The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, April 25, 1919, Image 4

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The Mauoin Times
Fublished Every Friday at Maupin, Oregon,
Mrs, V. L. Mokkiso.n', 'I'ubli.'.lier
Subscription: One Year $1.50, Six Months 5cls, Three Months 5Cc
Entered as Becond class mail matter September 2, 1914, at the
post office at Maupin, Oregon, under the Act of March 3, 1879,
Wamic News
Exie Morgan vipitod the school
here hint week
Fred Bauer and Orriun MJer
of The Dalles "peril two days nr
li-i wink in ilw iiiifi'H-t df thi
Hi i tt . ui ' st iiili'lunj: mi ii-
gency with VV. H. Maui" 'flit'
young men were guests over nigln
of Charlie Luke.
A. K. Lake and Mrs. Francis
Ward went to The Dulles Thurs
day Mr. LA; going to Porl'a id
Mrs. A. E- Lake is taking care
of the children while her daughter
Mra. Ward is having eome den al
work done in The Dalles.
W. E. Woodcock went to The
Dalles Tuesday bringing out a
load of machine oil for J. E. Ken
nedy. J. R. Wftodeock accompa
nied him to town.
Road Supervisor J, II. Eubunks
is working the road leading lo the
White river crossing this week.
A. E. Smith of Hillsboro has
purchased the Alger Mercer place
in Middle Brook. Mr. and Mrs.
Smith arriyed Saturday a"nd are
guests at the Woods hotel.
. Tommy Not vel hits just recov
ered from an attack of lagrppe.
Willis and Vard Norvel are
plowing on their place on Juniper
Flat. Mrs. Georgia Norvel is
cooking for them and Mrs, Flora
Norvel is keeping her two children
who are in school.
Marion Driver arrived in Hobo
ken N. J. on the 15th. Inst,
Pap I " Illingsworth moved his
famely to Tho Dulles Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. 15. Kennedy
spent several days in Portland
last week returning Fiiday.
Mrs. Alta Miller is superintend
ing the Red Cross knitting.
Mrs. Edna Rudig and Mrs. Mu
riel Mikleson and two children
who have visited their paresis Mr.
and Mrs. F. A. Morrow,. ieturned
to Portland last week.
Forest supervisor J. T. Sharrard
of Portland met with the cattle
growers here Saturday afternoon.
F. P. My came up from Port
land to attend the Caltlemens As
sociation. Ho was accompanied
by Mrs. Mays and Mr. and Mis
W. 11. Sloan of Tygli. Mrs
Rev. McDonnell and N G. Uedin
were among the speakers who
boosted the Victory lorn.
Rev. Wood conducted an Easter
piogram in tne church Sund y
morning later going to Wapinitia
with Mrs, Wood where tliey at
uuuieii lliu church rally und
uuniit'i uiniii;!'. ine returned
idler Uie evening teivice arrivii g
Iioiiic al two o cio:k A. SI. having
to walk from Pine Hollow having
run out of gasoli ne.
C. S. SlcCorklc took a It aa oi
potatoes to jjherar today foi John
Mies Pearl Baker who spent
seveal days with Miss Dorothy
MoCorkle last week returned to
The Dalles today,
Mrs. Ethel Weber returnd today
to Saltle Wn. after several weeks
visit wilh lit r parents Mr ami
Mrs. F. A. Morrow.
Mr. and Mrs. J. E Kennedy
went toSherar yesterday Mrs. K.
going on to The Dalles. Mr. K.
brought back a load of freight.
Houston Johnson had the niiii-
fortunn yesterday to get his wind
shield broken by a ball thrown In
Claybourne Palniateer.
A telegram from Marion Dun
can this morning annouucid hit
arriyal in New York from France,
Dr. Shannon was called from
Tygh to attend Mrs. J. L. Illings-.
worth today.
Allie Pratt attended the Easter
services and basket dinner at Sha-
dy-Bi'onk school house Sunday.
Dr. and Mrs. W. A. Short wee
over from Dufer Sunday.
Houston Johnson, Charley Lake
and Mioses Lena Wing and Ida
Duncan were supper guests-at the
Stihvell hotel yesterday.1'
C. S. McCorlde, George Magi I,
and Ed Woodcock commenced the
Victory Loan today.
The Highland ditch company
anticipates completing their ditch
this season and will start work as
soon as plowing is over.
Dave Campbell drove Percy
Driver's truck to Sherar Frub
bringing back a load of oil.
J. M. l'atison and T. C. Queen
Blacksmith Shop
I have started a new blacksmith
shop at my place near tbe Hour
mill and will Grind Plow Sharer
and do all kinds of general repair
ing and horse shoeing at rcaton
sihln prices.
A, F. Martin.
For Sale
On account of ill health lam
offering for sale my farm of 500
acres. About 4110 acres in crop,
looking fine, also one 1220 Catte
pi Her as good as new with John
D'-er tractor plows complete ready
for sumnier fallow work. Will
sell i anch or tractor separately on
easy terms. For prices inquire of
Fen Bitty, Maupin, Ore. Phone
Sunday the 20th . the Maupin
Gun club hit the high for Grass
Valley and after a very p'eafant
j Rirney Via. the old grade into
Sherar pitted their skill and
marksmanship against the Grass
Vralley aggregation. Our oppo
nent shot well but .not well
enough, tho final score being 103
t Pjj'i in favor of Maupin. E. J.
Fischer of Fischers Garage lapsing
luck to the days of his childhood'
21) yeais ago captured the honor!
of high gun breaking '13 out of SO, J
S lattuck-. 2nd, with 41, "cetc'm-l
quick Hood 40, John Williams 33, j
it being Easier Sunday and his off:
day una 'Marline' McGla.ssen who
went out after low gun also cap
tured his hearts desire 31 perfectly
good ones. Hood had everything
his own way until the trap loader
switched birds on him and being
color blind as well as left handed
it, got his goat. Watch the Times
for the next shoot.
I.O. O.F.
Lodge No, 209, Maupin, Oregon,
meets every Saturday night in
UonaldMin's hail. Visiting, niem
ners always welcome.
D. W. Tju.cott, N. G.
W. II. Talcott, Secretary.
For Sale
Hat Meals, sanlwichesf
Short orders at all hours,
Served at the Hazel wood
Ice Cream Parlor.
Maupin Garage
Wapinitia Auta Stage
Leaves MaUpin, 8 a. m.
Leaves Wf nr-ilis, 1J.C p. m
Mays and Mrs. Sloan were guests were
of Mrs. Rachel A. D iver.
Percy Diiver assisted J. II. Ett
banks in dragging tho road be
tween here and Tygh Valley Fii
day with his Ford tractor.
A heavy rain fell here the first
of last week.
A boy baby weighing ten
pounds was born to Mr. and Mrs.
Willis Driver Saturday.
Rev. Samples of Gateway ar
riived Friday going on to Smock.
Rey. atid Mrs. Wood attended
the banquet at Wapinitia Satur
day night. Indian agent O. L.
Piabcock made an interesting talk
at tho rally in behalf of an exten
sion of tbe highway to the Agency.
icre Monday from -Dili nr.
Simk I. D. Dii c.r
Johnson accmpan if d
going on to
and W. H
A heavy galo blew
day afternoon.
here Satur-
Seed Corn
We l.ave about 200 lbs. of good
V'dlow Denl seed corn fur sale at
1-3 cts per. lb. at Harpers Store
Tygh Valiey Oregon.
Claud Hart.
L. E. Fox R. T. Yatt-
Makers of Abstracts That
Hooks Posted to Date Daily
Plant Second to None
First National Rank Building
Phone Black 2831,
The Dalles, Oregon
By owner; cheap; 1 gray pony
weight 1000 lbs,, age 10, gentle for
children to ride arid a good work
hoiso; 1 brown marc, weight 1250,
age (1; 1 brown mare, weight 1100,
iitH 1, unbrokn; 1 gray uiaiT,
weight 1300, age 7.-0. J. Wri
lianiH, phone 0K21.
Advertisers please read over
your notices and notify us immedi
atcly if an error has occiued.
Department of the Interior,
U. S. Land Olliee at 'Hie Dulles,
Oree.on, Apt il l III), 19 1.
NOTICE is hereby given that,
Oeotge p. McLcod,
of Maupin, (begun, who on May
131b, 1 9 i.C, mack- Homestead Entiy
No. ol.jiSo, and 011 I H 1 1 ml 1 1 21M,
I'jt-I, made Additional Homestead
I'.ntry No-014265, for swi-4M-:i j,
NKI-4SWI.4, UI-2SH-4, H-:t.4K!-4,
Section 19, NKr-.lSKI-,!, IU-2Njl-,,
Section 30, Township 5 South,
Range 15 Hast Willamette Merid
ian has filed notice of intention
to make Final three year Pioof,
to establish claim to the land above
described, before F. D. Stuart, U.
S. Commissioner, at Maupin, Ore
gon, on the 27th day of May 1919.
tiainiant names as witnesses;
J. BTviiight, of Criterion, Oregon
If. M. Green, of Criterion, Oregon
A. T. Liudley, of Maupin, Oregon,
C. W. Farther, of M'iripin, Oregon
po Register.
NOTICE is hereby given that
Kathleen Connolly of Maupin, Ore
(jon, as one of the heirs and -u
behalf of the heirs of
Martin McCullagh, deceased
who on .March 0, 191s, made Home
Mead Entry No, OMoO!), and on
May 20, 1 'J1C. made additional
Homestead Entry No, 014988 for
SKl-'lsi:i:4, .Suction 20, 61-2 8WM,
NKI-4SWI 4, Jw1-4hki-4, Sec, 21,
Mvl-lNitl-l, wl-2wl-L Section
28, Township 5 South, Itange 11
I0a.4 VVillaineite Meridian, v has
filed nctiee of intention to make
Final lb mo year Proof, to establish
claim to the laud ubovo described,
before the Register and Receiver,
U. S. Land Office at The Dalles,
Oregon, on the 28th day of April.
10I'J. ' '
Claimant names as witnesses:
Uou.l Vcck, Thomas Faherty,
Kay Ajibiey, Wilbur E. Hurst and
Anthony - J. Connolly, all of
Maupin, Oregon.
H. Frank Woodcock,
For Sale Cheap
15-30 Titan tractor and auto
matic lift plow, practically new,
Terms. Edwin Mays, Maupin, Qie
Stallion Notice
Attention Lading! Right about
face and march straight to
Harper's store at Tygh Valley
and Fee the most beautiful and
Complete line of Ladies Trimmed
Hats in Southern Wasco county,
also a full line of Ginghams, Cam
brics and other summer dress
New Location
Maupin Blacksmith Shop
General BlacKsmithing
all Kinds repair work
wood wbrll, grinding
Horseshoeing a Specially
Rustler, the Pure Bred Belgiun
Stallion will' make the season of
1919 at the following ranches:
Frank Patty's, Monday, Tues
day and Wednesday,
J. I. West's, Thursday and Fri-
Frank (label's, v Saturday and
Sunday of each week, beginning
March 31, 1919,
Twins, $15.00 for season, $20.00
to insure colt. Money due when
mare is known to be in foal,
changes owners, or leaves county.
Care will be taken to prevent ac
ciduuts, but will not be responsible
should any occur.
Frank Gabel, Owner.
Wapinitia, Oregon.
Local Items
ror ?iilo--i:ilb Dodge 'as good
fVasnew, 1750 OO.-Shattuck Pros
J. R. liming wks a Inducts
caller in Maupin Wed' e d 'y.,
W. O. Miller has shingled his
residence uear the spring recently,
j Want lo buy 100 turkey cpgs,
j address, fcfam Richardson, Ciiter
! ion. Die.
A daughter was born yesterday
morning to Mr. and Mrs. Frank
luzin "
Came to my place about the 1st
of December, one black gelding
4 years old, branded J. P. connect
ed on right shoulder. A. A
C. L Ilarpham and family left
the last, of tho week by auto fi
N una, It'alio.
E. Hummer and family ol
floulion ore. are visiting relatives
nere. Mi. IP called at the Times
office Thursday and left ai yeai
Will sell for $150 Cash 1 12 ft.
McCormick Header in A-l Con
dition. New headers are wort.h
about tf42o. This is a real bar
gain. Shattuck Bros.
Mrs. Coberthand Mrs. Ferguscn
and children were over from ll e
Plljut Mont" ay,
Came to my ppace about Jan. 15
one gray or blue fiorse about three I
years olel. iirainl ul) rigut jaw
linlistinguisbable, other hniuos
not visihlo. Owner may take b
identifying and payiiig for this
adv. Patricks, Rigeway Ore.
Mrs. II. R. Kaiser visited at
Dufur and The Dalles a few dajs
recently. "'
For sale One Chalmers truck,.
1000 lbs. capacity just been work
ed over. Will make some one a
bargain on this truck. Shattuck
Department of the Interior,
U. S. Laud Oflice at The Dalles,
Oregon, Apr.l 7th, "1919.
NoTiCK is hereby given that
John Connolly
of Maupn, Oregon, who on Dec-
ceuiiier I, 1913, made Homestead
Entry no, 012293, Ior 8EI-4SEI-4,
sectron 20, SWI-.4SWI-4, Section 21
NI-2NWI-4, Section 28. Township 4
South, Range 14 East, Willamette
Meridian, has filed uotice of inten
tion to make Final five year
('root to establish claim to the land
above described, before The Regis
ter and Hecc-iyer at The Dalits,
Oregon, on the 13th day of Mayc-uth, Rullge , 'P 5
ryrcj Meridian has fiiJri ; vvu aniette
1 male
year old,
sale by 13.
7 yiars old, 1 cult one
1 hor.-c (i years old, for
A. Cyr, Maupin, O'e.
Wanted to rent this fail -for a
term of 'years a good wheat ranch
with or without stock. I can fur
nish good re-lerencecs Address
F. R. Maupin Times,
names as witnesses,
Thomas Faherty, Wilbur E. Iluist
J'din Foley, James Doran and
anthony J, Connolly, all of
Mauj)in, Oregon. '
H. Frank. Woodcock,
Department of the interior,
U. S Land Oflice at The Dalles
Oregon, March 20th, 1919.
Notice is heseby given that
Asa M. White,
of Maupin, Oregjin, who on Join
.'Siti, 1915, made Homestead Enlr
Additional No. 015176, for si-.i-NWI-4
Section 0 Township 5 South,
Range 11 East, Ei-2Svl-4, Sectiio.
ot, iounsnin 4 &outn, tiauge 14
Kasf, Willamette Meridian hat.
filed notice of intention to make
Final Thiee Year Proof, to is-
laluish claim to the- land abov
described, before F. D. Stuart, U
t. onunissioner at Maupin, Ore
gon, on the"9lh day of-May, 1919
Claimant names as witnesso.s
A. II, Philmlee, W. E. Hunt
Thnmas Faherty, John Foley, all
ot Maupin, Oregon. t
H. Feaxk Woodcock,
department of the Interior
P. S. Land Officii at The Dalles
'.-cuoii, March 25th t)i) '
.Not.ik is liereb; giyeu that
Don I. Yeck
of Maupin, Oregon, who on Jam,.
V v' rh. nmt, Homestead
-l -2HK1- Section 22, bhnwI-4
NK1-4NWM WL2SWI-4 Section 23
yw-iship 5 South, Range 14 East,
Uilhtuntto Meridian. h nrJ
of inteutior, to ,flke Final
tiiice vear Pnwif ...i.i:. ,. . .
t ,l, -, , ""'"""in ciarm
to ti e land above described, before
the Legister- and Receiver U S
Land Office at The Dalles, Orecou
n'Hne.28 day of April, l;)l9 S U
Claimant names as ' witnesses:
s. k at hlceu Connolly, Thonia
' Register.
Department of rhe Interior
U.S. Land Office at The Dalles
Oregon, March 19th, i,9
NOTICE is hereby Kiveu that
Edward J. Fischer,
of Mau,( Oregon, who on May
J?th, 1914. made Homestead Entry
N" LW82, and on November S
I9J4, made additional homestead
"'ry No. 014042, for NI.aSKl.4u
)-1 -2 w X -2 , Section tK T 1. : '
.... uuuce 0, lu(eu
- uiukb final three year
Hroof, to establish, claim to the
land above described. hPfn,a n
-stnart. II. s n . 1 u
. V V III II I S1 I if 1 Al' .. (.
( Jnill niif.-.'
Claimant -Barnes as witnesses;
' Williams. B. F t , ;
Maupin, Oregon. ' 01
H. Frank Woocock,
Wamic, Oregon.
IVunis is becoming quite popu- 11,6 ll-'rtJalld 1 arulesa Dentist
lar as an out door snort this srft.'AU fforK euarateed. VV. 1.
I son. .Slatlen, D. D. S Prop., 305 Sec-
iv 1 . t , . " end St., Tbe Dalles.
V . H. Durham has gone to the.
smearing camp and Rlrs. l. is 11
i-iiring watches and Mrs. Vcet i
hello girl.
I'or ik'-l J? 1-1 wagon, Call
( rniii rack, soli cheap if bi light! - Want to buy feconJ liur.d d..t;b
at once. Inquire" at Wapir itia 'B disc piiv.v. Otto 11 riling, Cri-
Department of the Interior
U. S. Land Office at The iialles
Oregon, Marchi2th, 1919.
Nolle- is hereby given that
Darwin M Emerson,
"f 1 ygh Valley Oregon, who on
Apiil j 7 1 li , l'.M i, made Homestead
Entry .No. Ull"JW, and on Set'!
3rd, 1315, made Addiiloual Home
stead Entry No. 015388, for;i-2sE
1-4, Section 14, Mil-, Section 2
WI-2NWI 4, Section Township
4 couiib nange n n.asl VVilIam
ette aienuian. has hied notice of
Seed corn for sale Mincsota J3 internum to mate Final three year
1 cts. ppr pound, B. W- Morgan
Some of the farmers doiit like to
be skinned, but
bin s ekins aud hi
Dad Coal ttifi
land above described, before F. D
O. l IT C . . . .
oinari, u , a. commissioner at
Maupin, Oregon, on the 2Cih dav
of April, PJli).
Claimant names as witnesses:
W. E. limit, David Doualdson,
C. E. Tuuison, Verne Tuuifon, all
of Maupin, Oregon.
fiP Register.
blacksmith shop.
tcrior, Ore.
Department of the Interior,
V. S. Land Off.ce at The Dalles,
Oregon, March 25, 1911.
Department of th. T.,.
U S. Land Offio ti ..
LK"u. March 2 ,,! . '
Notice is hereby' K,;en Uut
Stewart A. McLeod,
Maupin, Oreg,,,,, who, on
Fairy 'Jo ' '9'5' '"iUle
014264. for
KI-2NHI-.I ..,.-
1 Seel , ...... ... ' f.-
'5East Wilbimette Meridian, has
hlcd of i,lteulion t0
Pmal three year Proof, to estab ish
loi'e F n la"d abve described,
tcto e b. D. stuart, U. S Cotnl
"M-ssionerat Maupin Oregon "
'he 6th day of May. ,Qrg K ' "
Claimant names as witnesses:
K. Kaiser. VV n c. ....
James B Knigh,, C. W ffi
ilil OI Maumn ( wn " '
H Frank Woodcock,
Oepaitmentof the Interior
C &. Land Offiep i ri. iv.
Oregon, March 2Is .7o r ""
Notice is hereby given that
Elihu II. ai,i,,..
of Tygh Valley, Oregon,' who ou
""'31 iyi4, made Hiwii...i
1 - ... - iu.onai4
Hutry No. 013091, for w,.,Nt..,
aectiou 1. hi 2NRT.y o.;..
township 4 South. Rnr v...
Willamette AfpHHin .
a, ulKq
nonce of intention to make Final
three ear Proof.
claim to t he: l.mri .1
scribed, before F. D. Stuart. F,,it,H
states Commisainiipr m ,m.
Oregon, ou the 6th day of Mav
Claimant names as witnesses--S.
Osburn, C. L, Lofton'
feJ j.uh.ju lu. j j...
t 1 ygh Valley, Oreeon.
H. Frank V ooycocK,
ai i, all