The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, December 26, 1919, Image 1

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Demoted to the Interests of Southern Wasco Cpunly
VOL 6, NO. 1 1
THE YEAR $1.50
1M 'W
Helen Locke Dead
After five years of pat ieitt puffer
ing from which there seemed no
earthly alleviation, Mise Helen
M, Locke passed away at 0:15
Tuesday evening, December 2!bd,
at the family home on l heir home
stead ten miles above Maupin,
It wns not expected that Helen
could last long and the family
were all home. She called her
parents and brothers around hei
and bid the them good by, being
perfectly conscious and suffering
until the iast.
Helen was born in Portland,
January 25th, 1903, being .10
years, 10 months and 27 days old.
She was the only daughter, a
bright, sweet child and loved by
all who knew her. The parents,
Mr. and Mrs. A. Locke, four
brothers, and a host of friends
mourn her loss.
Funeral services will -lie held
this morning at the local church
and interment madu in the Kelly
Maupin School News
.School is closed for vaeat'on
till Monday., January 5, 1920.
There was a good attendance at
I.,, ii. n .,4..rt.,;...i,u..i ;..
lll V II I inilll HO I'll II.-I ll II iiirin i 'i
sh iituck's imii Wednesday n gi.i Reasons tor Such Needs Adas Program Succers
in spite of the bad roads
1 To encourage tourists to
High school pupils taking over
90 per cent during the fourth
school month are, Leonard Far
low, 99; Lewis Derthiek 98; Mab.l
Cyr, 97; Ida Duncan, Vina Ayers,
Lelah Davidson, Dorotha Mai tin,
Letter Crofoot, Fern Mayhe.v.-
Wapinitia Items
The big snow is about gone am
extremely high water pievails.
" Mr. arid Mrs. S. K. Paiker re
turned from Wamic Sunday, visit
ing at the Flinn home this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard ' P.lackerby
and sons brought them oyer and
are visiting at the J. I. Paiker
Twenty-six relatives partic'pat-
It Pays to Pay Cash at Jory's'
F. M. Jory .,
When in Need of Dependable
Goods -- Our Prices Are Right
Gas Air-o-lite Lamps
"It Pays to Pay Cash at Jory's"
slay at least one night in our town
2. At present the main camp
ground is in the center of town
ami how can you expect develop
ment of that yroperty unless . the
rubbish left by campers is re
moved. How can we renwe
wilhoi.t removing camp giound?
I also see tin cans dumped on
'ownsite, which is offensive.
You are hereby requested to
dump rubbish at least outside of
city limits.
i!. All go 1 towns along Pacific
Highway have free Auto Camp
grounds even to furnishing wood
and water in some places at city's
There are various reasons why
wu should inco"purale.
Some cities have pirkp, other
cities are developing their own
light and water system.
While we aro small at prssent,
what is to hinder us from g' owing?
We have the four and
separate seasons. Still we have
from nine to ten months to work
our farms while in other pi. .cos
they have no more than six.
Possibly the tiouble is we worl
so much of the time that, we d
uol take lime to think.
Now if you are a booster, boost.
If you are a knocker knock and
knock loud that we may hear
your voice.
If you have any suggestions do
not lie backward, let's have them.
We are in line for anything that
is right.
Yours for success,
H. L. Morris.
We have opened a garage at Tygh
Valley and will strive to give you
real service at a reasonah price.
Bring us one job and
you'll be a booster
Car, Truck, and Tractor
Oxy Acetylene Welding
Vulcanizing' and Retreading
Service Car at Your Call
The Christmas program tender
ed in Shattuck's hall Wednesday
night was a splendid success ii.
everyway. The sacred and liter
ary features were far above the
ordinary. Teachers and pupib
deserve much credit for the excel
lent manner in which (he all'air
was conducted. About 250 people
were present. At the close of I be
piogiam a generous treat and gifts'
were distributed.
The false-work of the bridge in
construction at the mouth of the
Desehutes river was swept out by.
an ice jam llie lfi'U. llie los.
represents five months work, valu
ed at $5,000, and will delay th
completion of that part of the
Columbia highway until next fall.
New Subscribers
The following renewed
subscript ion to I he Ti mes i
the past few lb') s :
W. T. liny
Fred Magill
T. A. Connolly
Andy Anduregg
(it'o. CUyiu'er
Margaret Anderson
If. L. Moi ris
Z A. Watkins
Timber Land for Sale
Trains off Schedule
Tie wnimrr ainiOFpherR and
r:i in causing the snow to melt lias
made considerable inconvenience
for the Central Oregon O. W.
people. A slide and washout at
Two Spiings, about fifteen miles
up the river and the disabling of
llie liakkoven bridge at this place
which occurred Tuenl.iy has neces
sitated the traids taking the O. T,
track until the repairs are made
which is hoped to haye been effec
ted by tomorrow.
All the trains are behind time,
yesterday's O. W, southbound
1 2 Son. located in Tv p. f S, R aamving about luiu and me down
11 E, about 10 miles due west of tr'n ter, and tlieir tirst Height
Wapinitia pnstnfliee; 4,11110,000 ft. f"r several days still later.
saw timber. Wapinilia Iifimit ion lb"", I. trains nave passed
Co's. main ditch runs through ' tiero ' ,lie tnorning a number
plane, Prieo $-1,( 00. Write to Al l"f li""'8'
Johnsorj, liox IS, Colbnn Idaho.
I)r. T. Del.arhue, Eyesight
Specialist. Finest equipped exclu
sive optical parlors in central
Oregon. liooms 17-18 Vegt Block';
over Crosby's Drug store. The
Dalles, Ore.
Card of Thank
We wish to express our appre-
Mlss Selleck accompanied her ciatiou of the material responce
sister, Mrs. O. F. McLeod home ' given us since the "loss of our
Wednesday night for fie holiday home by (be two weeks ago.
vacation. John and Arthur Dyer.
Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Ilarpliam
and Lawrence arrived Monday
afternoon from Nanipa, Idaho, to
emain till February. 'Uncle
Hank' is caring for the farm in
heir absence.
I a farm 400 acres, 20
miles from BoHe, Idaho, 10 miles
from Kmmelt, pood soil, well
watered, lots of outside range.
Grows good alfalfa nil limit water;
80 acres can be irrigated, A good
cattle proposition. 1'iiee. $15.00
per acre. A. A. Bonney.
ed in a big Christmas dinner at
the parsonage.
Christmas dinner was seryed to
relatives at the II. II. IlEiphani
N. O. Iledin and Harold and
Earl lletherfoinl went to Portland
Saturday evening to spend the
The Sunday school and public
school combined gave a program
at the school bouse Wednesday
and a treat to all the children.
Grandpa Kvick who has been
on the sick list is improved.
lien nie Flinn has been register
ed at the liarzee hotel the past
Shiiley'Parkcr and family will
leave Saturday for Sanger, Cal.
Mr. and Mrs. Julius Shiplej
served a big Christmas dinner to a
crowd of relatives and friends.
Mrs. A. R, Mayuard left Mon
day for an extended visit with
her daughter in Idaho.
Mary O'Brien was ill this week
and unable to take her part in
the program.
j Mr. an 1 Mrs. Kigbee and Mr.
and Mrs. Calvin MeCorkle bad
Christmas dinner with relatiyes in
I Tygh.
: Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Sharpe
were overnight Christmas guestB
at the parsonage.
Wednesday's Oregonsan notes
the issuance of it marriage liceme
at Portland to Cecil M. Chu.stain
and Miss Alice nicbells.
The Portland Painless Dentist
All work guaranteed. ' W. T.
Slatteil, I). D. S., Prop., .Wi .Sec
ond St., The Dalles.
Sleds, wagons, and cars were all
to be -ieen on our streets the fore
part of the week. A. J, Connolly
was the first to venture in with a
Make the whole family happy
for Christmas. A talking machine
or player piano will do the work.
Get one on easy payment plan.
Maupin Drug Store.
NOTICE TO PATIENTS: Will be absent from ofiice
from Dec. 13th, to Dec 23rd, inclusive
The Window of the Soul THE EYE
Most precious gift to Man;
As the busy years of life go by,
i Preserve it while you can.
HERBERT W. COPELAND, Principal of Maupin School,
also graduate and licenced
treats cases of hypermeiropia, presbyopia, rryepia,
and astigmatism with properly fitted glasses.
See him on Saturdays or evenings, not at any
time that will interfere with school duties.
Ilepner, Oregon, May 3, 1913.
To whom it may concern:
During the past year Dr, Herbert W. Copeland, Eyesight
Specialist, has flitted five pairs o glasses for myself and family,
and all have given entire satisfaction.
Dr Copeland is r illful, careful, and reliable, and I take
pleasure in recommei Un r him to any one needing the services of
an eyesight specialist.
' L. II. Briggs.
Buy your Xmas Candy
Cracker Jack at E. A. Cyr 'a.
i a. baumgktner"
Mampim - Oiregoini
Davidson Bread at E. A. CyrV.
We wish to take this means of expressing our
appreciation of your patronage and wish you a happy
and prosperous New Year.