The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, October 24, 1919, Image 4

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    the reputation it has gained throughout Wasco and neighboring counties.
Made from the best milling wheat in the Northwest.
Strictly a home product.
We ask only a fair margin of profit and will not cut prices. If you want
cheaper flour we can make it for you, but it will not be Woodcock Flour.
The Maupin Times
Published every Friday at Maupin,
Mrs. V, I,. Morrison, Publisher
Subscription: One year, fi.o: six
months, 75 cents; three momus, 50
Entered as .second class mail
matter September 2, 1 914, at the
liostoffice nt Maupin, Oregon, un
der the Act of March 3, 1879.
Solid Facts 3
Say, Mr, Farmer, do you think
is paid John Powell to irrigate
liis crab apple trees this Beaton?
lie Bold abou. $10 worth of fruit
per tree but you just ask him.
Powell's word is good I think. I
saw an apple tree in It. B Driver's
dooryard that hail matured on
promises. These promises had
been made during the long years
while the people hoped for water
in the Wapinitia Dams hut failtd
lo gut any. The effort of the
iarmcrs and prior pioneer compl
ines only indicated that there
existed a desire and a demand for
water that flowed into the sea
But Driver's apple tree failed to
yield any fruit because the prom
ise of moisture had failed, utile
of the sister treea died and gave
up the struggle against tho sum
mer sun because they found 00
water to queueh their burning
thirst. But listen, this tree that
I saw in Driyer'u yard held des
perately 011 to tho life that God
K'lve it and one day a little stream
was harnessed and led through
the canal lor 29 miles to the door,
yard of the Driver home. This
was in 191!. The tree drank nnd.
drank and grew fresh and crispj
This year its deep green leaves;
shone in the sun unafraid of heat. I
The spring time rolled around
anil blossoms crowned the tree like
a gray haired mother's benedic
tion to her son. Just before the
Tyeh Fair this tree was laden be
neath a wealth of glorious fruit
tecoml to nothing on the Paeitic
slope; 125 00 worth of apples and
luore it) one season as a tribute to
tzzs ii y Xz&f $ggy
the rain maker's science. A.-k It.
B. Driver.
A word about 'Fresno Scrar.ers',
A number of farmers and prospec
tive water users have ordered their
ffiBr.o scrapers throucli N. G.
lied i 11. In huge numbers the
scrapers tuny be purchased now l
a saving of $4.00 to MoO depend- j
ing on the number. The inereas-:
ed demand for construction equip-1
men t has depleted the stocks of
many machinery houses and or-
Lders would not be taken for pres
ent prices as 00 days or more
would elapse awaiting future de
liveries, lloweyer, about 40 fret -uos
are now available at citiitc a
saying and every irrigator should
avail himself of this saving by
seeing N. G. llediu before Novctu
ber 1st, 1911).
If you read article No. 2 in las
week's issue you now realsze that
you must obtain a fresno for tl e
proper leveling of your hind bi
fore irrigating or feeding.
Order your lumber and make
yutu box drug and buck scraper
now. It will cost you less than
any factory rig and do beltir
work. See J. S. Brown or N.i.
Hedin for buck scrapei dope.
Don't think you can skin" by
and not unify or level your laud
because you'll get the skinning
whi'ii crops and harvest time
comes is you neglect the leveling,
(cunt in ued)
Mr. and Mi-1. B. L. Foreman
were Maupin visitors yesterday.
M s. Bueh inon was a weak end
visitor in The Dalles.
Mrs. J. E. Miller and son are
guests at the Caniield home in
The Dulles. .
Don't tend away fur Rexall
Goods. We have them at Home. '
Maupin Trug Store.
J. F. Blanchard was in Prine-
ville the first of the week from '
his home in Waco countv. He
repoits fall crops looking well
there and farming well underway.
Juirnal. J
' Q i
W tip
P 0 U n
U&red and guaranteed by
I h ve a farm 400 acres, 20
miles. from Boi-ie, Idaho, 10 miles
from F.mmett, good soil, well
watered, lots of outside range.
Grows good alfalfa without water;
80 acres can bo irrigated. A good
cuttle proposition. Price $lo.00
per acre. A. A. llotiiiey.
Mrs. II. L. Morris received a
jcardfrem her parents, Mr. and
I Mrs. V. P. Steers announcing
their safe arrival at Cascot Daro,
Calif., having motored throng'1.
Lost at Wapinitia Celebration
grounds or Maupin a black leather
billhook also fountain pen. Find
er please leave at or send to Times
"(lice. Reward.
Mrs. Frank French and sons
Charles and Smith of The DalleB
are gu sis at the E. A.'Majhew
home tins week. Mrs. French and
nd Mrs. Mayhew are sisters.
W anted to rent this fall for a
term of years a good wheat ranch
villi or without stock. I can fur
ni.ih good refcrencecs. Address
K. It. Maupin Times.
, Mr. and Mrs. Book with Me
home afler their tour of Oregon
and Washington
The Portland Painless Dentist
All work guaranteed. VV. T.
Slalten, D. 1). S., Prop., ;105 Sec
ond St., The Dalles.
Dr. Klwood is organizing a Post
of American Legion, All Army,
Navy and Marine Corps are eligi
ble lo lucmhcrtih'p.
For sale Ono Chalmers truck,
1 mil lbs. capacity just been work
ed over. Will make some one a
largain on this truck. Shattuek
Advertisers please read over
your notices and notify us iinuitdi
atcly if an error has occured.
Department of the Interior,
United States Land Office at The
Dalies, Oregon, September 30,
Jo Luiher Wallace of Criterion,
S Uly
Oregon, Coatestee:
You are hereby notified that.
Leonard II. Ayres who gives co
T, A. Hudson, The Dalles, Oregon
as his postollice nd 'ress, did on
.September 22, 1919, tile iu this
otiice ins rtu.y corroborated ap
plication to contest and fp lire
iho cane 'llation of your home
stead Entry No. Serial
Or779, made February 28, 191ti,
for Ki-2si-;l-4, Section 21, SWI-4N-vvr-4,
T-2.swl-4, SH-4SW1-4, si-2.Kl-4,'Sec.
22, Township 6 South
flange 15 East, Willamette Meiid.
iun, ami as grounds for his con
test he alleges that said land was
wholly tbandoned on or about
March, iqi8. at which time the
said coute.stee went to his former
h ime in Mississippi and it was
rumored that he died there, that
the only improvements on the la- d
con. 1st ot a cahtu 12 by 16 feet,
and there has bet 11 about 11.2
acres plowed, that since date of
abandon merit neither the eritrym 111
or his heiis, if any, have cultivat
ed or improved the land; that en
try 111 111 's absence from the land
w is not due to his employment in
military ."ervice rendered in con
neition with operations in Mexico
or along the borders thereof or in
inobolizali'iu camps elsewhere in
military or naval organizations of
the United States or of the Nation
al Guard of any of the several
states nr iu any war In which the
United States has been engaged.
You are. therefore, further noti
fied that the said allegations will
be taken as confessed, and vour
said entry will be cenceled without
turtner right to be heard, either
before this ollice or on anneal if
you fail to lile in this ollice Uthin
twenty .lays after the FOURTH
publication of this notice, ns
shown below, your answer' under
oath, specifically responding to
these allegations .of contest, to
gether with due proof that von
have served 11 copy of your answer
on the said contestant -lhtr iu
person or by regisf , , L
Yoll should state in vour nnRrr
the name of the postofflce to which
you desire future notices to be
sent to you.
II. Frank Woodcock,
D,.tsof fir.-t cubliatnn, Oct.
obtr 17, 1919
Date of second nnbliralinn fVt.
ober 2a, 1919.
Date of third publication, Oct
ober 31, 1910.
Date of fourth publication, Nov
cmbir 7, 191'J.
Mil ii niMf
0 LsaLiU UVJ V
Department of the Interior,
U. S. Land Office at The Dalles,
Oregon, October 6th, 1919.
NOTICE is hereby given that,
Albert E. Troutmau
of Maupin, Oreeon. who on Feh-
riiary 28th, 1916, made Home
stead Entry no. 0:5783, for NI-2S1-2,
swi-4swi-4, Section 7, E1-2SH1-4
SW1-4SK1-4, Section 8, Township 6
South, Range i4 East, Willamette
Meridian has filed notice of inten
tion to make Final three vpat
Proof, to establish claim to the
land above described, before F.I).
Stuart, U. S, Conimissoner at
Maimin. Oreaon. on the t8th Hav
of November, 1919.
Claimant names as tvitnpuMs.
E. J. Fischer, of Maupin, Oregon'! vvi lams, ot Mannin n.
gon, O. J. Williams of Maupin,
Oregon, II. D. Hollis of Steven
sou, Wn.
H. Frank Woocock,
" Department of the Interior
U. S Land Office at The
Oregon, October 6th, 1919.
No ice is hereby given that
Marion A. Duncan
of Kent. Orecon. who
26th, 1915, umde Homestead En
try No. 015 170, for Lot 4, Ei.2swi
4, SI-2SEP4. Section lo. NTfr.ivwl.
4, m 2NK1-4, Section 3 Township
4 South, Range 13 East Willam
ette Meridian, has filed notice of
intention to make Final three year
P...w.r i . ..
"'""1 " cuihuubu ciaitn 10 the
! land above described, before F. D.
Miart, v. 6. Commissioner at
Maupin, Oregon, on the iSlh day
of November 1919.
Claimant names as witnesses:
Hans Koepke, of Grass Valley,
Oregon, Tcte Peters of Kent, Ore
gon, Ellis Hughes of Kent, Ore
gon, Emery A), Hughes of Kent
uregon. s
I"1 Register.
Department of the Interior,
U. S. Laud Office at The Dalles,
Oregou, October 4, 1919.
NOTICE is hereby given that
Otissie I. Derthirt
of Maupiu, Oregon, who on May
ioiu, 1915, matte ilomestead Entry
no. 0I1818. for ski-jseI-4. Sprt ion
21, EI-2NE1-4, and SEI-4 Sectiou
28. NEI-4SE1-.1 Sptv 5i T.,it,;
5 South, lUnge 14 East, Willaui-j
- fJ 7n
ette Meridian, lias filed notice of
intention, to make Final Three y.
Year Proof, toestablish claim to
the land above described, before F.
D. Stuart, United States Commis
sioner at Maupin, Oregon, ou the
18th day of November, 1919.
Claimant names as witnesses-
O B. Derthick, W. C. Richardson
u. 1. wiiuams, w. II. Williams,
all of Maupin, Oregon.
H. Frank Woodcock, 1
i7S9 The Dalles. 340 Serial No.
U. S. Land Office at The Dalles,
Oregon, September 29th, :gi9.
NOTICE is hereby given that
me iNorinern racihc Railway Com
pany, whose post office address is
St. Paul, Minnesota, has this 29th
day of September 1919, filed iu
this office its application to select
under the provisions of the act of
Congress, appioved July 1, 1898
(.30 Stat. 597, 620".) as extended
by the Act of Congress approved
May 17, 1906. Lot 4, Sec. 4,
1 wp. 5 Rllnge 16, East, W. M.
AllV aild all t.prennc !..;.;
adversely the lands described or
desiring to object because of 'the
Mineral character of thn lnt,H nr
any other reason, to the dispose!
i fi'-ii, siiouta hie their affi.
davits of protest in this office, on
or before the 12th day oi Novem
ber, 1919.
U. S. Laud OrTirp at TI,o rii
Oregon, September 301I1, i9i9. '
Notice is hereby giveu that
' Arthur W. Fargher
of Maupin, Oregon, who on Janu
ary 26, 1914, made Homestead No
012461, and ou November 20 ioi4
made Additional Home-tead Entry
No, 014134, for SE1-4SEI.4, Sec.
t'on 17, EI-2KI-2. Section 20, wi-
2SWI-4, SHI.iKtvl... c..:-
Township 5 South, Range ,5 East
"icuuian, Has filed
notice of lutention to make Fiual
nC ?'ear0of 10 estabIish claim
to the land above described before
J. D Stuart, U.S. Commissioner
at Maunm Dnxn .1.. . ..
Jay of xNovember, i9i9
Claimant names as witnesses:
John Maunincr lomi.. ,
C 7 ' wie, u ar-
ence Fargher, m Dorau all 0f
"I''", uregori.
II. Frank Woodcock,