The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, October 17, 1919, Image 1

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1 irij
1 18$
Devoted to the Interests of Southern Wasco County
VOL 6, NO. 1
THE YEAR $1.50
I 1
Water Prci-rcis
Wapiiiilia Irrigation Cni pii -t v
fiflkials held a Conference i;t l'ilit!
Grove recently to settle the ques
tion of teirms in the selling of
water to tlif farmers who aie ask
ing for lima of payment h ml jet
ile-iring to buy on contract befnie
November 1st, lDl'.l, llio date sell
by the annual stockholder's 1 1 l -ing
for raising the price 20 peici ut
I am now prepared to slut.' Mint
lbs company t'iin make blind
terms to the farmers (practically
to suit) on all SfaO.OO per acie
contract from now ui t l Noy. 1.-'.
More labor is being secured and
the work in the mount, ins is
being ntshe 1. Eiigineei i'g crews
are now surveying extension f ; j r
main canals on the plains
E. E. Miller ami party puffed
through" Wapinitia cmonte to
California Sunday.
The Company's Pine drove r'
fice is to be" constructed til an
early date, also an i dice ut Wnpi
uilia and tool and implement
wai chouse at Wapinitia.
V. A. Dane and W J. Hiokey
b ive started construction on the
intake at Clear creek and the high
flliime ut the mouth of Frog cut k
feeder Land is noting mote
Maupin School News
The ianiior and the ' pel ft: oi'
lie building a cupboard to st.uc
physics .tus, hut ll ey aie
not itdyetlising as expert .aipiii
The ley, J E. While of A lum
sus preached in the school ! mise
last Friday nitit The high
school room was well filled and
Ih.i v ou 1 1 n people cujtyed ihe
song seiviee and Mr. White's
v o in inu-ic very much.
Mrs. Canli. Id visiUd the sc! col
'iilirsday and took d i m er W ilh
her friends, Mi -s Selhck and I, is.
Iluchanoii before Itav ng for 'J h
I) .1!CH.
rapidly and Ihe tub-dividing of
large holdings I as really go l-n
underway us predicle I.
V. O. llelin,
I'lejuet Mgr.
Warde New:
Scoop and Level
Hello Mr. F .truer, did Volt
a ;no with what I jolted down in
t a lit le old " I'mes" last week ?
Percy Tirver and Jim Kennclv
returned Wednesday from P -4-lainl
wline I hey accompani d a
M r of beef cat tie and fat In gJ.
Mrs. Mis Mamie Ket.ludy has proved itself t . he fair
turned l'.lmy limn I lie Dall S to nieddlin' good di pe to f. lluv.
New Subscribers
V in no don hi renin, obi r that 1
pi ionised lo O il ynti a bi lit si mils
Mr?. A. A. CanfieM who will
leave tonight to join Let family in
The Dalies will ho very much
missed iy Ik r mnny fri-mls in
ihib.tcclion. frlie ha seived very
faithftiil) in Ihe capacity of po-t-mistrcss
here the piibt two yeais.
and l'orthiu 1.
K. Ij. llaus'T was a Dailcs vis--il
or Wednesday.
Ilrv. aml Mrs. ll. K. Wood and
baby rulurncj a week ayo from
Albany where they visilcd Mrs.
W'o id's rcl itives.
Mrs. P. B. Driver enlcrlnin(d
a I- Dmner Friday, her iiiuitjjjrs
Kll , Miss Irene, Mr. and Mis.
Ma'c in Anderson, ml the hitlers
Th following renewed their
subscription to the Times dm tig
the past veek:
F. II. Chastain
liniil Heek'er
Mrs. L. B. Kelly
C. n. Cmfoot
Claud Wilson
R. Johri'ton
Don Yeek
K. i. ILiiisnr
J ihn l'elleiij;lie
Clias I'i'ice
The MoCoid Co.
Local Interest
moisture will sprout n and insure
mini) field, including thul j;ood
it-re, made only 11 bushy', ause
liV( rati out of gopher holes. Ji'
a fact.
' 1 had to Iati'h at Sam Brown a
bro'he. . II. Arnold who cai e hying to rent some extra j; n I
cail-e Leritsed so . mi eh alfal.u
When yon see 'oly m xt mu
ask him if 'taint a fact lln.t he
i riirake an acre of wheat out of a hole that ptoduccd ,;0 you a 100 per cent stand why y u
bushels of spring Blue Slem lb, t can but Dial's mi. other 'or
le.-1 ed 00 and lhat Ihe lest of ll e Another thing to bear in mil u
elect for your first patch of
More correspondence neede
"It Pays to Pay Cash at Jory's'
F. M. Jory
Now is tlie ti.Tie to get ycur sufply cf
Couch Covers Steamer Rugs
Go-Curt Robes Daby likixcis
Mackinaw Coats Auto Robes
Fancy Bed Spreads Fctl: Rcbcs
Yam, Sliawls Indian Robes
"It Pays to Pay Cash at JoryV
li om Pv 1 hi ml a week ago.
Miss A I. lis Duncan is t laying
Ha the ho. ii ' of Mr. and Mm. Call
'rail, attending (chooi.
Mr. and is. Frank M.igill al d
trto! i i 'ghtcis were vitilit g
in Portland let week.
Dt and M 1 - V. A. Short were
ov i fni in Doli r a week ago Sun
day vt meg r'li. ives. t bey
just telunitd fiom a
alfalfa a jiiece neare-t to the main
Dr. EDvood went to The Dalles
The Cotiroy elieep came from
the mountains Monday.
Jack Slaats returned home from
the mountains Monday alter the
Munnier seusou with heep near
Mt. Jefferou.
K, L, Hatiser was in from Tygh
Tiusdiiy. He says t he 1 ist of his
sheep came out of the mountains
M "I day,
Mr and Mrs G. W- Malhitt
a id lierald' and Mr. and Mrs.
I'hin I W'il .(. i in) (Veil were in
j from Bakeoven M.onduy
i K p TnniHr has received his
. ' 's -1"
ot tile locttl po.-loll :t' lmla
W f Morrison anil nephew, J.
W. Honzie, a ve e ai 0; the r cent
that he can't find loom to hum
lo Hi H -k j'. Il is selling V. O. B.
canal. You wili he better pleased war WHre gUe8tH ttl U,i8 ofliee last
-it you do as III explain, can evning. Mr. Henzie leaves soon
tell you several good reUHii.sw by. jf lt c,llip ,.lld lo ',.ake .earV
When you make your curiegations1,, ,llrse iu motor 0rk
or t'urtows you'll need a liomel T. . ,. . .
4 in. nviii.'uin v.. V.I11CI11III
gathered en massv littt Sunday
Hindi' rig that bea'a nnything en
M.iupin $H 00 j er ton. li
leu Noah's squnsli patch? We'l
iicighbur, before the f.ost the
vines looked like an A ma; on
he market. I'll ie!l volt how its
J'uU I made or Sam Brown can, I know
evening at the G P. MuLeod
outinp; in S ut l.crn Or-.iion ami
home and tendeied the newly-weds
a royal reception in the form of a
charivari. They were not disim-
Jour. . . . , ... . ...
ju. Now then, squasles looks watel. , but niake a V
for all the world like ll e balled . ,,. ,,,, nmv anA i. nn. ffl,,,ot. Mr and JWrs. E. N Lng, Mr.
ilvu headed tow at Plyler's movii s. I ...... 11(,.'t ..,. i. This irn,rHtii ftM(l Mlfl- Johnson and Mrs.
two mouths' 'j tell Vou another! s.,w mil i.,,,;.,..- : ,,no, tnn Imi ii'a ..l.i I UuiiGold motered to The Dalles
ciuse he's made one; A little
ater I'll touch on your In ad
itehe-) i! nd laterals and
liov dra;; now and I'll net forget
the WilhimeU ' v.. I V.
heard ton dining the Tygh Fai'.
Waiter Woodside sold f,(0 wi r h
Jim r.eunedy is building a barn u, w.ikruielotis to the Warm
on his farm. Springers off 40x90 h ot at h.
Ike Drive, Jim W... a'cn k, Guy t n,a,iy Peered me to t in;
Harvey, Pe'cy lhivcr, Bi t Wood-,v!l lt jH.( j0 jf he had 11 U acres
cock and Bud Harvey vw i i lo '1 e A(. prot4 vioiiip; like tlu.t
Post Camp Simirday w b, ie ll ey Wltll ,,y half a dozen Did an
will look iifltr their catt ie. Innervations in tie stale lo u.t
P.. II Voodcoek and Bud ll ..v.y . ; i;lut .,, vour anion, about
Tuesday, returning Wednesday.
business is new to you but it's old
iu the hi I It. Do you know Mr.
Farmer t Lint for over 200) yea r, """ "'" "" " 1
irrigation has been successfully Rock clam 348 feet high that
. practhe 1. In the Imperial valley iuipondB waler for 234,000 acres.
feet below the sea they tai e T'e scheme has cost If 12 000,000,
built a cabin at Diivtr and 1. i
yev t)oy0' c.i mpt
The sel.o i! literary club held . .
lirsl meet : tig Salurda). G. or. t
M i 1 1 ( r was elected pri shit lit ami
M ss Addle Duncan ncrclai.
Mr. and Mis. Alvis Martin of
J inip r h'b't isite i Mrs. Ke't e
Ki. in The Dalles Satilldav.
Mrs, Ma.;gio Woodcock wem
fr mi Matipin to The Dallis Friday
Fiauk and Part Driver, Mrs.
Jessie Woodcock and son 1 c lie
were Dalles visitors Fruiav rc-
t hat t xplaiialioii. If joil intend
to raise alfalfa, .-(plash, wheal oi
meioiis next year )uii iniii-t leeiu
i i'.ht and ,hat bring me to my
.- "IV.1
What you need is first a fnzno
se a ,)er and s- c md n box dr. g
sc a,- -r. About 10 fartiiers nei d
frcznoi and it w, old be tit and
ii d ii i them to ail band llajui-
sc ves t gel her a M
That w i u d be a St.
liiul wot:' ! make i
eh. nil huk like
iiuv togilher.
H' ef iillsillCSS
i i oiiulry nn i
vvcll you cnii
How About It?
jimuniiig overnight. j t ; i U that oi cr ilh the ddeh man.
j Mr. aud Mrs. Ilemy MilUrj lt w.lnt tt: lV)ttl;iijil to tec what
; Went to Tlie Dulles Saturday lak-i,,. mat.,iciy people wood do
i log Gcotije Slotil and his mother, li, ,ul t0 ni.,liy ')(..z0s. 'I hen
Mrs, Miiiictta htce.l. 1 bey re-1 ,,(, bl,x ,lrBKi Get Home 2vh
maiiiid over night, m town, going 2xl'J 18 feet long. Two i r
m to Hood Kiva Sunday where. n)( lW , for c ,.,y tie
they were joined by Hem y Stei d ,.Ul8 aru w ,,et oll 'V 1U spihe
why aecompanh'd them to Pol I-j ,1el1 (, gc.hel and pill in two
Have you protection for that
Farm Machinery
When the sefson's wot k is over?
On most farms some of the'machiriery-oftfn the greater
part of it-ii left out-of-doors the year round.
A Weather Proof Implement Shed
doubles Hie life of your niacliit.try and cuts clown your
repair bills-
And then too, machinery that is protected frcm the
ilir.cnt3 is thvsjs icrdy fcr use v. he n it is v. anlcd.
Any way you figure it, an
Implement Shed is a Time Saver
A Money Meier
Whatever your building problems are, come in and talk
them over witn us, for we are here to serve you-
Tum-A-Lum Luniber Co.
Maupin, Ore.
alfalfa, 75 '0 feel nbove the ocean
in Colorado-1 1 ey do the tamp
thing. When Nick bin not pnt to
thinking ' nbout this wonde'fill
iriigiition a!on the Cn''a!es' si- Uncle Sam said his folks hae
to be fed nd be don't tejjiide
paving the hil'. Folks are (him.
oriug for dislrict law elections and
ar soh.ciihi'ig fpr water ll at
ern sloj e he got up en his hind j pi i, I flows ti the deep sea fishes
le(;s in CoiigiesH and introducer u a id great natl(nal Lici s ate
hill ai-kiig 1' cle Sam f"r me diving into gigantic engtneeri g
billion doll I for reclainiatiou in proh'oui". to bring about the pi s
t h. west. He stin ted .something, tihiliiijs that you and I haye right
N'iek did. Secretary Dune got np here lo hum and we pis', harow
a bill and he as !(IO0,(!Wl,OIKJ our guuitnei f.illow and forget that
ami it all just to make il possible
lo inigiite and we don't gel the
least excited about it. I'licle Sam
ju-t finished the longest dam in
the , world in I lalm -the Arr. w
we just gnt one crop in two years
while the irrntor g In t o til
tings of nlfa''a in the su me two
years-but iliers I go again,
S. C,
laud where Mrs. Si''ed ei ter il
tqe Patton home.
Mr. aiid Mis. Kennedy i nd
Mrs. Mary l e dy went to Tin
Dalles today to alki.d the fair.
Wapinitia Items
line clear dayi with heavy
frosts at night have i en n.ce id
out to us the past week. j
E. L Ncl.-on and family n' vc i,
from ben' to The Da I h s 1 olid i . j-
)ou O'Brien's and Waller Wood j
side's each have a new piano j
ili.n!,.,- '-""
i huroiiglny
which they nceivci
Mfri. Higbee puruhaied them while
iu I'oi tla ml last week.
; Two car D ails of hos and one
of cattle were . hipp. d fiom this
H'ction to Poltlaiid Salurdiiy. l.
',. Porcman and J. I. Weil look
'the Imgs ah. I I, B. Kelly look th
'tattle. M".-t of the faiuiii:; are
losing o i I lit i' In g , I he n,i rb t
being su p.e r and the v. h at to
ctossbiaees of the vme slul'f al
equal disl.nces. Now you tack
mi two lop angle br..e s fr. in
front and center to rear and ides
to stiffen the drags Yell pull
the c it! or from the front ei d, the i-ide. H y ur lazy just
tnrow on a board and ride. Vour
four hotses will level your 10 acre
pa eh in a day. You use j om j
j I'n .no to rough level all ihe'
! bumps and fill th" hollows and
; then drag the box scraper o.r
Ihe ledd Ihoroiiglily to iinily Hie
.surface. Laying j-ki'S asidt if1
just do 14-ns little Ir'u-k i
and sow n our all a Ifa '
Pr0 IHL Co Dak
Will not be in off ce on Thursday, Friday,
Saturday and Sunday, Oct 16th to 20th.
in the spring white the natural jL- -
opemedl la tuafS-ces Sim Mainj aim.
Ligl mniattteira of all Minidls atteittJ'td) to.
left M .inlay for Skag
i where be will jo ii
151 Rub
war A las I
'hU iaiht r.
j Mr.-, Juiiii- Sliiplliu
(to last pag1
m your notary work.
Sl'il.I- ytHJK FARM rOlt nut,
1-. IhJmbHj v -r1