Please Mention Thli Popw When Answering These Advertisements. MUSIC, PIANOS, VICTROLAS, BAND and ORCHESTRAL INSTRUMENTS. Send for "Catalogues. "" 125-7 Fourth St., -Portland's Big Music Store. ACCORDION PLEATINO. . .tllHilnit, Hie pur yil. Muttons covered'. KiiHturn Novelty Mrr. Co., 86(4 Fifth Ht. AGATE CUTTER8 AMFOTJEWEL6R8 Splendid sui-vlce una u pleasing price. Jewelry repairing, wutch repairing, via mull. Miller's, HOG WuBltlngton Bt., I'urt lund, Oregon. rite Port liindi NA-PEER TIRES MADE OF FIRST GRADE RUBBER Dealers Writ for Special Proposition PORTLAND RUBBER MILLS, PORTLAND. ORE. one size only 30X3 J $19.00 A R T I F I C lALLIMBS Oregon Artificial I.lmb Co., Inc, for Catalog. 4H5 wain hi., A 0 CTJ ONEE R 8-2d H AND F URNJ TURE "I'ord Auction CV Auclmneere. Wi ell everything. 181 Second Bt Portland. and trailers. We wreck all mnkes of car; and eell their parta at half price. David Hodes Co., N.Broadwayancf Flander "Motor Parti Mfg Co., 82&" Burneldi Bt Parti for all cars at half price. Classy Bug Bodies Pricei IBS end up. 2 Burneii & Martin 16th & Alder its., Portland CARPET WEAVING. AND CLEANING FlufFltugs FroirnMd Carpets Hag Ruga, all Blzes. Mull onleri prompt. Bend for Booklet. 9x12 Rug", Hteam or Dry Cleaned, 1.60. 54-68 Union Ave. N. East 6610, B-1475 BUILDING MATERIALS BI10PB 1IU1CK CO.. luce and mantel brick a speciulty. Phone East 1836; Rest- dence, East 17117. Slil'i E. Morrison Bt. Portland, ore. We will gladly make estimates, Till. El.NA HOItKNHRN, 608 Punuma Ithlg. lirugloMs incllioilH, stnniucti, khi- iii.VH, rlieumullsiii. cuiiulluutlun, liver trouble. PORTABLE DRAQ SAW Most highly Improved Drug Huw on the market llui the only real and practical clutch. Write fur particular! and special prices. BEAVER MOTOR PRODUCTS CO. ziu rmwtnurng Ave., rura.u, PERSONAL MAltitY IlHIOfffilTrTorilt me; neat ana must euccessrui iiotne Muker"; hundreds rich wish mariiuge soon; strictly confidential; most reliable; puis or experience; descriptions iree. The Successful Club." Box 666, Oakland, Calif. PAINTS" AND WALL PAPER Write us fur nrlces. Pioneer Paint Co., 1 First St., Portland. PI, ATI NO NICKEL AND SILVER. rices we uiiv return postage Sarcela. Culirornla rating works, t., Portland, CANADIAN v WHEAT FARMS Produce finest quality No. 1 hard wheat, grass lands produce finest fat cattle at lowest cost. Mixed farming Insures success by producing grain, huy, cuttle, hogs, and sheep. Failures unknown. Price for Improved farms cropped and ready to crop, $15.00 to $40.00 per acre. Easy terms offered on both Improved and unimproved farms. This is strictly a furmers' co-operative company, owned, controlled and operated by 38,000 farmer shareholders. A demonstrated success proven by 12 years' experience. THE UNITED GRAIN GROWERS SECURITIES CO., LTD. Paclflo Coast Representative, 624 Henry Bldg., Portland, Ore. Keep the Northwest Prosperous by using Northwestern Made Goods. ZAN BROS., Inc. Hotel Alder Rooms $1 per day and up. Special monthly rates, Out-of-town visitors made to feel at home. Southern Pacific electric train depot in same building. J. W. BUSHONG, Manager. ' 26 Alder St.. cor. 4th. - PORTLAND, ORE SACKS for SALE Potatoe, Onion and Grain Sacks. Lower Prices. L. SHANK CO., 312 Front Si., Portland, Ore. JiHER AUTO SPRING CO.. 9 You Can't Break 'Em! Get Springs with written guarantee for year. 15,000 Springs in Stock. Portland, Ore. At HEILIG THEATER rITKL the Biggest American and European Novelties. Every SUN., MON..TUES., WED. Mat Daily, 10c to 60c. Nights, 10c to $1.00 V Cafeteria BEST PLACE IN TOWN TO EAT We especially invite out-of-town visitors to give us a trial. We will make you feel at home. Sixth and Alder Street., PORTLAND, ORE. CONLEY'S USED CAR CENTER 127 Lownsdale Street. We will pay you casH for late model cars or sell them for you. Remember the place-Brick Building, at Intersection of Wash., 15th and Burnaide. GENUINE TALBOT & CASEY. Inc., iolboriao Fore Dtiltri When in town, bring your Ford to us. Exceptional reuainnK lucuiuua uj uiohdm . ....... ........... , - rfDn DA DTC Magnetos re-charged in car while you wait. Try tg f UKU I AK I J us for parta. No. 1 Grand Avenue, Portland. Or. JXii . Bend fur free booklet on Septic tanks. P. L. Cherry Co., 271 lluwthorne Ave., i'ortianu, uregon. CITY AND FARM PROPERTIES ve protect your Interests. Farms, tim ber, acreage, city, exchanges. Cllson Real ty (jo., in jn. oi commerce, mm a aisi. CLEANING AND DYEING. cT reliable Cleaning' and"yelng serv Ice send parcels to us. We pay return postuge. Information and prices given upon request. EN'k'K'S CITY DTH WORKS Established 1890 Portland DOORS AND WINDOWS . We cun sell you Doors, Windows, Hoof ing. Paint. Glass and Bulldars' Hardware, direct at wholesale prices. Write for prices before buying. Heacock Sash & DoorCo., 212 First St., Portland. DRUGS BY MAIL AnvthTnS nrruirs! Rubber gooua Toilet Articles etc. We pay postage. Satisfaction guaranteed. Joe M, Rlcen, Send to us for anything in Drugs, Rub ber Goods, Trusses, etc. Postage prepaid Plummer Drug Co., 260 3d St., Portland. FARM LOANS 'oranytime desired and lowest cur rent rates. Wm. MacMaster. 331 U. S. National Bank Building, Portland, Oregon HIDES, WOOL, TALLOW "BTSSINGER 4 CO., P. O. Box 4378, 148 to 164 13th St. N., Cor. Irving, Portland. Seattle, Spokane, Boise, Salt Lake, Reno, Billings, Missoula, Vancouver, a. j. SANITARIUMS WHY TUB MILK CURB? Ask the Moore Sanitarium. An institution devoted to doing one thing well. Office 0l belling Building, Portland, uregon. POJJJAND (,o witn the crowa to me ADingion Bldg., Portland to buy, sell or exchange Keut Estate ranK u. Mcuuire SANITARY BEAUTY PARLOR ehelo the aooeafance of women. Twenty-two Inch switch or trassforma- tlon, value 7.uu,- price uu 10 ia jjKum ciub 8CHOOL8 AND COLLEGES Wants Men. Women to learn the trade; positions waiting; send for catalogue. MISS DECKER'S rrivate Business Col- lege.A llskyBldg.Sd & Morrison Sts. iiawtnorne auio et (.tas engine ocuuui, 462 Hawthorne Ave. Practical experience in overhauling and repairing every make of auto and gas engine. Oxyacetylene welding. Established 11107. SILOS AND GRAIN BIN8 The only exclusive Sfiofactory. No Hoops, No Nails, No Trouble. Stay Kouna rjito i;o., oui ueaum ctug., x-uit-land, Oregon. HEMSTITCHING K Rtenhnn. hemstitching. Scalloping. braiding, accordion side pleat, buttons covered: mull orders. 219 Pittock block, HIDES, WOOLS & CASCARA BARK VepalTTrighest prices Write ub for auotatlon. Kahn Bros., 196 Front Bt PORTLAND MARBLE WORKS 264-206 Fourth Bt. Keu Bros. We Will Rent You an Auto City Garage and You Drive It Youraelf. FEARING & ROBNETT REASONABLE RATES. Also general garage business. 86 Tenth at. near Stark. OPTOMETRIST AND OPTICIAN ?i7arSr8aasaVin Patronage solicited on bails of capable service and reason nhln charges. Thousands of sat' Inflad natrons. A trial will convince. Chas. W. Goodman, optometrist, 209 Morrison, Portland, Oregon. Disorders of the stomach, liver, kidneys. bowels, goitre, nign Diooa pressure am female disorders. ESTABLISHED 1870 F. FRIEDLANDER CO., Jewelers. Expert Watch and Jewelry Repairing. Mail Orders Given Immediate Attention. S10 Washington-Between 6th and Uth SH. PORTLAND, OREGON PLUMBING & PLUMBING SUPPLIES Wn ran Riinnlv vou with anv kind of plumbing supplies ai wnoiesaie prices. We will gladly estimate cost of any Job, write lor prices. STAKK.-DAV1B UU., 212 Third St., Portland You WiH Feel Right at Homo. Beautifully Furnished Rooms. Safe Central $1.00 Witbwl Bali $1.50 Wits Bath Weekly Rates Monthly Rates NORTONIA HOTEL llth and Stark, PORTLAND, ORE. Excellent Cafe and Roof Garden 111 ;!3 HI ! pa Kf 3lSS m jW-r"! ;,i!T iTUS Hirk Yr Shipments Is PORTLAND, ORE. We Pa; Cask for DAIRY BUTTER, Cream, Eggs, Live POULTRY. Write lor Prices and Tags THE WORLD'S BEST SILOS The Tung Lox Easy to erect low in price ill last a lifetime. This is the Silo that prac tical farmers say is the Best Silo in the World. 1 Send for full information COLUMBIA DAIRY SUPPLY CO., 92-94 Front St, Portland, Oregon STHE Izard Generator making pure Gas from CorJ Oil. Fits any stove or range. Has no equal for pnokinir. heating, furnaces, etc. Easy to operate. No dirt, soot or odor. AGENTS W ANTED ivinn r.n HEATINf. CO.. 193 Fourth St. Portland. Oregon For Cultivating Long, Beautiful Eyelashes and Eyebrows, I nothing can compare with "LASHE," at all Druggiita. ORIENTAL LABORATORIES, Portlani Ore. UIIILU J. C. ENGLISH CO. Electric Washing Machines Sold on Easy Terms. 148 Fith St Portland, Or Second Floor Between Morrison and Alder. EVERYTHING FOR THE OFFICE Office Furniture a Appliances PRINVNO :: ENGRA VING :: BOOKBINDING AKHALL 6080 sV v r 'c&MmirfyAiiagi FIFTH OAK STRUTS FOKTLANO. OHlliO" COMPLETE LINE OF STEEL FIUNO DEVICES AND SYSTEMS iHjf The Dainty Cakes for Dainty Luncheons Serve' Creole Creama' Each Worki to Same End. The ease, the luxury, and the abund ance of the highest state of civiliza tion, are as productive of selfishness as the difficultfes, the privations, and the sterilities of the lowest. Colton. Daily Thought. There is no man so good, who, were he to submit all his, thoughts and ac tions to the law, would not deserve hanging ten times in his life. Montaigne. Indian Tailor Bird. A very curious nest is made by the tailor bird of India, a tiny yellow crea ture. To escape snakes and monkeys this bird takes a dead leaf, flies tip Into a tree, and with a fiber for thread and its bill for a needle sews the leaf to a green one hanging from the .tree. The sides are sewn up, an opening for the nest thus formed be ing left at the top. The leaf, appar ently hanging from a twig, would never be taken fo a nest MEN WANTED For Paper Mill work. No experience neces sary. 8 hours work 45c per hour. Oppor tunity for advance ment. Single men pre ferred. Splendid new hotel, meals 35c, rooms 35c. Apply Crown Willamette. Paper Co., Camas, Wash. n suiiill 14 2nd MORRIS BROTHERS, Inc. The Premier Municipal Bond House MORRIS BUILDING, 309-311 Stark St. Covernment and PORTLAND, ORE. Established Over Municipal Bcmdi Phone Bdwy, 2151. Twenty-Five Years COST OF PRODUCING APPLES TAILORED 8UIT8 Sulti to order, $10 down, 16.00 per month. Unique Tailoring Co., 104 Fourth St., Portland. TEACHERS' A3ECYj; . "n?0?5i?ylMOTNTAIN TBACHKRS AG ENCY. Frank K. Welles, ex-asst. State Supt., mgr., Portland, Or. Teachers placed promptly At wholesale and retail. Mall orders iromptly filled. Smith's Wall Paper louse, 108-110 Second St., Portland. Hardly an Ideal Citizen. There is a sto.-y told of an ancient dandy in London who, taking, one sunny afternoon, iis accustomed stroll down Bond street, met an acquaint ance hurrying in the direction of West minster. "Whither away so fast this hot day?" murmured the dandy. "To the house of commons," cried his strenuous friend, brushing past him. What!" said the dandy, with a yawn, does that go on stilj?" Exchange. Problems of Fruit Grower Mid Sub ject of Study by Department of Agriculture. (Prepared by the United B.itea Depart ment of Agriculture.) To dotormlne the annual cost of ap ple production per box and to gather such information as to different meth ods of orchard management practiced by tho growers of the Yakima valley, Washington, as might have a bearing upon cost of production, specialists of the United States department of agriculture In the summer of 1015 con ducted a detailed study of 120 repre sentative orchards In that section. Their findings have been published In Deportment Bulletin No. 614, which is the fourth of a series of bulletins on the cost of 'apple production in four of the lending fruit-growing valleys of the Northwest. The Yakima valley Is a specialized apple-growing section In the south cen tral purt of Washington. It has a TAKE SALTS TO LUSH 1 Eat less meat if you feel Back acliy or have Bladder trouble. lfen (Mi Gun Barrels. A rather interesting side light on the question of gun barrel life is a determination of the actual length of time to which a good shotgun barrel is subjected to the force and burning effect of the powder charge during its lifetime. If 100,000 shots are fired from a shotgun the inside of the bar rel is actually exposed to the flame of the powder charge for about four minutes. Joy of Motoring. No feeling in the world is equal to the thrill of real motoring. The joy of the long tour, through strange and out-6f the-way places is never ending. Odd scenes and quaint people are ev erywhere. Get out on the road, off the boulevard and see how the other people live. A Moderately-Priced Hotel of Merit HOTEL CLIFFORD East Morrison St. and East Sixth $1.25 per Day. Two In a Room, $1.75. KEWANEE WATER SYSTEMS and Electric Lighting Plants, make life worth living on the farm. Easy to install and operate. M. D. Spencer, Distributor, 833 East Morrison, Y ortianu, uoegon. THE BEST EATS IN THE CITY St. Nicholas Cafeteria 125 Sixth Street, Portland, Oregon. Bee what you want and pay for what yon set. and Walking Engine $285.00 i at Ike btrrfj3V,'j Perfected After Years of Testing and Improving;. A One Horse Motor Cultivator and an All Pur pose 4 H. P. Power Plant that Goes from lob to job on its uwn rower. WENTWORTH & IRWIN, INC Second Street at Taylor PORTLAND. OREGON The Glad Kind. Said the facetious feller: "Some men are tne lunntest cnaps. iney have good health and their nerves are all right, but when they meet a friend their hand shakes." First Thrift Day. The first "thrift day" in America was August 11, 1915. That was the first time one special day was ever officially set aside for the purpose of encouraging attention to thrift. The day was celebrated In California as "thrift day" in response to a proclam ation of Governor Johnson. The oc casion marked the opening of the thrift congress, held at the Panama Pacific exposition by the American Society for Thrift. Thrift Magazine Mending' Knives and Forks To mend a knife or steel fork which has come out of the handle, fill the hole with finely powered resin and hold the rough end of the knife or fork in the fire until it becomes hot. Insert it in the powdered resin and hold it straight until firmly fixed, Packing Apples'ln Yakima Valley. larger acreage of fruit than nny other county In the state, In 1014 there being 47,829 acres in fruits, of which 41,955, or 88 per cent, were In apples. In 1916 7,000 carloads of apples were shipped from this valley. There are two systems of orchard management practiced In this section, the clean cultivation method and the mulch system. Of the orchards studied, 75 were under the cleantultural sys tem and 45 under'the mulch-crop sys- tem. It was found that tho annual cost per box for the clean-culture or chards was slightly over 80 cents, while under the other system the cost was slightly over 79 cents. However, the orchards that were cultivated yielded on an average 54 boxes per acre more. When the total of all costs of the 120 orchards studied was considered, there was found to be an annual acre cost of $315.08, or a fraction of over 80 cents per box. This is figured on the average annual yield of 432 boxes per ai re. The two groups of costs which go to make up this total are the labor cost, which amounted to 35 cents per box, and the material and fixed costs, which amounted to a little over 45 cents per box. The labor cost up to the time of harvest amounted to a little over 14 cents per box, or 41.08 per cent of the total net labor cost. Spraying is an annual practice, the codling moth probably being the worst enemy. On an average, four sprayings were made per year and the average cost per acre amounted to $25.14, less than 6 cents per box, 7.27 per cent of the cost of production. "( Mentioned in the Bible. Biblical mention is made of 19 dif ferent precious stones, 6 metais, 104 trees and plants, 35 animals, 39 birds, 6 fishes, 11 reptiles, 20 Insects and other smaller creatures. Meat forms uric acid which excites and overworks the kidneys In their efforts to filter it from the system. Regular eaters of meat must flush the kidneys occasionally. You must re lieve them like you relieve your bowels; removing all the acids, wasto and poison, else you feel a dull misery in the kidney region, sharp pains in the back or sick headache, dizzlncB; , your stomach sours, tongue is coated and when the weather is bad you have heumatic twinges. The urine is cloudy, full of sodlment; the channols often got irritated, obliging you to got up two or three times during the night. To neutralize these irritating acids and flush off tho body'B urinous waste get about four ounces of Jail Salts from any pharmacy; take a tablespoon ful in a glass of water before break fnst for a few days and your kidneys will then act fine and bladder disorders disappear. This famous salts is made from the acid of grapes and lemon juice, combined with lithla, and has been used for generations to clean and stimulate sluggish kidneys- and- stop bladder irritation. Jad Salts is inex pensive; harmless and makes a do lightful effervescent llthla-water drink which millions of men and women take now and then, thus avoiding serious kidney and Uadder diseases. Adv. J. P. VANDENDURO. Mnll Onler ArtlHt. Films developed 10c. Prints 8, 4, 6 rents. Satisfaction guaranteed. 10 West Jessuu St., Portland, Oregon. Ain't It So? "Speaklu' of musical instruments," remarked the facetious feller, "thero's no music as purty to the ears of a business man as hearin' 'Taps' played on his cash register." Indianapolis Star. Freshen a Heavy Skin iVith tho nntlscptlc, fascinating Cut!- etna Ttilcuin 1'owiler, nu exquisitely scented convenient, ecnnnnilcitl fnee. skin, lniliy nml dusting! powder tmd perfume. Renders other perfumes su perfluous. One of the Ciiticum Toilet Trio (Soup, Ointment, Talcum). Adv. Whassa Matter With You, Man? "Why won't I do?" domanded the lady of 300 pounds displacement, as she indignantly waved the want atl section in his face. "Didn't you ad vertise for a stout woman to do house work?" Indianapolis Star. Remember One's Limitations. In the moral world there is nothing Impossible, if we put a thorough will to it. Man can do everything with himself; but he must not attempt to do too much with others. Humboldt. Not Fair Division. We do not wisely when we vont complaint and censure. We cry out for a little pain, when we do but smile for a great deal of contentment. Feltham. Granulated Eyelids, B till Eyci inflamed by expo m wb ,ur(!,0 Sun, Dust arid Wind quickly relieved by Murine LVcS EyeRemedy. NoSmarting, 4 just Eye Comfort. At Your Drugfjists or by mail 60c per Bottle. For Book ol the Eye free write Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago. Cutlcura For Baby's Itchy Skin All dropffiftU; Boap 2E, OM merit '& arid 60. Talcum 25. Hnmple each fr of "0tl tnra, Dtp. B, Boiton." kit Yoa Satisfied? BEHNKE. WALKER BUSINESS COLLEGE la the biggest, most perfectly equipped Business Training School In the North west Fit youraelf for a higher position with more money. Permanent positions assured our Graduate,, Write for catalog Fourth and Tamhlll, Portland. Gnat Exudes Musk. To the list of sources of musk must be added a kind of gnat, which is so common in the Australian bush at times as to fill the air with a musky odor. New Houston Hotel Sixth and Everett Sts.. Portland, Ore. Foot blocks from Union Denot Two btoclci from New Postofflea Modern and fireproof' Over 100 outside rooms. Rates 76e to $2.00. CHAS. O. HOPKINS, Manager. Uncle Eben. "De man dat's makin' life a little happier for some one else," said Uncle Eben, "is doin' a heap mo' dan de folks dat measures success by wearin' fine clothes and actin' bossy." Hurrah! How's This Cincinnati authority says corns dry up and lift out with fingers. Ouch I ? 1 T I I This kind of rough talk will be heard less here In town if people troubled with corns will follow the simple advice of this Cincinnati authority, who claims that a few drops of a drug called freezone when applied to a tender, aching corn or hardened callous stops soreness at once, and soon the corn or callous dries up and lifts right off without pain. He says freezone dries immediately and never Inflames or even irritates the surrounding skin. A small bottle of freezone will cost very little at any drug store, but will positively remove every hard or soft corn or callous from one's feet. Millions of America's women will welcome this announce ment since the inauguration of the high heels. If your druggist doesn't have freezone tell him to order a small bottle for you. Adv. It Doesn't Foller Jest because a man has a fertile brain is no indication that ho can raise a lot of hair." Dally Thought. Time is generally the best doctor. Ovid. THE MAKING OF A FAMOUS BINE How Lydia E. Pinkham'. Vegetable Compound Is Prepared For Woman's Use. A visit to the laboratory whore this successful remedy is made impresses even the casual looker-on with the reli ability, accuracy, skill and cleanliness which attends the making of this great medicine for woman's ills. Over 350,000 pounds of various herbs are used anually and all have to be gathered at the season of the year when their natural juices and medicinal sub stances are at their best. The most successful solvents are used to extract the medicinal properties from these herbs. f Every utensil and tank that comes in contact with the medicine is sterilized and as a final precaution in cleanliness the medicine is pasteurized and sealed in sterile bottles. It is the wonderful combination of roots and herbs, together with the skill and care used in its preparation which has made this famous medicine) so sucssful in the treatment of female ills. The letters from women who nave been restored to health by the use of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound which we are continually pub '!hinr attest to its virtue. P. N. U. No. 25, 1919