The Mauoin Times Published' Every Friday at Maupin, Oregon, Mrs, W. L. Morrison, Publisher Subscription: One Tear $1.50, Six Months 5cts, Three Months 50c Entered as second class mail matter September 2, 1914. at the post office at Maupin, Oregon, under the Act of March 3, 1879. Local Items Order Log Cabin Bread received every day at Sty er'e. . A. L. Anderson commenced work in the Bank Tuesday. Wood for Sale at Wapinitia. See Mr. II. S. Goodenough.' The rainy weather continues. A hard thunder storm was experi enced Wednesday night. Wanted-Pasturage for 85 bucks until October, $2 per head per season. Edwin Mays, Maupin. II. M. Greeu and family moved to their Maupin residence from Criterion Friday. A. few dozen Schrain and Econ otuy jars for sale. Inquire Times olnce. Haying sold his ranch recently, Feu Batty is preparing for an auction sale of horses, cattle, hogs and farm machinery. The sale will be the 24th of this month. Dr. A. Baumgartner, a well known Portland attorney, was visiting in Maupiu last week. Remember the place to get For maldehyde and Blue Stone. Maupin Drug Store. A good fresh supply on hand. THE THE ORIGINAL If you have wood to cut or wish to operate light machinery around the farm you need one of those machines. ABk your dealer for information or write the VAUGHAN MOTOR WORKS, INC., 473 E. MAIN ST.. The Childrens Eyes should be cared for before they return to school. ' Have them properly examined and fitted NOW by Dr. DeLarhue Eyesight Specialist 17-18 Vogt Block The Dalles, Oregon This establishment is EXCLUSIVELY Opical and permanently located in The Dalles, Oregon LEAVE your orders for ACCESSORIES GAS and OIL FORDS TRACTORS AN O trucRs A T FISCHERS GARAGE One 10-0 hoe Empire drill foi sale. F. S. Fleming. J. W. Ayres of Smock has pur chased the Fen Batty farm on the Flat and is moving theje. J. F. Blancbard who haB bought the Ayres property unloaded his car of household goods Tuesday and took a iouple loads over the next day. Some of the farmers dont like to be skinned, but Dad Coale still buys pkins and hides. . Mrs. P. II. Mott is suffering a painfdl felon on the second finger of her left hand. Blue Pearuiahie apples for eat ing and cooking at Cyr's, $1.50 per box good keepers. Mrs. H. L. Emmons came Tues day from Yakima and is a guest at the Jory home. The Portland Painless Dentist All work guaranteed. W. T. Slatteu, D.D. S., Trop., 305 Sec ond St., The Dalles. Lost at Wapinitia Celebration grounds or Maupin a black leather billhook also fountain pen. Find er please leave at or send to Times oflice. Reward. Get your butter paper and car toiiB printed at the Times office. VAUGHAN DRAG SAW MACHINE 5 PORTLAND. ORE. BATTERIES REPAIRED Frank KaiBer of Washotlgal, was bere the firBt of the week vis iting his brother II. R. " Men wanted to work on the Qlackamas - Bear Spring road, wages 14 per day. Board $1 per day. Work will last till snow flies. Call ub over the phone-at Clackamas Lake through Tygh Valley or Wamic Joe A. Gra ham, forest Ranger. Frank Hustou and family mov ed Monday to their farm near Dufur. " ' School Supplies Big tablets 5c. Spelling blanks 5c. Composition books 5c. Pencils 2 for 5c. Cray ous 5 and 10c. Maupin . Drug Store. Jake Davidsou sold his farm on the Fiat to Arthur Morris tis week All those having claims against the Forest Service forfi ghting the receet fires in the Pine belt west of Wapinitia will -please present their claims to J. I. West at Wap initia on or before .Sept. 28 Claims presented Jeter will not be considered, Joe ArGraham, For est Ranger. A. Crabtree and I. N. Crabtree will leave Sunday for visit in Portland and Scio. For sale One Chalmers truck lOOOJbs. capacity just been work ed over. Will make some one a bargain on this truck. Shattuck Bros. Considerable grain in the sur roundimr territory is still uu threshed. For Sale, on terms or for cash Grain farm, 160 acres 4 miles southwest of Wemic, Oregou, iu good wheat belt. Sixty acres in cultivation, 30 more tillable Price $5,000. Miles L. Kinney ownor, postoflice address, Nehalem Oregon, W, H. Talcott and J. II. Chas: tain drew successful numbers i the lottery for a ticket to hear President Wilson in Portlaud the 15Lh. They will leave for Port land Monday morning. Good cooking apples one cent a pound. Prunes, pretty sot a, two cents. A few strawberries six cunts. A A. Bonucy, Tygh Valley Mrs, Staats spent the fore part of the week at Hoodj Piver The Dallee," Finest equipped optical parlor in central Oregon, Dr. T. DeLar hue, Eyesight Specialist, Exclu sively Optical, Vogt Block, The Dallas, Ore, For Sale Fresh gentle Dur ham milk cow aud weekrpld calk, J. W. Ayres, Wamic, Ore. Get a musical instrument for your borne. Easy payment plan on Pianos or Talking Machines. Maupin Drug Store. Large sheets of carbon paper for embroidery stamping at the Times Emil Hackler and family are moving into their new home, the Gabel property which they haye purchased. - Kill the fliea-StoyalPs fly Swat ters, 8 for 25c, as long as they last Maupiu Drug Store. Ira Kistner has bought the island above the bridge aud has moved dowu there. , I have a farm 400 acres 20 miles from Boise, Idaho, 10 miles from Stinnett. Good soil, well watered Jots ofTutside range. A good cat- jtle proposition. I will sell on 'easy terms or trade for other lauds nearer home. 115,00 per acre. A. A. Bonney. Much of the time the past week the streets of Maupin have prac tically lined on each side with ears from surrounding country, E. A. Maybew and family are moving in the posteffice building toda. Good Teeth- Good Health An eminent authority once aid thSt at least three-fourths of the people have decayed teeth. While the cavity in a tooth is .... . a j email u is usually a simple uuu nearly always a painless proceed- re to fill it. However when a tooth is permitted to decay until the nerve is exposed or neary ex posed it usually .becomes very much more sensitive than normal, owing to the !act that the nerve has been exposed to hot and cold fluids iu the mouth which act as irritants After the nere has been uncovered by decay it usually dies accompanied with more or less pain, infection follows, with the usuul absess and may finally esult in the loss of the tooth. Don't wait until pain drives you to the dentist. Dr. H. C. Dake, Maupin Dentistry. See the.fine mules at Ibe Fen Batty sale. L. B, Fox , Rr T. Yates WASCO COUNTY ABSTRACT CO. Makers of Abstracts That Protect. Books Posted to Date Daily Plant Second to None First National Bank Building Phone Black 2831, The Dalles, Oregon NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of tlie Interior, U. S. Laud Office at The Dalles, Oregon, September 2nd, 1919. Notice is hereby giyeu that William F. Johusou of Shauiko. Oregon, who on Aug ust 6th, 1912, made Homestead Entry No. 010578, aud on May 2nd 1917, made Additional Homestead Entry No. 014335, forNwl-4swl-4, s!-2nw1-4, s1:'2me1-4, ne1-4nk1-4, Section 34, and wt'-2ijwi-4, Sec tion 35, Township 6 South, Range lGEust, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make Final three year Proof, to establish claim to the land sboye described, before F. D. Stuart, U. S. Com- misioner at Maupiu, Oregon, .ou the 18th day of October, 1919. Claimant names as witnesses: William H. Messinger, Sanford M. Black, A.chie L. Hanna. Wil liam II. Woiustafffall of Shaniko, Oregon. H. FRANK WOODCOCK, up Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior, .. U. S. Laud' Office at Tie pajles, Oregou, August 27th, 1919. notice is hereby given that Harrison L. Young of Maupiu, Oregon, who ou March 1 6th, 1915, made Homestead Entry No, 014611, for svvi-4Siii-4, Section 5, KJ-2NWI.4, NEi-4, Section 8, nwi-4n'i-4, Section 9, 'fownsjiip 6 South, Rauge 14 East, Willam ette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make Final three year Pjoof to establish claim to the laud, above described, before F. D. Stuart, U, Sf Comuiissiouer at Maupin, Oregon, ou the 15th day of October, 1919. Claimaut uames as witnesses, A. C. Martin, F. M. Martin, -E. J. Fischer, B. F. Turner, all of Maupin, Oregon. II. Frank Woodcock, . Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, August 27th, 1919. Notice is htreby giveu that Frestus M. Martin of Maupin, Oregon, whp on March 16th, 1915, made Homestead Entry no. 014610, for swi-4, Section 4, SEI-4SB1-4, Section 5, NEI-4NWI-H, and S1-2NWI-4, Section 9, Town ship 6 South Range 14 East, Willamette Meridian, has jijed no tice of intention to make Final three year Procf, to establish claim to the land above described, before F. D.' Stuart, U. S. Commissioner, at Maupin, Oregon, on the 15th day of October, 1919. Claimaut names as witnesses A. C. Martin, H. L. Young, E. J. Fischer, B. F. Turner, all of Maupin, Oregon. II. Frank Woopcock, Registtr, Poultry Talk 1 he way to get more eggs is to eet Bettor Roosters. " I have a few of the famous Albert kaslner s Trap Nested Barred Rocks for sale.. Every Cock has ten 200 egg ancesters while some have fifteen. If taken before Sept. 28, will sell them at $3 each. Come and see them. Don Stogsdill, Maupin, Ore Blacksmith Shop I have supplies and am prepar ed to do all kinds of new work and general repairing. Horse shoe ing a specialty. Reasonable rates A, F. Martin. Wanted to reht this fall for a term of years a good wheat ranch with or without stock.' lean fur nish good referencees. Add reus F. R. Maupin Times. ' Hot Meals, sandwiches, Shon orders at all hours, Served at the Hazelwood Ice Cream Parlor. LO. O.F. OfiMSJ! W A P I N ITIA Lodge No. 209, Maupin, Oregpn. meets every Saturday night in Donaldson's iall. Visiting mem bers alwavs welcome. W. H. Staats, N.-G. W. II. Talcott, Secretary. r Wapinitia Auto Stage Leaves Maupin, 4 p. m. Leaves Wapinitia, 7 a. m. V, ROBERTS, fm L J LEOALJOTICES ' A rlvnrf iaera nlpnsn re&A " over your notices and notify us immedi , 1 e - . -J aieiy u an error uas uucuieu. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of theinterior, -U. S Land Office at The Dalles Oregon, August 19th, 1919. Notice is hereby given that Joseph M. Axford " of Criterion, Oregon, who on August 1st, igifj niade Honiestyad Entry No. 016323, for SKi-4Swr-4( W1-2EI-2, section 15, NI-2NEI-4, Section 23, NWI-4NWI-4, Section 23 Township 7 South, Range 14 East, Willamette Meridian has filed notice of intention to make Final Three Year Proof, to es tablish claim to the land above described, before F. D. Stuart, U. S. Commissioner at Maupin, Ore gon, on the 6th day of Octobf r, 19 1 9. Claimant names as witnesses: D. B.'Appliqgi PeK-r Kirsch, Beit McCready, Henry Kramer, all ol Criterion, Oregou. II. Frank Woodcock, -Register. lNOTICE FOR . PUBLICATION Department of (he Interior U. s- Land Office at The Dalles Oregou July 31st, 1919. NOTICE is -hereby given that Klilui II. Ashley of Tygh Valley, Oregon, who, on July 13th, 1914, made Homestead Entry No. 013639, for WI-2NWI-4, Section!, Ki-ijNSi-4, Section 2, Township 4 South, Range 13 East, Willamette Meridian has filed no. ttce of iuteutiou to make Final three year Proof, to establish claim to theland aoove described, before F. D Stuart, U. S. Commissioner, at Maupin, Oregou," ou the 15th day of September, 1919. "Claimant pafijes as witnesses: B. S. Osbtirn, C. ! L-" Lofton, George Jofion, M. P. Brittaiu, all of Tygh Valley, Oregon. II. FRANK WOODCOCK, up Register, REPUBLICATION NOTICE NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior U. S. Laud Office at The Dalles, Oregon, July 21st, 1919. Kotipe )S hereby given that Fraiik Gabel, of Wapinitia, Oregon, who on March 20th, 1916, made Additional Homestead Entry No. 015861, for TNEI-4NEI-4, SI-2NBI-4, NIil-4siI-4 Section H township 5 South Range 13 East Willamette Meridian, hMf filed notice of intention to make Final tbrepyear Protrf, to establish claim to the land above described. (before F. D.Stuart, U. S. Com. missloner at Maupin, Oregon, on the otb day of September 1919. Claimant names as witnesses: -Mack Holloman, A. R. Wilcox, Bmile Hechler, Frank McCoy, all of Wapinitia, Oregon. II. FRANK WOODCOCK, pa Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior, TJ. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, August 12, 1919. NOTICE is hereby given tjat, Eleuia Connolly of Maupin, Oregon, who on No vember 10th, 1914, made Home stead Entry no. 014046, and Janu- aiy 7, 1915 niaae iiaaniouai riutry No. 014318', for nei-4nwi-4, wi-2W1-2, Section 14, Ntti-4NBi-4, Section 15, wi-znwI-4, Section 23, Township 4 Buth, Range i4 East Willamette Meridian has filed notice of intention to make Eiual three year Pioof, to establish claim to the laud above described, before Register and s Receiver,. United States Land Office at LTlie Dalles, Oregon, on the 23rd day of Sept ember, 1919. Claimant names as witnesses: Anthony J. Connolly of Maupin, Oregon, Thomas Falierty, of Mau pin, Oregon, Johu Foley, of Mau pin, Oregon, Kathleen Connolly, of Portland, Oregon." - 1 H. Fkank Woocock, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION J. S. Land Office at Tlie Dalles, Oregon, August 12th, gig. Motice is nereuy given mat Anthony John Connolly of Maupin, Oregon, who on Decern ber 3, 1913, made Homestead No. ' 012298, and ou December 8, 1914, made Additional Homestead Entry No, 014205, for SWI-4SWI-4, Sec tion 27, EI-2NKI-4, NI-2SEI-4, Sec tion 33, NI-2NWI-4, NVI"4NEI4, Section 34, Township 4 South, Range. 14 East, Willamette Merid iau, has filed notice of intention to make Final three year Proof to establish claim to the laud above described before Register and Re ceiyer, Untted States Laud Office at The DallesOregon, ou the 23d . day of September, 1919. Claimant names as witnesses: Johu Foley, Thomas Faherty, Wilbur E. Hurst, Eleuia Counolly, all of Majipiu, Oregon.' Il7 Frank Woodcock, " Kegister. xSTOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior, - U. . Land Office at TJie Daljes, Oregou, July 2istj 1919. NOTICE is hereby given Uiaf James Doran of Maupin, Oregon, who ori'Febru ary 26th, 1916, made Additional Homestead Eutry. no. 015773, for VV1-2SE1-4, SK1-4SEI-I, Section 31, SWJ-4SWI-4, Section 32, Towuship 4 -South, Range 15 East, Willam ette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make Final Three Year Proof, toestablish claim to the land above described, before F. D. Stuart, Uuited States Commis sioner at Maupin, Oregon, on the 9th day Nof September, 1919. Claimant names as witnesses: F. S, Fleming, Ay W- FghPri John' Foley, 'Thomas Faherty all of Maupin, Oregon. H. Frauk Woodcock, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION pepqUmeit of the Interior. U. S. Land OffiVat The Dalles, Oregon, July I, 1,919. NOTICE is hereby given tbat" Charles S. White . of. Wapinitia, Oregon, who on June 5 1916, made additional Homestead Entry No. 016151 w1-2ski-4nw1-4xki-4,.wi-2Nei-4Swi-4NeI-4, nwj-4NEI-4.NE1-4, Section 2, Township 6 South. Range n East, Willani.' ette Meridian, under Act of April 28, 1904, and Act of June u,i9o6 List 6-1604, as additional to Home stead Entry No. 04799 fr fiwl-4NEI-4NE1-4, NWI-49EI-4NEI-4, EI- 2EEI-4NWI-4NEI-4, EI-2NEI-48WI- 4NE1-4, Sec. 2, T, 6 S, R 11, E., on which he submitted fiual'proof; and pursuant to which fiual certi ficate and patent has been issued, has filed notice of iutention to apply for issuauce of final certifi cate ou the said additional entry on and after Sept. 15th, 1919, ' Noiici is hereby gjyep tlit, all persons claiming the said wi- . 2SE1 4NWI-4NEI-4, WI-2NEI-4SWI- 4XE1 4, NWI-4SEI-4NEI-4, Section 2, Towuship 6 South, Range n East Willamette Meridian, adverse ly or desiring to show if to b.p mineral iu character should file objection aud -establish their Inter est thereiu or the mineral charact er thereof before the Register and Receiver of United Slates Land office, The Dalles, Oregou, ou or before said Sept 15th, 1919. II. Ersuk Woodcock, Eejister.