MES int. Demoted to the Interests of Southern Wasco County VOL 5, NO. 2 7 MAUPIN SOUTHERN WASCO COUNTY. OREGON, FRIDAY. APRIL 18. 1919 THE YEAR $1.50 SENT IN BY OUR Wapinitia Items A fine tain fell Wednesday af ternoon. Mrs. E. L. Nelson and children spent a few days at The Dalles last week, she having Rome denial work done. They visited at the Johnson home, there. Jim Hartman's came near los ing their house by fire Tuesday. Mrs , Hartmau and babe were alone in the house and hadn't discovered the Ere. Walter Wood side who was working in the field near by, saw it and came at once! In a few minutes, Johnson's crew, who were working on the Gnod- enouch'g house, saw it. and with Mr. Woodside succeeded hi put ting it out, but not until it had done considerable dumage. Lincoln Hartman was a visitor at The Dalles Wednesday, It is announced that a barber will be located here the last of this week. , E. A. Hartman fold II L. Harpham a new Ford and he with our new garage man, Mr. Rich mond, has gone to The lalles to bring it out. Quite a number of Manpin peo ple were iu Wapinitia this week trading. Hartman's shipped 14 cases of eggs today. It Pays to Pay F. M. Jory GREEN Alarm .Clocks Butcher Knives Paring Knives Clothes Rirgcrs, Wash Boilers Oil Cans Water Pails Chicken Grit JOEY'S Castor Machine Oil HATS HATS HATS "It Pays to Pay Cash at JoryV LEAVE your orders for ACCESSORIES nAnAr, BWERiES GAS and OIL f (JjUb REPA!RED TRACTORS A N D trucks AT FISCHER'S GARAGE The Wapinitia Red C ops has been quite busy lately. They now have a shipment of hoys suits and women's skirts ready to send off, also have received yarn tor sweaters and children's stock ings. Arthur Rice is looking after business affairs at Gladstnn thih week? It's alright Arthur we've all been there. Rev. Geo McDonald anived here today aud will remain over next Sunday and conduct services Pearl Evick came home from The Dalles Friday. Tearl Evick came home Ironi The Dalles Friday. Exie Morgan visited our school Friday and is helping organize corn clubs. Mr. and Mrs. David Sharp haye returned to their home at Pine Grove. Horbcrt Lewis has been making their car into a truck. Grover Wilson arrived here the last of the week and is visiting his sister, Mrs. Chas. Delore. J. S. Brown has sold bis herd of cattle to Mr. Sanford, alsi the Huston place. Mrs. Dor thy Maynard has been getting around on crutches the past week hut is somewhat improv ed at present. Beautiful sunshiny days but cold frosty nights has prevailed here the past week. Gladys Smith, little daughter of Mrs. Annie Smith had the mis fortune to fall and break her arm last Fridav evening. Dr. Elwood was called and set it and she is Cash at JoryV VEGETABLES Bulk Oil Ladies' and Gents' Half -Soles Water Bags Padlocks Shoe Polishes Axle Grease Zeroline getting along fine now, Mr. Richmond cams hack from Portland the last of the week and is now doing business at hie gnrege Mr. and Mrs. N. G. Hediu and little daughter Nova returnee from Portland last Saturday even ing. Mr. Hedin announces that ihey will commence the work ot building new and repairing ditcheB at once. Mrs. W. B. Keene returned home from Portland Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Iilmer Hammer and children arriyed Saturday to visit with relatives. Mr, and Mrs. Lester Kelly were tip from Mupin Monday. Vivian Barzee spent the week end at Maupin. Joe Graham with a crew of men commenced work on the road be tweeu here and the timber Monday C. X. Johnson celebrated his son Donald's 17th birthday Sun day evening at the Baizee hotel by inviting about 25 of their friend to refreshments consisting of ice cream, cake and lemonade. All repMit a most enjoyable time and wi-li for Don many returns of the dny. Miss' Annie Lewis is employed at the Barzt e hotel. B. L. Fofman took Mrs. Smith and daughter to Maupin Tuesday to see Dr. El wood. Sherar Bridge " Mr, aud Mrs. But Conklin and baby of The Dalles culled at the H. A. Muller home Sunday and got several settings of Mamotb Bronze tnrkey eggp, quins a ways to come for them but they are fine birds. Sherers Bridge is getting to be quite a place of late. C.ns are parked in groat numbers a l ine the banks of the De3cbutes while1 the anglers ar& inteut on Catching all they can. Bert Brown went to The Dalles Thursday, bringing back' with him Chas. Labisch and bride, who were married some time ago. Congratulations. While here Mr. Labisch sold his ranch to Mr. Brown. The Ashley boys, accompanied by some young ladies made a trip to The Dalles Saturday to see the mqvies. Ernest Webb and wife and Ed die Webb made atrip to The Dalles Sunday. County Surveyor Muhr is run ning some disputed lines for C. L, Conley and J. M. Conroy. Lambing is about finished in these parts and they report a good percentage of lambs. Mr. and Mrs. Mullor went to The Dalles Monday, Dr. Shannon taking them in his car, Mre. M. has been having quite a time with her ears, caused from the flu. Hope to hear of her early recovery Ben Muleu aud wife and litth boy of Virginia are here visiting at the Bob Oaburn home, Mr. Muleu was one of the civil engiu eers at the time the railroad wai put llirugh here. Quite an interesting telephone meeting was held at the school house Saturday evening and was well attended. I Emmet Ashley is the proud owner of a shining new Ford. Tygh Valley Have had eonie pretty cool frosty nightB hut the days are like ppring, " C. J. VanDuyn is away at Port land on business this week. the Victory Liberty Loan drive in this vicinity. row lets all take a heart and show what Tygb can do, R. J. Weisbeck, George Lofton, Elmer Muuier, Clyde Oliver left for the mountains last week. They are going to work on raDger trail and the toad till fire season opens. George has accepted a position as lookout man on top of Mt. Wilson after fire season opens. We enjoyed a warm rain bore Wednesday enough to lay the dust and make the gardens grow. W H. McAltee and A. A. Bon . ney made a trip to The Diille.J last Saturday evening in Mr, McAtee's car, returning Sunday afternoon. George Woodruff miide a trip to The Dalles Tuesday taking Roger Whaite and Mrs. LydiaC. Whaite They returned Tuesday evening. Mrs. Foster was telephone opera tor iu Mrs. Whaite's absence, ' Mr. Hardin and family passer' through town Tuesday morning on their way to The Dalles. George Woodruff an,d wife and Grandma Morris went out to Ollit Botbwell's Wednesday to see thf new baby. Mrs. Bothwell Js 'bet ter known hare as Hatty Young. E. C. Fitzpatrick and G. W Foster were quite busy last Thins day aud Friday petting out,stiaw berry plants, having EPt out about 3000 plants. K. L. Hauser has purchased" the old McCowan place above Tygh Miss Wanda Swift has been quite sick this week but is better. A. M. Youug was a Tygh Valley visitor from Mora Sunday. He, witn some mends were oyer on a fishing trip. Mrs. Lois McCown and chil dren were Wauiio visitors one day last week. " " V, V. Steers is quite busy these days fencing his strawberry bed to keep the porcupines put. Raymond Doming and his fath er were smoothing down the roadt tround Tygh last Tuesday with i. it road grader. Dr. and Mrs. Shannon have re tunnil from '" 'I he Dulles.. Mrs. Shannon is recovering niwly after haviun her tonsils n moved. Get Bu:y Tygh Valley is having quite a EAT ALL YQU WANT! No More Gas on the Stomach or Sour 8tomachl No More Heavy Feeling After Meals or Conatlpat.on! If you have sour stomach, cmu'tl jiatton or gas on the stomach ONUi SPOONFUL simple buckthorn bark, glycerine, etc., aa mlxM In Artier 1 l;a, will brltm you INSTANT ri-tlflf. ' Adler-l-ka draws alt the old foul matter from the system leaving the bowels and BtomHch frech and CLEAN, roady to dlRent anything Guards against appendicitis. For sale at The Maupin Drug Store 4 SOME of THE THINGS THAI wc. CAN do for " DO YOUR NOTARY WORK, SELL YUUK FARM Ft ) K. YOu. RENT YOU A SAFETY DEPOSIT BOX, BUY YOUR WHEAT. BARLEY AND OATS, TAKE CARE OF YOUR BANKING BUSINESS. DO YOUR UNITED STATES COMMISSIONER WORK. GIVE U3 A TRIAL. WE CAN AND WILL ' MA&fi GOOD MAUPIN STATE BANK hit of exoitmneiit over the relent telephone m etting at which they hired an operator agreeing n pny him at the rate of $1 per phone ne r month. The kick seems to be that the party promised bef re the meeting to run the switchbonrd at the rate of 50 cents per phone but at the meeting changed to $1 and many people did not attend the meeting on aecount of not 1 now- mg about it. As the late was raised at the time of the mietmg mid no competition or kicking was made as the people would rather pay $1 than do without switching service. It sienis as though there were parties who who would like to have a chance at 60 celits but did not know anything about the meeting until it was over and it is generally understood that the meeting was not advertised tie anything concerning hiring an iperator and it has always been i he custom before to advertise the ueetjng well nnd receive bids open or sealed when thy hired in operator so people were not npecting anything of this kind. Things are in such a situation 'hat it is up to the stoekholdi re if hey want a good telephone sys tem to. do something in regards to his as about one-half of the nhoneg are thinking of dropping ut. HOOD'S CASH STORE GENERAL MERCHANDISE PREFERRED STOCK Staple and Fancy GROCERIES iROSE CITY BRAND Mackinaws, Logger 'Shirts, Flannel Shirts and Water- Repellent Wear Light Hardware, Tinware, HOOD'S CASH STORE Always at Your Service $$$$$$$$$$ $ 'ave your feed I n a SILO Ivet us Fi'ur 3 Out j our size Built of Stock Lumber No royalties to pay Substantially built Guaranteed t Tum-A-Lum Lumber Co. A. L. Anderson, Mrfr. $$$$$$$.$$ $ $ $ 9 $ - $ ' $ I $ $- FOUR FOLD MEET SATLRDAY NIGHT At Wap nitia Wapinitia Plains Commercial Club will I old an open mass meeting on Saturday night April 19, at the Wapinitia Publio School House with a four fold purpose namely. . 1st. Welcome to all returned military and naval men. 2nd, Boost and explain the Victory Liberty Loan Campaign that will be made on Monday the 21st, following. Hrd. To explain and boost the State Chamber of Qomnierce mem bership. 4ih. To explain and boost the 1919 highway program for Wasco county. The ladies of Wapinitia Plains ore going to serve fupper following the four speakers. Every wall person is expected to be present and a rip rearing time is on the 1 ill, Saturday wi i hog day. Many of the fi ruiers brinijlntf load of fattened animals which wer shippe I to I ortbtnd ever the 0-, T. t ml night. TRU-BLU BISCUIT CO'S Cookies, Crackers and CONFECTIONS GOODYEAR Wet Weather Footwear STOCK SALT Graniteware, Glasswaie $ $ $$$$$'$$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ t $ $ $ 9 $ $ I C. M. Grimes has been quilt bucy this week getting signers foi M