The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, July 11, 1919, Image 4

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    The " MauDin Times ,BI""Si
Published Every Friday at Maupin, Oregon,
Mrs, W. L. Mokkison, Tublislier
Subscription: One Year $U50,Six Months 5cts,' Three Months 50c
Entered as second class mail matter September 2, 19,14, at the
pose office at Maupin, Oregon, under the Act of March 3, 1879.
Local Items
Older Log Cabin Bread received
every day at Styer's.
II. A. Whaite painted tie
Maupin hotel this week.
The Hart man saw mill e again
in full opeation at the old Btaml
A new eon arrived ut ihe George
Moi home the 9th.
Mibs Cosser from the Valley is
here visiting her sister, Mrs. Geo.
If tho party who took the piano
stool from the 0. W. depot plat
form June 23rd will return same
or leave it at Tho Times office it
will ho appreciated.
I have started a new blacksmith
shop at my place near the flour
mill and will Grind Plow Shares
and do all kinds of general repair
ing and horse shoeingat reason
able prices.
A. F. Martin.
Get after, the flies Stovall's
Fly Swatters, 10c each, Maupin
Drug Store.
' Mr. and Mis. A. M. White
moved from their farm to the
postoflice building Tuesday.
R. M. Cantwelr-aud family re
turned home Tuesday after a few
days' visit with Mrs. Cantwell's
mother, Mrs. Bell Delco at Wai i
liitia. Dr. T. Del.arhue, Exclusively
Optical, Eyesight Specialist. Eyes
"xafuined, glasses fitted. Black
1111- V( gt Block, The Dalles, Ore
Mrs. J. M. Conklin and daught
er motored up from Portland the
.ird and are spending a few days
in Maupin.
to have your Optical work done. Have
your eyes thoroughly examined and
your glasses properly fitted by
Dr. DeLarhue
Eyesight Specialist
17-18 Vogt Block Phone Black 1111
The Dalles, Oregon
Exclusively Optical and fully equipped
m -1 ill b m
At any ptnee where soft bcvcin;;c3 are sold.
isouu'is anj visit tMi.-rj, r-cr. : and: or.sco.w
The Grandal! Undertaking Go.
Funeral Supplies
Auto liearses
for quick service
Phone or Consult
Maupin Drug Store
Maupin Ore.
Rates Reasonable
For Sale
Ten I t. I lodge Header and 7 1-2
ft. cut McCorinick binder cheap
H. II. Harphaui.
orders for
Fresh iriilk cow. Inquire of
Fen Batty, phone 1GiT32. "
I.O. O F.
Jpbofif II in A DT Ml Tf i
VV n l i i' i- i azj
Lodge No. 209, Maupin, Oregon,
meets every Saturday night in
Donaldson's hall. Visiting mem
bers always welcome. v
D. W. Talcott, N. 0.
V. II. Talcott. Secretary.
Farm for Sale
Hot Meals, sandwiches.
Short order at all hours,
Served at ihe Hazelwood,
Ice Cream Parlor.
Wapinitia Auto Stage
Leaves Maupin, 8 a. m.
Leaves Wr liritic, l iC p.
1(50 acres on Smock prarie, 27
cultivat ion, level; paid water right
and creek, fenced; house, barn,
grainary, orchard, 200,000 ft. saw
timber; $20 per acre. B. VV.
Morgan, R 1, Wamic, Oregon.
Times, $1.50 per year.
Some of the farmers dont like to
be skinned, but Dad Coale still
buys pkius .and hides.
Miss Donaldson who has been
visiting relatives here - went
Dufnr Tuesday night.
Joe Batty and family, Ben
Thomas and wife of Hepner, and
Mrs. Alice Batty and Miss Lois
Bat'jy of The Dalles were gueets of
Mrs. L. C. Ilenneghun and the
0 ittys the Fourth.
J. H. Woodcock returned the
lirst of the week from a short va
cation trip.
Wanted to rent ' this fall for a
term of years a good wheat ranch
with or without stock. I can fur
nish good refereucees. Address
F. R. Maupin Times.
II. F. Woodcock was a Maupin
visitor a few days recently, j
Mr and Mrs. Wallace Kellogg
ha ye returned from an extended
visit in the east and are guests of
Maupin friends for, a few days.
They will teuth at Hepner this
The Portland Painless Dentist
A.U work 'guaranteed. VV. T,
31atten,D. D. S., Prop., 305. Sec
ond St., The Dulles.
Under the strain so of many
fast trips with heavy loads the
passenger autos from Maupin bad
to stop the afternoon of the Fourth
for repairs.
Miss lea Derthick came home
fro ii Portland last week.
Din'tbuy bum fishing tackle,
you can get the best at the Maupin
Drug Store.
Lost at Wapinitia Celebration
grounds or Maupin a black leather
lill book also fountain pen. Find
er please leave at or send to Times
olliee. . Reward.
Get a tire extinguisher for your
nr. 75c and $1 each, Maupin
Drug Store.
The second edition of the
Maupin telephone directory is
nearly eampleted and will be dis
tributed the first of the week.
See about tho piano or talking
machine on the easy payment
plan. Maupin Drug Store.
- While playing with stiek-hoises
at the Dyer home hist evening
little Halph Moss fell, breaking
his arm above the elbow and dis
located the elbow. He was brought
to Maupin aljout 10 o'clock and
Drs. lihvood and Stovall set the
Wanted Tasturago for 85 bucks
until October, $2 per head per
season. Edwin Mays, Maupin.,.
Mcssers Miller and Iledin of
the WHpinitia lrrigatioh Co, were
Maupin visitors Wednesday in
the interest of tho grept project
which is proving so satisfactory
on the upper part of the Flat.
Mr. Miller states that the ditches
will be extended to the territory
ajoinine Maupin soon. With ti e
For Sale
On account of ill health I am
to offering for sale my farm of 500
acres. About 4!!0 acres in crop,
looking fine, also one 1220 Catte
piller. as good as new with John
l)per traotor plows complete ready
for summer falluw work. Will
sell ranch or tractor separately on
easy terms. For prices inquire of
Fen Batty, Maupin, Ore. Phone
Wood for Sale at Wapinitia,
See Mr, II. S. Goodenough.
Adyertisers please read over
your notices and notify us imuiedi
afely if a" error has occured.
Claimant names as witnesses:
A. M. White, Thqnnis Faheily,
B. F. Turner, Thomas Moss, all
of Maupin, Oregon.'
11. Frank WoVwock,
, Register.
The far famed outlaw who hut
a short time ago beat the life out
of the "Kolts," captured at Wap
initia July 4 and 5 and lie and his
gang were completely drubbed.
The game on the 4th was a real
game until the Knits got lined out
and for a whtle it was nobody's
game. Morris was on the rubber
for Maupin and pitched one line
game and was very effective on
bases. Bonney took the mound
for Tygh and held up for a few
innings when Morris smashed out
a clean home run and then he was
swamped by hits, Hooker reliev
ed him and finished the game.
Scofe 7 to 3, It was a nice clean
game and the roolers called for
another the following day. Prompt
ly at 3 hells Hooker the "slober
ball" artist took the mound for
Tygh with a cold cynical smile
upon his face and with his pockets
bulging out fulled to "overflowing
with slippery elm, as he limbered
up wiih his round house outs,
inshuteS; drops, spitter and ler
riflic speed it looked bad for opos
ing batters. Nye was the first 01 e
to face the music and as he stood
in the box trembling it looked
like slaughter. But, low and
behold he hit one and for the first
tinio in all base ball history there
were eight outfielders in the game
and they all seemed fo be lining
up out in right field and" all very
busy relaying the pill back to the
home plale; in the meantime Nye
was getting a drink and taking
twenty minutes for lunch, haying
gallcped around for the first run.
A decided change came over the
fitcs of the once whirl wind pitch
er; it was a look of reveng", Next
to get a bit was Monis. Again
the relay team shifted into right
field and Art trotted home for the
second 001110 run, and so it went
rovnd and around until tho score
hoik recorded 22 to 2. There is a
movement on foot to give the
noted (linger a citation for hiB
bravery. Skinner worked for the
Kolts and they looked like peanuts
as they slipped across the corneis
and it was a holiday for our oit-
Department of the Interior,
U. S. Land Office at The JJalfes,
Oregon, June 16th, 11)10.
Notice is hereby given that
Bernard A. Merx
of Kaskela, Oregon, who on Aug.
8th, 1914, made Homestead Lntiy
NO. 013746, for SEI-4SWI-4, SI-2SEI-
4, Section 22, SWI-4SWI-4, Section
23, NWI-4NWI-4, Section 26, NKl-4nwi-4,
Ni-2Niii-4, Section 27,
Township 7 South, Range 14 East,
Willamette Meridian, has tiled no
tice of intention to make Final
three year Proof, to establish claim
to the land above desciibed, before
F. D, Stuart, U. S. Commissioner,
at Maupin, Oregon, oh the 26th
day of July, 1919.
Claimant names as witnesses:
Grover Douglas, John Farre, John
Bolter, O. T. Brown, all of
Kaskela, Oregon.
li. Frank Woodcock,
. Register.
Department of the Interior,
U. S. Land Office at The Dalles,
Oregon, July gth, 1910.
Notice . is hereby giyen that
Bernard Nys
of Grass Valley, Oregon, who on
April 10th, 1915, made Home
stead Entry No. 01470, for si 2n1
2, ne1-4se1-4, Section 2o,ne1-2nv
1-4, swl 4nw1-4, Section 21, Town
ship 4 -South, Range 15 East,
Willamette Meridian, has filed
notice of intention to niako Final
three year Proof, to establish claim
to the land above described, before
V. D. Stuart, U. S. Commisioner
at Maupin, Oregon, on the 25th
day- f August, 1919.
Claimant names as witnesses:
John VVi'ay of Grass Valley, Ore
gon, William Pluitt, of Maupiu,
Oregon, Oscar Minks of Grass
VHllev, Oregon, Charles Patterson
of Grass Valley, Oregon. ,
up Register.
Department of the Iuterior,
U. S. Laud Office at The Dalles,
Oregon, June 19th, 1919.
notice is hereby given that
Louie J. McCoy,
of Wapinitia, Oregon, who on Nov
ember 15th, 1915, made Homestead
Entry no. 015580, for SW1-4SWI-4,
Section 13, KI-2NBI-4, Section 2.'),
SWI-4PEI-4, and NWi-4, Section 24
Township 6 South, Range 13 Eabt,
Willamette Meridian, has tiled
notice of intention to make Fiual
three year Proof to establish claim
to the land above described, before
F. D. Stuart, U. S, Commissioner
at Maupin, Oregon, on the 5th day
of August, 1919.
Claimant names as witnesses,
I. P, Abbott. W. R. Slurges,
John Parchett, Arthur Parchett all
of Wapinitia, Oregon.-
II. Frank Woodcock,
Department of the interior
U. S Laud Olliee at The Dalles
Oregon, June 28th, 1919.
NoTicB is hereby given that
Frank Dyer
of Maupin, Oregon, who on April
1st, 1914, made Homestead Entry
No. 012772, and on December
8,353 00
Report of the Condition of the
Maupin State Bank
No. 221
at Maupin, in the state of Ore
Ron, at the close of business
June 12, 1919
Ttona nnrl rh'apnunfa $ir3
Overdrafts, secured and
Bonds and warrants
Ranking house
Furniture and fixtures
Due from approved re
serve banks
Checks and other cash
items 23 61
Cash on hand 7,588.49
Other resources 2,100 00
Total 184,332.89
Capital stock paid in $ 20,000.00
Surplus fund 3,000.00
Undivided profits 2,246.58
Dividends unpaid
Individual deposits sub
ject to check 138,054.37
Demand certificates of
Cashier checks out
standing . 1,427.49
Certified checks
Time and Savings De
posits . 6,934.80
Bills payable for money
borrowed 10,000.00
Reserved for interest and
taxes 5G965
Other liabilities 2,100 00
Bonds borrowed -
Total ', 184,332.89
State of Oregon, )
County of Wasco j 83
I, J. M. Conklin, President of
the above named bank, do solemn
ly swear that the above statement
i.-i true to the best of my knowl-
8th. IQT4, made Additional No. edge and belief-
014258, lor E1-2KI-2, SW1-4S1U-4, J M. Conklin, President.
Section 8, SWI-4NW1-4, mvi-4swi- Subscribed and sworn to be
4. Section 9, nwi-4N-ei-4 Section 17 fo-e me, this 7th day of July
Township 5 South, Range 14 East. 101 J.
Willamette Meridian has filed K. M. Hartman, Notary Public
'of intention to make i My commission expires January
lliree Year Proof, to is
land above
nol ice
lablish claim to the
described, before F. D. Stuart, U,
S. Commissioner at Maupin, Ore
goij, on the gth cjay of August,
1 (i 1o.?t
' Correct Attest:
J. S- Brown,
F. S Fleming, '
'A f
4 mi- tjg0-
3P hK,.uu.-. FU.u..u. ..c Re,Jerg) not a ba, beiug CBUgU
If yt u have wood to cut or wish to operate light machinery
around the farm you need one of those machines.
Ask your dealer for information or write the
For Sale Fresh gentle Dur
ham milk cow and week-old calk.
J. W, Ayres, Wa:idc, Ore.
For sale
The hitting "of Morris and Nye
was ihe feature of the series. TL9
Kolts for the first time iu a long
while showed their old time fight-;
One Chalmers truck, ingpii it aud made a ,whirlwind
finish of tlx' season. A big ban
quet will be spread at the Kelly
1000 lbs. capacity just been work
ed over. Will make some one a
bargain ou this truck. Shattuck Sunday night and the players and
Bros. ' J their wives will meet and discuts
The Maupin telephone, oflicoj the records of the past season and
will be closed on Sundays from 3: disband, going bacK to their work
p. id, uutil 6.0O o'clock Mondayjsinging, 'I am old but I am awful
morning, jl; tough."
Dr. Dake wishes to announce that he
has opened a dental office in Maupin.
Appointments can be made by calling
Staats store.
Modern Methods Used