The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, July 18, 1919, Image 2

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Wilson Holds Up Agricultural,
Sundry Civil Bills. .
Restricting Rehabilitation Work Is
Frowned Upon by President.
Ample Funds Held Need.
Washington, D. C The daylight
savings law was rescued from repeal
Saturday by President Wilson's veto
of the agricultural appropriation bill.
The president also vetoed the sundry
civil appropriation bill because, he
said, by restricting funds, it crippled
the work of rehabilitating and restor
ing disabled soldiers and sailors to
civil life.
The latter veto apparently was ac
cepted by congress without contest
and the sundry civil bill went back to
committee to be retrained.
Veto of daylight saving was not ac
cepted so readily, although the pre
vailing opinion waB that a necessary
two-thirds vote to repass It over the
president's head will not be mustered.
The first test will come in the house
when, according to announcement,
Republican Leader Mondell or Chair
man Haugen of the agriculture com
mittee will move the repassage of the
bill, with the daylight savings repeal
intact, over the presidential veto.
Both bills provide funds for which
agencies of the government long have
been waiting. They already are months
behind schedule because they failed of
ordinary passage In the last congress.
The president explained that he
vetoed the sundry civil measure "be
cause of certain Items of the bill which
seem to me likely to be of the most
serious consequence."
f Pulham, Norfolk, England. Great
Britain's mammoth trans-Atlantic air
pioneer, the dirigible R-34, arrived at
the air station here at 6:56 o'clock,
Greenwich mean time, Sunday, com
pleting her round trip from the British
Isles to the United States and return.
The R-34 poked her nose out of the
cloudB northeast of the village, and
after circling the flying field three
times, slid gently to the ground and
ten minutes later was housed in the
dirigible shed.
The voyage from Long Island was
without particular incident and was
completed In approximately 75 liours.
As the R-34 approached the field she
dropped from a height of 5000 feet to
2000 feot. The 400 men who were to
aid the airship In landing were ordered
to their positions and waited silently
afe the ship clrclod the field, dropping
lower and lower.
A military band stationed on ttfc
field played "The Call of Duty" as the
airship began to' settle and then
changed to the strains of "See, tlio
Conquering lloro Comes." As the
ship was warped Into the shed the
band played "Keep the Homes Firos
The tired, unshaven, but smiling
men who composed the crew quickly
climbed from the gondola and were
greeted warmly by the officers and
soldiers gathered on the field.
Army Food Prices Listed.
Washington, D. C Prices at which
surplus stocks of canned and cured
moats held, by the war department
will be sold to municipalities were an
nounced Saturday as follows:
Corned beef from (3.60 per dozon
cans to $24, dependent upon sizes and
Roast beef, from $3.48 per dozon
cans of one-pound each to $26.40 for
six-pound cans.
Corned 'beef hash, $2.76 per dozen
cansot one-pound each and 14.80 for
two-pound cans.
Bacon in crates, 34 cents a pound,
in 12-pound tins, 36 cents a pound.
Those prices are about 20 per cent
loss than the cost to the government.
Proposals must be for a minimum of
one carload.
900 Timbered Acre Burn.
Spokane, ' Wash. Private timber,
more than 1900 acres in extent, haB
been burned over by a forest fire near
Catspur, Idaho, it was said Monday by
F. A. Rogers of Ctfeur d'Alene, Idaho,
secretary of the Coeur d'Alene Fire
Protection association, The fire, which
has been burning for several weekB, is
being fought by 150 men, Mr. Rogers
said. It is believed now to bo under
control. Little timber of value has
been destroyed thus far.
All ''Liberal" Amendments to Law
Are Killed in House. ,
Washington, D. C. Prohibition
forces took full control In the house
Monday, refused to permit a vote on
a straight-out motion to repeal the
war-time act, defeated overwhelming
ly an amendment providing for the
sale of 2 per cent beer and stood
solidly against all attacks on the gen
eral enforcement measure.
Just as fast as one "liberal" amend
ment was offered by opponents of pro
hibition it was voted down without
ceremony, always by a triple vote, for
the minority, fighting every inch of
ground, demanded a division after ayes
and noes were called, and then asked
for tellers. Before the house got
through with the first section of the
first part .of the three-part bill, there
was more disorder on the floor than
at any time this session. j
The disturbance arose first during
an attempt by Representative Blanton,
democrat, Texas, to speak a second
time against an amendment which
would have given a Jury the right to
define intoxicants, and was increased
during an address by Representative
Gallivan, democrat, Massachusetts,
who declared r members voting dry
should print In the congressional rec
ord exactly how much liquor they had
stored in their homes and offices.
The real battle of the day, however,
was over the amendment to define a
non-intoxicant as a beverage contain
ing 2 per cent alcohol, instead of
of 1 per cent, as written in the bill.
Representative Dyer, republican, Mis
souri, author of the amendment, did
not a'sk for this definition In the con
stitutional amendment, but simply In
the wartime law. In pleading for its
adoption,' Mr. Dyer declared It was
what President Wilson had recom
mended to congress and would permit,
during the remaining period of war
time prohibition, the sale of light
wines and beer, and might delay issu
ance of a proclamation by the presi
dent which would restore the sale of
"hard" liquors.
Washington, D. C The senate for
eign relations committee Monday ap
proved three resolutions asking Pres
ident Wilson for information bearing
on the Versailles negotiations, thereby
paving the way for detailed considera
tion of the peace treaty.
The resolutions concern the Shan
tung settlement, an alleged secret un
derstanding between Japan and Ger
many, and the failure to recognize
Costa Rica as a belligerent.
The committee took no action on
President Wilson's suggestion that he
explain directly disputed points of the
peace settlement, though the president
reiterated to his supporters at the
capital his readiness to consult with
the committee members. With sever
al senators not on the committee he
also discussed at the White House
certain features of the treaty.
Daylight Saving May
Last Several Years
Washington, D. C Tha daylight
saving plan under which the clocks of
the country are turned forward an
hour In March and moved back In Oc
tober, will be-continued indefinitely.
Tills was assured Monday, when fol
lowing Presidont Wilson's veto of the
$113,000,000 agricultural Appropriation
bill because of its rldor repealing the
daylight paving act, the house refused
by a vote of 247 to 135 to pass the
measure over the president's veto.
Strength mustered by the repeal ad
vocates was eight votes less than the
necessary two-thirds of the members
present. Party lines wore disregarded
in the voting, members from agricul
tural districts, the source of most of
the opposition favoring passage of
the bill as originally enacted voting
with representatives from the urban
districts opposing.
Academy Has New Principal.
Joseph A. Hill, whose father was
principal of Bishop Scott Academy
years ago, is the new principal of Hill
Military Academy, Portland. Mr. Hill
Is successful in managing the school
and it has Just completed a brilliant
term under his leadership.
The cadets at Hill wear uniform,
they learn to march and so to carry
themselves well, they are right up In
their studies and are frequently in
vited to society affairs where they
meet Portland's leading families.
Fire Destroy Invention
San Rafael, Cal. Fire which wiped
out the laboratory here of Leon S.
Douglass, iuventor of colored motion
picture photography, caused serious
loss In the destruction of inventions in
the process of development, it was
announced Tuesday. Mrs. Victoria
Douglass, wife of the Inventor, fought
the flames single-handed before the
arrival of the fire department, and
saved the residence adjoining the lab
Great Welcome Given Executive
at New York.
Harbor and Shores Are Jammed With
Cheering Throngs; City Crowds
Shout Hearty Greetings.
New York. President Wilson re
turned to the United States Tuesday,
and In his first speech delivered on
American soil since the peace treaty
was signed, declared the peace con
cluded at Paris was "a just peace
which, if It can be preserved, will safe
guard the world from unnecessary
The only reference the president
made to his political opponents was
when in referring to the negotiations
at Paris he said:
"I am afraid some people, some per
sons, do not understand that vision.
They do not see It. They have looked
too much upon the ground. They have
thought too much of the interests that
were near them, and they have not
listened to the voices of their neigh
bors. I have never bad a moment's
doubt as to where the heart and pur
pose of this people lay."
The president arrived at the Ho-
boken army pier shortly before 3
o'clock. The army transport George
Washington, on which he sailed from
Brest, was escorted up the bay by the
battleship Pennsylvania and more than
a score of destroyers and smaller naval
craft. On the Bhores of New Jersey,
the state which first honored Mr,
Wilson with a political office, were
massed 10,000 school children, who
welcomed the chief executive of the
nation with the strains of the national
Through the lines of the children,
all dressed in white, the president
passed to the ferry which carried him
to the Manhattan side of the river,
He arrived in New York at 4:15 P. M.,
where he was greeted by the official
reception committee, headed by Gover
nor Smith and Mayor Hylan. From
the ferry terminal, to Carnegie hall,
a distance of about three miles, the
presidential , party " passed through
streets lined with cheering thousands
of men, women and children, who
thronged the sidewalks and filled
every available window and roof top
From the upper windows of the
business skyscrapers great showers
of confetti rained upon the president
and Mrs. Wilson, literally millions of
scraps of paper floating through the
air carrying this motto:
"Everybody's, business to stand by
our government; to help the soldier
get a job; to help crush bolshevism."
In the car with President Wilson
were Mrs. Wilson, Governor Smith and
Mayor Hylan. The president remained
standing, raising his hat almost con
stantly in 'response to the wave of
cheering which rolled along the route
of march.
At one point on Twenty-third street,
opposite a large factory building, the
windows of which were filled with girl
workers, the president seized an
American flag and waved it vigorously
In accompaniment of the girls' cheer
A couple of hundred automobiles,
carrying cabinet members, a congres
sional delegation and representatives
of the state and civic governments.
besides diplomatic representatives of
the allied nations, completed the pro
Several hours before the president's
arrival at Carnegie Hall, to deliver his
address, every seat in the building was
occupied and the police had consider
able difficulty in keeping back tlje
thousands who tried to force a way
into the structure.
As the president stepped from his
automobile a massed naval and mili
tary band played the "Star-Spangled
Banner," while the military escort
presented arms. Mr. Wilson was pre
ceded to the stage by Vice-President
and Mrs. Marshall, Former Speaker of
the House Champ Clark and Samuel
Gompers, president of the American
Federation of Labor, all of whom were
recognized and cheered by the crowd,
'Corkage' Charge Banned.
San Francisco. Instructions were
Issued Wednesday by Chief of Police
D. A. White to proprietors of cafes
and restaurants In San Francisco ad
vising them to cease the practice of
serving liquor to patrons who brought
their drinks with them.
Cafe owners had announced through
newspaper advertisements that they
were prepared to serve for a "corkage'
charge liquors belonging to their pa
The Son of Tarzan
Copyrtat, Vr Tmnk A. lam Co.
: m
Synopsis. A scientific expedition off the African coast rescues a .
human derelict, Alexis Paulvlteh. He brings aboard an ape, Intelligent
and friendly, and reaches London. Jack, son of Lord Greystoke, the
original Tarzan, has Inherited a Jove of wild life and steals from home
to. see the ape, now a drawing card In a. music hall. The ape makes
friends with him and refuses to leave Jack despite his trainer.
Tarzan appears and Is joyfully recognized by the ape, for Tarzan had
been king of his tribe. Tarzan agrees to buy Akut, the ape, and send
him back to Africa. Jack and Akut become great friends. Paulvlteh
Is killed when he attempts murder. A thief tries to kill Jack, but is
killed by Akut. They flee together to the jungle and take up life.
Jack rescues on Arabian girl and takes her Into the forest. He la
wounded and Meriem is stolen. The bad Swedes buy her from Kovudoo,
the black. Mftlblhn kills Jenssen fighting for the girl. Bwana comes
to the rescue and takes her to his wife. Jack vainly seeks her In the
wilds. Meriem mourns Jack for dead and heeds love plea of Morlson
Baynes, an Englishman.
CHAPTER XII Continued.
The wide heavens above her seemed
to promise a greater freedom from
doubt and questioning. Baynes had
urged her to tell him that she loved
hlin. A dozen times she thought that
she might honestly give him the an
swer that he demanded.
Korak was fast becoming but a mem
ory. That he was dead she had come
to believe since otherwise he would
have sought her out. She did not
know that he had even better reason
to believe her dead and that it was be
cause of that belief he had made no
effort to find her after his raid upon
the village of Kovudoo.
Behind a great flowering shrub Han
son lay gazing at the stars and wait
ing. He hud lain thus and there many
nights before. For what was he wait
ing or for whom 7 He heard the' girl
approaching and half raised himself to
his elbow. A dozen paces away, the
reins looped over a fence post, stood
his pony.
Meriem, walking slowly, approached
the bush behind which the waiter luy. '
Hanson drew a large bandanna hand
kerchief from his pocket and rose
stealthily to his knees. A pony neighed
down at the corrals. Far out across
the plain a Hon roared. Hanson
changed his position until he squatted
upon both feet
Again the pony neighed, this time
closer. There was the sound of his
body brushing aguinst shrubbery. Han
son heard and wondered how the ani
mal had got from the corral, for it was
evident that he was already in the gar
den. The man turned his head in the
direction of the beast.
What he saw sent him to the ground,
huddled close beneath the shrubbery
a man was coming, leading two ponies.
Meriem heard now and stopped to
look and listen. A moment later the
Hon. Morlson Baynes drew near, the
two saddled mounts at his heels.
Meriem looked up at him in surprise.
The Hon. Morlson grinned sheepishly.
"I couldn't sleep," he explained,
"and was going for a bit of a ride
when I chanced to see you out here,
and I thought you'd like to join me.
Ripping good sport, you know, night
riding. Come on."
Meriem laughed. The adventure ap
pealed to her. "All right," she said.
Hanson swore beneath his breath.
The two led their horses from the gar
den to the gate and through It. There
they discovered Hanson's mount
"Why, here's the trader's pony," re
marked Baynes.
"He's probably down visiting with
the foreman," said Meriem.
"Pretty late for him, isn't it?" re
marked the Hon. Morlson. "I'd hate
to have to ride back through that jun
gle at night to his camp."
A moment later? the two had mount
ed and were moving slowly across the
moon-bathed plain.
Their horses were pressed side by
side. Baynes was pressing Merlem's
hand as he poured words of .love into
her ear, and Meriem was listening.
"Come to London with me," urged
the Hon. Morlson. "I can gather a
safari, and we can be a whole day
upon the way to the coast before they
guess that we have gone."
"Why must we go that way?" asked
the girl. "Bwana and My Dear would
not object to our marriage."
"I cannot marry you just yet," ex
plained the Hon. Morlson. "I must in
form my people, and there are other
formalities to be attended to first You
do not understand. It will be all right
We will go to London. I cannot wait
If you love me you will come."
"Yd1i love me?" she asked. "You
will marry me when we have reached
"I swear it-" he cried.
"I will go with you," she whispered,
"though I do not understand why de
lay is necessnTy." She leaned toward
him, and he took her in his arms and
bent to press his lips to hers.
At the bungalow Bwana had met
the returning adventurers on the ver
anda. Returning from the foreman's
quarters, Bwana had noticed that the
corral gate was open, and farther in
vestigation revealed the fact that Me
rlem's pony was gone and also the one
wont often used by Baynes.
Explanations on the part of the Eng
lishman met a rather chilly reception
from his host. Meriem was silent.
She saw that Bwana was angry with
her. It was the first time, and she was
"Go to your room, Meriem,"- he said.
"And, Baynes, if you will step Into my
study I'd like to have a word wjtlj you
in a moment."
Bwana saw Hanson In the garden
and called him to the veranda.
Hanson paused. Both men were si
lent for a time. Presently the trader
coughed In an embarrassed manner, as
though there was something on his
mind He felt in duty bound to say, but
hated to.
"What is it, Hanson?" asked Bwana.
"You were about to say something,
weren't you?!'
"Well, you see, it's like this," ven
tured Hanson. "Beln' around here
evenings a good deal I've seen them
two together a lot, and, beggln' your
pardon, sir, but I don't think Mr.
Baynes means the girl any good. I've
overheard enough to make me think
he's tryin' to get her to run off with
him." ' '
Hanson, to fit his own ends, hit near
er the truth than he knew. He was
afraid that Baynes would interfere
with his own plans, and he had hit
"l, Will Go With You," She Whispered.
upon a scheme both to utilize the young
Englishman and get rid of him at the
same time.
"And I thought," continued the trad
er, "that, inasmuch as I'm about due
to move, you might like to suggest to
Mr. Baynes that he go with me. I'd
be wlllln' to take him north to the car
avan trails as a favor to you, sir.!!
Bwana stood In deep thought for a
moment Presently he looked up.
"Of course, Hanson, Mr. Baynes Is
my guest,'.' he said, a grim twinkle In
his eye. "Really I cannot accuse him
of planning to run away with Meriem
on the evidence that we have, and as
he Is my guest I should hate to be so
discourteous as to ask him to leave.
But if I recall his words correctly it
seems to me that he has spoken of re
turning home, and I am sure that noth
ing would delight him more thnn going
north with you You say you start to
morrow? I think Mr. Baynes will ac
company you.
"Drop over in the morning, if you
please, and now good night, and thank
you for keeping a watchful eye on
Hanson hid a grin as he turned and
sought bis saddle. Bwana stepped
from the veranda to his study, where
he found the Hon. Morlson pacing back
and forth, evidently very ill at ease.
"Baynes," said Bwana, coming di
rectly to the point "Hanson is leaving
for the north tomorrow. He has taken
a great fancy to you and just asked
me to say to you that he'd be glad to
have you accompany him. Good night
Baynes 1"
At Bwana's suggestion Meriem kept
in her room the following morning un
til after the Hon. Morlson Baynes had
departed. Hanson had come for him
early In fact be had remained all
night with The foreman, Jervls, that
he might get an early start
The farewell exchanges between the
Hon. Morlson and his host were of the
most formal type, and when at last
the guest rode away Bwana breathed
a sigh of relief. It had been an un
pleasant duty, and he was glad that
It was over, but he did not regret his
He did not mention the subject again .
to Meriem, and in this he made a mis
take, for the young girl, while realiz
ing the debt of gratitude she owed
Bwana and My Dear, was both proud
and sensitive, so that Bwana's action
in sending Baynes away and giving her
no opportunity to explain or defend
him hurt and mortified her. Also it did
much toward making a martyr of
Baynes in her eyes and arousing In her
breast a keen feeling of loyalty toward
him. - -
Morison and Hanson.
As Hanson and Morlson rode toward
the former's camp the Englishman
maintained a morose silence. The
other was attempting to formulate an
opening that would lead naturally to
the proposition he had In mind. He
rode a neck behind his companion,
grinning as he noted the sullen scowl
upon the other's patrician face.
"Rather rough on you, wasn't he?"
he ventured at last, jerking his head
backjn the direction of the bungalow
as Baynes turned his eyes upon him at -the
"He thinks a lot of the girl," contin
ued Hanson, "and don't want nobody
to marry her and take her away. But
it looks to me as though he was doln'
her more harm than good in sendln'
you away. She ought to marry some
time, and she couldn't do better than
a fine young gentleman like you.".
Baynes, who had at first felt inclined
to take offense at the mention ef his
private affairs by this common fellow,
was mollified by Hanson's final remark
and immediately commenced to see in
him a man of discrimination.
- "He's a darned bounder," grumbled
the Hon. Morison, "but I'll get even
with him. He may be the whole thing
In central Africa, but I'm as big as he
Is In London, and he'll find it out when
he comes home." -
"If I was you," said Hanson, "I
wouldn't let any man keep me from
gettln' the girl I want. Between you
and me-I ain't got no use for him ei
ther, and if I can help you any, why,
just call on me." -
"It's mighty good of you, Hanson,"
replied Baynes, warming up a bit, "but
what can a fellow do here in this God
forsaken hole?"
"I know what I'd do," said Hanson.
"I'd take the girl along with me. If
she loves you she'll go all right."
"It can't be done," said Baynes. "He
bosses this whole blooming country for
miles around. He'd be sure to catch
"No, he wouldn't ; not with me run
ning things," said Hanson. "I've been
trading and hunting here for ten years,
and I know as much about the country
as he does. If you want to take the
girl along I'll help you, and I'll guar
antee that there won't nobody catch
up with us before we reach the coast
"I'll tell you what you write her a
note, and I'll get it to her by my head
man. Ask her to meet you to say
goodby. She won't refuse that. In the
meantime we can be movln' camp a
little farther north all the time, and
you can make arrangements with her
to be all ready on a certain night Tell
her I'll meet her then, while you wait
for us in camp. That'll be better, for
I know the country well and can cover
it quicker than you. You can take
charge of the safari and be movln'
along slow toward the north, and the
girl and I'll catch up to you."
The balance of the long ride to Han
son's northerly camp was made In si
lence, for both men were occupied with
their own thoughts, most of which
were far from being either compli
mentary or loyal to the other.
By a strange twist-of circum
stances, Jack (Korak) picks up
trace of his lost sweetheart
Hanson and Baynes plot
Expect New Comet
A spectacle In the sidereal heavens
of surpassing brilliancy may be ex
pected the coming spring if the pre
dictions of cometary observers are
verified. Not since the great comet of
1S58, which aroused a vast deal of in
terest, has an appearance in the sky
equaled what is confidently expected
for 1918. The return of Halley's
comet in 1910, which had anxiously
been awaited, did not come up to what
had been predicted and expected, and
since 1882 there has not been any
especially brilliant comet seen. The
newcomer is described as a gigantic
comet, outclassing in size and brillian
cy all those seen in modern times. It
will be a thing of glory in the north
western sky throughout the spring, as
tronomers say, probably remaining vis
ible for three months, being at 'lbs
brightest In June. It Is now speeding
toward the sun at an approximate
rate of 1,134,246 miles a day. !
A cyclometer has been specially de
signed for measuring the distances
covered by railroad cars. J