MAUFIN TIMES .1 HL Demoted to the Interests of Southern Wasco County VOL 6. NO. 7 MAUPIN SOUTHERN WASCO COUNTY. OREGON. FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 28.1919 THE YEAR $1.50 J Maupin School News Pupils of the high school taking an average of 90 or more Uiife month are: Leonard Farlow, 95; Mabel Cyr, 94; Lewis Derlbick. 92; Ida Duncan, 90. The Thanksgiving exercises were well attended. The children are thankful for the fact that they have vacation from Wednes day till Monday. LeBter Crofoot and Nyle Tnni eon took up a subscription tor the Boy's and Girl's Aid Society last Tuesday. Tbey collected $27.55. A bank draft for the amount was mailed to Supt. Timelier on Wed day morning. Atty." Baunigartner moved Mon day to his new location near Dr. Elwood's office, The Portland Painless Dentist All work guaranteed. VV. T. Slatten, D. D. S., Prop., 305 Sec ond St., The Dalles. SENT IN BY OUR Tygh Valley Visitors to the Portland Stock Show from this burg included J. T. Harper, S. W. Hauser, W. V. Nickerson. Miss Celia Muller left last Wed nesday for a short visit in Portland Empty houses are gradually filling up, only one or two lelt. Tvgh residents were glad t welcome V. P. Steers and family back from California. They trav eled quite extensively but found ''no place like home." It G. Weittbeck, Clyde Oliver, and Geo. Lofton returned from the mountains. Mr. Weisbeek is located in the French Butler cut- Leigh Oliver left for the Wil lamette valley last Friday. 1I ii is bought some land there and it ;oing to be an honest to goodness farmer. Leigh has long been a prominent figure around this lo cality, we wish him best of luck and prosperity iu his new venture. Z. A. Watkins has returned from Kent for a few days vacation Win. Sloan and O. C. Brittain are riding in the mountains, Leonard Wilson passed through here Thursday driving a new Chevrolet car. Several garage men have beeti in our town lately with a view to locating. A good mechanic would lind a garage a good proposition. The old wooden bridge over Tygh creek has been demolished. The 6ite looks rather bare without Mr. Vanduyn is contemplating u trip arouud the country iu the mar future to invest in some turkeys. Mr. Knox who acquired the old McCoikle mill and farmsite is gradually getting settled in his new lorntiou. We" hear the mill janal. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Brown are acting to Georgia for the winter. They leave Mondav. Pucks are plentiful on the canal lakes on the plains. Many of the hunters are getting ood bags, NEWS TMS OF LOCAL INTEREST Train Schedule in. Wapinitia Items Cold winds have been blowing here the past week. . Mr. and Mrs. Shirley Parker and children arrived Saturday tor a visit with relatives and friends. They are old time resi dents of Ibis place, but have lived in California for about 14 years. Mr. and Mrs. George Magill and sons ana Mrs. Leni Jilackerbv and sons visited at the Flinn home Sunday, where quite a family re union took place, thu tyhve rela-1 ..:;. i le; lives ueiug jJitiBunif, The Ladies Bazaar which was held Friday night at the school house was a success iu every le- 10:25 (Daily) O. W. Train No. 35 due m. No. .'!6 Hue at 3:25 p. in. O. T. Train to Portland 103 a. from Portland 1:27 in.' It Pays to Pay Cash at JoryV F. M. Jory When in Need of Dependable Goods Our Prices Are Right GROCERIES FRESH VEGETABLES BLANKETS Gas Air-o-lite Lamps "It Pays to Pay Cash at Jory's is to be completely overhauled and spect. Some $140 were taken in modem machinery installed, mnk- including some donations. J. R. ine it one nf the most up-to-date Lewis acted as auctioneer. The mills in the county, K. L. Hnser acquired a uew sheep herder last week. J. P. Isbell has been running full speed lately and has just fin. ished milling all the wiieat he had in the mill preparatory to turning it over to the new owner. Tygh I. 0. 0. F. has been hold ing regular meetings. It looks good to see the ligbit in the hall again Saturday nights. A little thing like a coal strike doesn't bother Tygh- tridents Lots of wood iu the tiinln'r even if some of it has to be cut. Traffic over the highway is still pretty brisk iu spite of the tulyanc ed season. Aotos, large and small, new aud old are continually pS--ing through; California licennj. are unusually plentiful for tint time of year. Pine Grove n 1 11:1111 1 1 i Li. i i-J a garage at strive to give you a reasonable price. 1 Tygh U n M ANNOUNCEMENT We have opened Valley and will real service at Bring us one job and you'll be a booster MORROW t TUNISON Car, TrucK, and Tractor U overhauling' Oxy Acetylene Welding' Vulcanizing' and Re treading' Service Car at Your Call if DENTIST Difo Duke will fea AT WAPINITIA From Nov. 17 to 25 Win. Ilickey, Engineer of Wapi nitia Irrigation Co.. received a telegram from Portland relatives stating that his father died in Portland this week. He was buried Wednesday at 2:30 from the family residence. A. R. Maynard is moving to Idaho. Jim Harttnan sold out his ICO acre farm to Ileibert Hammer. Ray Kaler sold to Lu Woodside. Clark Bosworth sold to France Confer, The following people baye pur chased autos this week: B. Ham mer, C. Bosworth, and N. G Hedin, through L. Wilson. Raymond Bngbe of Portland is working on Wapinitia Irrigation jCo's. office at Pine Groye. Road election Friday, Novem ber 28, at Maupin. Six mill lax is the feature of the election that will bring out tbo road boosters. The market road fund of county and eta e is to be spilled into the lap of Road District No. 152, as a rewaid for our vote. II. II. Retherford, Earl Rclher foid aud N. G. Iledin motored to Portland Wcduesday in the new- Dodge Wednesday to spend 'thanksgiving with relatives in Portland. Mr. aud MrB, Sidney Wilson have moved to the Wilnou lower 410 acre farm where Sid is turn ing the ground black. Ditch work has started on the ex ten lion below Henneghan's place. Some Warm Springer's are helping in the woik. JH. N. Dodge has prepared the maps for the exteution and bag completed the Paqut rock cut in money will be used for the differ ent branches of church work. Mr. and Mrs. E. Remington of Grass Valley visited at the home of Fred Magill last week. Magill accompanied them home aud re mained Until Sunday, Mrs. Ma gill is a sister of Mrs. Remington. Dr. Dake, Maupin dentist, has been here the past week working on Wapinitia teeth. Leu Wilson was a visitor ai The Dalleg Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, J. P. Abbott were visiting in The Dalles Friday an& Saturday. The finance committee of the church here launched a campaign to rae funds for the maintenance of the church. Many pledges were received. The 19 yoar old son of a Smith family who recently moved on the lUne place is suffering the last MHges of tubeiculosis. Tho Thanksgiving services and dinner at the church was a splen did success. See our line of Talkii.g Ma chines. Maupin Drug Store. You Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Shattuck returned from Portland Tuesday night and leave tonight for that city to make their home. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Brown were in from Wapinitia Monday, They have rented thtir farm and will eave next week for Lonu Beach. At Cyr's Cracker Jack, Why buy Pop Corn when Cracker Jack is belter? Fresh Pork at E. Cyr'c. Maupin Red Cross has two drop bead sewing mtcnines for sale, pi ice $20 each, good as new. The Dalles Library notifies ub that anew collection of books will be sent to Maupin us soon as the present lot is relumed. Lost -Kodak.-between Wapini li.i anil Maupin, reward for return to this i dice. W. J. F. At E. A. Cyr's Hot Scotch, Oyster Cocktails, Sweat Cider. Oht Boyl Job wanted by man experienced in packing or herding sheep. In quire A, .W. Dunning, Wapini tia; Ore. We have for Bale 200 ewes bred to coarse wool rams. Hauser & Dahl, Tygh Valley. w. u. t'raley and lamily wen guests of Dufur relatives Sunday. Smock Items Ever-Bearing Stawberries Five square rods of laud furn ished my family ot six - more strawberries than, we could ue all summer. 11 you have water tor irrigation they w ill do the same for you. Tlants $1 per hundred. A. A. Bonney. The weather has been quite warm for some time. Glen Large has jnst returned home from his service in the war. There will be a Thanksgiving program nd dinner at the church Mr. and Mrs. Grant Ledford and Mr. and Mrs. Marion Farlow motored over to Maupin Saturday Grandma Farlow is better at this writing. Frank Feltoh, Mack Mayfield and father, J. F. Blanchard and son Ted, and Orrion Farlow have gone up on the ditch. Mrs. David Mayfield has gone for a visit, leaving her little son Elmo to stay with Mrs. Cecil Mayfield.' Mr, and Mrs. Callie Duncan have returned and will make their home here. They have been in the Valley. New Subscribers The following renewed their subscription to tba Times during the past few days: J. M. Powell M. B. Zutnwalfc H. L. Emmons J. S. Bron Ira Grisliam R. B. Driver ' Gabel Bros. A. A. Canfiel I Mrs Jessie Johnson Mrs. Daisy Bronuer An 8 1 2 poun 1 baby boy was born (o Mr. aud Mrs. A, Philmlee at 6:li0 last Friday eveuirg. The mother and child are at the Times resideuce and the little fellow, :s niiikiug excellent progress. Cabinet Grand Pianm for sale, see F. C. Butler for term I have a farm 400 acres, 20 miles from Boise, Idaho, 10 miles from Einnielt, good soil, well watered, lots of outside range. Grows good alfalfa without water; 80 acres can be irrigated. A good cattle proposition. Price $lo.00 per acre. A. A. Bonney. The Window of the Soul - THE EYE Most precious gift to Man; As the busy years of life go by, Preserve it while you can. HERBERT W. COPELAND, Principal of Maupin School, also graduate and licensed OPTOMETRIST treats cases of hypermetropia, presbyopia, myopia, and astigmatism with properly fitted glasses. See him on Saturdays or evenings, not at any time that will interfere with school duties. MORROW MILLING COMPANY Hepner, Oregon, May 23, 1913. To whom it may concern: D in'nif the past year Dr, Herbert W. Copeland, Eyesight Specialist, has fiitted five pairs of glasses for myself and family, and all hav e given entire satisfaction. Dr Opi'land is skillful, careful, and reliable, and I take pleasure in itcommendinjr, him to any one needing the service, of an eyesight specialist. L. II- Briggs. r L Wapinitia Auto Stage Leaves Maupin, 4 p. m. Leaves Wapinitia, 7 a. m. V. ROBERTS, Prop. ! J ANNOUNCEMEW . Bamragairtasir,, L L E. LAWYER- ' Has opened law offices in Mauipiira. L-ezaJ mraatte-rs of all Mmi-Js &fcemd!. to. ice miesl door to postoffke SOME. OF THE THINGS THAI wc CAN DO FOR YOl DO YOUR NOTARY WORK, SELL YUUK KARM l'UK lOu. RENT YOU A SAFETY DKl'OSIT BOX, BUY YOUR WHEAT. BARLEY AND OATS, TAKE CARE OF YOUR BANKING BUSINESS. DO YOUR UNITED STATES COMMISSIONER WORK. GIVE US A TRIAL, WE CAN AND WILL MA&ft GOOD MAUPIN STATE BANK