17 M Ht MAUPIN MES I ML Demoted to the Interests of Southern Wasco County VOL.5, NO. 26 MAUP1N SOUTHERN WASCO COUNTY. OREGON. FRIDAY. APRIL 11. 1919 THE YEAR $1.50 4 .1 n u .' i 1,1 n H f r.4 f i il n I! SENT IN BY OUR Criterion Mra. P. J. Kirscb entertained very charmingly at ber home lest Sunday in honor of her brother, Alfred Herrling, who ha3 just re turned from France. The after noon was spent in social chatting, and delicious refreshments ve;e served of cake and punch. Thoe present were Mr. and Mrs. C. A. r -j xr. p t x t : i i truus, iur. uuu una. jj. J, miuci, j It Pays to Pay F. M. Jory GREEN Alarm Clocks Butcher Knives Paring Knives Clothes Ringers, Wash Boilers Oil Cans Water Pails Chicken Grit Castor Machine Oil HATS HATS HATS "It Pays to Pay Cash at Jory's LEAVE your orders for ACCESSORIES GAS and OIL FORD TRACTORS AND trucks A T FISCHER'S GARAGE i fit 8 8 m fi&ftMfi JOHNSON DOAR Contractors and Builders Estimates Furnished Free Silos a Specialty We do Concrete WorK, is Header Boxes, draw plans and specifications for any ff and all Kinds of building ti JOHNSON CQ. DOAIi Wapinitia, Oregon fi a a is fi fi m fi n Mr. aud Mrs. D. B. Appling, Mrs R. II. DeCamp, Mrs. Coade, Mrs. Orcult, Miss Frances Kirsch, Maiie Appling, Alfred Herrling, Bert Knight, B. F. Herrling, A J. Baxter, Otto Herrling, Ed Herrling, Bonnie Duue, Gordon Miller, Margaret and Fern Ap pling, Theadoreand Ernest Kirscli Mrs. Bert Knight and son Jim are visiting relatives at Kinaley this week. E. J. Miller's team became frightened while at the Ft hool house last Friday and ran aivuy. Mr. Miller was forluuate as he found nothing broken except a spoke in one buggy wheel. Cash at JoryV VEGETABLES Bulk Oil Ladies' and Gents' Half-Soles Water Bags Padlocks Shoe Polishes Axle Grease Zeroline BATrERiES REPAIRED S ft Wamic New? D. A. Miller and family are oc cupying the Tom Swift houfe here in town, having moved there last week. John Illingsworth has leased the Jake Spath farm for three years. c Paul Illingsworth and family who have spent the past two weeks at their home on Middlebrook will leave soon for The Dalles. Lewie McCoy spent several days here from Freda last week telling bis friends of his experiences in Frauce. Omar and Lester Brittain were here Thursday from lower Tygh. Jake Spath and family weie here from The Dalles Sunday re- nriining over night. Frank Huston and family and : Hurry Pratt were visitors at tl e !g H. Wood home Sunday rim 'jjn per Flat. I M s A. E. Lake scut out 16 skirls and 12 hoy suits Saturday (and received 23 more shirts and 33 Bkins to be made. The bituk in the telephone line b tween this place and Maupin has been repaired. Huston mid Howard Johnson and Erma and Alma Driver wei Tygh viiti rn Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Pratt were made happy Sunday a tele gram announcing the arrival of their son Carl in Boston on his return trom France. Dr, and Mrs, Short came over from Dufur today mid got Mr, and Mis. W. H. Johnson and lit tle daughter Hazel who went on to The Dalles. " Mr. and Mrs. P. B. Ei v r aid Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Woo h'wk we'it to The Dalles Sunday. Mrs. Marion Duncan spent rv eral days in The Dalles last weel . Mrs. Ipha Duucan and Mr.. J. Howell were down from Suhah today. A very heavy rain fell here Fri day night. Some snow fell Satur day moruing but melted away immediately. A heavy frost and ice fcunday night. 4 A hill baby was born to Mr and tihi. Audy Booth Saturday morning. , Bill, Charley and Alton Mung r visited at the Henry Miller l.ou.e returning to The Dalles Friday. Mrs. IUbel Weber arrived today from Seattle to visit her 1 o e folks, Mr. and Mis. F. A. Moirow piously Johnson bad a brea' 'down to bis car this afternoon while out joy riding with a party of young people, Shcrar Bridge T. E. Morgetmen went to Mosier last week. Quite a bit ot freight is being hahldcd from Sberar lately. A party was held at the Mullrr huLi.e laht Thursday evening be fore the hoys returned to Vancii ver to resume their work. The eyening wag much "enjoyed in Jul ling taffy and play ug out-c f door game. Quilt a crew of men are at v o k on the ditch between, heie i lid Tygh. It will ceitainly be a greit . inipiovemeut. Roby Ashley has niovel in the old Uudcrhill j'l.ite recently caled by Arthur Ashley. Dr. Shannon was called to the Muller borne as Mrs, M. took aud doly very ill Sunday ercning, but we learn the it much impiov ed at present. The Portland Puinlees All work guaranteed. Dentitt W. T. SUtten, D. D. S., Prop ond'St.. The Dalles. Wapinitia Items Several fine lEbtver have fallen lately and last Saturday morning about daybreak snow commenced falling and kept it up till nearly noon, when it was about two inch es deep, Rain fell during the afternoon and evening, which was of great benefit as lie ground was becoming quite hard and dry in most places. Al Daniels arrived here Fiiday from Portland after spending the past winter there and at Rat e Mr. Shelly arrived here Sund y from Hood River. Heciimeaf.tr a spaii of mules belonging to tl e Government. He was school su perintendent in this county years ago. W. B. Keen arrived home from Portland Saturday evening. He reports Mrs. Keen as very much improved and that she with Mr. and Mrs. Hedin will be here this week. J. P. Abbott reports over 1800 little lambs at present. Mrjs. C. 0. Maynard is suffering from a severe attack of lumbago, being unable to walk for several days. Jim llattuian and Herbeit Ham tuer came out from The Dulles the first of the week, each bringing out new Fords. E. A, Hartman returned hpine Monday from a business tiip to The Dalles and Portland. N. W. Flinn made a trip to Miupin Fiiday bringing up a load of feed and flour which he got at thlWoodcock mill. The Williams truck has made several trips up from Maupin the past week bringing up feed. B. L. Foreman and Mis. Smith made a tiip to The Dalles Tuesday Severn! new homesteadnrs have eUled over on tne Nona the past f-'v days. Pearl Eyick was a visitor nt Grass Valley lust week. Mro, Sinfred and little daughter ai. v il here .Sunday from Great FalU,Montatm, nil is stopping at the home ol her brother, Feu B.tty. Joj ticahui inai'e a tiip to Camas Trine the fust of the week on horse baek and .says that the stirrups ef his saddle it i g in the mow in ninny places, Sullinau (.ioodeuuugh had hired EAT ALL YOU WANT! No More Git en (he Stomach or 9our Stomachl No More Heavy Feeling After Meals or Comtipation! If joii have sour stomach, coir.li lulion or am on the slumm l) ONiO St'OONTUIj simple hurk'hnrn hnrk, Klyoriiio, etc.. as inlxrd In Aillcr l Uu, will bring you INSTANT rclinf. Adlnr-l-ka rtrawg alt the old f mil matter from the system leaving the liowola and nloinarh linli and CLEAN, rendy to dlR"iit anything. Guards against appendlclUa. ' Tor tale at The Maupin Drug Store a SOME OF THE THINGS THAI wt CAN DO TOR YOU DO YOUR NOTARY WORK, StXL KUUK FA KM FUK )u. RENT YOU A SAFETY DEPOSIT BOX. BUY YOUR WHEAT. BAKLEY AND OATS. TAKE CARE OF YOUR BANKING BUSINESS. DO YOUR UNITED STATES COMMISSIONER WORK. GIVE US A TRIAL, WE CAN AND WILL MAKK OOuD MAUPIN STATE BANK to Mr. Johusou and is running a jitney between here aijd Maupin. F ur men arrived here Sunday evening and looked at honiesieadB on tl e hills Monday. Mr. Richmond who has rented E. A. Hartman's machine hhop for a garage arrived here wiih hie tauiily Monday and moved into the Rains house. He has gone to Portland to get the necessary ma chinery to put in the shop. At White River Mrs. W. O. Wils'in, Leu, Ruby and D m were down from Wapini tia last Sunday visiting at J. G. Tuuisou's. Mrs. Emma Morrow returned from The Dalle, last Friday and is at the home of her parents, J. G. Tunison's. Mr. and Mrs. Hess returned from The DhIIhh where hu bus been putting out fruit trees on his ranch. Ray Tunison has been operating the plant in Mr. Hess' absence. Wallace Conley had quite a su xie the other nighl. For par ticulars see Wallace. Eldridge Aehles took threo pa tients in Lia tar to Bee the doctor last week. For sale 1916 Dodge as good as new, f 750.00. Shattuck Bros. HOOD'S CASH STORE GENERAL MERCHANDISE PREFERRED STOCK Staple and Fancy GROCERIES CITY BRAND Mackinaws, Logger Shirts, Flannel Shirts and Water Repellent Wear Light Hardware, Tinware, HOOD'S CASH STORE Always at Your Service $$$$$$$$$$ Jave your feed In a SILO ILet us Figure Out your size Built of StocK Lumber S No royalties to pay Substantially built Guaranteed Tum-A-Lum Lumber Co. $ A. L. Anderson, Mgr. I $f$$$$tf$$ ( $ $ $ $ $ LOCAL MILL BOYS QUALITY WHEAT Wondeork Bros, have recently purchased a large quantity of fine Muestem wheat from the Pacific Grain Co, for their spring run. Since the I! ret of March they have been grinding principally on hard red wheal which makes some what daiker flour than the hard while vaiieties. Mr. Woodcock inform) us that they will now le in a potition to put their usual high grade extra white flour that they have been making since li e sjrain restrictions have been le 'iiuved. For Sale On account of ill health I am offering for sale my farm of 560 acres. About 430 acres in crop, looking fine, also one 1220 Callc piller as good as new with John lcr tractor plowB complete ready for summer fallow woik. Will sell ranch or trector eepurutelyou ei By terms. For prices inquire of Feu Batty, Maupin, Ore. Phone The M. A. Moody Dnfur burned Monday 47 horses aud luulea. barn near night with TRU BLU BISCUIT CO'S Cookies, Crackers and CONFECTIONS GOODYEAR Wet Weather Fpotwear STOCK SALT Graniteware, Glassware $ I I $$$$$$ I $ $ $ .$ $ $ $ It