The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, November 14, 1919, Image 1

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Devoted to the Interests of Southern Wasco County
VOL 6, NO. 5
THE YEAR $1.50
Maupin School News
Lelah Davidson enteied tlie
Maupin high school Thursday,
Alta Chastain is a uew pupil in
the primary,
Mrs. Kelly sent a nice lot oi
house plants fur the primary room
That Pilgrim stttleiueut and
Indian village on Miss SelleckV
sand table are quite unique,- and
very appropriate for Thanksgiving
First program of the Juniper
Club today.
More apparatus for the lahra
tory arrived Thursday.
New song books for the school,
"Pat's Pick" ("Pal's Pig" as one
boy calls .them) and the Song
At the Churches
Services at Maupin churoh;
November 16th
Sunday School at 10 o'clock.
We have a very interesting les
son. Surely every one who loves
the Lord will be interested in this
It matters- not of what church
you are a member, we would be
pleased to have you bring your
Services in the evening will be
gin promptly at 7:30. Come and
bring a friend,
E. N. Long, Pastor.
The Wapinitia United Brelhern
church makes the following an
nouncements for Sunday, Novem
ber 16th:
Bible school, 10 a. m. ,
Preaching service 11 a. m.
Subject, A Question of Owner
ship, or Will a Man Rob God?
Christian Endeavor 6:80; sub
ject, Co-operation in Service. Mrs
Lester McCorkle leader.
Preaching 7:30; subject, Grow
in Grace.
Everybody in this community
is cordially invited to attend these
services. ,
J. I. Parker, Pastor.
Great Future
Did you ever notice' Mr. Farmer
that the farmer who forges ahead
and becomes the envy of the care
less or indolent neighbor is the
man who tak9B things in season.
He is ready to see his wheal with
the first early moisture of full
because he prepared
f allow in time. His fence pot- s
are hauled and sharpened rtHdy'only
for diiving when the ground
(or rolling miles and miles east
ind west and beyond the plaii.s
are billions of feet of fir and pine,
etc. We are all glad they booit
the neighborhood to Mr. Prosper
tive Settler o r inverter when Le
sticks his inquiring head out of
the coach at Maupin station, I ut
we can't ask Fitcher and KelJy
and Staats and Couklin to boutt
all (he time for all of Souuthein
Wasco county on a one man audi
ence scale. What is needed is a
ueat rttractive circular, printed
locally, sent out by the citizens
and Commercial Clubs setting out
the resources and possibilities in
honest, conservative and complete
form. This circular should nut
each the man who snys
John Day Reese hunting Sunday,
lie announces one .bird, but fear
ing Mrs. A would not care to cook
only one, gave it away.
Mrs. J. H. Woodcock and Little
Irjne relumed home Sunday from
Hood River.
Bee E. A. Cyr about your Xuins
Candy. I ex pec i to be able lo
supply you. The trial of John Ward vs
Edward Disbrow of White River Ch-irles Pelore ml wife took
visited a few bouri in Maupin I place here Monday. N. O. Iledin
Siturday on a return trip fioiu represented th talc, I'tHin G.
The Dalle. j Dick of Tim U.illcx huh council
The dance given Wednesday for tha ilelcucn The juror- for
night by Dolpbus Maybew and tint case were L II. Kilo, P. I1.
For Sale
Wapinitia Items
i 11 n 1 I i r l i i
! ueuo mil at Maupin, oui suoum
ready. His bins are emptied and
h.iuled to winter quarters and bis
grain is safe in the R. R, ware
house early enough to be shipped evuy few days to railway poinls
reception com-
catch him in St. Paul, Chicago,
Omaha, Portland, Cleveland, und
so on along the line, sent out
out with the early sales eto. When
the snow flies he does not rustle
wood for winter, He tends to his
stock and knows that bis straw
Blacks are safe because he fenced
them in season. While the ne'er
do well hauls frozen limbs for fuel
he oils his harness and works in
doors. The moral of the above is
Watch the successful farmer and
do like wise. It costs less and
rewards more.
When a traveler boards a train
south bound toward Bend he iol-
,'lows the gorge cut through browr,
desolate, and mostly bare hills.
Untej he comes to Maupin with
its mill and elevators and hotel
he thinks that man has been illy
used to be planted in Central Ore
gon, but at Maupin I hear him
say Where lie tl e f elds that
such Cue elevators, and is the
wheat ground for flour in that
mill? Then Mr, Kelly and Mi.
Bell and the conductor and Dad
Coal and the rest of the boys pi ff
out their chests and say: Why
man those elevators are this min
ute bursliug with grain; that mill
is swamped with orders fur flour
milled from local wheat. Above
the gorge are great plateau farms
and soon a live
mil tee with offices and data on
laud n nd business opportunities
would lc busy at Maupin and
The Hi olaimation Record should
print sou. e-hing monthly from our
project-to be read by all other
irrigators in ihe U. S.
Sowing such seed will bring a
crop of buyers and tourists satis
fying all needs.
The Yakima project will require
oo.iAiu cars mis t-eason to move lis
crop to the world markets. This
means a train 22 miles long worth
$10,000,000.00. It will carry one
million ponds of bogs, 15,000 care
of apples, 1,200 cars of hay, 200
Cars of soft fruit, besides thous
ands of sheep and cattle. Before
irrigation developed Mr. Farmer
Wallace Muir was well attended.
L. C. Wilhelm is building a
bath room on the rear of the J.
II. Woodcock residence.
A nice line of watches and jtw
elry on display at Maupin Drug
B 1). Fraley made a trip to
Prineville yesterday for a Deho
lighting system, leaving 'IViry
Ford in charge during his absence
lid Gabel this week purchased
material of the Tum-a-Lum Co.
f r a four room bungalow aud is
hauling the lumber to his place
on Natural Pasture.
Lost Kodak, between Wapini
tia and Maupin, reward for return
to this office. W. J. F.
Barzee Brothers have removed
the partitions foiming the kitchen
and barber shop in the Hazelwnod
Ioe Cream Parlor and making it homf) ()f flud Mr8. wi Sl(r.
one large room, i m , spae.ui ;s hig Sm)Joy nigl)l
tuiumuu tu me ujuiij uuiiiimg is
being ceiled and will be fitted ip
for a boiling alley. Job Crabtree
Molt, Flunk Aii Coy, Jnliii i win,
Walter Wooilttidu uud Julius Snip
llin, The trial lasted until late
at night. The jury went out
about ten p. in. utnl returned the
verdict at four . a ni, W under
stand the case is lobe appealed..
L C. Huuiieglian has sold his
entire holdings including pi r -mini
property here to a Mrs Guizler of
Portland for $51,000.00.
A. R. Maynard has sold his
Wapinitia property to N. G.
Hediu and K. A. Hartman. We
uudorstand the farm will be livid
ed up aud sold off in lots, also
that an experimental ttation will
be established on it in the near
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Feteis n
ai'H moving to The Dallos fir the
A little kaugbler arrived at the
Lot 50x100 with mall house
aud Bidewolk on Deschutes Ave.
Warranty Deed and Abstract furn
ished. Call or address A. Bauui
gartner, Meupin, Oregou (Owner)
Tygb visited at the McCorkle
home here Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Dayid Sharpe
moved to the Hedin saw mill to
il iy. Mrs. S. will have charge of
the cuok In u-io.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Ileilz moved
elowu Wednesday from Walker-
ville to Pine Grove where Mr.
Ileilz will work at the mill.
E I Davis and son are putting
in the logs for the Hedin mill.
Calvin McCorkle has purchased
a new tractor for his spring work.
The Ladies' Aid Bazaar will be
held Friday, November 28 in the
evening. Everybody invited.
A baby arrived at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. II. S. Goodeoough
Smock Items
grow the giain which demands twoL0u could have purchased 1,000,-
"It Pays to Pay Cash at JoryV
F. M. Jory
When in Need of Dependable
Goods Our Prices Are Right
Gas Air-o-lite Lamps
"It Pays to Pay Cash at Tory's"
000 aeres of this productive mud
for $2.50 per acre.
Some day, Mr. Farmer, when
we take irrigation seriously ... d
develop our natural advantage.-
our sugar beet taclories will lie
running to capacity. Our cream
ery and cheese factories will look
like money from the mint. Aulo
transports will keep daily schedl b
to The Dalles, lo Maupin, to Port
land, carrying cream, ouiunc,
corn, cheese, sugar, flour, melons,
fruit and' lumber will be carried
to the treeless farming districts
Do you bolive this Mr. Farmer?
You won't eeiid your sous and
daughters away then to high
school or college as these will
spring up at home. In place of
500 to 1000 people on the plaius
with o00 to 3000 acres for one
man, we will see 20, 40, 100 acre
farms, lots of them, all raising
the stuff that will feed their fami
lies aud enrich the slate.
Land values, will raise to the
equal of the older irrigated dis
The first thing in hand is to
boost for our November election,
for the improvement of ogr main
market roads in District 32, in
eluding Maupin and Wapiuitia.
Let's go over 100 per cent loyal to
our district.
8. C.
Dr. Elwood was culled Wednes
day night to see Mrs. Calvin Mc-
Onrlrln U'Vitt to no nuila tii-lr liiil
i head carpenter on the job. I. , ,
r ' ira roving now.
'Tedy' who recent!? made hiei Mn. John Leis returned home
home at this office disappear! d Wednesday evening from a week's
visit with Mr. Lewis' sinter, Mrs.
this week. If found, please bring
him home and his little mistress
will forgive. his wanderings.
Train Schedule
W. II. Mayftold on Smotk.
The weather has cleared off aud
hope to have some nice weather.
Rev. Eads has rented the Bar
geiiholt place. Mr, and Mrs.
Birgunholt will live iu The Dallis
A party of surveyors are work
ing on the ditch.
Several ef the farmers have been
butchering the past few days.
MiiB Feltch and brother made
trip lo Maupin recently.
No school wai held here Tuesday
Mrs. Henry Maytield'i slaty
from Burns is here visiting.
Muck Mayfleld arrived be
Siturdsy. He has been Working
O W. Train No. 35 due 1C:IT)
a in. .No. 3(i due at 3:25 p. m,
O. T. Train to Portland I 03 i.
in., fr mi Portland 1:27 a. in.
Five square ro Is of land furn
ished my family ot six more
strawberries than we could uin all
summer. If yuu have water lor
irrigation they will do the same
for you. Plants $1 per bundled.
A. A. Bonney.
Local Interest
Dir. Dsika will Ibe
Froifc 17 to 25
I have a farm 400 acres. 20
miles from Boise, Idaho, 10 mile
from Emmett, good soil, well
watered, lots of outside range
Grows good alfalfa without water.
80 acres can be irrigated. A good
cattle proposition. Price $15.00
per acre. A. A. Bouuoy,
At E. A. Cyr's Canned Cheeee
I Ever 'try a cau?
Atty. Baunigartner spent the
week end with Dr. Dake ou bis
homestead up the river.
Mozart Cabinet Grand Piano
fjr sale, see F. C. Butler for terms
Dave Donaldson moved into the
Tally Vandetpool cottage by the
spring Monday.
See our line of Talking Ma
chines. Maupin Drug Store. You
can get them on easy payments,
Wapinitia Auto Stage
Leaves Maupin, 4 p. m.
Leaves Wapinitia, 7 a. tn
Ed Ritch retim ed Mon lav near Fort Rock.
from a businoss trip to the valtn). I The young people oi the Sunday
N. G. Hedin left today for Purl- School are having quite a time
an 1.. He will return S nurday lo trying tn keep the offering banners
l.e Dallos and attend a nail Preaching at Shadv Drunk ntxi
(Hunting therj and dun roe thai ! Sunday.
some ot the farmers of this si'ctn n I Waller Ledford came out of th'
maintains Saturday evening and
attend also.
Mr, mid Mrs. lid
Hood River ariived
attend the trial.
Mr. aud Mrs. Milt
Thomas of
Monday to
Morris ol
reports much raid.
The movies lael night were well
atlom'e '.
The Window of ths Soul - THE EYE
Most precious gift to Man;
As the busy years of life go by,
Preserve it while you can.
HERBERT W. COPELAND, Principal of Maupin School,
also graduate and licensed ,
treats cases of hypermetropia, presbyopia, myopia,
and astigmatism with properly fitted glasses.
See him on Saturdays or evenings, not at any
time that will interfere with school duties.
A. IBamsisgairtimeirs, L, L. E.
Has Qjptn&& law offices in M&upiw.
Legal masters of til Muds aftteiraileiJl to.
face mext (Jooir to postoffke
A, L. Anderson went over to