The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, September 12, 1919, Image 1

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T7 T?VP?
Devoted to the Interests of Southern Wasco County
VOL. 5, NO. 48
THE YEAR $1.50
Maupin School News
Tbe Maupin school opened
Mouday thfl 8th with twelve Htu
denta iu the high school. There
are thirteen, iu thtt grammar
grades and thirtyfour iu the
We believe we have the high
school in condition to be stand
ardized, having met- the require
ments of the uew courie of etudy.
So far, the school han had to
get along without text books, as
tbe books ordered by Mr. Shaltuck
have not arrived yet. This of
course takea teachers and pupil
at a disadvantage, but fortunately
this condition occurs only once in
Bix years.
Wamic News
A. E. Gronwald took office this
morning as the new county guperr
lutendent of schools, succeeding
Clyde T. Bonney who will leave
today for Antelope where he has
accepted a position as principal of
the high school. Mr. Gronwald
reports that seven districts are
still without teachers and the
county is making every effort to
see that these vacancies are titled
in time to start the fall teim.
Chronicle, Saturday.
Sept. 8.
The Mioses Imo and Eva Mc
Atee arrived Tuesday from Boise-,
Idaho, where they spent vrveral
weeks with their mother. They
will go to The Dalles where their
father has bought property.
Percy Driver Was a Dalles visit
or Wednesday.
Elmer Munier of Tygh was:'
Dalles visitor Tuesday. ., ,
D., A. Gibbs of Dufur was in
The Dalls Wednesday.
Ms Agnes Walters of Wapini
nitja attended the institute in The
Dalles last week.
G. E. Wood and Belyie Patison
were buried beneath a toppling
over of wheat flicks Wednesday
at the Sherar warehouse. They
were rescued by Don Miller and
Charley Lakewho in on sdjo'n
ing appartmeut heard the rum
bling of the falling sacks. The
men were completely covered,
howeyer, Mr. Patison was able to
'It Pays N to Pay Cash at JoryV
F. M. Jory ;
Now is the time to get your supply of
Couch Covers Steamer Rugs
Go-Cart Robes Baby Elan ets
Mackinaw Coats v Auto Robes
Fancy Bed S reads Bath Robes
Yarn. Shawls "Indian Robes
"It Pays to Pay Cash a.t .Tory's"
make a noise, giving the rescuers
i chauco to locate them. The
men came out alive but pretty
badly hurt. Had not Mfeifi
Miller and Lake been in hearing
distance tbe men would surely
have lost their liyes.
Mr. and Mrs, Tom Swift anil
daughter Wanda were in The
Dalles Friday from Tygh.
Wilbur Hendricks who. was
buried at Kingsley last week, was
well known here for many yeurs,
having visited this place, attend
ing the dances and entertainments
frequently whon a younginan.
Mrs. J. E. Kennedy returned
Thursday fioui Portland.
The Fair Association held a
business meeting a the fair
grounds Saturdap, making dctiii
e preparations for the entertain,?
features of the fair and select'
jiijj the baud, other important
business was: transacted. Jt is
believed the coming fair will Le
the bu.-t held since the organiza
tion. Every effort is being mtu'e
for the ultimate fuceess of the big
evcut. An immense crowd is ex
pected. . '
An iiMir-nse rain has fallen
here the past few days. i
Fallow Brothers of Smock hays
Smock Items
Quie a rain storm occuired laM
Friday and is still continuii g.
B. W. Morgan returned f t on
the mountains where he has Hpeni
several weeks on the ditch.
VV. H. Mnyfield who went tc
Portland taking a car oj hogs,
rerurncd home Saturday.
John Lewis and daughter Malic
of VVapinitia were visiting at tl.
Henry May field honie Sunday.
Marion Duncan and wife wen
visiting' ut , the home of H. E
Woodcock the fore part of thi
week. -
Mrs. Larpo who has been si
the home of her daughter the paci
e.w mouths will return to Tygl
M iss Lou Jones is quite poorly
School will start here Monday
There will be a small attendant1!
this term.
Mr. Precell was kicked bji
horse, but is getting along well.
This office is in receipt of i
copy of the 10-19-20 Oregon ML
Rook juet off the press. Cipi
will be supplied promptly an"
without charge to any citizen
Oregon, upon application to lb
piircnased Hit Tilloisou threthingjSecrctaiy of Stat
How About It?
Have you protection for that
Farm Machinery
When the season's work is over?
On most.farms some of the machinery-often the greater
part of it-is left out-of-doors the year round.,
A Weather Proof Implement Shed
doubles the life of your machinery and cuts down your
repair bills.
And then too, machinery that i9 protected from the
elements is always ready for use wl cr it, is wanted.
Any way you figure it, an
Implement Shed is a Time Saver
A Money Maker
Whatever your building problems are, come in and talk
them over with us, for we are here to serve you.
Tum-A-Lum Lumber Co.
Maupin, Ore.
iilttfif Tltut u t'o Hia I u Q t- r.liua in'
get their threshing done and were
delayed by the tains,
Willie Norval has bought the
John May field place, paying $.16,
000.00 ,
George Wing puiched the A.
M. Young place, pa) ing $5,000.00
Mr. and Mrs. John Euimnks and
son Vivian returned last week
from a trip to Southern Oregon.
Miss Crystal Pratt awd Mies
Qjrathy McCprk'e went I" fort
land Friday to enter Holmes IJusi
ness College. .
Mr. and Mis. Frank Driver a d
sn Marion and grandnugliiu
Lenore Woodcock went to Ho id
Friday, Marion going on to Watci- -
villo, where he will take up the
practise of law.
Harry McMurry went to Port
land Fiiday. Lewie Skirviu left
for Greshaua the seme day.
Prof. J. R, Ward attended tbp
institute iu The Dalles last wetk.
Delbert McCoy has landed in
Netv York from over seas. He is
the last one from tuis section to
return from the battle fields.
Miss Lena Wing went to The
Dalles Friday, returning Saturday
Miss K- Compton arrived
Saturday from a trip to her old
home in Missouri. She will teach
again iu the priumry department.
Mrs. Mabel Hull returned Sat
urday from a three weeks' stay in
Seattle, Wn, '
Miss Pearl Baker came out
from The Dalles Saturday to
teach in the Pine Grove district.
Percy Driver, Belvie Patison
and Vemie Norval were Maupin
visitors today.
Allie Pratt returned from The
D tlles today.
Mi's.. A. E- ljakc celebrated tin
birth anniversary of her son
Charley with an eleran', dinner
Sunday. He is eighteen years old
and left today lor Portland to
attend the Columbia University.
Ora Steed retui ned today from
Yakima. Wn.. wheJu he went in
seurch of employment, having!
failed to get wotk.
Dr. Elwood was a Maupin Visit-
yr in The palles Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Bonuey
have word that their eon Rex has
arrived at Camp Lewis from
Mrs. Nan Woodcock is very ill
the past week. ,
J. R. Woodcock has had lis
bouse painted, Harry Wbuite do
ing the work. ,
The United States
Grain Corporation
Announces that it will
sell "Straight" grade Hour
to all purchasers, in car
load lute, iu 140 lb, ju-te
sacks, gross weight, deliv
ered to any Railway Sta
tion in Zone 10. compris
ing the States of Oregon,
W ashington and Idaho, ut
not to exceed $10 00 per
bll. net cash. Purchasers
will he supplied from near
est available mill, which
may result in slight Baviug
tur buyeru' account.
Wholesale and jobbing
profits on such flour timet
not. exceed f&o per bbl. and
reiiiiler's profile miiFt not
exceed 1.25 per hi 1.
Address all communica
tions to'
United States Grain
510 Board of Trade Build
ing, Portland, Oregon
For Sale
A limited amount of beardless
rye seed. Kd llerrling, Criterion
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Phillips of
Vikima stopped Tin day ni:lit in
daupin. They are enroute to
v's Angeles ami making the trip
hi foot, currying n few necessary
irtieleB and sendirvf a suitcase
i few miles ahead by mail.
Mrs. Strong and Mrs.
lin and daughter were
.'ine Grove Tuesday.
J Ship
in from
Five hundred liu-diels of clean
ai ley to he sold at private sale
it the Fen Batty ranch. Anyone
'anting any call at ome.
, II. W, Copeland a teacher of
iny years experience and well
uown in this sta'e will teach tie
igh school this year. The pri
mary pupils and their parents n'l
ire glad to have Miss Selleck heie
snin. Tho intermediate grades
ire to have another pleasant and
uccessf ul year with Mr.Ruclianon
A lot of good potato sacks for
)lc F. S. Fleming. . " '
Installation of Officers
The - members- of VVapinitia
Lodge No. 209 had a Ouo time in
their hall last Saturday night. It
was the time wheu the old officers
vacate their chairs -aiid give them
to the new ones who will occupy
them during the last term of 1919
After the usual routine of busi
ness the outside guardian an
uounced that the D. D. G. M. and
Suit was in waiting, permission
being given they entered tbe
L idge room and a royal welcome
was tendered them by Noblev
Grand D. VV. Talcott. afier which
(he ceremony of installing the new
officers elect in the- various chairs
was taken up. -
Those installed were Noble
Grand D. W. Talcott as P O .
VV. II. Staats N. G.. It. B. Bell
V. G. , W. II. Talcott clerk, H. R,
Kaiser secretary.
A short time was then spent in
a rip roiwes good old time such as
the Oddfellows know how to have
on such occasions. The brothers
not i here missed a rare treat.
Now brothers don't forget thtt
t';e lodge meets every SaturJuy
night and come, help have a good
time A cordial invitation istx
tended to all Oddfellows to be
present at eaery meeting.
One who was there.
O. F. Renick, wife and two
:hildicn arrived Tuesday from
V-alla WaJJji, Mr, , Keuick has
:harge of the Tujn-A-Lum yard.
Forty seven head of fine boge at
t'en Batty's sale.
Miss Metz, county librarian,
clled this morning, ghe expects
to leave soon for her ud, lioinn 1 Ik
O iio and wiil be away a, year. "
those II! m
teeth? llik 'Mx
They 0Mj
1 bite IRS
the, 1918 Pendleton
Round Up. Full cf
rough and wild
bronco bucking
The Barrier
will be shown at the
Friday, Sept. 19th
instead of coming to Maupin the
18th as announced before
Bull Dog' Grip
Non-Skid Tires
Through mud, sand or rocky
roads, over ruts and road
holes, up stiff grades, round
"S" curves, there's fpeed
with safety if Braender tires are on your car.
They hold the road
Put BraenderV to Any Test.
You'll find them
"The Tire to Tie to"
For Sale and Guaranteed by
Maupin, Ore.
StiLL YOUK f'AKM b'UK tuu,
rb;nt you a safety dkijosit box,
buy your wheat. barley and oats,
take care of your banking business,
do youu united states commissioner work.,
gtyk l's a trial. we can and will maiu; good