THE II Demoted to the Interests of Southern Wasco County Vol 5, no. 46 MAUPIN SOUTHERN WASCO COUNTY, OREGON. FRIDAY. AUGUST 29. 1919 THE YEAR $1.50 NEWS ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST Mrs. A. L. Anderson and daughter Dorulhy arrived home Monday afternoon after a three months' visit with relatives und friends in the middle west. Don Stogsdill hag the pipe laid and reservoirs constructed for a water system to furnish water at his place hand; for ull domestic purposes. He is awaiting the ar rival of his pump. J. T." Harper was telling f Hondo here Tuesday morning that a rat had stolen his false teeth and he had come to Maupin to get Dr. Dake to make him a new set. Mr, Harper said the theft was attempted about a month ago, but this time the rat succeeded. Wheat hauling is the great of the prcsont, many tons coming daily to the large elevators and warehouses ou the rivor. A baby boy arrived at the Willie Aldridge home Wednesday morning. Art Fargher ai rive J home this week after several months' mili tary, duty. Reunion of Dufur Family The beautiful country homo of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Gill whs li e scene of a family .reunion Kunday when 32 members of the Dufur ''clan" gathered to talk over old times. The house was tastefully decorated for the occarion and the dining table groaned under n gas tronomic feast that would have delightod an epicure. Those pres ent were Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Dufnr of Portland, Mr. and Mru. W. II. Staats of Maupin. Mrs. Lois Dufur Balch, Mrs. BUn h Dufur Greer of Taft, Cul., Mr and Mrs. A. B. Dufur and daugh ters Mildred and Elizabeth, Mr. and Mrs. Brinton Slusher und children, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Slusher and childien, Mr. and Mrs. Oeo( Gill and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Grover Slusher and daughters, and Mr. and Mrs. R"y Slusher audNaughter of Maupin. SENT IN BY OUR Mrs. Ida QuiiTn and children of Portland came last .Friday and are visiting relatives and fiieuds. Mrs. Quiiin is a sister of C. II Crofout, Mrs Win. Beckwith and Mrs. L. D. Kelly. It Pays to Pay Cash at Jory's JOEY'S F. M. Jory , Now is theiime to get your supply of BLANKETS A NEW SHIPMENT JUST ARRIVED Couch Covers Steamer Rugs Go-Cart Robes Baby Blankets Mackinaw Coats Auto Robes Fancy Bed Spreads Bath Robes Yarn, Shawls Indian Robes "It Pays to Pay Cash at jory's" How About It? Have you protection for that Farm Machinery When the season's work is over? ' On most farms some of the machinery-often the greater part of it-is left out-of-doors the year round. A Weather Proof Implement Shed doubles the life of your machinery and cuts down your repair bills. " '. i And then too, machinery that is protected from the elements is always ready for use when it is wanted. Any way you figure it, an Implement Shed is a. Time Saver and A Money Maker , r Whatever your building problems are, come in and talk them over with us, for we are here to serve you. Tum-A-Lum Lumber Co. Maupin, Ore. Wapinitia Items A baby boy arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hank Ilarpham Sunday. Quito an exodus from hereto the mountains this week, A baby boy was born' to Mr. and Mrs. Sam Wall Wednerday morning. James Abbott went to Portland where he will purchaso a new Cadilao. John Ward purchased a niw Dodge riist week. Mrs, Pechutte and family have gone to the mountains for a week. Chester Pechctle who has been overseas for two years arrived at the ' ii mm it house and met his mother (here. N. W Flint) and family will go to the ui"un tains tomorrow. $35,000 SIGNED UP SINCE JULY 4TH Irrigation Water 1'ho Wapiniliu Irrigation com pany has created quite a stir since the Fourth of July, having taken that neglect is fluently Good Teeth- Good Health L Month hygeno is so closely an s iciated with good health thai iu importance cannot he over csli m.urii, i no commion 01 me lu mth is olten the determining factor between health and illness. in iaci, scienuno resented shows ie. ion Wamic News , Aug. 25. A call wan nude here Tueslay for help to liplit lire in the" moun tains. Tom Woodcock left im mediately to ansist. Bert Driver took up a truck: load of provisions for the men who ate epgagedin the work. Lewie Burlingauie and and another party came up from Portland to help fight lire. J. R. Woodcock acconpnied by Mrs. G. A. Harvey and baby and neeces, Hutu Izeuberg ami Ayia baling were Maupin visit 01 a Wed nesday. Frank Magill was detained mine iime with the rural mail at ha ipper crossing of Three Milectilc Wednesday, because of the Tillot wn-Mulvany thresher haying irokon through the bridge the previous day. Mr. and Mrs. Frank French vent to Hood liiver Sunday to (jic k fruit. Ranger Tom Brovvu and family vere here Tueday from Friend. Mrs. Ella Anderson and Mrs. Laura Palmer 'arrived Thursday t'rom Portland and are guests of their sister, Mrs. Elsie Campbell. A barveat social and cntertain ueut will be giyen hero ou the Gib f September. C, S. MuCorklo fell from the ijlatforra at the herar. warehouse recently while shouldering a sack d wheat. No bones wero broken lor other serious injury. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Kennedy, uiiy llarvey ana 1'ercy Dnver returned from the mountains Sun- lay where they were hel.1 to help jxtinguish the blnao near Bonney Meadows. The fire is prctically (Ut. Mr. aud Mrs. A. J. Swift are jelling their housbold furniture preparatory to moving down,v Vstoria where their son Jack and family are living. Prof. j. L Ward will occupy the Swift house he coming season, I. D. Driver has completed bit- run of threshing here. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Dahl and Mrs. Ethel Lee of Tygh were Dalles visitors Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Keunedy ere Dalles visitors Sunday after noon, remaining over night. They were acconipanie home 4;y their laughter, Miss Lucile and her friend, MisS Kathrine Clunt of Portland. The girls spent a week in The Dalles, guests of Mrs. Julia ind Miss Edna Driyer before ooming here. Mr. and Mrs. John Morrow (to last pfg'O water contracts for $35,000 since that date. A largo forco of canal workers are - now ' building the canal feeder from Frou creek to the main canal neadgate, a dis tance of about four miles. The company's engineers are using high explosives in this work as it saves time and they believo it to he a direct saving over the coi-t of labor iu many places. As soon as the caual rxtcnsU n survey js completed on the lower Wapnutia plains the luteial sys tem will be extended to the ranch of Otis Chaatain. Listed among the heaviest in ventors iu the water project arc: A. A. Britlon, Slusher Bros,, Otis Chastain, Bothwell and sons, Frank Fleming, J. S. Brown, T. (J. Stanford and John Ward. vTho company reports alfalfa doing nicely in the instates where good stands were secured. Two cuttings have been put in stach and the third will be har vested soon. About tnree tons to the acre for the first season with approximately lite tons for U e two year crops is now assured. Motorists and heep man -who cross or visit the Wapiuitiu plains do not need to carry the obsolete water bags and tanks. Tho dis trict will enter a strong exhibit at tun Tygh Valley fair is predicted by N O. Hedin, projeect ihanag' r of the company, Chronicle. Fible for many ills, ofUn uiiknow to the sufferer. 1'ear iu mind that hard tartar was once soft tartar. This ma terial occumulalPH about the recks of the teeth and in places which cannot be reached by the tooth brush. The tartar then acts as an irritant to the punis, rHuiltii'K in iiidamation, soroneVe and liiully pyorrher. If pyorrhea is allowed to remain untreated, it will cause a discharge of pus from the guuis and tventi: ally the teeth will be lost. It has been proven that pyor i hen may be the cause of many diseases, the mo;t comnmn being rheumatism, stomach and diges tive disordeis aud heart trouble, due to the pus and poisons fr iu the diseased gums being absuibtil into the blood. . A set of sound teeth is one of Nature's most pr iccltHS gifts They are jewels that lend iadienee to a beautiful countenance. Fri in childhood to old ngo the teith should leceive constant care uuil i attention. If tartar has hi en allowed to harden, it should be removed by a dentist. Dr. Dako, Maupin, Oregon, GRANT MAYS DIES COMING the (ii'bt niovip gIiow of V'WinjUH HUU ViV L'UiliaiHUU the fall it to be or it. all advertising can say Hearts of Humanity in 7 reels by Dorothy, V'hiHips great $ picture aaHirtb of the Nation. . Coming at Maupin Sept. 4th and dance after the show COMING Sept. 9th the 1918 Pendleton Round Up. Full of rough and wild bronQ bucking COMING Sept. 18th The Barrier by Red Beach, Enough said. Grant Mays, prominent cattle man of this section of the slate, owner of large acreages of land one of the big men of this city, judged by the standard of service, tropped dead suddenly Sunday in'- Portland at 12.'M. One moment he was chatting pleasantly with his wife, the next he was dead. He moved to Portland about four years upo and has since made his home at 52 Trinity place. Mr. Majs was born near Tho Dalles, on December 14, 1806 and was married on January 18. 11)07, to Miss Vesta Bolton, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. S. Bolton. Mr. Mays was well known among cattle men of the state and north west, owning a large cattle ranch in Croi k county and being inter ested in holdings of cattle and laud in Montana. Funeral services were held Tues day afternoon from the Elk's temple iu this city. Rev. -1). V. Poling of Corvallis officiated at the novices. The Elks' burial ritual was used impressively at tho grave, . During the hour from 2 to 3 o'clock the business houses uf The Dulles closed in tribute to Mr. Mays. -Chronicle, France Confer and E. A. May hew mada a trip out of the moun tains Tue&day returning Wednesday. B E A E M DEM. fr - See i$K 'hse if teeth? fiV K T. Afe t i They v; J bite lP-( the road xjl - Bull Dog' Grip Non-SRid Tires Through mud,sand or rocky roads, over ruts and road holes, up stiff grades, round "S" curves, there's speed with safety if Braender tires are on your car. They hold the road. Put Braender's to Any Test. You'll find them "The Tire to Tie to" For Sale and Guaranteed by . D. Fraley Maupin, Ore. SOME OF THE THINGS THAI wt. CAN DO FOR Vi)u DO YOUtt NOTARY WORK, SfclLL' YOUR FARM Kite tOu, . '' ' RENT YOU A SAFETY DKI'OSIT BOX, BUY YOUR WHEAT, BARLEY AND OATS, TAKE CARE OF YOUR BANKING BUSINESS, DO YOUR UNITED STATES COMMISSIONER WORK. GIVE US A TRIAL, WE CAN AND WILL MAKE GOOD MAUPIN STATE BANK