The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, October 24, 1919, Image 2

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    Carlyle Realizes His Life Is
Hanging in Balance.
Synopsis Oeoffry Ciirlyle,
master of (tailing ships at twenty-six,
Is sentenced to 20 years'
servitude In the American col
onies for participation In the
Monmouth rehelllon In England.
Among the passengers on board
the ship on which lie Is sent
across nre Roger Fulrfux,
wealthy Maryland plunter; his
niece, Dorothy Fairfax, and Lieu
tenant Sanchez, a Spaniard, who
became acquainted with the Fair
faxes In London. Carlyle. meets
Dorothy, who informs him her
uncle has bought his services.
Sanchez shows himself an enemy
of Carlyle. The Fulrfax party,
now on Its own sloop In the
Chesapeake bay, encounters a
mysterious bark, the Namur of
Rotterdam. Carlyle discovers
that Sanchez Is "Illack Sanchez,"
planning to steal the .Fairfax
gold and abduct Dorothy. He
fights Sunchez and leaves him
for dead. In a battle wltli
Sunchez' followers, however, he
Is overpowered and thrown Into
the bay. In a desperate effort
to save Dorothy, Curlyle decides
to swim to the Namur. By a
ruse he gets aboard and min
gles with the crew.
CHAPTER XI Continued.
LeVere shouted an order, nnd a sud
den flare was lighted amidships, the
circle of flame Illuminating a part of
the deck, and spreading out over the
wild expanse of water. Scarcely had
a minute elapsed before It came sweep
ing Into the radius of light at ilrst a
dim, spectral shadow, scarcely to be
recognized; then, almost as suddenly,
revealed in oil Its details a boat of
Blze, flying towurd us under a lug sail,
keeling well over, and topping the sea
swells like a bird on wing. LeVere
culled for men to stand by, the fellows
rushing past me to their, stations, but,
In the fascination of the moment, I
failed to move. I could do nothing but
stare out across the Intervening wa
ter, with eyes fastened on that swiftly
approaching boat. I must see, I must
know the message It brought; what
story It held of the tragedy. Manuel
held the tiller, with Estudn seated be
side him, leaning forward, and ges
ticulating with one hand, as be direct
ed the course. I had never seen these
two, yet I knew them beyond a doubt!
Mendez nnd Anderson (at least I sup
posed those to be the two) were poised
at the sail halyards, ready to let the
straining sheet down at a run, while
Cochose crouched low in the bow, his
black hand uplifted, gripping a coll of
rope. Their faces were all turned for
ward, lighted by the flare from our
deck, aud I felt a shudder of fear run
over me no expression on any coun
tenance spoke of defeat ; even the ugly
features of the negro beamed with de
light. But was that all? Was that all?
Surely not. Forward of the single
mnst was stowed the chest, while In
tho open space between the helmsman
and tho two sailors were stretched two
motionless bodies. LeVere, gripping a
stay-rope, and leaning well out, hailed
In Spanish.
"Ahoy, tho bontl You can make It?"
"Ay I" came back Estadn's voice.
"Stand by to fend us off. Call all
hands, and break anchor as soon as we
are aboard."
"Very well, Blr. Whore Is Captain
Sanchez S"
Estada pointed downward In swift,
expressive gesture.
"Here at my feet badly hurt, but
will recover. Send two men down to
help when wo muko fast. Now, Co
chose let go of your ropej watch out
above 1"
I stood, gripping hard at the rail,
and staring down at tho sceno below,
ns the men In the boat made fast. I
felt paralyzed, and helpless, unable to
move. I had no business to remain
there; every prospect of security de
pended on my Joining the crew. Yet
only one thought gripped me Sanchez
was not dead I And that other body?
That of Dorothy Fairfax, without
doubt, yet certainly not lifeless. If
their prisoner was the girl nnd who
tlse could It be? she remained olive,
helplessly bound to prevent cither
struggle, or outcry, and destined to a
fate far worse than death.
My own life hung In the balance
nay, rather, my doom was already
sealed. There seemingly was but one
chance for escape left that was to
drop silently overboard. God, no I that
would be the craven act of a coward.
Better far to stay, and kill, or even be
killed, than to be forever cursed by
my own conscience.
The fellows sent down from the
main chains to the boat brought the
injured captain up first. This required
the services of three men, his body
hanging limp between them, his up
turned fuce showing ghastly In the
flaming of the torch thrust out over
the rail. To every appearance It was
apparently a corpse they handled, ex
cept for their tenderness, and a single
groan to which the white lips gave ut
terance, when one of the bearers
slipped, wrenching the wounded bodf
with a sharp pang of pain. Once safe
ly on deck, the three bore him" across
to the .after cabin and disappeared
down the steps.
Estada had already swung himself
up Into the chains, while Anderson
and Mendez were lifting the girl to
her feet, and ruther roughly urging
her forward. Her eyes reflected all
the unutterable horror which for the
moment dominated her mind, while
her loosened hnlr, disarranged by
struggle, only served to Intensify the
pallor of her face.
"Hustle her along lively, boys,"
shouted back Estada coarsely. "If she
won't move, give her a shove. Then
tie her up again, and take the turn of
a rope 'reund her. What do you think
this Is a queen's reception? Move
lively, senorlta," In mock sarcasm.
Her gaze settled on him, where he
hung far out, grasping a backstay,
watching the movements below, and
her slender form straightened as by
the acquisition of new strength.
"If these creatures will take their
hands off me," she said, using their
tongue without a tremor In the clear
voice. "I can easily go up alone. What
Is It you are so afraid of a woman?"
The expression of Estnda's face
promised an outburst of profanity, but,
Instead of giving It utterance, he lifted
his cap In a sudden pretense at gal
lantry. "Your pardon, ecnorltn," he said In
a tone of mockery. "If you have come
to your senses at last, It is well. Leave
Chose to Continue Playing the Fool.
her alone, men. Now, my benuty, I am
taking you at your own word a step,
nnd then the protection of my hand.
We welcome you, as a guest aboard."
A moment and she had attained the
deck. Estada chose to continue play
ing tho fool.
"Thanks, senorlta thanks," he be
gan softly, and again bowing before
her, cap lu hand. "We greet you with
duo honor aboard the Namur "
"Enough of that, you coward, you
murderer," she broke In coldly. "Do
not touch nor speak to me."
She turned her back on him, thus
coming face to face with LeVere, who
stood enjoying the scene, a wide grin
on his dark face, revealing a row of
whlto teeth under a Jet-black mus
tache. "You, sir you are an officer?"
"I have charge of the dock."
"Then whore am I to go?"
The mulatto, surprised by the sud
den quest ion, glanced inquiringly
toward Ksrnda, who had already com
pletely lost his sense of humor,
"Uol" the latter growled. "Why
send the wench bcltjw. I'll see to her
later, nnd tench her who Is the master
here. Oil! with her now, but be back
quickly." He loaued out over the rail,
sending his gruff voice below. "Send
up that chest, you men. Hook on the
boat, Manuel, and let her drag; we
must get out of here In a hurry. All
"Ay, ay, sir."
"Then sheet home; how Is It f er
ror d?"
"Both anchors apeak, sir."
"Smartly done hard down with
your helm there I That's It; now let
her play off slowly."
He caught sight of me. All the sav
age brutality of Ills nature hud been
brought to the surface by Dorothy's
stinging words, and he sought now
some lit opportunity to give It vent.
Before I could move, he had gripped
me by the collar, and swung me about,
so that the light streaming out from
the cabin fell directly on my fuce.
"What the devil are you doing, loaf
ing aft here? I've seen you hanging
about for ten minutes, never lifting a
hand. Who are you anyhow?"
"Joe Cutes, sir."
"Gates another damned English
man I How did you ever get aboard
It was the returning LeVere who
made explanation before I could reply.
"Manuel brought him on board Inst
night. Picked him up drunk ashore."
"I see. Well now, do you happen to
have any Idea who I am, Cutes?"
"No, sir only that you are one of
the officers."
"I am the first officer, and In com
mand at present. Pedro Estada is my
name. Now, you damned English
whelp, remember that I"
Before I even suspected what was
coming, his unexpected action as swift
as the leap of a poised tiger, he struck
me fairly between the eyes with the
butt of a pistol, and I went down
sprawling onto the deck. For a mo
ment I seemed, in spite of the vicious
ness of the blow, to retain a spark of
consciousness, for I knew he kicked
me savagely with his heavy sea boots ;
I felt the pain, and even heurd the
words, and curses, accompanying each
brutal stroke.
"You drunken dog I You whelp of a
sea wolf I You English cur 1 Take
that damn you 1 And that I You'll
not forget me for awhile. That's It
squirm. I like to see It. When you
wake up again, you'll remember Pedro
Estada. How did that feel, you grunt
ing pig? Here, LeVere, Manuel, throw
this sot into the forecastle. Curse you,
here is one more to Jog your memory."
The heavy, iron-shod boot landed
full In my face, nnd every sensation
left me as I sank limply back, bloody
and unconscious.
A Friend In the Forecastle.
I slowly opened my eyes to find my
self lying In an upper bunk of the fore
castle. Memory soon returned, stimu
lated no doubt by the aching of my
body where Estada had so brutally
kicked me with his heavy boot. The
heavy rolling of the bark clearly evi
denced that we were already at sea,
and bucking against a high wind. It
was a dark, dismal, smelly Interior,
amply large enough, but ill ventilated,
nnd Inexpressibly dirty. I must have
been lying unconscious for several
hours. I rested back, feeling of the
numerous bruises on my body, and
touching gingerly the dried blood
caked on my face. No very serious
damage seemed to have been done, al
though every muscle aud tendon ap
peared to be strained and lacerated.
Clinching my teeth to keep back a
groan, I succeeded in sitting upright,
my head touching the upper deck, as
I undertook to survey my surround
ings. About hulf the bunks seemed to
be occupied, the figures of the sleeping
men barely discernible.
As I sat there, staring about at this
scene there was a stir within the up
per berth on my own level, and an up
lifted face appeared suddenly in the
yellow flare of light. It was mani
festly an English face at first glance,
rosy of cheek, with chestnut beard. A
pulr of humorous, gray eyes surveyed
me silently, and then, apparently satis
fled by the scrutiny, the owner sat up
In the bunk, reveullng powerful shoul
ders, and a round, bull neck.
"Ahoy, mate," he said pleasantly,
endeavoring to speak low, the effort
resembling the growl of a bear. "How
do you feel pretty sore?"
"Ache from head to foot," I an
swered, Immediately feeling his friend
liness. "But no harm doue."
"I saw part of it. The damn black
brute kicked savagely enough, but at
that you're lucky; it's the Spanish
style to use a knife. I've seen that
cock slash a man into ribbons for
nothing nt all Just to show he was
bad. Haines tells me your name is
Gates, and that you are English."
"That's right; I shipped first out of
"So did I, mate twenty years ago
though, and I never went back since.
My name is Tom Watklns. Let's shake ;
there Is quite a sprinkling of us Brit
ishers aboard, and we ought to hang
He put out a big, hairy fist, and I
gripped It heartily, decidedly liking
the man as his eyes frankly met mine.
He appeared houest aud square, a fine
type of the English seaman.
"Tom Watklns, you said. May I ask
if you were out on the bow-sprit along
with naines last night?"
"Just afore the longboat come In?
Yes, we were there."
"Well, I was down below, hanging
to the cable, nnd overheard you two
talking together. Somehow, Watklns,
you do not seem to me to fit In exactly
with this gnng of pirates; you don't
look to be that sort. How long have
you been with them?"
Carlyle gets further attention
from the brutal Estada, but In a
different form. What may It
portend? Does it offer hope of
final escape or further danger to
Carlyle and Dorothy?
Pendleton. Miss Florence Smiley Is
Umatilla county's new health nurse.
Miss Smiley will take the place of Miss
Gladys Flanagan, who is called to Seat
tle by the serious illness of her mother.
Salem. Bids for the improvement of
approximately 75 miles of roads in
Klamath and Deschutes counties will
be received by the state highway com
mission at its Portland office Novem
ber 4.
Albany. Apples are piled celling
high in the Albany cannery store room,
and Manager W. R. Scott expects to
have apples enough to run the cannery
at capacity speed until the first of the
Albany. The Linn county farm bu
reau has arranged for 12 meetings in
this county at which Sam Hampton, a
Montana farmer well known over the
Pacific northwest for his talks in be
half of organized farm work, will
Salem. The Oregon Federation of
Women's clubs has filed articles of
Incorporation. The organization has
property valued at $10,000 and the of
ficers are Mrs. Charles H. Castner,
president; Mattie F. Beatty, vice-president,
and Mrs. F. H. Buchanan, secretary-treasurer.
Hood River. Lack of cars to clear
packed apples from storage plants and
receiving stations daily is growing
more serious In Hood River. With all
space full, it was necessary for the
Apple Growers'. association to discon
tinue receiving fruit at its Odell ware
house Saturday.
Eugene. Carl Madson, a farmer liv
ing west of Eugene, sustained a broken
leg and other Injuries when an ensilage
cutter on the farm of Elmer Jensen, a
neighbor, flew to pieces Friday. A big
casting struck him on the right leg,
shattering the bone above the knee and
inflicting cuts and bruises.
Marshfleld. The large mill of C. A.
Smith, idle for over nine months, re
sumed cutting lumber Thursday morn
ing with a small force of 200 men,
More men applied for work than could
be used, but when the repairs and new
arrangements are tried out, there will
be room for probably 100 other labor
Bend. Twelve quarts of sparkling
burgundy, purchased in California,
were financially disastrous to W. H.
Perkins of La Grande, for on top of
the stiff price paid, it cost him $100
more when Sheriff S. E. Roberts and
Deputy L. A. W. Nixon captured him
on his trip through Bend from, the
Salem. Appropriation of water from
Sucker creek in Josephine county for
mining purposes is asked in a request
filed with State Engineer Percy A.
Cupper by Porter J. Neff of Medford.
The project includes the construction
of a canal three miles long with a ca
pacity ef 50 second feet and to cost
approximately $15,000.
Albany. A carload of pure-bred
Shorthorn cattle were shipped by four
Linn county cattlemen to Roseburg for
the big Douglas county Shorthorn sale.
Twelve registered cows and two bulls
were included in the shipment. Ed
Holloway and Curtis Cole of Albany,
O. K. Blatchford and Felzer Bros, of
Tangent were the consignors.
North Bend. At a meeting of the
city council held here recently a reso
lution was adopted ordering a special
election to be called early in December
to submit to the voters of the city the
question of increasing the special tax
limitation from 10 to 15 mills, to se
cure revenue to meet the financial re
quirements of the city for the year
Enterprise. Timbers for the new
sawmill of the East Oregon Lumber
company are on the ground and con
struction will be rushed. The work is
going on slowly now owing to shortage
of help. Officials hope .to have the mill
up and operating again before the mid
dle of winter. They have been assured
the machinery will be here by the time
the structure is ready to receive it.
Eugene. Plans of citizens of the Mc-
Kenzie bridge, Blue river and Nimrod
school districts on the upper McKenzle
river to go before the voters of the
district propose a union high school
to be established at Blue river next
year, and the students from the Nim
rod and McKenzie bridge districts and
remote parts of the Blue river district
will be transported to and from school
in motor trucks.
Salem. Sealed bids for $1,000,000 in
ii per cent Oregon state highway
bonds, will be received by the highway
commission at room 520, Multnomah
county courthouse, November 4. The
bonds are in $1000 denominations. If
bids are submitted by mail they should
be sent to the highway commission at
Salem. The bonds are to mature serial
ly, $25,000 on April 1, 1925, and the
same amount on October 1 and April 1
after that date.
c a pacitase
c a package
c a package
Cuticura Comforts Baby's Skin
When red, rough and Itching with hot
baths of Cutlcurn Soap nnd touches of
Cuticura Ointment. Also make use
now and then of that exquisitely scent
ed dusting powder, Cuticura Talcum,
one .of the indispensable Cuticura
Toilet Trio. Adv.
Has Two Meanings.
Troops is used in the plural to mean
the same as soldiers, and not includ
ing in its meaning the number or
whether infantry, cavalry or artillery.
The word as generally used in the pa
pers has this meaning. Therefore
2,000 troops means 2,000 soldiers. In
the strict cavalry use of the word,
however, a troop is the unit of forma
tion, consisting usually of 60 troopers,
commanded by a captain and corres
ponding to a company of infantry.
WILL BUY LETTERS with stamps used
before 1870 ; unused stamps all countries.
Wm. Berkman, 6820 Central Av, Cleveland
Cause for Thankfulness.
The first reason for being 'thankful
in the morning is that you have lived
to see the dawn of another day, with
opportunities to finish something be
gun the day before and to begin some
thing that you may be able to do bet
ter than you have ever done anything
"A real loafer," said Uncle Eben,
"ain' satisfied to get along without
work. He wants busy folks to quit
deir jobs to admire him."
The bulls and the bears usually take
their lamb with mint sauce. Boston
D nun n
vitii Cuticura
Ihaggttlf; Soap, Ointmrat. Wram 25c atK
IIIBTNR Resls- Refreshes, Soothes,
jLVPl Heals Keep your Eyes
J'ZVA Strong and Healthy. If
Wwiaii theyTire,Smart,ltch,or
VmiilTrJJt C Burn W Sore, Irritated,
lUUK LIU Inflamed or Granulated,
use Murine often. Safe for Infant or Adult
At all Druggists. Write for Free Eye Book.
Murine Eye Bemedy Company, Chicago, U.S.I,
Are Yon Satisfied? unesY college
Is the blgyest, moit perfectly equipped
Business Tralnlni School !n the North
west Fit yourself for a hlfher position
with more money. Permanent position!
usured our Graduates.
Write for catalog- Fonrja and TamklU
New Houston Hotel
Sixth ana Everett StL. Portland. Ore.
Fear bloeki from Union Droot Two biodd
from New Poatoffiee. Madera and fireproof
Over 100 outside noma, Batei 75c to R.0O.
- P. a MORGAN, Manaier.
P. N. U.
No. 43, 1919
1 S
before the war
during the war
Safely stop headaches as
told in "Bayer packages"
Millions of men and women have
proved "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin"
with the "Bayer Cross" on tablets, the
quickest, surest, safest relief for their
Headaches, Colds, Neuralgia, Tooth
ache, Earache, Rheumatism, Lumbago,
Neuritis. Pain seems to fade right
Buy only a Bayer package contain
ing proper directions. Always say
Handy tin boxes of 12 tablets cost
but a few cents. Druggists also sell
larger "Bayer" packages. Aspirin is
the trade mark of Bayer Manufacture
of Monoaceticacidester of Salicylic
acid. Adv.
Find Indian Stone Celts.
In an article on Indian stone celts
in the Wisconsin Archeologist, Charles
E. Brown, chief of the state historical
museum, describes the various classes
of celts, or stone hatchets, and In
what Wisconsin localities many of
them have been found. Jefferson
county has been the source of many
celts, and other counties in which they
have been found are Dane, Calumet,
Brown, Waupaca, Walworth, Winne
bago, Waukesha and Washington.
You corn-pestered men and women
need suffer no longer. Wear the Bhoes
that nearly killed you before, says
this Cincinnati authority, because a
few drops of freezono applied directly
on a tender, aching corn or callous
stops soreness at once and soon the
corn or hardened callous loosens so it
can be lifted out, root and all, with
out pain.
A small bottle of freezone costs
very little at any drug store, but will
positively take eff every hard or soft
corn or callous. This should be tried
as it is inexpensive and is said not
to irritate the surrounding skin.
If your druggist hasn't any freezone
tell him to get a small bottle for yon
from his wholesale drug house. It la
fine Btuff and acta like a charm every
time. Adv.