The Mauoin 1 imes Published Every Friday at Maupin, Oregon, Mrs, W. L. Moekison, Publisher Subscription: One Year $1.50, Six Months 5cts, Three Months 50c Entered as second class mail matter September 2, 1914, at the posi office at Maupin, Oregon, under the Act of March 3, 1879. Local Items Order Log Cabin Bread received every dny at Styer'e. 'Uncle Hank' Harpham came from Idaho thi. week for harvest. Mrs. J. H. Woodcock and Irene returned home from Hood' River yesterday. Some of the farmers dont like to be skinned, but Dad Coale t-till buys pkins and bides, W. L. Morrison made a hurried Mrs. Vida Burnett and ton aie trip to The Dalles last Saturday visiting relatiyes here. A telegram received yesterday from Earl Crabtree announces l.e is on his way home. Get alter the flies-Stuvall'e Fly Swatters, 10c each, Maupin Drug Store. Dr. T. DeLarhu'e, Exclusively Optical, Eyesight Specialist. Eyes examined, glasses fitted. Black "1111. Vogt Block, The Dalles, Ore Mrs. Sberar of The Dalles who was a guest of Mrs. I,. Mill lust week returned home Saturday, Wanted to rent tbis fall for a term of years a good wheat ranch with or without stork. I can fur nish good referencees. Address F. R. Maupin Times. II. A. Whaite is contemplating putting up a factory for the tnanu facture of paints. x Blacksmith Shop I have started a new blacksmith shop at my place near the flour mill aud will Grind Plow Shares and do all kindd of general repair nig nd horse shoeing at reason able prices. , A; F. Martin. For Sale Ten ft. Hodge Header and 7 1-2 ;. cut McCormiek binder cheap II. II. Harpham. i.o. o r. rJJ WAPINITIA Lodge No. 209, Maupin, Oregon, meets every Saturday ' night in Donaldson's hail. Visiting mem oers always welcome. I). W. Talcott, N. G. W. II. Talcott, Secretary. Farm for Sale Hot Meals, sandwiches, Short orders at all hours, Served at the Hazeluood Ice Cream Parlor. 100 acres -on Smock prarie, 27 cultivation, level; pajd water right and creek, fenced; house, barn, grainary, -orchard, 200,000 ft. saw timber; 120 per acre. B. VV. Morgan, R 1, Wamic, Oregon. Wanted Fresh milk cow. . Inquire Fen Batty, phone 1(1f132. of NOW IS TfiE TIME to have your Optical work done. Have your eyes thoroughly examined and your glasses properly fitted by Dr. DeLarhue Eyesight Specialist 17-J8 Vogt BlocR Phone BlacK 1111 The Dalles, Oregon Exclusively Optical and fully equipped m - - - w W When you're hot and thirsty-scy ;!!; Ij ii jifc if ( F?OOT DSER. If m At any place whore soft beverages aro sold. (((g 'II) Bottled In 3 siics . WW THE HENRY WEINHARD PLANT- IE The Grandall Undertaking Co. Funeral Supplies Auto Hearses for quick service Phone or Consult Maupin Drug' Store Maupin Ore. Rates Reasonable LEAVE your orders for ACCESSORIES pAnrfi BATTERIES GAS and OIL J REpA1RE TRACTORS A N D trucks AT FISCHERS GARAGE r Wapinitia Auto Stage 1 Leaves Maupin, 8 a. m. Lt avts W: I ii ilir, lit p. V. ROBERTS, Prop. L. J Times, $1.50 per year. F. D. Stuart returned hou.e Wednesday night. Mrs. ..Stuart and daughter will arriye Sunday. Job Crabtree aud Dee Talcott rjceived their new threshing ma chine Saturday. . The rush of the season's" work necessitates extra help at the O VV. dt-pot. Frank Greage'r -lias the j.,b. Tbe Portland I'ainlefa Dentist All work guaranteed. V. T. Slalteu, D. D. Prop., 305 Sec ond Si., The Dalles.. A banquet was served to the M h n pi rj base ball boys and their ladies Sunday evening at the Hotel Kelly. K. L. Hauser and C. B. Dahl of Tygh passed through her Tuues day, euroute to Bakeoven, return ing Wednetday. Dou't buy bum dulling tackle, you can get the best at tbe Maupin Drug Slore. A postollko inspector visited iliia place yesterday, Mrs. Ji-stio II ol 1 is has taken Mrs. Vest's place on the local swilcuhoard. Lost at Wapinitia Celebration -'roil ihIh or Maupin a black leather .iill book also fountain pen. Find r p louse leave at or send to Times ufiice. Reward. Mr. and Mrs. F, C. Butler and Miss Gladys Morrow went to The Ualles Saturday evening. The ladies are ppendiug the week in that city. Get a (ire extinguisber for your :ar. "fie and $1 each Maupin Drug Store. Tbe C.uifield fa nily have moved to The Dalles. Vera, Mildred and Paul leave this morning. Mrs. tantield will remain ljeie in charge of je postofliee until September. See about the piano or talking machine on the easy payment pITtn, Maupin Drug Store. The piano otopl which had been taken from the depot to Wapiwi,1',? celebration ground by mistake has been returned. , ' Ww led Pasturage for 35 bucks until Oelobfr. $'2 per head per season. Edwin Mays, Maupin. Miss Grace Muir afler a few For Sale On account of ill heallh lam offering for sale my farm of 560 acres. About fJO" acres irr' crop, looking fine, also one 1220 Catte piller as good as new with John er tractor plows complete ready for summer fallow work. Will sell ranch or tractor separately on easy terms. For prices inquire of Fen Batty, Maupin, Ore. Phone 16rl32. Wood tor Sale at Wapinitia. See Mr. H. S. Goodetiouab. Captured The far famed outlaw who but a short time ago beat tho life out of the "Kolts," captured at Wap initia July 4 and 5 and he aud bis gang were completely drubbed. Tbe game on the 4lh was a real game until the Kolts got lined on t and for a while it was nobody's game, Morris was on the rubber for Maupin and pitched one fine game and, 'was very effective on bases. Bonney took tbe mound for Tygh and held up for a few innings when MorriB smashed out a clean home run and then he was swamped by bits. Hooker reliev ed him and finished Ibe game Score 7 to 3. lt was a nice clean game an.d tjip rooters culled tut another the following day. Prompt ly at 3 bells Hooker the "slober ball1' artist look the mound foi Tygh with a cold cynical smile upon hjs face and with his pockets bulging out flilled to overflowing with slippery elm, as he'limbered up with his round house ouls, inshutes. drops, spitter and ter- rifiic speed it looked bad for opos- iug batters. Nye was tbe first oi e to face the music and as he stood in tbe box trembling it looked like slaughter. But, low and behold he hit one and for the firsi time in all base ball history there were eight outfielders in the game and they all seomed to belining lip out in rigt field and all very busy relaying tho pill back to the home plale; in the meantime Nye wasgetUng a drink aud taking twenty minutes for lunch, haying galloped around for jthe fjist run, A decided change came over the day's visit at tbe Jury home kit. face of the once whirl wind pitch Saturday morning for The Dalles and I'njjlnd. I or t.iitf riesn g ham milk cow and week-old calk. ,1. W. Ayres, W'aaiic, Ore. C. F. Vest left Monday f-r r.:. ...:ii I. , ........ (.J i n.n ...i ..... .v ..v movement on Mrs. est and sen went yesterday to join him. For sale One Chalmers truck, 1000 lbs. capacity just been work ed over. Will make some one a b.irgain on this truck. Shattuck Bros. LECALN0T1CES Advertisers, please read over your notices and notify us iuimedi ately if an error has occured. , NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of tbe Iuteiior, U. S. Land Office at The Ualles, Oregon, June 1Mb, 1019. Notice is hereby given that Bernard A. Merx of Kaskela, Oregon, who on Aug. 8th, igid, made Homestead Entry NO. 013746, for 8KI-4SW.I-4, SI-2SKI- 4, Section 22, SWI-4SWI-4, Section 23, NWI-4NWI-4, Section 26, NIU- 4nvi-4, NI-2NKI-4, Section 27, Township 7 South, Range 14 East, Willamette Meridian, has filed no tice of intention to make rami three jear Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before F. D, Stuart, U. S. Commissioner, at Maupin, Oregon, on the 26th clay of July, 1919. Ua'niant names as witnesses: G 1 over Douglas, John Fane, John Holler, O. . T. Brown, all oi Kaskela, Oregon. li. Frank Woodcock, Register. of AngllSt, IQI9- Claimant names as witnesses, I. P. Abbott. W. R. Sturges, John Parchett, Arthur Parchett all of Wapinitia, Oregon. II. Frank Woodcock, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of thejnterior, U. S Land Office at Tbe Dalles Oregon, June 28th, 1919. Notice is hereby given that Frank Dyer of Maupin, Oregou, who on April 1st, 1914, made Homestead Entry No.- 012772, aud ou December 1811.1914, made Additional No. 014258, tor EI-2EI-2, svr-4Hi-4, Section 8, SWI-4NWI-4, Nwi-4svt-. 4, Section 9, NWI-4NE14 Section 17 Towuship 5 South, Range 14 East, Willamette . Meridian has filed notice of intention to make Final Three Year Proof, to es tablish claim to the laud above described, before F. D. Stuart, U. 5. Commissioner at Maupin, Ore gon, on the gth day et' August, 1919. v .. Claimant names as witnesses: A. M. White, Thomas Faherty, B. F. Turner, Thomas Moss, all of Maupin, Oregon. , H. Frank Woodcock, " Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, June 19th, 1919. Notice is heieby given that Louie J. McCoy, of Wapinitia, Oregon, who on Nov ember 15th, 1915, made Homestead Entry no. 015580, for SW1-4SWJ-4, Section 13, K1-2NEI-4, Section 2'6, SW1-4NK1-4, and NW1-4, Section 24 Township 6 South, Range 13 East, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make Final three year Proof to establish claim to the land above described, before D. Stuart, U. S, Commissioner at Maupin, Oregou, ou tbe 5th day NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior, U. S. Laud Office at The Dalles, Oregon. July 9th, 1919. Notice is hereby giyen that Bernard Nys of Grass Valley. Oregon, who on April. loth, 1015, made Home stead Entry No. 014780, for si 2n1 2, nk,1-4se1-4,. Section 20, e1-2nw 1-4, sw1-4nw1-4. Section 2t, Town ship 4 South, Range 15 East, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make Final three year Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before F. D. Stuart, U. S. Commisioner at Maupiu, Oregon, 014 the 25th day of August, 1919. Claimant names as witnossea: Johu.Wray of Grass Valley, Ore gon, Wi'liam I'luitt, of M&upifl, Oregon, -Oscar Minks of Grass Valley, Oregon, Charles Pattersou of Grass Valley, Oregon. II. FRANK WOODCOCK, tip Register. er; it was a look of revengf. Next to get a bit was Mori is. Again .1 n , .the rcby team shifted into right entlo Dur-' , , , : ... .... . . deli! auu ah ironed nomp for the second oome tun, and so il went rovnd and around until the score hoik ri corded 22 to 2. There is a foot to giye tbe noted (linger a citation lor his bravery." Skinner worked for the Kelts end they looked like peanuts as they slipped across the cornem and il wns a holiday for our oid fielders, not a ball being caugLl The hitting. of Morris and Nye ! Mif. II. V. Hatfield came up was uie leauue 01 uie series, lne from Portland Saturday and visit-' Kolts for the first time id a long led friends hero a few days, return-! wJ'ile shown! their old lime fight- i inn honi'i Tuesday. ;ing sjunt ami made a whirlwind E A LEADER "A K-'t ail (f41 IraJt l-fll All whotf rpwmuufy a-irf m4y tf 4H tmitt BflliW Et - An immense problem in reconstruction confronts the present generation. Are you doirrg your utmost to prepare to lead in it3 solution? Oregon Agricultural College Train! for leadmhip in the L.J.t--triei inij profcuiont follow! : HOME ECONOMICS, AORICULTUr, r.lMMr.RCDf. kObktrv. PhVbmacv, MUSIC, VOCATIONAL EDUCATION. CIVIU E MftlNtftRlNO. Et-RCTRICAL fENQINBKlNINti, MECHANICAL ENGINEERING. CHEMICAL fciWINKKRINO. INDUSTRIAL ARTS, MININO ENG1NEEKINQ, LOCOINQ l!NGINEBRINO, MILITARY SCIENCE. Th Collc trRtning tn,-tiHfi conr.e. in EnRl Ir -r.ivriii.-s. Art. Mathfmatict, MorlPrn LunitulHfl. Physical Education, Industrial Journalism, Natural Snrncri, and all eiienttrils of an education Three regular terms Fall term begins September 22, 1919 "st rrTOSfi F)f Collfgp Catalog, Illuttratrd Booklet nnd other information itHdrflt THI KEUIST. RAR, Oreqqn Annrultljral Cd,1-, Fy?(M!j fvaMrgtTBa , , I THE THE VAIJOMAN ORIGINAL bRAG SAW MACHINE i .in 1. r 4 - ay?-' If yon have wood to cut or wish to operate light machinery around the farm you need one of those machines. Ask your dealer for information or write the VAUGHAN MOTOR WORKS, INC, 173 E MAINST.. PORTLAND. ORE. Tbe Maupin (ell-phone oflicn will. be closed on Sundays from 3 p. nf; until 6 80 o'clock Monday morning. ' Large tdicel." of carbon paper for linisb of tho fea?on. A big ban quet will be Fpread at tbe Kelly Sunday night uud the players and their wives will meet aud diteufs the records of tbe past season and disband, going bark to their work 1 - :i : - ,1 . T'.-l eun.rou.eiy Hianqnug ai me nine.. ini( .j , oIj bul r gm .,a, More correspondence needed. Ily'tough." ANNOUNCEMENT Dr. Dake wishes to announce that he has opened a dental office in Maupin. Appointments can be made by calling Staats' store. Modern Methods Used '