The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, August 22, 1919, Image 4

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    The Mauiuin Times
Published Every Friday at Maupin, Oregon,
Mrs, W. L. MyRiusoN, Publisher
Subecrintion: One Year $1.50, Six
Kntoroil as eccorit class mail
P'jbc officii at Maupin, Oregon,
from the mountains.
Mrs. K'sie Campbell li:i
1 a
piiuful accident Tuesday liy ii
sliver from a bone piercing I t r
she was tii k mi to Ma up ii whore
Dr. F, I wood attended hi-re,
Don Miller ami Heh'ie Pilisnii
went to Shcrar Moiuhiy nbcm
tliey obtained i:in'li'J tut-lit at 1 1 e
W irobouso.
Steph V in ; and J im McCow n
were up from lygh Thursday
looking after llm tliresliii'g bit g
tlmia mi Mr. Wind's pliicn.
Mrf. Dollie Kb tin r is him ving
meals at llm Wing hotel in 'J ygb,
having taken charge iff I lie licit I
J h week.
Autos Johiu-on hit" jjji rtiiiis (I
tin ppip'-rty known iih Ihe Curtis
saloon, mill his p'lN-iilc, Mr. and
Mrs. Harrison Johnson haw;
moved there. Amos will buil-l n
new liotlPe Inter,
M is, Ailt-lin Follel after Fpend
ing a week with her niece, Mis
Bet t ie ,!o' lis m, timed lo I'i l
lanil Fiilay. While here, n
company w till Mrs. Jul iihoo, file
visited the old home i.f lier broth
er Clark Poiighton on Juniptr.
Kiiiining over night with Mrs.
I la V C y.
Mrs. Funuie Howell who spent
tlireo weeks with her daughter
Mrs. Jpha Duncan on Sunflower
Flat returned FriJuy to Portland
. where she will spend the
ier of the year with her daughter,
Mrs. Ma Boynton.
Mrs. May Widdel mid daughter
ie nriiid to Fortiaiid Tuesday
after three weeks here and at
Tygh wilh relatives mid friends1.'
M's. 1 ydia MoCartney and chil
dien of Jordan erot k accompanitd
them hump, '
Ota Steal went to Tygli Tues-
day where ho iH eu ploj ed at the
Carl D.ihl ranch.
Mrs. A. IC. Miss Hilda rnl
will rarnisn music
Months 5cts, Three Month 50c
matter September 2, 1014. at the
under the Act of March 3, 1879.
Winnlon Iike went lo Iho Ton
Karghi r heme noai Dnfnr riMay
Miss linice Miller arrived Fii
day fioni Purl laud and it a gout
at the Mik" Kennedy home, fli s
Miller attended the summer scl o..
at, (Joryu II s picpar.ilory to leach
ing. ,likc I'lhun tied his Hadt'ir
hore lo a t- l.'pln i e pohi S.i'i.r
day while he went lu.o the po-i
illii c, '1 ho animal look fright i l
i passing ear, plunging and r ii"
iiglill'il broko the pole ot i.cai
(he ground. Carl Piatt assislu
iii iti in repl icing the pule mid ail
justing the w ires.
Tht temperature reached Vo ei
gne heie Satlliday, the hoiiisl
day of the iiionlh.
Ki an k Magill's truck' broke
d .ivn while e ui;i g fn m .Sin i;i i
Krida) with a loud of height.
J. B. Cliild'eis went to Fijfiul
today where he has en ploy ie 1 1.
Mrs. Lizzie Allen iirrueil Wed
nesday fruin Astoria.
Mrs. Myrtle Swift mid little ton
took a loud of apples to Maupin
Mr, and Mis. II. I,. Driver, F.
.M. and Marion Driver went to
B tdger lake Saturday,
Several parties were out funn
Tue Dalles last week, going lo
B tdger lake.
Willis Korval, Wilbur Wi
Chester Briltain and Mike I'll- n
went to their c.Ule nuiae in 'be
mountains Saturday.
Mi'H. L.ydia O'KelJy came from
Prinevillu Thuisday, vbitiig lit r
siller, Mrs. Mary lieaty.
Mr. and Mrs, Juke Dati'l-an
wire ever Loin Juniper I'i.iLiv at the A J. Swift home.
SAtf. l'ine AUeu accoini a no
them iome.
Liberty Chaslain was oyer from
Juniper Sunday, a guest 11 1 tin
IC'iruit Zumwalt homo
Glenn Lucas canit; down fiom
Bonnie Meadows Saturday wheie
17, 18,
Ihe Dalles Band
Im hac 1 pen repairing telephone
wires on the forest let five,
Marion Diiieati dime over frcin
irn.s- Valley Saturday, remaining',
oyer niht at tin-J, It. Wooden, k
h mie,
Mn ion IHirlingntnc went ' to
Huntington last wnek.
Local Items
Or.Ier Log Cabin liread received
very day ai Steer's.
0, L. Taqnet wan a Maupin
v.siior Wediipi'diiy.
Wood for Sale at Wapiiiilia.
See Mr, If. S. (.inodenough.
VVaiil'd, ii gentle saddle hori-e.
.,'all the Tillies ofliee,
I! it McCniidy was in from
Criiciinn WedneKhiy with a load
of I'oL lines.
No hunting 'allowed on tie
Slusher property. - It. S. Sk.ihir.
One 1 ').(( hie lOmpire drill foi
-ale.- - F. S. I;h niing.
Mr. and Mrs, W. 0. Wtlson
were huHiifss callers in Muupin
Wanted Pasturage for 85 hucki
until Oeluher, $2 per head per
eason.- Kdwin Mays, Maupin.
Clan lo ilson was in town
Wednesday. Delias rt ceived ihe
extras lor h s I hit t hing machine
u I expects to resume operations
Now is a good lime to .learn to
swim. Water wings, bathing caps
and suits for sale at the Maupin
Drug Store. v
Wilbur Mulvany was over from
Smock Wednesday.
For Sale Fresh gentle Dur-
hain milk cow and week-old calk.
J. VV. Ayres, Waliiie, Ore,.
Mr. Louie was in from his Nona
homestead Wednesday.
For sale One Chalmers truck,
Ji n it) His. capacity just been woik
ed over. Will make some one a
bargain on this truck. Shatluck
Mr.. and Mif. W. II. Mi.yfitld
were over from Smock Monday.
Lout ut Wapinitia Celebration
'grounds or Maupin a black leather
hw)k "lf, f0""'11 P. !
t!i please leave at or send to Times
j,,IIlun -
! VV T. Noryal va
W .mio yesterday.
over from
I Harvest O ggles am! shaded
glasses, 25c, 60e, M-aupin Drug
19, 20
I.O. O. F.
I.nduH Nn. 10'.). XI it II Dl n. Oretnm.
II(,,.lH Pv,.ry H.iturdHy night if
Donaldson's hull. isiling iiiein
oprs always welconio.
D, W. Tai-cott. N. (!.
W.'II. TalcoTT. Secretary.
Wapinitia Auto Stage
Leaves Maupin, ,4 p. m.
Leaves Wauinitif, 7 a. m.
Advertisers please read over
your notices mid notify us imniedi
alely if uu erior has occured, "
Department of the Interior
U. S. Und 'Office at The Dalles
Oregon, July 31 t, 1119. '
NOTlClfi i hereby given that
Flihu 11. Ashley
of Tygh Valley, Oregon, who, on
July 13th, I j 1 4 , made Homestead
lvutry No. 013639, for WI-2NWI-4,
Section!, KI-2NKI-4, Section 2,
Township 4 Solilh, Itaiige 13 liasl,
Willamette Meridian has filed no.
lice of intention lo make Final
three vear I'roof, ttestabTisb claim
D theland above desciibed, before
1'. I) Stuart, U. S. Commissioner,
tit Maupin, Oiegon, ou the 151I1
day of September, 1919.
Claimant names as witnesses:
H S. Osburii, C. L. Lofton,
George Loflon, M, I'. Btittaiu, ull
ol Tvgh Valley, Oregou.
up Register,
Department of the Interior
- U. S Laird Office at The Dalles,
Oregon, July 21st, 1919.
Notice is hereby given that
Frank Gabel,
of Wapinitia, Oregon, who on
March ioth, 1916, made Addii ional
Home-lead Entry No. 015861, for
NUl 4NEI 4, SI-2NBI 4, NEl-4.SE! 4
Section 27 Townships South Range
13 IS ast Willamette Meridian, has
filed notice of intention to make
Final three year Proof, to establish
claim lo the land above described,
before F, D. Stuart, U. S. Com.
missioner at Maupin, Oregon, 011
the 91b clay of September 1919.
Claimant, uaines as witnesses:
Mack liolloiuaii, A. R. Wilcox,
Biuile Decider, Frank McCoy, all
of Wapinitia, Oregon.
pn Register.
lparlinent of the Interior,
U. S. Land Office at The Dalles,
Oregon,. July 1, 1919.
NOTICE is lierelty given that
Charles S. White
of Wapinitia, Oregon, who on June
5 191b, made additional Homestead
l'.ntry'No. 016151 w1-2ski4nw1-
4NM-4, WI-2NKI 4SVVI 4NK1-4, MVI-
4MU-4NKI-4, Section 2, Township
6 South. liange il F.ast, Willam
ette Meridian, under Act of April
2S, 19 )4, and Act of June n, 1906
List 6-1604, as additional to Home
stead Entry No. 04799 for swl-
4NKI-4NKI-4, NWI-4SEI-4NKI-4, ki
2t;ri! 4NWI 4NKI 4, EI-2NEI-4-Wl
4XB4, Ste. 2, T. 6 S, R 11, E ,
011 which he submit ted final proof,
and pursuant to which final certi
ficate and patent has I een issued,
has filed notice of intention to
apply for issuance of final eettifi.
cafe on the said additional enliy
011 and after Sept. 15th, 19H).
None.- is heteliy given that,
all persons claiming the said wi.
2SE1 4NWI-4NKI-4, WI-2NEI-4SM-
4NGI 4,, Section
2, Township 6 South, Range 11
Hast Willamette Meridian, adverse
ly or desiring to show it lo he
mineral in character should file
objection and establish their inter
est therein or the mineral charact
er thereof before the Register and
Receiver of United Sialeg Laud
office, The Dalles, Oregon, on or
before said Sept 15II1, 1919.
II Frank Woodcock,
Department of the Iuterior,
U. S. Land Office at The Dalles:
!Ofcgo 1, August 12, 1919. '
NOTICE is hereby given that,
Klecia Connolly
I of Maupin, Oregon, w ho ou No
ivimber loth, 1914, made Home
j stead Entry No. 014046, ind Janu
in,y 7. '9LS made Additional Entry
Nb. 014313, for nei 4nwi-4, w 1-2WI-2,
Section 14, NH1-4NEI.4,
I Sect ion 15, v. I iNW'1-4, Section 23,
Township 4 S'm'h, Ri igp 1 East
'WildUKtte Jkiidiau has filed
notice of intention to make I'innl
three year 1'ioof, to establish cla in
lo the laud above described, he lorn
Register and Receiver, L'niled
Slates Land Office at '1 he Dalles,
Oregon, on the ;3rd day of Sept
ember, 1919.
Claimant names ai witnesses;
Anthony J. Connolly of Maupin,
Oregon, Thomas Fahertyof Mau
pin, Oregon, John Foley, of Mau
pin, Oregon, Kuthleen Connolly,
of Portland, Oregon,
H. Fkank Woocock,
U. S. Lund Office at The Dalles,
Oiegon, August 121I1, 1919.
Notice in heieby given that
' Anthony lolm Connolly
f Maupin, Or gon, who on I) c m
ier 3, J91 j, made lloim ste.ul No.
01229s, and on December 8, 191I,
made Additional Home-lead Full)
No. 014205, for BWI-4SWI-4, Sec
tion 27, KI-2NKI-4, N1-2SUI-4, Sec
tion 33, M 2NW 1-4, NWI 4NIU4,
Steto.i 34, Township 4 South,
Kaiige 14 Fast, Willamette Mt iiil
i in, has filed notice of 'intention
to make Final three year Proof
lo establish claim to the laud above
described before Register and Re
ceiver, Untied Suites Land Office
At The Dalh.'S, Oregon, on ihe 23d
day of September, 1919.
Claimant names us witnesses:
John Folty, Thomas Faherty,
Wilbur R. Hurst, Elenia Connolly,
all of Maupin, Oregon.
Tl. Frank Wooncoex,
Department of the Interior,
U. S. Laud Office at The Dalles,
Oiegun, July 21st, 1919.
NOTICE is hereby given that
James Dorati
of Mauiiiii, Oregon, who 011 Febru
ary 261I1, 1916, made Additional
Homestead Entry no. 015773, k"
W1-2SEI-4, SEI-4SEI-4, Section 31,
SWI-4SWI-4, bectiou 32, Township
4 South, Range 15 East, Willam
ette Meridiuu, has filed notice of
intention to make Final Three
Year Proof, toestablish claim to
theland above described, before F.
D. Stuart, United States Commis
sioner at iMatipin,Oregoii, on the
yt It day of September, 1919,
Clai mailt names as witnesses:
F, S. Fleming, A. VV. Fargher,
John Foley, Thomas Faherty all ol
M 'opm, Oregon,
H. Frank Woodcock'
Department of the Inteiior,
U. S. Laud Office at The JJallus,
Oiegnn, Juue 16th, 1919.
Notice is hereby given that
Bernard A, Merx
of Kaskela, Oregon, who on Aug.
8th, 1914, made Homestead Entry
NO. 013740, for 8EI-4SWI-4, SI-2SE1-
4. Section 22, SWI-4SWI-4, Section
23, NWI-4NWI-4, Section 26, Mil-4nwi-4,
NI-2NE1-4, Section 21,
lownship7 Soulli, Range 14 East,
i illamctte Meridian, lias tiled iui
nee ot intention to make Final
ihiee ear Proof, toestablish ehiim
to ihe laud above desciibed, befoie
h. D, btuart, U. S. Commissioner,
at Maupin, Oregon, on the 2611
orders for
MS and Oil (JiOS mm
day of July, ioto.'
Claimant names oh witnesses:
Grovtr Douglas. John aire, John
Holler, O, T. IJiowii, all of
Kaskela, Uiegon.
Ii. Frank Woopcock,
Depattmeut oi the Interior,
U. S. Laud Office at The Dalles,
Oregon, June 19U1, 1919.
NoTicu is heieby given that
Louie J. McCoy,
of Wapinitia, Oiegon, who on Nov
einbii 15(11,1915, matle Houiestcail
Entry No, 01.5580, for SWI-4SWI-4,
Section 13, KI-2NKI-4, Section 2M,
SW14 Nii 1 -4 , and NWi-4, Section 24
Tovviisliiji 6 South, Range 13 Fast,
Willainelte Meridian, lias tiled
notice of intention to make Final
three year Proof lo establish claim
lo 1 lit land above described, befoie
V. !. Stuart, U. S. Commissioner
ai Maupin; Oregon, oil the 5H1 day
of August, 19I9
Claimant names as witnesses,
I. P. Abbott. W. R. Sturges,
Jolin I'srchtli, Aithiir 1'atcliett all
ol WapinitiM, Oregon,
H. Frank Woodcock, '
The micke from the forest fires
has hung over this section for lha
past week.
Win. Heckinan and Ira Kistuer
returned from the uiuuntaiiiB lust
Spray your cows with Lilly's
Fly L quiil, kill the flits aud get
more milk, tps.. 1-2 gal. an I gal.
cans. ilaupin Drugstore.
Some of the farmers dont like to
"e skinned, but Dad Coale still
us ckitis aud hides.
Wanted lo rent this fall for a
term of years a good wheat ranch
villi or without stock.- I can fur
nish good referencees. Address
F. R. Maupin Times.
The Portland Painless Dentist
All work guaranteed. W. T.
Slatten, I). 1). S., Prop., 805 Sec
ond St.; The Dalles.
Large sheets of carbon paper for
embroidery stomping at the Times
(let your butter paper and ear
tons printed at the Times office.
L. B. Fox R. T. Yates
Makers of Abstracts That
Hooks Posted to Dale Daily
Plant Second to None
First National Bank Building
Phone Black 2831,
The Dalles, Oiegon
Hot Meals, sandwiches,
Short orders at all hour.
Served at ihe Hazel wood
Ice Cream Parlor,