side ways, his cutlass clashing asit fell, while a dozen bunds dragged hlin headlong Into the ruck beneath. But It was only an instant. Before the charging devils could pass me, a huge figure filled the vacant space, and the butt of a gun crashed Into the mass. It was the Dutchman, Schmitt, fight ing like a demon, his strength thut of an ox. They gave way In terror be fore hjm, and we went down battering our way, until the stairs were clear to the deck, except for the dead under foot. When we stopped, not a fight ing man was left within the sweep of our arms. They scurried back into the darkness like so many rats, and we could only sture about blindly, cursing them, as we endeavored to recover breath. Schmitt roared like a wild bull, and would have' rushed on, but for my grip on his shirt. "Get back, men !" I ordered sharply. "There may be fifty of them yonder. Our only chance Is the stairs." We flung the bodies on one side, and formed again from rail to rail. Below us there was noise enough, a babel of angry voices, but no movement of as- The First Rush Was Reckless and Deadly. sault. What they would do next was answered by a blaze of light, revealing the silhouette of a man, engaged In" touching flame to a torch of hemp. It flung forth a dull yellow flare, and re vealed a scene of horror. Our assail ants were massed halfway back. Be tween us, even ten feet from the stairs, the deck was littered with bodies, ghastly faces staring up, with black stains of blood everywhere. It was Manuel's hand which had kindled the light, and the first croak of bis voice told his purpose. "Now youN skulking cowards," he yelled pointing forward, "do yon see what you are fighting? There are only five men between you and the deck. To hell with 'em I Come on ! I'll show you the way!" He leaped forward; but it was his last step. I sent the cleaver hurtling through the air. I know not how It struck him, but he went down, his last word a shriek, his arms flung out In vain effort to ward off the blow. Schmitt roared out a Dutch oath, and his ' gun, sent whirling above me, crashed into the uplifted torch. Again It was black night, through which the eye could perceive nothing. Even the noise ceased, but a hand gripped my shoulder.- "Who are your "Watkins. The boats are ready. The one forvfard has pushed oft loaded. The afterboat is alongside. There Is such a fog, sir, yer can't see two fathoms from the ship. The girl Is In the boat, but LeVere ain't Tbe mate slipped out o' sight In t lie fog. Hu'l Moiiiewhero irfioard." "Never mind him ; the fellow can do no hurm now. Move buck slowly lads, Schmitt uud I will be the lust ones out." We closed the companion door as silently as possible and for the mo ment there wus no sound from within to show that our cautious withdrawal had been observed. I stured ubout, but was able to perceive little beyond the suiull group awaiting my orders. The fog clung thick and heavy on ull sides, and It was Impossible for the eye to penetrate to either rail. Fortunately there was no weight of sea running. "There is nothing more to keep us nbonrd lads. Stow yourselves away nnd hang on; I'll wait here until you are all over." They faded nwoy Into the mist, dim spectral figures, and I remained alone, listening anxiously for some hostile sound from below. Satisfied that the lnds were safely over the rail and the decks clear, I turned toward tbe ship's side. As I did so a yell reached my ears from the blackness below the hounds bad found voice. I ran through the fog In the direc tion the others hud disappeared, and had taken sArcely three steps when I collided against the form of a man, whose presence was not en noticed until we came together. Yet he must have been there expectant und ready, for a quick knife thrust slushed the front of my Jacket, bringing a spurt of blood as the blade was jerked back. Even as my fingers gripped the uplift ed wrist, ere he could strike the sec ond time, I knew my untugonlut. I knew also this was a fight to the death, to be terminated before that unguard ed crew below could attain the deck. It was LeVcre's life or mine, and In the balance the fate of those others In' the waiting boat alongside. The knowl edge gave me the strength nnd the ferocity of a tiger. I ripped the knife from his fingers, and we closed with bnre hands, his voice uttering one croaking cry for help as I bore In on his windpipe. He was a snake, a cat, slipping out of my grasp as by some mnglc. At last I had him against the rail, the weight of us both so hard upon It that the stout wood broke, and we both went over, grappling un til we splashed into the water below. The shock loosened my bold; as I fought a way back to the surface I was alone. My strength began to fall, hope left me as I sank deeper and deep er Into the remorseless grip of the ocean. I was not afraid; my lips ut tered no cry, no prayer I drifted out Into total unconsciousness and went down. CHAPTER XXV. The Open Boat. I came back to a consciousness of pain, unable nt once to realize where I was, or feel any true sense of per sonality. Then slowly I comprehend ed that I rested In a bont, tossed about by a fairly heavy sea; that it was night and there were stars visible In the sky overhead. I stared at these, vacant of thought, when a figure seemed to lean over me, and I caught the outline of a face, gazing eagerly down Into my own. Instantly memory came back in a Hash this was not dthth, but life; I was In a boat with her. I could not move my hands, and my voice was but a hoarse whisper. "Mistress Fairfax Dorothy I" "Yes yes," swiftly. "It is all right, but you must lie still. Watkins, Cap tain Carlyle is conscious. What shall I do?" He must have been behind us at the steering oar, for his gruff, kindly voice sounded very close. "Yer might lift him up, miss," he said soberly. "He'll breathe better. How's that, Captain?" "Much easier," I managed to breathe. "I guess I am all right now. You fished me out?" "Sara did. He got a boat hook In your collar. We cast off when yet went overboard, and cruised about In the fog hunting fer yer. Who was It yer was fightin' with, sir?" "LeVere." "That's what I told the lads. He'J a gonner, I reckon?" "I never saw him after we sank, Are all the men here?" "AlL-but those In the forward boat, sir. They got away furst, nn' we ain't had no sight ov 'em since. Maybe we will when It gets daylight. Harwood's In charge. I give him a compass, an' told him ter steer west. Wus thet right?" "All I could have told him. I haven'l had an observation, and It Is all guess work. I know the American coast lies to that direction, but that is about all. I couldn't tell If it be a hundred, or a hundred and fifty miles away. 1 must have been in , bad shape when you pulled me in?" "We thought you was gone, sir. You was bleedln' some, too, but only from flesh wounds. The young lady she Just wouldn't let yer die She worked over yer for two or three hours, sir, afore I hed any. hope." Her eyes were downcast and hei face turned away, but I reached out my hand and clasped her fingers. The mystery fit the night and ocean was In her motionless posture. Only ai her hand gently pressed mine did gain courage, with a knowledge that she recognized and welcomed my pres ence, i- "Watkins says I owe my life to you," I said, so low the words were scarcelj , audible above the dash of watei alongside. "It will make thnt life mori valuable than ever before." (TO BE CONTINUED.) French photographers have" de veloped a process for treating nega tives by which the effect of stereo scopic relief is produced In pictures.