The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, December 05, 1919, Image 4

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    The Maupin Times
Published every Friday at Maupin,
Mrs. W I.. Morrison, Pnhlish, r
li-i ; ( '- -'v
uiontbs, 75 cents; ihrte niomun, 50
Entered as second class mail
matter September 2, 1914, at the
postofhce at Manpm, Oregon, tin
der the Act of March 3, 1879.
Maupin School News
Lt-OllaDi 1. 11- Ulli lit.'1 II ' i t-
good strong talue for un aiory
work. It is 12 by 3 feet.
The science class have been
measuring the science class have
been measuring the height of the
school house above the bridge by
using the new aneroid barometer
and also a mercury barometer.
They find it to be 182 feet.
Those in the intermediate room
who averaged 90 or above: Wini
fred Kaiser, 95 1-3; Helen Philm
lee, 92.5; Lorraine Stovall 92 5;
niiun Turner !)'2: Marv Martin 92.
The following children in the I
primary room averaged above 90
in the pant month. : Dorris Kelly,
Blanch Hammond, Laurence
Styer, , Ella Hammond, Melvin
Jory, Letty Hammond, Earle
Greene, Alvin Styer, Orville Ham
mond and Gerald Long.
, Those receiving 100 in spelling
for the month were Oryille Fraley
Velma Crofoot., Melvin Jury, Nona
Styer, Orville Hammond, Letty
Hammond, Irs Kidder, Alvin
Styer, Earle Greene.
Local Items
More correspondence needed.
See our line of Talking Ma
chines. Maupin Drug Store. You
At Cyr's Cracker Jack. Why
boy Pop Corn when Cracker Jack
is tatter?
Maupin Red Cross han two drop
head sewing mechine9 for sale,
piico 20 each, good as new.
Lost Kodak, between Wapiui
tia and Maupin, reward fur return
to this office. W. J. F.
Wm, Purcell and Blaine Dis.
bi.nv vcie "Vr from Smock Tues
day. Large sheets of carbon paper for
embroidery stamping at the Times
, Get your butter paper and car
tous printed at the Times office.
Sepond hand sewing machine
Singer, for sale. Times office.
Some of the farmers dont like to
be skinned, but Dad Coale still
buys pkins and hides.
Ford Touring Car for Sale
Maupin Garage.
At the Churches
. Services at Maupin church:
Sunday School at 10 n'olock.
We have a very interesting w
son. Surely every one who loves
the Lord will he interested in this
It matters not of what church
you are a member, we would be
pleased to have you bring your
Services in the evening will be
gin promptly at 7:30. Come aud
bring a friend,
E. N. Long, Pastor.
The Wapiuitia Uuitcd Bicthern
church makes the following an
nouncements for Sunday, Novem
ber 30th:
Bible school, 10 a. m.
Preaching service 11 n, m.
Subject, "The Ideal Clmrob"
Christian Endeavor 6:110; sub
ject, Christianity and the Health
of America, leader, Carol Powell.
Preaching 7:30.
Subject, Regeneration.
Everybody in this community
is cordially invited to attend these
J. I. Farker, Pastor.
A Heart and a Dollar Will
Make You A Member of Red
Croii for One Year
Report of the Condition of the
Maupin State Bank
No. 224
at Maupin, in the state of Ore
gon, at the close of business
November 17, 1919
Loans and discounts $204,929.78
Overdrafts, seeured and
752 06
8,553 67
Bonds and warrants
Banking house
Furniture and fixtures
Due from approved re
serve banks 116,532 87
Checks and other cash
items 13972
Cash on hand 17,595.61
Advanced for Victory
Bond Payments
Other resources
Over and short ,
5,675 00
36 50
358,320 98
Capital stock paid in $ 20,000.00
Surplus fund 3,225.00
Undivided profits 7,315.02
Dividends unpaid
Individual deposits sub
ject to check 301,572.75
Demand certificates of
Cashier , checks out
standing " 6,937.91
Certified checks
Time and Savings De-
1 posits 19,221.30
Bills payable for money
Reserved for interest and
Other liabilities
Total 358,320.98
State of Oregon, I
County of Wasco j
I, F. D. Stuart. Cashier of
the above named bank, do solemn
ly swear that the above statement
is true to the best of my knowl
edge and belief..
, F. D. Stuart, Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to be
fore me, this 22nd day of Nov.
J. M. Conklin, Notary Public
My commission expires April 1,
Correct Attest:
F. S. Fleming,
J. M. Conklin,
Public Land Sale. .
Department of the Intel ior,
U. S. Laud Office at The Dalles,
Oregon, November 19, 1919.
NOTICE is hereby given tlia'
as directed by the Comtnissiouer ol
the General Land office, undei
provisions of Sec. 2455, R. S.,
pursuant to the application of
William O. Chastaiu
Serial No, 019591, we will offer al
public sale, to the highest bidder,
but at not less than $2.50 per acre,
at 10:15 o'clock A, M., on the nth
day of February next, at this office,
the following tract of land:sEi-4Nw
1-4, Section' 18, Township 4 South
Range 14 East, Willamette Merid
ian, (Containing 40 Acres).
"This tract is ordered into the
market 0.1 a showing that the
greater portion thereof is moun
tainous or too rough for cultiva
tion." This sale will not be kept open,
but will be declaeed rinsed when
those present at the hour named
have ceased biduiug. The person
making the highest bid will he
required to immediately pay to the
Receiver the ainouut thereof.
Any persons adversly the above
described laud are advised to file
their claims, or objections, on 01
before the time designated for sale.
L, A. Booth,
Notice is hereby giyeu that
undersigned, as executrix of the
estate of R. C. Jory, deceased, has
tiled her final account in eaid
estate; that thoCourt has appoint
ed Saturday, the 3rd day of Jan
uary, 1920, at the hour of 10
o'clock, in the forenoon thereof,
the County Court Room of the
County Court House in The Dalles
Wasco County, Oregon, as tin'
time and place for the hearing of
said final account and the final
settlement of said estate.
NOW THEREFORE.all persons
interested in said estate are hereby
notified and required to appear al
said time and place so appointed
for the hearing of said Final ac
count, and then and there show
cans', if any exist, why said Fiual
Account should not be allowed
and approved, said estate forever
am) finally Fettled, and said extc
utrix discharged.
Dated this -2nd day of No vein
ber, 1919.
Fern M. Jory,
Francis V, Galloway,
Attorney for said astute.
Dr. T. DeLarhue
Glasses Properly Fitted
Exclusively Optical
Rooms 17-18 Vogt Block, oyer
Crosby's Drug Btore,
The Dalles, Ore
Phone Black 1111
I.O. O.F.
Lodge No. 209, Mauprn, Oregon.
meets every Saturday night in
Donaldson's hall. ViBiungmem
oers alwavs welcome.
W H. Staats, N. G.
B. F. Turner. Secretary.
L. B. Fox R. T. Yate8
Makers of Abstracts That
P rotect.
Books Posted to Date Daily
Plant Second to None
First National Bank Building
Phone Black 2831,
The Dalles, Oregon
The Maupin Townsite
If you want a Lot buy now
You get a warranty deed at
bottom price. See me at once.
Wapinitia Auto Stage
Leaves Maupin, 4 p. m.
Leaves Wapinitia, 7 a. m
The following concerning George
McDonald of the Maupin State
Bank we Copy from The Crab, a
piper published by employes of
the U. S. National Bank of
Portland: ;
Seems just like some invisible
some thing or somebody, which or
whom we'll call "Hunch," is con
stantly busy passing out promis
cuous to the effect that whenever
a concern needs a finished product
it'll find what it requires at the
U. S. of Portland; and then Mr
Invisible Hunch goes and puts a
'mg in the ear of one or the other
of our nest and most popular
workers aud biff I he's grabbed
and gone. This time it's George
McDonald who's been grabbed.
The Maupin State Bank needed
an assistant cashier, got the hunt h
and did the grabbing. Mac is a
true friend of the whole force, and
we join in wishing him the very
best of good fortune. He was
likewise a. loyal pal of the U. S.
Crab. He hesitated not to tell
the Crab to its face just wherein
its expressions were not accordin'
to Hoyle, and was always hintii g
that the Crabbedy man should
attend night school along with
other ignorant, unlettered foreign
ers. Yes, Mac's kind-heartedness
will be sadly missed. . We'll never
forget how, when the Crab would
see fit to consnlt that big two-ten
dictionary by Gearge's desk, he
wyuld say with withering sarcasm:
"If. you can't find it iu Webster,
just ask me.'1 '
Wanted to rent this fall for s
term of years a good wheat ranch
with or without stock. I can fur
nish good refereneees. Address
F. R. Maupin Times.
Mrs, W. O. Wilson and Mrs. S.
II. Wilson were callers from Wap
initia Monday morning.
. A stock of typewriter ribbons
for different machines at the
Times office.
See E. A. Cyr about your Xmas
Candy, I expect to be able to
supply you.
Q. C. Morrow and Cecil Tunison
have opened a garago in Tygb
Valley and their previons experi
ence guarantees their success,
Farm for Sale
160 acres on Smock Prarie, 27
cultivation, level; paid water right
and creek; fenced; house, barn,
granary, orchard, 200,000 ft. saw
limber'; $20.00 per acre. B. W.
Morgan, R 1, Wamic, Ore.
Lincoln Sheep
Imported ewes in 1907 from
Canada; two rams from Dudding's
flock in England. For sale, 50
yearling and two-year-old ramB;
35 spring rams. M. S. Woodcock
Corvallis, Oregon.
Blacksmith Shop
I have supplies and am prepar
od to do all kinds of new work
and general repairing. Horse shoe
ing a specialty. Reasonable rates
A. F. Martin.
For Sale
A limited amount of beardless
rye seed. Ed Herrling, Criterion
Advertisers please read over
your notices and notify us immedi
ately if an error has ocenred.
Department of the Interior
U. S. Land Office at Section 2,
Oregon, November 4th, 1919.
Notice is hereby given that
John E. Porchett
of Wapinitia, Oregon, who on June
4th, 1915, made Homestead Entry
No. 014277 for 8WI-4SEI-4, Sectiou
20, Lot 2, NI-2NWI-4, Section 29,
lOwnship 6, South, Kange 14,
East, Willamette Metidiau, has
filed notice of intention to make
Final three year Proof, to establish
claim to the laud above described
before F. D. Stuart, U. S. Com
missioner' at Maupiu, Oregon, on
the 1 1 1 u day of December, 1919.
Claimant names as witnesses
A. R. Wilcox, W. R. Sturges, D
McClain, Mac Hollomau, all of
Wapinitia, Oregon.
H Frank Woodcock,
. Department of the Interior,
U. S. Land Office at The JJalles
Oregon, October 23, 1919.
Notice is hereby given that
Anthony John Connolly
of Maupin, Oregon, who on De.
cemher 3rd, 1913, majje Homestead
Entry no. 012298, for swi-4Swi-4
Section 27, N1-2NWI-4, NWI-4NEI-4
Section 34, lownship 4 South,
Range 14 East, Willamette Meridr
an, and on December 8th, 1914
made Additional Homestead Entry
No. 014205, for EI-2NB1-4, NI-2SE
1-4, Section 33, Township 4 South
Range 14 East, Willamette Merid
iau, has filed notice of iuteutiou
to make Final three year Procf, to
establish claim to the land above
desciibtd, before the Register and
Receiver of United States Laud
office, The Dalles, Oregon, 011 the
6th day of December, 1 919.
Claimant names as witnesses:
John Foley, Thomas Faherty, Wil
bur E. Hurst, Elenia Connolly, of
Maupin, Oregon, aud Kathleen
Connolly, of Portland, Oregon.
II. Frank Woodcock,
Department of the Interior,
U. S. Laud Office at The Dalles,
Oregon, October 23, 1919.
Notice is hereby giveu that
Elenia Connolly
of Maupiu, Oregon, who on No
vember 10, 1914, made Homestead
Entry no. 014046, for wi-2nwi-4,
WI-2SWI-4, Sectiou 14, wi-2nwi-4,
Section 23, Township 4 South,
Range 14 East, Willamette Merid
ian, and on January 7, 1915, made
Additional Homestead Luiry No
0141:8 for kei-4Nvi-4, Section 14,
NEI-4NM-4, Section 15, Towuship
4 South, Range 14 East W illamette
Metidiau, has hied notice of luten
tiou to make final three year
Proof to establish claim to the laud
above described, before Register
and Receiver, United States Land
Office at The Dalles, Oregon, on
the 6th day of December, 1919.
Claimant names as witnesses,
Anthony J, Connolly, of Maupin,
Oregou, Thomas Faherty, of Mau
pin, Oregon, Kathleeu Connolly
of Pprtlaud, Oregon, John Foley,
Matlpiu, Oregon.
H Frank Woodcock,
Register. .
Department of the interior,
U. S Land Office at The Dalles
Oregon, October 23rd, 1919.
Notice is hereby given" that
Charles H. Higgins.
of Shauiko, Oregon, who on May
3rd, 191U, made Homestead Entry
No. 01 1633, aud on October 14th,
1914, made Additional Homestead
Entry No. 013945, fr W1"2 Section
24, Township 7 South, Range" 11
East, Willamette Meridian has filed
notice of intention to make
Final Three Year Proof, to es
tablish claim to the laud above
described, before Register and Re
ceiver, U. S. Land Office at The
Dalles, Oregon, on the 5-th day of
December, 19 19.
Claimant names as witnesses:
Orvil E. Higgins, John Thomas,
al) of Shanik, Oregon.
H. Frank Woodcock,
Department of the Interior
U. s. Laud Office at The Dalles
Oregon, October 23rd, 1919.
NO 1 ICE is hereby given that
Rosy Harris,
widow of William Jasper Harris,
deceased, of Shauiko, Oregon,
who, on April 71b, 1915, made
Homestead Entry No. 014713, for
NKI-4SW1-4, NWI-4SKI-4. S1-2SW-4,
Section 3, NK1-4, Section 10,
Township 8 South, Range 15 East,
Willamette Meridian has filed no
tice of iuteutiou to make Fiual
three year Proof, to establish claim
to theland aboye described, before
F. D Stuart, U. S. Commissioner,
at Maupin, Oregon, on the 5th
day of December, 1919.
Claimant names as witnesses:
D. D. Wilson, Bertha Berg, Char
ley Berg, George Fine, all of
Shaniko, Oregon.
np Register.
Department of the Interior,
United States Land Office at The
Dalles, Oregou, September 30
To Luther Wallace of Criterion,
Oregon, Contestee: -
You are hereby notified that
Leonard H. Ayres who gives efo
T, A. Hudson, The Dalles, Oregon
as his postofhce address, did on
September 22, 1919, file iu , this
office his du.y corroborated ap.
plication to contest and fie. lire
the cancellation of your home
stead Entry No. Serial
015779, made February 28, 1916
tor EI-2SE1-4, Section 21, swi-4N-
wi-4, wl-2swl-4, SEI-4SW1-4, si
2se1-4, Sec. 22, TowtiBhip 6 S0111I1
Range 15 bast, Willamette Mend
ian, and as grounds for his con
test he alleges that said land was
wholly abandoned on or about
March, 1918, at which time the
said contestee went to his former
1. ? .
uoine iu Mississippi ana it v as
rumored that he died therr thai
the ouly improvements on the la d
consist of a cabin 12 by 16 feel,
and there has beeu about 1 1-2
acres plowed, that since date of
abandonment neither the entrymau
or his heirs, if anv, have cultivat
ed or improved the land; that en
tryman's absence from the land
was not due tp his employment iu
military service rendered in con
nection with operations in Mexico
or along the borders thereof or in
mobolizatiou camps elsewhere in
military or naval organizations of
the United States or of the Natioi
al Guard of any of the several
states or 111 any war in which the
United States has beeu engaged.
You are. therefore, furtbor noti
fied that the said allegations will
be taken as confessed, and your
said entry will be cenceled without
further right to be heard, either
beture tbisothce or on appeal, if
you tail to hie in this office within
twenty days after the FOURTH
puoiicanou 01 this notice, as
shown below, your answer' under
oath, specifically responding to
these allegations of contest, to
getuer with due proof that ytiu
nave served a copy of your answer
on the said contestant her in
person or by reeist... 1.
You should state in your answer
the name of the postoffice to which
you desire future notices to be
sent to vou,
H. Fkank Woodcock,
Date of first publication, Oct
ober 17, 1919
Date of secoud publication, Oct
ober 34, 1910.
Date of third publication, Oct
ober 3t, 1919,
Date of fourth publication, Nov
ember 7, 1919.
U. S. Land Office at The Dalles.
Oregon, November 17th, 1919. v
Notice is hereby given that
Lambert A. Beard
of San Francisco, California, who
on May 18tb, 1915, made Home
stead Entry No. 014915, and on
June 1st, 1915, made Additional
Hometead Entry No. 015014, for
Lots I, 2, EI-2NWI-4, WI-2NEI-4.
NEI-4SWI-4, NW1-4SEI-4, Section 18
Township 6 South, Range 12 East,
Willamette Meiidian, has filed
notice of intention to make Fiual
three year Proof to establish claim
to the land above described witness
es before F- D. Stuart, U. S. Com
missioner at Maupin, Oregon,
Claimant before Clerk of the Cir
cuit Court of San Francisco Coun
ty, California, on the 29th day of
December, 1919.
Claiuiaut names as witnesses:
B. R. Sturgis, L. J. McCoy, Ar
thur Pecbette, J. P. Abbott, all of
Wapinitia, Oregon.
II. Frank Woodcock,
Department of the Interior,
U.S. Land Office at The Dalles.-
Oregon, October 6th, 1919.
NOHCEis hereby given that,
Albert E. Troutmau
of Maupiu, Oregon, who on Feb
ruary 281b, 1916, made Home-
stead Entry no. 015783, for ni-2Si-
2, swi-4sivi-4, Suction 8, EI-2SEI-4-SWI-4SEI-4,
Section 7, Township 6
South, Range i4 East, Willamette
Meridian has filed notice of inten
tion to make final three year
Pi oof, to establish claim to the
land aliove described, before F.D.
Stuart, U. S, Comniissouer at
Maupiu, Oregon, on the 18U1 day
of November, 1919.
Claituaut names as witnesses;
E. J. Fischer, of Maupin, Oregou,
W. H Williams, of Maupin, Ore
gon, O. J. Williams of Maupin,
Oregon, H. D. Hollis of Steveu
son, Wn.
H. Frank Woocock,
Department of the Interior
U. S. Laud Office at The Dalles,
Oregou, October 6th, 1919.
Notice is hereby given that
Marion A. Duncan
of Kent, Oregon, who on January
26th, 19 1 5, made Homestead En
try No. 015170, for Lot 4, EI-2SWI-4,
SI-2SEI-4, Section 19, NEt-4mvl-4,
ni 2NE1-4, Sectiou 30, Township
4 South, Range 13 East Willam
ette Meridian, has filed notice of
intention to make Final three year
Proof, to establish claim to the
land above described, before F- D.
Stuart, U. S. Commissioner at
Maupin, Oregon, on the i8tb day
of November 1919.
Claimant names as witnesses:
flans Koepke, of Grass Valley,
Oregon, Pete Peters of Kent, Ore
gon, Ellis Hughes of Kent, Ore
gon, Emery M. Hughes of Kent,
pn Register.
Department of the Interior,
U. S. Land Office at The Dalles,
Oregon, October 4, 1919.
NOTICE is hereby given that
Gussie I. Derthick
of Maupiu, Oregon, who on May
10th, 1915, made Homestead Entry
no. oi(8i8, for ski-4se1-4, Section
2i, EI-2NE1-4, and SEi-4 Section
28, NEI-4NEI-4, Sec. 33, Township
5 South, Range 14 East, Willam
ette Meridian, has filed notice of
intention to make Final Three
Year Proof, toestabhsh claim to
the land above described, before F.
D. Stuart, United States Commis
sioner at Maupin.Oregon, on the
18th day of November, 1919.
Claimant names as witnesses:
() B. Derthick, W. C. Richardson
O. J. Williams, W. H. Williams,
all of Maupin, Oregou.
H. Frank Woodcock,
1789 The Dalles. 340 Serial No.
U. S. Laud Office at The Dalles,
Oregon, September 29th, 1919.
NOTICE is hereby given that
the Northern Pacific Railway Com
pany, whose post office address is
St. Paul. Minnesota, lias this Mth
day of September 1919, filed in
mis oince us appiicatiou to select
under the provisions of the act of
Congress, appioved July 1, 1898
(30 Stat. 597, 620.) as extended
by the Act of Congress approved
May 17. 1006. Lot 4 Kor a
Twp. 5 Range 16, East, W. M.,
Auy and all peisous claiming
adversely the lauds described, or
desiring to object because of 'the
Mineral character of the land, or
auy other reason, to the disposal
to applicant, should file their (
davits of protest in this office on
or before the Ijth day ol Novem
ber, 1919.
" Register,