The Maupin Times Published every Friday at Maupiu, Oregon V.hs. W L. Morrison, Publisher Subscription: One ear, ft, 50; six nioiuhs, 75 cents; three murnus, 50 Entered as second class mail matter September 2. ioii. at the postoffice at Maupin, Oregon, un der ttie Act ot March 3, 1S79. Local Items More correspondence needed. H. 15. Burzee went to Portland Monday night. At E. A. Cyr's Canned Cheese Ever try a can? Mozart Cabinet Grand Piano for sale, see F. C. Butler for terms Thoroughbred Plymouth Roost ers for sale, $2 each, 1 ,IJaujburg left. Mrs. J. W. Ares,; V. II. Stols and Dr. El wood attended the road meeting in The Dalles Saturday. Tuesday's up train waB about four hours late due to main line complications. Don't send away for Rexall Goods. We hive them ut Home. Maupin Drug Store. Tbe Maupin Garage is installing a new electric lighting plant. H. A. WhiiUe is employed at the Mays Bakeoven ranch decor ating the farm buildings. ' ""The Portland Painless Dentist All work guaranteed, VV. T. Slatten, D. I). S., Prop., 305 Sec ond St., The Dalles. Fcrd Touring Car for Sale Maupin. Garage. Fred Weber purchased a new Maxwell car at the Maupin Garage this week. Dr. T. Dol.arhue, Eyesight Specialist. Finest equipped exclu sive optical parlors in central Oregon. Rooms 17-18 Voct Block, over Crosby's Drug store, The Dalles, Ore. 81 e E A. Cyr about your Xuoas Candy. I expect to be able to supply you. A nice line of watches and jew elry on display at Maupin Drug Store. Lost Kodak, between Wapiti i tia and Maupin, reward fur return to t his office. W. J. F. Mr. anil Mrs. D. M. Sliattuck went to Portland Tuesday night. K. M. Cnntwrll ami family moved to Maupin this Week for the winter. At E. A. Cyr's Hot Scotch, Oyster Cocktails, Sneet Cider. Oh! Boy 1 At Cyr's Cracker Jack. Why hoy Pop Corn when Cracker Jack is better? The A. A. CanhVld family in The Dalles have been experienc ing a siege of quinsy lately There is an epidemic in that city. Dr. Elwood is a Dalles visitor a lew days this week. Dr. Duke is in Wapinilia this week, having opened a dental cilice there for a few days, for ti uovenience of patiiuts in that sta tion and beyond. The U. Johnson property, for the past two years occupied by D. M. Sliattuck and family is being moved to Mr. Johnson's property on StaaU Avenue and Fifth street near the location of tho 0 d school house. Tbe tvo blocks on tl.o corner of Deschutes Aveuue and Fifth street is owued by the loca order of I. 0. O. F., and they are making preparations for the erec tion of a permanent home for themselves in the near future. Fiesh Pork at E. Cyr's. A petition requesting a election November '25, ID ID, to yote special road bonds for Dis tiict No. 32, VVapinitia, was fil.'d today with the county clerk. The petition bore the names of N; G. Hudin, V. B. Keen. L, B, Kelly, J. I,. Elwood, VV. C. Bolton, J. I. Wet-t, J. H. Woodcock, Hates SluUtuck, K. D. Stuart, J. S. Itiown and J. H. Chaetain, Chronicle, Saturday. A J Connolly was a Dalles visitor last Friday, ABOUTJEEFCOSTS; i Thfs May Throw Some Light on. the Price You Pay for j Beefsteak. i Testifying reently before a body of senators In Washington, a vice-president of one of the large packing con oftni (F. Eilsoo White of Armour and Company) made the astounding state ment that $0 far In their fiscal year, which would cover the past eight or n months, his company had "nde no mn'y whatever on beef." This statement Is doubtless well nigh incredible to the average man. Tt It was made In full knowledge that th senators had access to the com pany's books. Recovering from the first shock, flils same average man will say, "Yes, but tJh packers are shrewd; what they do not make on the beef they more than make up on the hides." But even this Illusion was destined to h shattered. Mr. White explained that his statement included everything tost was derived from the steer as purchased the hide, fat, even the in testines which are used largely for sausage casings. Make Money, Nevertheless. Well the packers make money how do they do It? Mr. White admitted that they did, quoting figures secured by auditors of the Food Administra tion, to the effect that packers' profits on food commodities of all kind last year were 1 610 cents on each dol lar taken In. These would Include such things as sausage, shortening, canned meats, etc., In addition to fresh meats, hams and bacon. On all the products of his company, Mr. White explained, comprising both-foods and Inedible commodities, the profits dur ing the same period were 1 810 cents on each dollar sale. All of which would lead many to say that the packing business is not well understood. It Isn't. Yet an one of the leading Industries of the coun try, Its workings and, above all, Its profits, should be familiar matters to us. It is quite useless to orate against the high cost of living without digging Into some of these fundamentals. By-Producta at Market Values. One of the most enlightening bits of Mr. White's testimony was his ex planation of the way In which , cost price of beef is arrived at. If a steer Is bought at $125.00 and hides are bringing $18.00 in the open market, then HilU.00 is credited to the cost of the steer. If hides are selling at $23.00 that amount Is credited. The visceral fat, offal and everything else that comes from the steer are likewise credited at their prevailing market values. What remains Is taken as the cost price of the meat. Tbe beef car cass Is then shipped to one of the lo cal distributing branch houses, and the manager there is given the cost price with instructions to sell the beef at a profit If he can. But In anv event. whether the local market be lively or dull, he must sell for what he can get, for the commodity Is a perishable one and must be sold. Manufacturer's Profit on By-Products. However, there is another hitch to tho packing business, quite as little understood apparently, that goes to show how a loss on fresh meats may be accompanied by a profit on the to tal amount of business done. Take, for example, the banjo 'strings afore mentioned, which are made from the intestines of sheep. The department that makes banjo strings (and like wise surgical ligatures, tennis strings, etc.,) "buys" the Intestines from the sheep-killing department, paying ex actly tne same price that these bring when sold to the outside market. Ou this basis the string department manu factures Its strings and sells them, bringing a profit into the business. In like maimer the fertilizer dennrt- ment buys blood and tankage; the soap department buys fats; the glue depart ment buys hoots, hnrns, bones and sinews; and so on through the list of "by-products." The fertiliser, the soap and the glue, Just as the rrmslr strings, bring lu a manufacturer's profit. In all cases these by-products, whether they be sold to outside man nfarhirprg or to one of tbe manufac turlng departments In the business (at the same prevailing market price), are credited to tbe cost of the meat nnr- tln of the animals, Just as In the In stance of the hides mentioned above Thus the "utilization of hv-nrorlucts' system of which we have heard much, and th method by which It Is con ducted, show the packers' manufactur Ing profit on a treat variety of com modifies ranging all the way from pharmaceuticals to clue, do. In renlltv. bear the burden of fresh meat prices. Dr. T. DeLarhue EYESIGHT SPECIALIST Glasses Properly Fitted Exclusively Optical Rooms 17-18 Vogt Block, oyer Crosby's Drug store, The Dalles, Ore ' Phone Black 1111 Farm for Sail 160 acres on Smock Prarie, 27 cultivation, level; paid water right and creek; fenced; house, barn, granary, orchard, 200,000 ft. saw timber; $20.00 per acre. B. W. Morgan, R 1. Wamic, Ore. Hot Meals, sandwiches, Shon orders at all hours. Served at the Hazelwood Ice Cream Parlor. I.O. O. F. WAPINITIA Lodge No. 209, Maupin, Oregon, meets every Saturday night in Donaldson's hall. Visiting uiem oers alwavs welcome. W. H. Staats, N. G. B. F, Turner, Secretary. L. B. Fox R. T. Yate8 WASCO COUNTY ABSTRACT CO. Makers of Abstracts That Protnct. Books Posted to Date Daily Plant Second to None First National Bank BuiMing Phone Black 2831. The Dalles, Oregon Lincoln Sheep Registered Imported ewes in 1907 from Canada; two rams from Dudding's flock in England. Fur sale, 50 yearling and , two-year-old rams; 35 spring rams. M. S. Woodcock Corvallis, Oregon. Blacksmith Shop I have supplies and am prepar ed to do all kinds of new work and general repairing, Horse shoe ing a specialty. Reasonable rates A. F. Martin. Senator Kellogg, of Minnesota, In dicusi"B waladmlnlstratlon of railroads by the Government, airfi "Ther never was a Oovernmrnt operation that was not wasteful nmi Inefficient. It Is Inevitable un der our organisation that It should b so. It la not the province or the prroglv of Pemocrary Ilk ours. Instituted for the best Government on tb fare of the esrth, to mancga the business of the country." Congressional Jtecorl, Aug. 5. School Meeting Copy of Notice of Special School Meeting, Notice is hereby given to the Legal Voters of School District No 84, of Wasco County, State of Oregon, that a special meeting of na d district will be held at the Maupiu School-House at 3 o'clock in the afternoou of November 2nd, 1919, for the purpose of voting on levying a Special Dis trict Tax. The purpose for which the mon ey raised by this levy ehall be expended is shown by the follow. ing itemized budget which is hereby made a part of this notice. Estimated Expenditures Teacher'8 salaries $2880 00 Furniture 100 00 Apparatus, and supplies 350.00 Library books 100.00 Flags 10,00 Repairs on buildings 50 00 Janitor's wages 180.00 Janitor's supplies 20.00 fuel 196.50 Water 13 50 Clerk's salary 25.00 Postage and stationery 5 00 For payment ot bonded debt and interest 1550 00 Total 5557.00 Estimated Receipts From county school fund $ 650.00 From state school fund 100 00 Cash in hands of clerk 1000.00 Estimated amount to bo received from all other sources 1050 0o Total 3285 00 Total estimated expenses $5557.00 Total estimated receipt", not including tux to be voted $3285.00 Balance to be raised by district tax $2272 00 Attest: Lawrence S. Stovall, Dist. Clerk. L. D. Kelly, Chairman Board of Directors For Sale A limited amount of beardless rye seed. Ed Herrling, Criterion 1EGALJ0TICES Adyertisers please read over your notices and notify us immedi ately if an error has occured. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior U. S. Laud Office at Section 2. Oregon, November 4th, 1919. Notice is hereby given thai John E. Porchett of Waoinitia. Oreeon. who on Tune 4U1, 1915, made Homestead Entry JNo. 014277 tor SWI-49E1-4, Section jo, Lot 2, M-2NWI-4, Section 29, Township 6, South, Range 14, Kast,, Willamette Metidian, has filed nctice of intention to make Final three year Proof, to establish claim to tne land above described before F. D. Stuart. U. S. Com missioner at Maupin. Oreeon. on tne 1 tin (Jay of December, 1919, Claimant names as witnesses: A. R. Wilcox. W. R. Sturies. I). McClain, Mac Hollomau, all of vVspinuia, Oregon. H. Frank Woodcock, Register. Mailpin, Oregon. H. Frank Woodcock, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of tbe interior, U. S Land Office at The Dalles Oregon, October 23rd, 1919. Notice is hereby given that Charles H. Hicuins of Shaniko, Oregon, who on May 3ra, 191a, made Homestead Entry iNO. 01 1033, and on October 14th, 1914, made Additional Homestead Entry No. 013945, tor wi-a Section 24. Townshio 1 South: Suunr 14, aast, Willamette Meridian has filed notice of intention to make Final Three Year Proof, to es tablish claim to the land a how described, before Register atfd Re ceiver, U. S. Land Office at The Dalles. Oregon, ou the ah dav of December, 1919. Claimant names as witnesses: Orvil E. Hiesnus. lohu Thomas. all of Shauik, Oregon. II. Fhank Woodcock, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior U. s. Land Office al The Dalles Oregon, October 23rd, 1919. JNU1ILJL is hereby given that Rosy Harris. widow of William Jasner Harris. deceased, of Shaniko. Oreeon. who, 011 April 7th, 1915, made Homestead Eutry No. 014713. for NEt-4SWt-4, NWI-4SKI-4, SI-2SEI-4, Section NKI-d. Section 10 Township 8 South, Range 15 itast', Willamette Meridian has filed 110. tice of intention to makn Pinal three year Proof,' to establish claim to tiieiamt above described, before if. U Stuart. U. S. Coinmissinnpr at Maupin, Oregon, on the 5U1 day of December, 1919, Claimant names as witnesses: D. D. Wilson, Bertha Berg, Char ley Bere, Georere Fine, all nf Shaniko, Oregon. H. FRANK WOODCOCK, 11 D Rpcristpr REPUBLICATION NOTICE ' Notice is hereby given that Lambert A. Beard , ' of Sau Francisco, California, who on Mav 18th ion. made Home-1 j 1 - 1 stead Entry No. 014915, and on June 1st, 1915, made Additional Homestead Entiy No, 015014, for Lots I, 2 EI-2NWI-4, WI-2NWI-4, NEI-4SWI-4, NWI-4SEI-4, Section 18 Township 6 South, Range 12 East, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of iuteutiou to make Final three year Proof to establish claim to the land above described witness es before F. D. Stuart,. U. S. Com missiouer at Maupin, Oregon,. Claimant before Clerk of the Cii cuit Court of San Francisco Coun ty, California, 011 the 29th day of December, 1919. Claimant names as witnesses: B. R. Sturgis, L. J. McCoy, Ar thur Peehette, J P. Abbott, all of Wupinilii', Oregon. II. Frank Woodcock, itegister. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at The JJalles, Oregon, October 23, 1919. Notice is hereby given that Anthony lohu Connolly of Maupin. Oreeon. who on De. cember 3rd, 1913, made Homestead Eutry no. 01298, for SWI-4SW1-4 Section 27, N1-2NWI-4, NWi-dNEl-d Section 34. Township 4 South, Range 14 East, Willamette Meridi an, and on December 8th. iom. made Additional Homestead Entrv No. OI4205, for EI-2NR1-4, NI-2SE 1-4. Section -tt. Townshin 4 South. Range 14 East, Willamette Merid- nas nied notice ot intention NOTICE OF 'CONTEST Department of the Interior, United States Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, September 30, '9'9. To Luther Wallace of Criterion, Oregon, Contestee: You are hereby notified that Leonard H. Ayres who gives do T, A. Hudson, The Dalles, Oregon as his postoffice address, did on September 22. 1919. file in tbi office his du.y corroborated ap- plication to contest and cecure the cane illation of vonr homo. stead Entry No. Serial 0167W. made February 28, 1916, lor EI-2SEI-4, Section 21, SWI-4N-Wt-4, wl-2swl-4, SEI.45WI-4, si- 2.E1-4. sec. 22, lowuship 6 Soutl nange 10 nast, wujatnette Meiid lau. and as erotiti(ln for bin test he alleges that said land was wiiolly Ebaudoned on or about March, 1QI8. at which time tli.. siid contestee went to his former a me 111 Mississippi and it was rumored (hit he died there, that the only improvements on the land con. istofa cabin 12 by 16 feet, and there has been about 1 t.-.' acres plowed, that since date ol abandonment neither the eutryman or his heiis, if any, have culiivat ed or improved the land; that eu tryman 's absence from the land NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at The Dallps Oregon, October 6th, 1919. ' WUIILE is hereby given that, Albert E. Trotitmnn of Maupiu, Oregon, who on Feb ruary 28th. 1016. made Hnmp. stead Eutry no. 015783, for NI-2SI- 2, swi-tswi-4, bectlon 7, E1-2SEI-4 swi-4SKf-4, Section 8, Township 6 South, Range r4 East, Willamette Meridian has filed notice of inten tion to make Final lli rPA voir v. J V C44 rioof. to establish claim in th land above described, before F D Stuart, U. S, Coinmissoner at Maupin, Oregon, on the 18th day of November, 1919. Claimant names as witnesses; E. J. Fischer, of Maupin, Oregou, VV. H Williams, of Maupin, Ore gon, O. J. Williams of Maupiu Oregon. II. D. Hollis of Sip.,,,! son, Wu. H. Frank Woocock, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Departmeut of the Interior U. S Laud Office at TIip nullBa Oregon, October 6th, 1919. ' JMo ice is hereby given , that Marion A. Dnnran of Kent, Oregon, who on January 26tll, Iqie, made Hompatpaft V.n try No. 015170, for Lot 4, ei-2Swi-4, sr-2SEi-4, Section 19, NEI.4NWI 4, ni 2NH1-4, Section 30, Township 4 south, Range 13 East Willam ette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make Final three year Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, bnfnrn F n Stuart, U. S. Commissioner uf Mauniu. Dreonn mi tK tod, ,i ot November 1919. - Claimant names as witnesses: Hans Koepke. of Crass Vaiw Oregon, pete Peters of Kent, Ore-gou.-Ellis Hughes of Kent, Ore gon, Emery M. Hughes of Kent. Oregon. H. FRANK WOODCOCK, P" Register. 1 1, ti to make Final three year Proof to vvas "ot Jue t0 emplouneut in . it I . . t . I til I 1 I 11 TV LPriHxa rn..A 1 I . . establish claim to the land above desciibed, before the Register and Receiver of Uuited States Land office, Tho Dalles, Oregon, on the 6th day of December, 1919. Claimant names as witnesses: John Foley, Thomas Faherty, Wil bur E. Hurst, Eleuia Connolly, of Maupiu, Oregon, and Kathleen Couuolly, of Portland, Oregon. H. Frank Woodcock, Register For Sale, NW quarter section 25 township 85 range 14 east, H0 icres, about sixty under cultiva tion, rest good graps lapd, two live 'pringi the year around, small Iioush and barn about two miles north of Sberar Bridge iu Sherman ounty, $25 per acre. Will take Hod car as first payment, balance 'sy. Owner, E. K. White, Aus. ralia Hotel, First and Taylor St. Portland, Oregon. For, Sale If wanting a beautiful mondetn home furnace heat with income rite lo U. C. Phetteplace, The Dalles, Oregou. Mr. and Mra. . E. A. Mavhew were out to their farm the first of the week putting up their winter's meat. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department ot the Interior, U. S. Land Office at The Dalles. Oregon, October 23, 1919. Notice is hereby given that Elenla Couuollv of Maupin, Oiegon, who ou No vember. 10, 1914, made Homestead Eutry no. 014046, for WI-2NWI-4, WI-2SWI.4, Section 14, wi-2nwi-. Section 23. Township d South. Range 14 East, Willamette Merid ian, andou January 7, 191s, made Additioiwl Homestead Entry. No 014318 for NEI-4NW1-4, Section 14, NE1-4NKI-4, Section 15, Township 4 South, Range 14 East Willamette Meridiau, has tiled notice of inten tion to make Final three year Proof to estiblish claim to the lanH alrove described, before Register ana Keceiver. United States Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, on tne otii day ol December, 1919. Claimant names as witnesses. Anthouy J. Connolly, of Matinin 'Oregon, Thomas Faherty, of Mau pin, Uregon, Katlileeu Connolly oi lortiauu, uregon, Jouu foley, military service rendered' in r,n nection with operations iu Mexico or along the borders thereof or iu mobolizati'm camps elsewhere in military or naval organizations of the United States or of the Nation al Guard of any of tire several stales or in anv war in whi,u ii, United States h is been engaged. You are, therefore furthor Itnti. tied that the said allegations will oe laaen as confessed, and your said entry will be cennplnd n iilw.nt further ritrht to be hpard oil liu ueiore this olhce or on appeal if y-u fail to file in this office within twenty days after the FOURTH UUUIIUHMIIU OI in IH lintlr'P nc shown below, your answer' under oath, specifically rpKrinndintr In uiuso allegations ot contest, to- getner with due proof that you nave Borvea aCOOV Of Vnur nnouror uii mo aniu eutnesiflnr. itj jn person or by resist I 1 oil should state in vnni budvap ttie liameot the nostofhYn. to !. you desire future notices to be sent to you. H. Frank Woodcock, Register. Date of firt n, i obir 17, 1919 Date of second nubliraliim rw. ober 24, 1919. Date of third rmhlimiinn n,.i. ober 31, 1919. Date of fourth nuhliontinn v,-.,, ember 7, 1919. NjffCE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office al Th- n.,n. Oregon, October 4, 1919. ' NOTICE is hereby given that OtlSsie I Dprthiob- of Maupin, Oregon, who on May 10th, 1915, made Homestead Entry no. 014818, for sei-4seH, Section 2i, Ei-2NEt.4, aud sei-4 Sectiou 28, NK1-4NSI-4, Sec. 33. Township 5 South, Range u Kast Win.... ette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make Final Three ear Proof, toestablish claim to the land above described, before F D. Stuart, Uuited States Couimis Moner at Maupin. Oreirnn r.., n. 18th day of November, 1919. Claimant names as witnesses: O B. Derthick. VV P. Pini.i..- ,; Williams, W. H. Williams. an 01 iviaupiti, Uregon. H. Frank Woodcock, Register. , l789 The Dalles. 340 Serial K 021005. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION U.S. Laud Office at The Dalles. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION U. S. Laud Office at TIip HalW ( Oregon, November 17th, 1919. ' Oregon, September 20th. m.r. IMU1U.E is nereby given that the Northern Pacific Raili r... ' j VVIU- paiiy. wtiose nost nffi. o, 1. St. Paul, Minuesota, has this 29th uy oi oepiemoer 1919, filed ju this office its application to select under the provisions o il, Congress, appioved July i, ,8g8 (30 Stat. 507. 620. 1 by .he Act of Congress approved iyoo. 1.01 4. Sec twp. 5 Range 16, East, W. M arinorcal.. t. I 1 aviotiv l lie lanns flP;priKo desiring to object because of the Mineral character of the land, or any other reason, to the disposal to Bpplicaut. should filo (!,;. -a: .- - . lutll Kill. davits of protest iu this office on or before the 12th day of Novem ber, 1919. H. FRANK WOODCOCK, Register, 4,