i Please Mention Thl. Paper Wh MORRIS BROTHERS, Inc. The Premier Municipal Bond House MORRIS BUILDING, 309-311 Stark St Government and PORTLAND, ORE. Established Over Municipal Bond Phone Bdwy, 2151. Twenty-Five Yean Hotel Alder DIXIE BREAD Ask Your Grocer HER AUTO SPRING CO.. V Cafeteria at THB BESTti IN VAUDEVILLE IliiiSli WE WANT YOUR TURKEYS Write ub for prices on Poultry, Veal, Hoga, Eggs, Apples, Potatoes, Unions. 40 yean in business. PAGE & SON, PORTLAND, ORE. Prompt, Reliable. TT TTTPTTPTh" AT We pay Highest Market Price for Butterf at -lA" and send check by return mail. Send us your name and we will mail you our quotation. RIVERVIEW DAIRY COMPANY, 1003 Established PT nWPJ?s TON SET H FLORAL CO. r UJ Hi MX O The House of Flower, FOR ALL OCCASIONS Phones Main 5102 287 Washington St., Portland. Oregon li , - -fe I : Musical Instruments and Supplies, Phnojraphs and Records. ' i S'''" J I AGENTS FOR C G. Conn, Ltd. Band Instruments, Vega s .f u 'T Tu-baphone and Whyte-Laydie Banjos. Jg v Send for Catalogue of new and used Instruments. "'if SlL, "For Anything Musical, See rDofiffall First" ,, Af Genuine Ford Parts TALBOT & CASEY, Inc. Authorized Ford Dealers When In town, brine your Ford to us. Exceptional repairing facilities by first-class Ford mechanics. Magnetos re-charged In car while you wait Try as for parts. Signor G. Taglieri Artistic Finish. Principal tenor Italian Of International reputation. Studio 804-5 2 When sawing wood the THOMAS saws as much as ten men. And it will run any of your machinery that re quires a 4 H. P. Motor. Mounted on wide rim iron wheels. One man operates and moves it from place to I (tfdrt'Sp I Place, k iM " $175! Is SB? nrver, Our Free Circular Rives Full Description. Write Also For Testi monials. THOMAS ENGINEERING WORKS Dep. W, Title&Trust Big., Portland, Ore. Ground Gripper Shoes Can be ordered by mail for the whole family. The easi est and beat shoe made today. A Real Corrective Shoe. GROUND GRIPPER SHOE STORE, S8M Wash, Street Portland, Oregon. 766 St Helens Aye., Taeoma, Washington 81 LOSANGAJNBlNS OnlyTScluive'sTlonctc No Nails, No Trouble. Stay Round Bilo Co., 301 faekum Bldg., Portland. The great ceremonial cave or Kiva, where the people's councils evidently assembled, Is located two-thirds of the way up the side of a cliff, In a cave Inaccessible, save with ladders. The temple is carved out of the solid rock, partly by nature and partly by hand. Little Is known about the forgotten people that once lived in this beauti ful retreat in New Mexico, although many of the symbols of a race that was are visible in the interiors of the recently discovered homes. Answsrln TheM Advertlsementa. Roomi tl per day and dp. Special monthly rates, Out-of-town visitors made to feel at home. Southern Pacific electric train depot in him building. J. W. BUBHONG, ManaKer. 26 Alder St., cor. 4th. PORTLAND, ORB HAYNES-FOSTER BAKING CO. Portland, Oregon. SALEM BAKING CO., Salem. Ore. You Can't Break 'Em! Gat Sprints with written guarantee (or year. 15,000 Springs in Stock. Portland. Ore. BEST PLACE IN TOWN TO EAT We especially Invite out-of-town visitors to give at trill. We will make you (eel at borne. Sixth and Alder Streets. PORTLAND. ORE. You Will Feel Right at Home Here SAFE AND CENTRAL REASONABLE RATES NORTONIA HOTEL Uth and Stark. Portland, Ore. Excellent Cafe But Meets All Trains HEILIG SundayMondar. Tuesday Nights Sun. Mod. Tubs. Wed. Afternoons THFATFR Show Wed- Nihl Occasionally. 1 nttt 1 LP. Nlgktti is,. h J 00; MilbMt. 15c Is 75t Belmont St., Portland, Oregon. mil, Jq J Grand AVC , MQV ItmH flj" ? Keep the Northwest Prosperous by using Northwestern Made Goods. ZAN BROS., Inc. Maestro of "La Voce Postata" Italian " Bel Canto" Voice BuUdintr from Elementary Btasrea to Huto and Enarlish Grand Ouera companies. StearnB Building. Phone Main 8146. lilfif All metal construction; all-weather ignition sys tem. A sturdily built, guaranteed outfit that lasts longer and operates easier and more economically. poinl wen sf Mississipi dclirercd tft stares! station While in Portland Don't forget to visit one of the Greatest Money Saving Stores on the coast. Where You Really SAVE Clothing, Shoes, Furnishings, Etc, at J to J regular prices. GLICKMAN'S 243 ALDER ST., CORNER SECOND ST. The big store with the yellow front. TEACHER8' AGENCY Rocky Mountain Teachers' Agency, rTanK K. Welles, ex-asst State BudL mgr. Portland, Or. Teachers placed promptly. On Probation, ai It Were. Preparatory to showing Elmer his new sister, his father said: "What do you say to getting a new baby at our house, sonny?" Elmer thought a moment and then said: "Let's just rent one till we see how we like It, for Jimmy (Elmer's chum) says he is tired of his ; it cries all the time." Optimistic Thought. Strength wanting Judgment and pol icy to rule overturneth itself , Nov. the 3rd 74c-Butterfat-74c Hlnce lis first quotation THE PEER I.KHH HUTTfcli CO. hus and ALWAYS WILL establish the KKCOliD BUTTER FAT PRICES. REMEMBER We have one price to all: our quotations ate open; we do not quote a price and puy some mure and some less to meet competitors. Try us check by return mall for each shipment. PEERLESS BUTTER CO. 45-47 Front Street Portland, .... Oregon "Where Home Comforts Abound" PORTLAND, ORE. The pleasure of your trip to Port land will depend upon the hotel you select. Cozy surroundings, moderate rates, and the welcome you find in your own home tows, await you at the Multnomah, Garage In Connection. Save Money, Make Your Own Rheumatic Remedy A simple harmless remedy for rheuma flsm and lumbago consists ot 8ALGHHNE 2 ozs. Olive Oil 4 ozs. Shake SALURKNE thoroughly, add olive oil and shake again until thoroughly emulsified. Take two teaspoonfuls every three hours until relieved; then three times a day. iipflii We operate the best equipped Poultry Milk Feeding Station in the Northwest Are you shipping us your poultry? Don't sell until you get our prices. All kinds of Poultry wanted If we have no local station, write or ship direct. SWIFT & CO. Produce Dept. Portland, Ore. CREAM POULTRY EGGS Agents for Disco Electric Ford Slarlers, $85.00 Complete Car and Tractor Megnetos, Generators and Starting Motors Repaired, Best Bank References. Send for free chart. Mall us magnetos, Quick serv ice. ElectricService Auto Co EXPERTS 891 Oak it. Bet. Park V 9th See The Portland Modern Oil Burner Making Pure Gas From Coal Oil. Fits any Stove or Range. Has no ecmal for cook ing, heating, furnaces, etc. Easy to operate. No dirt soot or odor. rJy rar toe cneapest luet. in vestigate. Agents wanted. PORTLAND MODERN OIL BURNER, UB Gran Aye., Portland, Oregon NATUROPATH Dr. Geo. W. Crockwell. Specialist In Female uiseases vu- ueaum liiag. Turkeys Wanted We also pay bett market prices for Cream, Egg and Live Poultry. HAZLEWOOD COMPANY Front and Ankeny Sts., Portland, Ore. Box-746 DR. I. E. La BARRE, Portland Modern DENTIST Appointment made by (A mfV. I f yA man. no serious reaima Z'-tttJV from teeth extraction. Work of every character positively guar' 3 T T T 171 T - T- IS O auieeu;, ui. x, l. da. jt xtti i e, u. a.. Suite 205 Gerllnger Building. Cor. 2nd and Alder Streets. TRUSSES We soecialize In fltting trusses. Send for measur ing blank and circular. We carry everything in Dross, Kubber uoods, Klastie Hos iery, etc., and pay pontage. LAUE-DAVIS DRUG CO., Trass Experts OREGON EVERYTHING FOR THE OFFICE Office Furniture & Appliances Printing u Engra ving Bookbinding tSSSHAU toeo mntt OAK ST..BTS .OWTLANO. oftoo COMPLETE LINE OP STEEL tnUNO DEVICES ANO SYSTEMS Chinese music is not written. The words of some of the favorite songs have been preserved, but the music has been handed down from father to son for generations that go far back be fore the day of the troubadours. When music is played it is played accord lng to the memory of the musician and his ideas of interpretation. A must cian varies the performance as his best judgment dictates, and the strings, reeds or brass may break in at almost any time. ill H fl c G t,,'ganacjer kJqsP Shipping Tigs and Price List vsaS grsULLIVAN HIDE & WOOL CO. jl 144 Front St I ML INFORMATION DEPARTMENT Commercial Information furnished free of charge. Cstaloguss supplied and com mercial inquiries cnesrruiiy answered. write any mm dsiowiuo 11 nowi ELECTRIC! ADVERTISING SIGNS Union Sign CoV 79 West" Park at Oakl FA R ML I QHTiN 6 PLANT LaTfey Light, 83 1st St. FURNACES t PIPELESS FURNACES Portland Furnace & Heater Works, 146 Grand Ave. GOITRE SPECIALIST Ft. M. Erwin, M. P., 30TI-01 Journal Bldg. HEMSTITCHING Ella M. Stevens, 2nd Fir, K0j Morrison. MILLINERY 4. BARCLEY C0R8ET Jones Millinery, 89 Grand Ave. PAINLESS CHIROPODIST nr. Kthel A. Bacry." R 603-47 827 Wash. Bt PHOTO STUDIO V. L. Notthrup, 412 Washington St. PIANO TUNING AND REPAIRING V. K re mar, 254 Market St., Main 6012. PIANOS AND PHONOGRAPHS G. F. Johnson Piano Co., 149 6th; PIPES, FITTINGS, ALL SIZES Zldi'll-Berenson Co., 208 Front St. POULTRY AND PET8 Cash Produce Co., 300 East Morrison St PLASTER DOLLS AND NOVELTIE8 Rose Clty Novelty Wks., 105 Grand Ave. POTATOES Potatoes. Onions. ADDles. carload lots. W. S. HurBt & Co., wnoiesaie rroauce Dealers, 202 Alder St. PROTECT YOUR EYES E. Hurwltz, Optometrist, 226 First St SHEET METAL & RETINNINQ WKS. Union Ave. Metal Wks., 411 Union Ave. SANITARIUM Dr. A. vrDowns,940 Corbett St TURKEYS, VEAL, HOGS, PRODUCE Ruby & Co., 169 Front St., Portland. W ATE R PRESSURE 8Y8TEM Duro Pumps, 93 1st St. CANCER TREATED"' Lowell M. Jones, M. D., 312 Morgan Bldg. ACCORDIAN PLEATING Knife and box pleating, hemstitching, lOe yard, Ruttons covered. Eastern Novalty Mfg. Co., Fifth street, Portland, AGATE CUTTERS 4 MFG. JEWELER8 niHndidsenMceTiueasing Drlces. Jew elry and watch repairing via xaiX. Miller's Bob wasntngton i. iRTIrir.tAL LIMBS OeTjSTXrtiflclaTTf for (Catalog. 4 ZD wasn pi., ron tana. AUTO ACCESSORIES tj. Classy Bug Bodies fVpjpJCrfR Prices-185 aad op. itX Burness & Martin 16th aV Alder sts.. Portland BUILDING MATERIAL BHOPB BRICK CO.. tace aad mantel brick a specialty. Phone East, 116; Resi dence, East 179T. HI ft B. Morrtsoa Bt, raruano, ure. We will gladly make estimates. Wall Board. 82 and 48 In. wide, ud to is 11. lengen. r. u. unerry uo., ill Maw thorne Ave., Portland, Ore. BEAUTY PARLOR Marlnello Cosinetio Shop. Permanent hair wave. Most modern equipped cosmetic shop In city. 203 Brdy Big, Marshall 2207. CARPET WEAVING AND CLEANING Rag Rugs, all sizes. Mall orders prompt Send for Booklet 9x12 Rugs, Steam or Dry Cleaned, II. 5(1. WESTERN FLUFF RUG CO., 54-58 Union Ave. N. East 6616, B-1176 CLEANING AND DYEING ""For relKbTel5fiajSng"Mdn5 ice sena parcels to us. we pay return postage. Information aad prlcea given upon request. Ji.niS.JJi B U1J.I LIXJl WUnJLB Established 1890 Portland DENTAl SUPPLIES John Welch Dental Depot Dental sud- plleB of all kinds. Morgan Bldg., Portland. rs. Dr. Wheatley Howe. Indian Baths. Curative barks and roots used In treating ail diseases. Paralysis and blood poisoning cured, epeclalty enronic dls- 262 Monroe St. warn. Zitj; c-1187 DRUGS BY MAIL Oregon Herbs (Nature's Tea) for kidney and bladder troubles. 60c a pkg by mail. Plummer Drug Co, 3d & Madison, Portland DOORS AND WINDOWS We can sell you Doors. VVjndowsRoof- Ing, Paint Glass and Builders' Hardware, direct at wholesale prlcea Write for prices- neiore buying, iieacoca Basa ec Door Co., 212 First St, Portland. FARM LOANS For any time desired and lowest cur rent rates. Wm. MacMaster, 131 U. S. National Bank Building, Portland, Oregon FURS TO ORDER REMODELING lave 0 to 30 at tne only upstairs Furrier. Raw fur bot The Fur Shop, bus eweiiana jjiug., sin ana wasn., fori land, Ore. HIDES, WOOL, TALLOW TTss7NGER'XcarK to 164 13th Bt. Cor. Irving, Portland. Main Office, San Francisco. Branches: Seattle, Spokane, Boise, Salt Lake, Reno, tunings, MiBsouia, Vancouver, a. u. HAIR DRESSING Mme Grenell relieves Itching scaln. Moles, superfluous hair removed. 280 Flledner Building. KODAK FINISHING Mail orders returned to post office same day received. Free trial coupon upon request. Our Finishing Better. SAWYER PHOTO CO., 2d and Morrison. ladies Takara AntiseDtlc Powder Is a cleans lng, healing, germicidal and Invigorating douche. A great aid in leucorrhoea and female disorders. Price 60c and 61 per box. Send 10c In stamps or coin for lib eral trial package. For sale by Portland Hotel Pharmacy, Portland, Or. WHY ENDURE FOOT MI8ERY7 Tired, sore feet take the joy out of life. Why suffer with swollen, perspiring, ten der, calloused, bad odor feet when the R. M. R., 10-day, permanent and guaranteed can be purchased for $2.00. The R. M. K. lu-nay uuaranteea corn cure, 50 cents. This wonderful remedy contains no acids or poisons. Sent prepaid, plain di rections lor use in eacn pacKage. KobDln MarrRemedy Co., 814 Jtock Ex. Bldg. RHEUMATISM-PILES-CONSTIPATIN Wild Pigeon Springs Mineral Water Nature's own remedy from the Rock. Drink It and get well. Bottled by Rock Remedy Co., 7 1st St., Portland, Or. A Moderately-Priced Hotel of Merit HOTEL CLIFFORD East Morrison St. and East Sixth 11.26 per Dsy. Two In Room, 11.71. One ,of the famous canes of the world was that of Balzac. It gave him, according to one of his obser vant contemporaries, "a rapture of self-satisfied vanity. It was as big a a drum major's staff, and was ablaze with rubies, diamonds, emer alds and sapphires. On it was a huge gold knob containing a lock of hair of a lady admirer. Balzac never ap peared In public without that stick, and all the jewels that he bought or bad presented to him he put Into the cane." epajTihsirriearVl quotation. Kahn Bros., Ml Front St DOCTORS Mrs. Dr. Wheatley Howe. Indian Herbal MACHINERY KendusyoTn-TnuiilMi Iron or Woodworking Machinery, Logging, Sawmill, Contractors' Equipment, Loco motives, Boilers, Engines, Crushers, Rail, Cable, Belting, etc. Burke Machinery Co., 528 Hallway Kxchunge Bldg , Portland, Or. HEMSTITCHING K. Stephen, hemstitching, scalloping, braiding, accordion aide pleat buttons covered; mall orders, ill Plttock block. Accordion Pleating, Hemstitching. Buttons covered. Custom made ahirta. Art Embroidery aV ButtoajCo., Morgan Building, Portland. HIDES AND JUNK TrsTutnTrXcSTWFrrT market value for hides, pelts, old rubber, metals, etc. 1 PORTLAND MARBLE1 WORK! 264-266 Fourth Bt Neu Bros. Write us for Prices! PloneerslnTnSo? 186 First Bt, Portland, PORTLAND Qow7tirnjie"c7wvyToT ritag., foriiana 10 Duy, sen or si Real Estate. Frank L. McOulre. PLATING NICKEL AND 8ILVER Write today for prices we pay return fiostage on small parcels, caiirot ma rui ng Works, 214 2nd St., Portland. PHYSICIANS Dr. F. . Kreuts. metauhysican & me- chano-therapy.Magnetlo treatments, Clair- voyant. fsyenometry reauing. lbu iitn PERSONAL me; best and most successful "HOME) MAKER;" hundreds rich wish marriage soon; strictly confidential; most reliable; years of experience; description free. ''The Successful Club," Mrs. Ball, Box otto uaaiana, cattiomia. PLUMBING 4V PLUMBING 8UPPLIE8 We can supply you with any kind of mumping auppves at wholesale prices we win giaaty estimate cost 01 amy od. Writ for prices. STARK-DAVIS CO., ill Third Bt, Portland SAFES Fire and burglar prooi sales, new ana second hand, at right prices, bought, sola ana exenangea. NORRI8 SAFE A LOCK CO. 105 Second Street, Portland, 8ANITARY BEAUTY PA RLOR ieID tne aDnearance 01 wosssa. Twenty-two Inch sw'.tch or trauforaa- tlon. value 17.00. nrli-e 12.46. 400 to 412 Dekum Bldf. RAILWAY TELEGRAPH INSTITUTE Young men and women: best returns for am t Invested. Position when qualified. 434 Railway Exchange Bldg., Portland. At wholesale and retail. Mall order promptly filled. Smith's Wall Paper House, lus-iiu csecona Bt., roruana. RAZORS The famous compound for tempering razors without heat. Makes shaving a delight. The Stratanum Co., 608 Chamber 01 uom, Repairs for all stoves and heaters. Prompt attention to mail orders. Spokane Btove & f urnace Repair works, BpoKane. Worry Is a homeopathic or attenu ated dose ot fear, and fear as all know, is a powerful depressant of the circu lation and nervous system. It is fear that paralyzes the animal that Is "charmed" by a snake; it is fear that "strikes at the heart" of a child fright ened by some real or fancied appari tion or threat, predisposing to shock or collapse. It is harmful emotion, There is no doubt that a susceptible individual might be actually "fright ened to death." Sheep Bone Toy of Small Orientals. Without the bone of a sheep, that eternal, ubiquitous playtoy of all the East, the children of Asia would be absolutely without an amusement de vice, Go wherever children play Osmanlis or Kurds, Armenians or Arabs, Druses or Greeks and you will see the sheep bone represents every thing from a doll to a sword, from a pasha's horsetail ornamented stand ard to a British gunboat, from a mosque to a church. Cleaning an Umbrella, To clean an umbrella place a table- spoonful of sugar in a basin, pour over it half a pint of water and stir till dis solved. Then open the umbrella and, starting from the ferrule, sponge each gore down to the point. Leave the umbrella open till dry. Common Gain. The cause of freedom is identified with the destinies of humanity, and In whatever part of the world It gain ground by and by, it will be a com mon gain to all those who desire it Kossuth. Ingredients for Happiness. Without strong affection and hu manity of heart, and gratitude to that Being whose code is mercy and whose great attribute is benevolence to all things that breathe, true happiness can never be attained. Dickens. The Other Side, If you want to make yourself solid with other folks don't stop to tell them what wonderful things you have done, but just say, "You fellows have the world beaten for big things!" Beit of All Fertilizers. I believe that the best fertilizer for any soli is a spirit of industry, en terprise and intelligence. Without this, lime and gypsum, bones and green manure, marl and guano will be of lit tle use. Henry Ward Beecher. Oldest Roof. The roof of Hotel Rhluebeck in New York city is supposed to be the oldest slate roof in America. It was slated in the year 1700 with slate brought from Wales for this purpose. Learn From Mistake. If you make a mistake don't look back at it long. Take the reason of the thing into your own mind, and then look forward. Mistakes are les sons of wisdom. Hugh White. TOGS FOR KIDDIES Ready-to-Wear Clothes Have Many Advantages. Mother Prefer to Rely on Garment Which They Believe Look Better Than Those They Make. Eacb season, assert the shopkeep ers, there Is more and more demund for ready-made clothes for children. Not that there are more children, but that more mothers ure relying on the ready-to-wear gunneuts, which are really so much better looking than anything they can fushlon ut home without spending a good deal of pre cious time In the process. Even If the modern mother Is a good needlewoman she finds that flue sewing Is the least requirement. Styles In children's clothes change rapidly nownduys; the same models are not worn yeur after year as they used to be. One does not recall these frantic style changes in one's own childhood. There was the long-waistedg-frock with a sash or a low-placed leather belt. And there was the plulted skirt with a sudor blouse. And there was the gulmpe dress. Al most all frocks for little girls kept to these fundamental principles. It Is Interesting to watch the style developments in raiment for small girls. Features tlutt are the fads of one season usually appear the next season as salient points of juvenile garb. Why this is, no one quite knows; but it Is so. Frocks for little girls this autumn show over-the-walst bod ices, tied at the buck In a sush. They show long over-blouses with fringe at the edge. They show straight lines and loose belts and sashes and round necks edged with platted frills. Every day frocks are of serge, of wool jersey, of trlcotine, and the favored trimmings are buttons, bruld, angora wool, silk embroidery and loop fringe. Taffeta and even satin dresses ure shown for girls from seven to twelve years old; and the taffeta frocks, particularly, are quaint and charming In their soft, bright colors and childish style. One blue poplin model Is an excel lent choice for autumn school days. It is a little more substantial in weight than a tub frock, yet Is not so heavy and warm as an all-wool costume. It fills in the gap between summer and winter admirably though, of course, It must be supplemented by several tub dresses for wear on those sultry days that always come. This blue poplin model might be developed successfully in taffeta, with lace or hand-embroidered collar and cuffs for formal occa sions; the blue poplin, with its collar and cuffs of the muterial and neat white lawn vestee, Is an ideal school frock. BLACK CREPE DE CHINE GOWN Accordion pleated, begins at the bust line and I nipped at the waist by a crushed moire girdle, then three tier ripple at will from hip to ankle. All thi I In striking contrast to the very transparent bodice of chif fon and lace. Mending Lace. Small breaks In lace cun be very perfectly mended with a little cure and patience. Place a tiny knot at the end of your thread and draw the thread through the place where the lace Is broken, Joining the broken thread to the lace proper. Then draw a succession of loop knots over the floating thrend very tightly close to the base. Now follow with the new thread the course that the old thread bad taken and do the same with the other loose end, knotting It securely tlose to the body lace. Cut away the loose ends and the break Is no longer perceptible. Colors for Autumn, Navy, brown and gray ure much discussed as the most fushlonable col ors for autumn blouses these trimmed with touches of brilliant or lighter colors, bat with distinctive care, for there must be, according to fashion's decree, no garishness about these colorful trimmings. I