MAUPIN IMES Demoted to the Interests of Southern Wasco County VOL 6, NO. 3 MAUPIN SOUTHERN WASCO COUNTY, OREGON. FRIDAY. OCTOBER 3!. 1919, THE YEAR $1.50 HE Maupin School News High school pupils making an average of 90 or wore in second . uioDthly test were: Leonard Fur low, 94 75; Ma Duncan 94.25; Mabel Cyr, 94. Those raising their average above what they earned last month were: Doratba .Martin, Roy Martin, Ma Duncan and Mabel Cyr. ' '.. "I would rather be defeated in doing right than to succeed iu doing wrong." James A. Garfield November 1, All Hallows Day; All saints are honored tfien. Now, why it is I cannot say, But the saints are moBtly men ! Pupils of the primary room making 100 iu spelling tlitn month areJOrville Fraley, Veltna Cro foot, Melyiu Jory, Myrtle Moss, Nona Styer, Estel Stoval), Ella, Orville and Letty Hammond, Ida Kidder, Alvin Styer, Iiarle Green, Crystal Stoart. Where is that college professor who said "Spell ing is becoming a lost art"? The high school and grammar grade are organizing a literary society.1, Leonard Farlow and Ida It Pays to Pay F. M. Jory Now is the time to get your supply of BLA Kl ke t s A NEW SHIPMENT JUST ARRIVED Couch Covers Steamer Rugs Go-Cart Rcbes Baby Blankets Mackinaw Coats Auto Robes Fancy Bed Spreads Bath Robes Yarn, Shawls Indian Robes fit to Py JJuild Noytr ALL BUILDING MA TERIAL,. PRICES WILL PROBABLY REMAIN STATIONARY bOR SEV ERAL YEARS. ... ; FARM BUILDING S iOULD BE PLANNED now. - ;b y" i f ASK TO SEE OUR FREE . PLAN BOOK ON FARM BUILDINGS, PAY FOR THEM SELVES IN BETTER FEEDING FIRST YEAR. -$-$--- MACHINE SHEDS- More Machinery Rusts Out than Weirs Out Hogthedi, Hayheds, Barns, Ch cken Houses, Homes. Tum-A-Lum Lbr. Co. Duncan were eluded president and secretary respectively of the temparary nrgaiiizatioa. The ,pr in.ment organization in to be fomed Friday, October 31. Meet ings are to be held evfiy two week?, the second and fourth Fri day of each Kchool month. Pupils in Mrs. Buchanan's room taking an average of IK) or more are: Lorraine Stovall, IKJ.5; Mary Martin. 9.1;, Winifred Kaicer, 91!; Olive Turner, S)l; Helen Philiulee 91. ' ; New Subscribers The following renewed tln'ir subscription to the Times during the pant few dajs:- D. B. Appling s O. P. Weberg J. 0 Winifree Mrc J. II, Kiatner 1 Hanger & Dull I E. II. Snodgrass II. S. Goodenough M. F. Goodenough ;' Clark Richardson Otto Uerrling ;; , ' J. U. Porchelt ' . Cash at Jory's'V Cash at Tory's" Wapinitia Items King Winter surely arrived here Sunday, Snow commenced falling before day and kept no till noon when there was ubout six inches, and then the mercury suddenly dropped to within a few degrees of zem, an occurence never known here in October. The welcome Chinaolt came Monday night aud the hmow left. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hickey nint Mr. will Hickey lull Here today lor Portland. N. li. Iledin brought tlieiu out from Cedar Swamp in his Ford. There was a foot of biiow at the camp. A car passed through here Sat. urday evening from across the mountains will a large deer. They had come tl) rou all euow almost die entire distance. Mr, and Mrs. Calvin McCorkle bav: rented and moved into Mrs. Smith' house in ton, Mr. im' Mrs. Walter Sharp will live ui Mr. M Corkle's farm this wtutei aud lock after the stock. . H. N. Dodge, the local survey oi has I'i'cii Htirvcyiug utid waking maps of ti e irrigation canals iu I bin section the past ten days. Add-on Bennett, a writer lor the Oi'egouian spent Sunday aud M'mday here writing up the irrigft tiou project. Mr. Boouett found ed The Dalles Opt imist years ago. A geological man speut (be week end at liie Bur zee and made a trip to the mountains Monday. Rev. and Mrs. J, I Parker and soha arrrlved here Wednesday from Los Angeles, Qal., and will, lake charge" of the local elupeft work. Seryioes Suuday morning Hud evening. Hollowe'en social at school home Saturday night, Each I 'tly tri ng a pie. Proceeds to get lumps for school. Rev. G, E. McDonald, confer ence superintendent, came upi Iron) Portland Wednesday and conducted the quarterly confer ence Wednesday evening. Carl E. Hornquest W. H., G. li. and Claud Taloolt W. C. Vauderpool. " B. L- Foreman . Smock Items Hallowe'en basket social at the school house Saturday night. A good-time aesured'. Ladies hring lnnch 1or two. We are having Chrictmas weath er already, having two niches of snow, but think it will not last long. Marion Farlow motored to Mau p'n Monday, meeting Mrs. F. who h is been visiting her mother. The Mulvany and Duncan boys hive killed a number of bear this season. .. . - Frank Feltch was bit by a dog the latter part of the week but not seriously. Charley" Farlow and Blaine Disbrow have been vuite busy hauling wheat to Maupin. W- II- Maytield's are making a long visit with their son. 'J he Fallow boys are very busy looking after their cattle. Attorney Baumgartner has pur chased the property of Dave Don aldson on Deschutes Avenue. Mr Doual Ison expects to go to The D lies for the winter. Silas Richardson and family moved from Ridgeway Tuetday to a sheep rauch twenty miles above I'd nevi lie, Fred Hornquest was a business caller yesterday from tbe Criter ion section. Wamic News Oct. 20. Mrs. Cora Foster of The Dalles visited her parents on Smick. Mr. Bargenholt and little ICl.liora uccompanied her home.' lilnont will remain with her mother this winter aud attend school. M;s. Nan Woodcock ously ill last week. was sen. Mhe cattle men returned Fridaj from the mountains bringing quite a hunch. They encountered mm li tiiinw alii Miiieretl from extreme cold. 'But' Havey's boie '' fell while in the mountains. He suf fered a severely sprained ankle. Snow fell here Friday to the depth of four inches, temperature unusually low for the early season Mr. and Mrs, Frank Driver vis ited at the Ed Woodcock home on Smock Saturday. Mrs. Tbeltna Mulvany and baby spent last at the J, R. Woodcock 'otoe. Marion Duncan killed a beef Saturday 6udiug ready market or the meal. Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Driver were over from Juniper week ago Sun day visiting at the Bud Harvey home. Mrs. Fanny Hanna of Portland spent several days last week with her mother Mrs, Mary Beaty. Miss Anne Lang was here from The Dalles Friday giving a Red Cross talk at the homo i f Mis. Joaie Lake. Guy Brittain and Lena Wing went to the dance at Dufur Fri day night. ' Krauk Spatlr who ba tvu har vesting at the Carl Auderson place at Ktngsly went to The Dalles Monday. Clara Hauser of Tygh who ha been at the hospital with ear trouble returned home Sutunlay. She is with her parents iu The I) illes attending high school. A large enrollment of pupils here this winter,' tilling all the seat. in the school room." Many are coming from outside places, Charley ' Crubtree can e from Ever-Bearing Stawberries Five square rods of laud furn ished my family of, six more strawberries than we could use alt summer. If ynu have water for irrigation they will do the same for vou. Plnrfts $1 per hundred. A, A, Bonney, , I have a farm 400 acres, 20 miles from Boise, Idaho, 10 miles from Emmett, good ' soil, well watered, lots of oulsir'e range. Grows, good alfalfa without water; 80 acres can be irrigated. A good cattle proposition. Price $15.00 per acre. A. A. Bonney. r Wapinitia Auto Stage Leaves Maupin, 4 p. m. Leaves Wapinitia, 7 a. in V. ROBERTS. Prop. L J SOME OF THE THINGS THAI wt. CAN DO FOR Vl DO YOUR NOTARY WORK, J , SKLL' OUK FARM FOK tOu. ' RENT YOU A SAFETY DEPOSIT BOX, c - BUY YOUR WHEAT. BARLEY AND OATS, - ' TAKE CARE OF YOUR BANKING BUSINESS. DO YOUR UNITED STATES COMMISSIONER WORK. GIVE US A TRIAL. WE CAN AND WILL MAKti GOOD MAUPIN STATE BANK Antelope Wednesday, going on to Portland where Mrs. Crabtreu will accompany him here. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Pulrnatecr returned Wednesday from Hood River after picking apples. Ontod ma Kin worthy came wilh tlniu. Mike Urban has sold lutt ranch to Frank Wing and is going to jg inthcrn O-egon to lie. Mrs. Otis Clnistinii of Jnnipei Flat is a yuenl at Hie J A. D'iver home in The .Dalles tnUng medi cal tieiilinenl. Red Cro 3 3 Report A Heart and a Dollar Will Make You A Member of Red Cross for One Year , Articles made by Muiipin Branch and Bakeoven Auxiliuiy: 107 baud towels 02 pillowcases 221 bed jackets (hospital) 50 pajama suits (100 articles) 164 helpless case shins 6b' convalescent robes 27 refugee dresses IS women s peticoats ) children's undershirts b70 baby shirts Women's uhemese 3 boys' suits 8 men's shirts Knitted Articles 88 sweaters 52 pairs socks I t pairs refugee stockings '1 iuuIHts Donated and made by Maupin Branch, Bakeoven and Criteriou: 57 holders (school children) 20 bath towels 35 didh towels 82 dish cloths""" 42 hand towels , , , 4(5 hiudkaiubicf 10 sheets 17 story books 1 dozen dipers Gun wipers, comforts, pillows Farm for Sale 160 acres on Smock Prarie, 27 cultivation, level; paid water right and cruek; fenced; house, barn, granary, orchard, 200,000 ft, saw timber; $20.00 per acre. -7. B. W. Morgan, R 1. Wamic, Ore. The Window of the Soul - THE EYE Most precious gift to Man; As the busy years of life go by, Preserve it while you can HERBERT W. COPELAND, Principal of Maupl School, also graduate and licensed OPTOMETRIST treats cases of hypermetropia, presbyopia, myopia, and astigmatism with properly fitted glasses. See Li n on Saturdays or evenings, not at any time that will interfere with school duties. ANNOUNCEMEOT'i , B&mnragaiirtosir, L. L B. LAWYER Hi.s opemedl 1'vw offices in Maiitipiira. L-?21 mrmilsirt of all Mniz Mtnitd to.- f ice next door to postof f ice Market Road The State Market Road Act passed by legislature (Laws 1919, chapter 431, page 818) provides for a 1 mill uniform s.tite levy to be held in a special Market Road Fund to be distributed be teen the counties by tbe State Highway Commission. Any county desiring to obtain. its proportion of the State Market Road Fund must levy a special county tax equal to the total re ceived from the slato. Any road district iu the county wishing to improve one or more market roads must make application by three or more freeholders, to the County Court for a special road election to be held in November for the purpose of voting a special millage to match tbe county funds set . aside by the County Court to the use of sai l road district. Thus outside road districts may vote for $10,000 and get 120,000 from County and State Market Road money, making a total of $30,000 for its district. Not bad scheme for outl yiug districts. Road district No. 82, including M'tupin and Wapinitia is now in line for a snug sum tor road sur facing for 1920. Election notices will soon be posted. The County Court snd Commissioners will meet the Road Committee at Mtupin State Bank Saturday to talk over ways and means and road matters. S. C. Lincoln Sheep ...... j-Jlejirti, Imported eve in J007 Mat Caauda;two rams from, Dudtfiog's fl ick iu England. For t.ale((i W ; yearling and two-year-uld rams; 35 spring rams. M. S. Woodcock. Oorval lis, Oregon. ' Somebody fcaioe to town wittier ledMoruay. ' ' 1 ' Curl K. Hornquest whu baa been with the Auiericau forces iu Siberia tho past year, is now visit ing his mother at Barlow Orogou, and will be home in a. few days. III