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About The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930 | View Entire Issue (July 18, 1919)
J- Pleas Mention This Paper When MORRIS BROTHERS, Inc. The Premier Municipal Bond House MORRIS BUILDING, 309-311 Stark St Government and ., PORTLAND, ORE. - Established Over Municipal Bonds Phone Bdwy, 2151. Twenty-Five Yean MUSIC, PIANOS, VICTROLAS, BAND , and ORCHESTRAL INSTRUMENTS. Send for Catalogues. 125-7 Fourth St, Portland's Big Music Store. NA-PEER TIRES MADE OF FIRST GRADE RUBBER Dealer Writs for Special Proposition PORTLAND RUBBER MILLS, PORTLAND. ORE. F. FRIEDLANDER CO., Jewelers. - Expert Watch and Jewelry Repairing. Mail S10 Washington Between Sth and 6th Sts. SACKS for SALE Potatoe, L. Hotel Alder HER AUTO SPRING COU CONLEY'S USED CAR CENTER 127 Lownsdale Street. We will pay you cash for late model cars or sell them for you. Remember the place-Brick Building, at intersection ol Wash., 16th and Burnslde, PRIM0 Make 45 cents on Every Dollar Spent for Fuel. More Power Less Carbon. More Miles, Less Cost. Cleans cylinders and keeps your engine smooth flHCICICD ami c00'- Standard equipment with large Portland corporations. Live UHO I r I L If agents make good money; Bend for circulars. Ford owners buy at sight. For Fords. Price $ Burns distillate & kerosene V Cafeteria GENUINE FORD PARIS TALBOT & CASEY, Inc., Aolhoraef Ford Dealer. When in town, bring your Ford to us. Exceptional repairing facilities by first-class Ford mechanics. MagnetoB re-charged in car while you wait Try us for parts. No. 1 Grand Avenue, Portland, Or. You Will Feel Right at Hon. ' Beautifully Furnished Room. Safe Central $1.00 Widwal Bits $1.51 Whs Balk Weekly Rates Monthly Rates NORTONIA HOTEL llth and Stark, PORTLAND, ORE, Excellent Cafe and Roof Garden For Cultivating Long, Beautiful Eyelashes and Eyebrows I nothing can eompara with "LASHE," at all Druggist. ORIENTAL LABORATORIES, Portland. Ore. and Walking Engine $285.00, Perfected After Years of Testing and Improving;. A One Hone Motor Cultivator and an All Pur pose H. P. Power Plant that lives Irom Job to Job on Its Owa Power. WENTWORTH & IRWIN, INC Second Street at Taylor PORTLAND. OREGON SfnE Izard Generator making pure Gaa'from Coal Oil. Fits any stove or range, lias no equal for cooking, heating, furnaces. etc. Easy to operate, No dirt, soot or odor. AGENTS WANTED IZARD GAS HEATING CO.. 103 .Fourth St. Portland. Oregon Not Playing Fair. .It was mother's birthday and the children were trying to find out her age. Mother was teasing them by sev eral exaggerated evasions. Finally Billy said: "I think you might tell me, mother; I never yet tried to keep my age from you." . The Truth. The truth Is as impossible to be soiled by any outward touch as the sunbeam. Milton. In i isss m him si Answering Thew Advertisement. one size only 30X3J $19.00 ESTABLISHED 1870 Orders Given Immediate Attention. PORTLAND, OREGON Onion and Grain Sacks. Lower Prices. SHANK 4 CO., 312 Front St., Portland, Ore. Keep the Northwest Prosperous by using Northwestern Made Goods. ZAN BROS., Inc. Rooms $1 per day and up. Special monthly rates. Out-of-town visitors made to feel at home. Southern Pacific electric train depot in same building. J. W. BUSHONG, Manager. 286 Alder St., cor. 4th. PORTLAND, ORE You Can't Break 'Em! Get Springs with written guarantee for year. 15,000 Springs in Stock. Portland, Ore. PRIMO GASIFIER M F G, CO.. Portland. BEST PLACE IN TOWN TO EAT Ws especially invite out-of-town visitors to give us a trial We will make you fed at home. Siith and Alder Street., PORTLAND. ORE. ?. C. ENGLISH CO. tric Washing Machines 4old on Easy Terms. .6 Fith St Portland, Ore. Second Floor Between Morrison and Alder, lark Jr Shipments U We Pal Cash for DAIRY BUTTER, Cream. F??s. Live POULTRY. PORTLAND, ORE. Writ lor Prices in. Tags The Dainty Cakes for . Dainty Luncheons Serve ' Creole Creams ' Sea The Portland Modern Oil Burner Making Pure Gas From Coal Oil. Fits anv Stove or Range. Has no equal for cook ing, heating, furnaces, etc. Easy to operate. No dirt, aoot or odor. By far the cheapest fuel In vestigate. Agents wanted. PORTLAND MODERN OIL BURNER, 145 Grand Ave., Portland, Oregon Turnip Watch? According to a western paper, "Sim Hanson was robbed of his watch and other vegetables." Boston Transcript, - Remove Ink. Ink when spilled on a carpet can be almost entirely removed it milk Is used before It becomes dry. The greatness of a state does not depend upon the number of Its square miles. THE MULTNOMAH "Where Home Comforts Abound" . PORTLAND. ORE. The pleasure of your trip to Port land will depend upon the hotel you select. Cozy surroundings, moderate rates, and the welcome you find in your own home town, await you at the Multnomah. Garage in Connection. ACCORmANAJJNQ "Skirts pleated any 8tyleT'L00?fien stitching, 10c per yd. Buttons covered! Eastern Novelty Mfg. Co., 86H Fifth 8t. Accordian pleating, hemstitching, but tons covered, etc. Art Embroidery and Button Co., Morgan Bldg., Portland. AGATE CUTTERS & MFG. JEWELERS "HSplMrfM'serWclSrp elry and watch repairing via mail. Miller's 356 Washington St. ABTIFir.lAL LIMBS SrtgArtlf1claTl lor catalog. va wasn or., roniana. AUCTIONEERS- 2d HAND FURNITURE Ford Auction Co. Auctioneers. We sell everything. 191 Second St., Portland. "SfitorsgearsK and trailers. We wreck all makes of cars and sell their parts at half price. David Hodes Co., N. Broadway and Flanders. Motor Parts Mfg Co.. 325 Burnslde SL Parts for all cars at half price. Classy Bug Bodies .. Prices $85 and up. Bumess & Martin 16th & Alder sts., Portland CARPET WEAVING AND CLEANING FlWugrromWoTCarpeta Rag Rugs, all sizes. Mail orders prompt. Send for Booklet. 9x12 Rugs, Steam or Dry Cleaned, $1.60. WESTERN FLUFF RUG CO;, 64-68 Union Ave. N. East 6618, B-1476 CHIROPODIST Painless extraction of all ail ( J ments pertaining to chiropody v -jr will receive skilled treatment. Facial and scalp specialist. Graduate lady qperator. 610 Bush Lane bldg., cor. Broadway an Alder sts. mJJLmjuMAQJRLSJ SHOPB BRICK CO.. race and mantel brick a specialty. Phone East 1836; Resi dence, East 1797. 861',, E. Morrison St, Portland, Ore. We will gladly make estimates. Send for free booklet on Septic tanks. P. L. Cherry Co., 271 Hawthorne Ave., Portland, Oregon. CITY AND FARM PROPERTIES e protect your Interests. Farms, ber. acreage, city, exchanges. Oilson Real- ty Co., 431 Ch. of Commerce, Main 1117. C L EANNGNDDY E I N G ""For reliable CleaningnTT5yeKgerv ice sena parcels to us. we pay return postage. Information aad price given upon request. ENKE'S CITY DTD WORKS Established 1890 Portland DENTAL SUPPLIES JohnWeTcTTTDluitlirT5eiot piles of all kinds, Morgan Bldg., Portland. DOCTORS Mrs. DrlvTieatleyHoweT'lnd and Herbs Doctor, acute and chronic dis eases, paralysis a specialty. Indian Herb al Baths. 252 Monroe St., Portland, Ore. Phone Woodlawn 276. DOORS AND WINDOWS "wcSTseTnoirDoorsrvT ing, Paint, Glass and Builders' Hardware, direct at wnoiesaie prices, write lor prices before buying. Heacock Bash & Door Co., 212 First St, Portland. MUGSBJMAU; SMdnnnTToTaTfytTuTuiTnTSrug ber Goods, Trusses, etc. Postage prepaid. Plummer Drug Co., 260 8d Bt, Port land. FARM LOANS or any time desired and lowest 'cur rent rates. Wm. MacMaster, 831 U. 8. National Bank Building, Portland, Oregon FOOT SPECIALISTS ' KT15a7iT2iven7radat umropoay-urtnopeuics. uroaaway mag. FURS TO ORDER REMODELING Save 10 to 30 at the only upstairs Furrier. Raw furs bot. The Fur Shop, 606 Swetland Bldg., otn and wasn., port land, Ore. HIDES, WOOLS 4 CASCARA BARK VepaylilghestPrTces WrTteusfor quotation. Kahn Bros., 196 Front St HIDESWOOL, TALLOW bi s s i n g e KltoPSrSol3fipii to 164 13th St. N.. Cor. IrVing. Portland. Main Office, San Francisco. Branches: Seattle, Spokane, Boise, Salt Lake, Reno, Billings, Missoula, Vancouver, u. u. HjiNSTrXHmG; K. Stcphan. hemstitching, scalloping, braiding, accordion side pleat, buttons covered; mall orders. 219 Pittock block. A Moderately-Priced Hotel of Merit HOTEL CLIFFORD East Morrison St. and East Sixth $1,28 per Day. Two In a Room, $1.7o. THE BEST EATS IN THE CITY St. Nicholas Cafeteria 12S Sixth Street, Portland, Orsgoa. ' Bee what you want and nay for what you get. KEWANEE WATER SY8TEMS and Electric Lighting Plants, make life worth living on tbe farm, msy to install and operate. M. D. Spencer, Distributor, 833 East Morrison, Portland, uoesron. HILL MILITARY ACADEMY PORTLAND, OREGON Opens September 17, 1919 THE WORLD'S BEST SILOS The Tung Lox Easv to erect low in price ill last a lifetime. This is the Silo that prac tical farmers say is the Best Silo in the World. -, Bend for full Information COLUMBIA DAIRY SUPPLY CO., M-IM Front St, Portland. Oregon EVERYTHING FOR THE OFFICE Office Furniture & Appliances printing engra ving a bookbinding 4AKSHAU 6000 A654S nrTH.OAKSrUKTS MSTLANO. OHOOA COMPLETE LINE OF STEEL F1UNO OEVICfS AND SYSTEMS Uncle Eben. "Some men is so tremendous po lite, no matter whut happens," said Uncle Eben, "dat dey kinder give you de notion dat mebbe dey's jes' a lit tle bit deceitful," , Remedy for House Fleas. Sprinkle the places where the pests appear with a thick layer of the fol lowing preparation: Insect powder, eight ounces; borax, eight ounces, and oil of pennyroyal, two drams. MACHINERY Sendu1f"youT7riqulr7es Iron or Woodworking Machinery, Logging, Sawmill, Contractors' Equipment, Loco motives', Boilers, Engines, Crushers, Rail, Cable, Belting, etc. Burke Machinery Co., 528 Railway Exchange Bldg., Portland, Or. c 2 PORTLAND MARBLE WORKS 264-266 Fourth St. Neu Bros. OPTOMETRIST AND OPTICIAN rGtsmAAWor f Patronage solicited on basts of capable service and reason able charges. Thousands of sat isfied patrons. A trial will convince. Chaa. W. Goodman, optometrist, 109 Morrison, Portland, Oregon. PANTSJkNDjWAl Write us for prices. Pioneer Paint Co.. 186 First St., Portland. PLATING NICKEL AND SILVER. Write for prices we pay return postage on small parcels. California Plating Works. 214 2nd St., Portland. SANITARIUMS WHY THE MILK CURE? Ask the Moore Sanitarium. An Institution devoted to doing one thing well. Office 901 Selling Building, Portland, Oregon. PORTLAND Go with the crowd to the Ablns-ton Bldg., Portland to buy, sell or exchange Real Estate. Frank L. McGulre. SANITARY BEAUTY PARLOR e help the appearance of women. Twenty-two inch switch or traaaforma tion, value $7.00, price $2.46. 4uu to tit uekum mag, Hawthorne Auto & Gas Engine School. 462 HawthoVne Ave. Practical experience in overhauling and repairing every make of auto and gas engine. Oxyacetyleae weiaing. jusiaonsneu ibuy. PALMISTRY Mudalnellininetter Zorn Jlotel, cor. 6th & Morrison, Apt. 16. PHYSICAL THERAPEUTICS Dr. R. A. Phillips, 905 Broadway Bldg. Disorders of the stomach, liver, kldnava. bowels, goitre, high blood pressure and remaie aisoraers. PLUMBING & PLUMBING SUPPLIES We can supply you with anv kind of pmmoing supplies at wnoiesaie prices We will gladly estimate cost of any Job Write for prices. STARK-DAVIS CO., 212 Third St., Portland PHYSICIANS UK. ISijNA KOKKNSEN. 608 Panama Bldg. Drugless methods, stomach, kid neys, rheumatism, constipation, liver trouble. PERSONAL liiAWrTFi35m7iT me; oesi ana most successful "riUMi MAKER: hundreds rich wish marriage soon; strictly confidential; most reliable years or experience; description free. The Successful Club." Mrs. Ball. Box 566 Oakland, California. PORTABLE DRAG SAW Most highly Improved Drag Saw on the market. Has the only real and practical clutch. Write for particulars and special prices. HEiAVEK MU1UK rKUDUCTS CO, Z40 iiawtnorne Ave., Portland. SILOS AND GRAIN BINS OrdyPexdus7ven3iuTTfa No Nails. No Trouble. Stay Round Silo to., sin uekum iiiug., Portland. TAILORED SUITS LATEST STYLE Suits to order, $10.00 down, $5.00 per month. Suits pressed 10 minutes. Unique Tailoring Co., 104 Fourth St., Portland. TAILORED SUITS Oolta .Aw. tt ft I An - - uui.o .V U1UBI. ,1U UUWU, fV.VV S" month. Unique Tailoring Co., 104 Fourth ot, fortiana. TEACHERS' AGENCY Rocky Mountain Teachers' Aa-encv Frank K. Welles, ex-asst State Sunt, mgr Portland, Or. Teachers placed promptly TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE "FoTaT?rElcclnTnKeo7eg county, 3 miles from Elk City R. R., 1100 acres stock and timber ranch; about 100 acres under cultivation; apple orchard buildings, some stock and Implements 8,000,000 feet of merchantable timber (red fir); Incumbrances $18,000; price $46,000 Submit something for equity to owner 303 S. Hill St., Los Angeles, Cal. Otto E Georgi. Courtesy to agents. At wholesale and retail. Mail orders promptly filled. Smith's Wall Paper nouse, lus-iio necona Bt, portiana. Count 'Em Again, Old Topi From an English story: "He'll have him in the Fleet prison, as sure as ever a dice has four Bides." Boston Transcript Water-Proof Match. A new safety match which Is claimed to be wind-proof and water proof will be especially useful in mod ern warfare. It will burn five seconds in the face of a strong wind, and wnen It goes out it will not start a fire, no matter where it is thrown. A Schoolhouse. What a 'schoolhouse is the world, if our wits would only not playtru-- ant! Lowell. With.the Fingers! - Says Corns Lift Out Without Any Pain You reckless men and women who are pestered with corns and who have at least once a week invited an awful death from lockjaw or blood poison are now told by a Cincinnati authority to use a drug called freezone, which the moment a few drops are applied to any corn or callous the soreness is relieved and soon the entire corn or callous, root and all, lifts off with the fingers. Freezone dries the moment It Is ap plied, and simply shrivels the corn or callous without inflaming or even ir ritating the surrounding tissue or skin. A small bottle of freezone will cost very little at any of the drug stores, but will positively rid one's feet of every hard or soft corn or hardened callous. If your druggist hasn't any freezone he can get it at any whole sale drug house for ybu. Adv. New Houston Hotel Sixth and Everett Sts.. Portland, Ore. Four blocks from Union Depot Two block) from New Poetofflea. 11 odern and fireproof Ores 100 outaid. rooms. Rates 76e to $2.00. CHAS. & HOPKINS, Minster. LetCuticuraBe YourBeautyDoctor Ad rfctijnriitj; Sosp SS, Ointment 38 60, Ttleom 2S. fcampl etch free of "Ontlears, Dtpt. I, ImUi " "Meats in Storage" Every working day of the year 75,000,000 pounds of meat are required to supply home and export needs and only 10 per cent of this is exported. These facts must be kept in mind when considering the U. S. Bureau of Markets report that on June 1, 1919, there were 1,348,000,000 pounds of meafs in cold storage. If the meat in storage was placed on the market it would only be 20 days' supply. This meat is not artificially withheld from trade channels to maintain or advance prices. ll Ml : . ' Meats in storage consist of 65 ' per cent (approximate) hams, bacon, etc., in process of curing. It takes 30 to 90 days in pickle or salt to complete the process. 10 per cent is frozen pork that i9 to be cured later in the year. 6 per cent is lard. This is only four-fifths of a pound per capita, and much of it will have to go to supply European needs. 19 per cent is frozen beef and lamb, part of which is owned by the Government and was' intended chiefly for over-seas ship ment. If this were all diverted to domes tic trade channels, it would be only Vz lbs. per capita a 3 days' supply. 100 From this it will be seen that "meats in storage" represent merely un finished goods in process of curing and the working supply necessary to assure the consumer a steady flow of finished product. " Let us send you a Swift "Dollar". It will interest you. Address Swift & Company, Union Stock Yards, Chicago, 111. Swift & Company, U. S. A. 12.96 M O J ToSfodtRtiserlj 'I7VR Bes,s- Heiresses. Soothes, UilL Zr. Heals Keen vour Evea Strong and Healthy. If they Tire, Smart, Itch, or niiiVXvTV outo, ii oore, irntaiea, UUK LIU Inflamed or Granulated. use Murine often. Safe for Infant or Adult At all Druggists. Write for Free Eye Book. Murine Eye Kenedy Company, Chicago, l. S. . "Playing Hookey." "To play hookey" originally meant to hide around the corner. Hoekje was the old Dutch word meaning "a little corner." Gas Logic. Don't Forget Cuticura Talcum When adding to your toilet requisites. An exquisitely scented face, skin, baby and dusting powder and perfume, ren dering other perfumes superfluous. You may rely on it because one of the Cuticura Trio (Soap, Ointment and Talcum). 25c each everywhere. Adv. Fairly Warned. Amie was being teased by her little brother, he pulling at her doll's clotheB as she would attempt to dress her doll. She said: "I know a little boy who ain't got sense 'nough to know he's going to get a slap right In his face If he don't behave hlsself." Dally Thought. Be calm In arguing; for fierceness makes error a fault and truth dis courtesy. Herbert Dally Thought. The silence that accepts merit as the moat natural thing in the world, is the highest applause. Emerson. Are You Satisfied? SSftKSo Is the biggest, moat perfectly equipped Ruslness Training School In the North west Fit yourself for a higher position with more money. Permanent positions assured our Graduates. Write for catalog Fourth aad Yamhill Portland. ' PACKERS ATTENTION! 6"ne poundTfiTSOaKi gnnon com water win mane you a won derful label paste. Write immediately. Patent Cereals Co., 826 W. 13th St. Onkland, Calif. P. N. U. No. 29, 1919 '"this show?' 'iVHITflCrAuc, Me THE AVERAGE DOLLAR Drrciurn o SWIFT & COMPANY f FROM THE SilFnc ur.t ... ANO BY PRODUCTS U CENTS IS PAID TO-TH j m ANIMAL W tit NTS REM AIM TTt, COMPANY , rnvril Judging the World. People seem not to see that tholr opinion of the world Is also a confes sion of character. We can only see what we are, and, if we misbehave, we Buspect others. Emerson. Short and td the Point. If you cannot digest fruit, do not blame the fruit, blame your stomach. If you cannot digest what I write, do not blame the writing, blame your brain. Los Angeles Times. DOCTOR URGED All OPERATION Instead I took Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound and Was Cured. Rp.ltimore, Md. "Nearly four years I suffered from organic troubles, ner vousness anu neau aches and every month would have to stay in bed moat of the time. Treat ments would relieve me for a time but my doctor was al ways urging me to .have an operation. My sister asked me o try Lydia E. Pink h a m't Vegetable fnmnoiinr before pAnanntino to A II ll i T 1 five bottles of it and 'I it has completely cured me and mv work is a pleasure. I tell all my friends who have any trouble of this kind what Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound has done for me.' NELLIE B. Brittinoham, 609 Calverton Rd., Balti more, Md. It is only natural for any woman M dread the thought of an operation. So many women have been restored to health by this famous remedy, Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, after an operation has been advised that it will pay any woman who suffers from such ailments to consider trying It be fore submitting to such a trying ordeaL .OP 4i