The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, April 04, 1919, Image 4

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    The Maupin Times
Published every Friday at Maupin,
, Oregon
Mrs. W. L. Morrison, Publishtr
Subscription: One year, Jtijto: six
months, 75 cents; three momns, 50
Entered as second class mail
matter September a,. 1914, at t5ie
postonuce at Maupin, Oregon, un
der the Act of March 3, 1879.
Wamic News
C. S. MoCnrkle and the Noryel
bratbers, Willis and Vard have
purchased Moline tractor engines,
aud Pen' Diiver and Vernon
Norvel bouehi Fordson tractors
for farm use.
Mr, and Mrs. J. E. Kennedy!
who spent the winter in Portland,
returned the former purl of last
School in the principal's room
was suspended last week on ac
count of the professor, Mr. Ward,
having an attack of sore throat.
Winston, the youngest child of
J. H. Ward was ill last week.
A number of tthe school pupils
have been having mumps. D. A.
Miller brought the disease here,
having been exposed while at
Camp Lewis.
Many persons went from here
Tuesday t9 attend the military
funeral of George Smith. Mr.
Smith, is the second one from
these parts to lose his life in be
half of bis country. Terry Jones
of Smock died in France of pneu
monia. A number of young people went
from this place to Tygh Friday
night to attend the Dusur play.
Frank Gesh and Lewie McCoy
were soldiers who reached home
Saturday, the former coming from
Camp Fremont, Cal., and Mr.
McCoy from France where he saw
actual duty. He went to bis
home on Juniper Flat.
Mrs. Lena Woodcock is able to
be up ngrin aftor a Jong illneap.
J. E. Kennedy has sold his
Ford car aud purchased a brand
ihw oue.
I. D. Driver, J. R. Woodcock,
J. E. Kennedy and W. H. John
non were Dalles visitors Saturday.
Floyd Johnson drove jitney to
Tygh Saturday night, taking
three car loads of youug people to
see the play.
Percy Driver took a load of
wheat to the Woodcock mill at
Maupin Saturday, returning with
a lord of flour. '
Will Munger and eons Charles
and Albert came out from The
DalleB last week remaining two
nigh'8 at tho Henry Miller home.
They went to Juniper Flat. How
pimming 1X22 717771 nimsn
Maupin Blacksmith Shop
General Blaclismithing
all Kinds repair work
wood worK, grinding'
Horseshoeing a Specialty
The Crandail Undertaking Co,
Funeral Supplies
Auto Hearses
for qulch service
Phone or Consult
Maupin Drugstore,
Maupin. Ore.
Rates Reasonable
ard Johnson of Toppenish, Wn.,
accompanied them here. He is
visiting his relatives, the Johnsons
Clocks were turned up one hour
this morning and laborers com
menced their . work earlier in the
Mrs. John Howell came up from
Portland Saturday and is a guest
of her daughter, Mrs. Ipha Dun
can. Mrs. Howell will spend a
year visiting her chilaren, having
leased her house for a year.'
Mrs. Mary J. Swift spent a few
days here some two weeks ago on
her return from Portland, where
she visited her daughter, Mrs.
Lydia Patison.
. Allie Pratt has moved to the
Slillwell house in town.
An epidemic of sore throat with
a tendency to choking has been
sweeping this place.
A basket social was given a the
Suiock Bchool house Saturday
night. The proceeds Will be sent
to be applied to the support of an
orphan iu France.
Dr. Shannon was called 1 ere
from Tygh Thursday to the Willis
Driver home. Mr. and Mrs. J. T.
Harper Accompanied the dootor,
Mrs. Harper visiting at the home
of Mrs. It. A. Driver and Mr.
Harper having Borne legal work
done with Notary J. E. Woodcock
A. E. Lake has disposed of his
orchard land in Hood River.
Mrs. Mary Pratt returned Sat-
nrdav from Creswell where she
spent three weeks with her Bister
Mrs. Annie Gilmore who is ill.
but improving some. While at
Creswell Mrs. Pratt learned of the
death of her aunt, Mrs. Ecttie
Millnr. who died at the home of
jher daughter, Mrs Lelah Phelps,
'at Hermiston on February 16th
Mrs Miller formerly lived at tLe
Miller toll bridge on the Des
ohutes river. She had many
friends there aud surrounding
places who are saddened by her
death. MrB. Pratt visited her
cousin Skyler Miller and family
in Portland ou her return,
Guy Mott was here from Juni
per Flat Sunday.
Harvey and Miss Ora Martin of
Ksngsley, Annie Smith of Dufnr
and Edna Doering of Lower Tygh
were visitors hero Sunday.
Mrs. Bell Trout, after spending
three weeks with relatives and
friends will leave tomorrow for
hor home at Hermiston.
Houston Johnson and his guest,
Howard Johnson were Tygh visit
ors today.
Vernon Norval hns leased tin
F. M. Driver farm on Coyote
Point and is engaged in breakiug
so 1 with his tractor.
Eugeue and Allie Trail are buv
n nn munnnii
ing an attack of eevere sore tbroa'
The Ladies' Social Club held a
meeting Sunday afternoon in the
church to make plans for raising
mosey to defray the remaining
expenses of fencing the Loue Pine
cemetery. Election of officers was
held. Mr3. Georgia Norvel was
re-elected president. Mrs. Edith
Eubanks vice president, Mrs. Alta
Miller secretary, and Mrs. Mary
Pratt re-elected treasurer.
Mrs. W. J. Lichskywho has
been visiting at the home of ber
brother Rev. G. E. Wood for the
wast three weeks left today for
ber home at Zella, Wn.
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Short were
over from Dufur Sunday. Mr.
and Mrs. I. D. Driver accompa
nied them on their return.
Road Supervisor J. H. Eubanks
with a force of men haB been work
i ig the roads with a tractor engine
between this place and Tygh the
past week. Henry Miller is driv
ing the tractor. Dave Campbell
directs the plow and Don Miller is
hoveling rocks and assisting.
Miss Cora Headly who is teach
ing in Middle Brook paid a visit
to her home folks in The Dalles
Friday. She was accouipaned by
Li I lie Childers. They returned
Charley Lake returned today
from Portland where be has spent
the winter in school.
Dr. Elwood was called today to
attend Mrs. C. S. McCorkle who
is threatened with Typhoid fever.
This place is experiencing very
fine weather.
At White River
are full, but the farmers cauuot
buy it to sow. What are they
going to do. It is really to bad.
Considerable cream and eggs
are shipped from Sherar to Port
land and Seattle which shows well
for the farmers.
H. A. Muller shipped some fine
dreesed porkers to Portland one
day last week. ,
Arthur Ashley has moved to
the J. G. Tuniscm place which he
purchasod a few weeks ago. J. G.
Tuuison's have moved to their
farm one-half mile from White
R ver school.
Stallion Notice
Rustler, the Pure Bred Belgium
Stallion will make the season of
1919 at the following ranches:
Frank Eattv'e. Monday, Tues
day and Wednesday,
J. I. West's, Thursday and Fri
day, Frank Gabel's, Saturday and
Sunday of each week, beginning
March 31, 1919.
Term, $15.00 for season, $20 00
to insure colt. Money due when
mare is known to be in "foal,
changes owners, or leaves county.
Care will be taken to prevent ae-
c'deuts, but will not be responsible
should any occur.
Frank (label, Owner.
Wiipinitia, Oregon.
Attention Ladies! .Right aboul
face and march straight to
Harper's store at Tygh Valley
and see the most beautiful and
Complete line of Ladies Trimmed
Hats in Southern Wasco county,
also a full line of Ginghams, Cam
orictt aud other summer dres?
For Sale Cheap
15 "0 Titan tractor and auto
matic lift plow, practically new.
Tsrms. Edwin Mye, Maupin, Ore
The Portland rainlefg Dentist
I All work guaranteed. W. T.
iSUtteii, P. D. S., Prop., 305 Sec
! ond St., The Dalles.
Church Notice
John O, Hessler, pastor.
Sunday School 10.
Pleaching 11.
Cl!t8 meeting 12:15
Eviiiing song aud praise service
at ?:W followed by a short talk
by the pastor.
Como aud worship with up.
I.O. O. F.
Lodge No. 209, Maupin, Oregon,
meets every Saturday night in
Donaldson's halL- Visiting mem
bers always welcome.
D. W. Talcott, N. G.
W. II. Talcott. Secretary.
Hot Meals, sandwiches
Shori orders at all hours,
Served at the Hazelu,ood
Ice Cream Parlor.
Maupin Garage
j Wapinitia Auto Stage
l Leaves Maupin, 8 a. m.
Leaves Wtpirsitia, IcC p. m-
L. B. Fox R. T. Yale8
Makers of Abstracts That
Books Posted to Date Daily
Plant Second to None
First National Bank Building
Phone Black 2831,
The Dalles, Oregon
Local Items
For sale 1916 Dodge as good
as new, f (50.00. bnattuck Bros.
Order Log Cabin Bread and Pie
from E. J. Styer.
Seed corn for sale Minesota 23
7 cts. per pound, B. W. Morgan.
Wamic, Oregon.
Pool and Billiards at Styers
new Pool Hall.
Came to my place about the 1st
of December, one black gelding
1 years old, branded J. P. connect
ed on right shoulder. A. A.
The G. W. Mallatt and Fmley
Richardson families of Bakeoven
motored iu Sunday in their new
For sale 1 Ford Utility truck
in good coudition only $300 and 1
Chulmersruck, 1000 lbs. capacity
just been worked over. Will make
souieen a bargain on this truck.
Sliattuck Bros.
B. F. Cook made a shoit busi
ness trip to The Dalles this week.
For Sale 1 3 1-4 wagon, Cali
fornia rack, sell cheap if bought
at once. Inquire at Wapinitia
blacksmith shop.
For Sale or Exchange for cattle
two Mammoth Jacks, one six, the
other three year." old, also three
Jennets. Will sell all or separate
ly. For further particulars write
John Ayrcs, Wamic, Oregon.
II. A. Whaite has completed
the decoration of the Times build
ing with a new sign. He will
commence painting the L. C.
Heiiueglidu farm buildings next.
Will sell for $150 Cash 1 12 ft.
McCormick Header iu A-l Con
dition. New, headers are worth
about $125. This is a real bar
gain. Shattutk Bros.
A. F- Martin is erecting a build
ing 011 his property ou the east
side in which he will open a new
blacksmith shop.
White River flour, "Better than
ever'' now on sale at Stittttucks.
Get our quauity prices.
Some of the farmers dont like to
be skinned, but Dad Coale still
buys skins aud hide.
Dr. F. I wood has had considerate
woik done on the improving of
bis lot the past wees..
1 nisre 7 ,yiars old, 1 colt rue
year old, 1 liorte ( ytars old, ft r
sale by E. A, Cyr, Mui'pip, 0;.
Ladies you can get White River
flour at Shattuck's. Every saik
AdyertiBers please read oyer
your notices and notify us immedi
ately if an error has occured.
Department of the interior,
U. S. Land Office at The Dalles
Oregon, March 26th, 1919.
Notice is hereby eiven that
Asa M. White,
of Maupin, Oregon, who on June
28th, 1915, made Homestead iiutry
Additional No. 015176. for ski
nwi-4 Section 3 Township 5 South,
Ranee 14 East, Ei-2Swl-4, Section
34, TownBbip 4 South, Willamette
Meridian has filed noticeof intention
to make Final Three Year Proof, to
establish claim to the laud above
described, before F. D. Stuart, U,
S.' Commissioner at Maupin, Ore
gon, on the 9th day of May, 1919
Claimant names as witnesses:
A. H. Philmlee, W. E. Hunt.
Thomas Faherty, Johu Foley, all
of Maupin, Oregon.
H. Frank Woodcock,
Department of the Interior,
TJ. S. Land Office at The JJalles
Oregon, March 7th, 1919.
Notice is hereby giveu that
Clement E. Matthews
of Maupin, Oregou, who ou June
14th. iqis, made ADDITIONAL
Homestead Entry No. 015163, for
SWI-4SW1-4, Section 26, bEI-42sH4
Section 27, NEI-4NEI-4. Section 34
NWI-4NWI-4, Section 35, Townshir
S South, Ranee 14 East, Willam
ette Meridian, hasfiled notice of
intentiou to make Final three year
Proof, to establish claim to the
land above described, before F. D,
Stuart. U. S. Commissioner, at
Maupin, Oregon, on the 19th day
of April, 1919.
Claimant names las witnesses:
W. E. Hunt, Roginia Hunt, L. B,
Woodside, W. I. Driver, all of
Maupin, Oregon.
H. Frank Woodcock,
Department of the Interior
U. S. Land Office at The Dalles,
Oregon, Marchi2th, 1919.
Notice .is hereby giyen that,
Darwin M Emerson,
of Tygh Valley Oregon, who ou
April 27th, 1914, made Homestead
Entry No. 012960, and on Sept.
3rd, 1915, made Additional Home
stead Entry No. 015388, forsi-2sE
1.4, Section 14, NEi-4, Section 23,
WI-2NWI-4, Section 24, Township
4 South, Range 14 East Willam
ette Meridian, has filed notice of
iutention to make Final three year
Proof, to establish claim to the
land above described, before F. l.
Stuart, U. S. Commissioner at
Maupin, Oregon, on the "Gib day
of April, 1919.
Claimant names as witness'';
W. E. Hunt, David Donaldson,
C. E. Tuuison, Verne Tunison, all
of Maupin, Oregon.
up Register.
Public Laud Sale.
Department of the Interior,
U. S. Laud Office at The Dalles,
Oregon, January 24th, 19 1 9.
NOTICE is hereby given tliat
as directed by the Commissioner of
the General Laud office, under
provisions of Sec. 2455, R. S
pursuant to the application of
Henry II. White
Serial No. 016525, we will offer at
public Sale, to the highest bidder,
but at not less thau $3.00 per acre,
at 10: m o'clock A. M.. 011 the 8th
day of April, next, at this office,
the following tract of laud: EI-2NE
1-4. Section 19, Towuship 4 South
Range 16 Last, lUametle Mend
tan, (Coutaiuiug So Acres).
"This tract is ordered into the
market oa a showing that the
greater portion thereof is moun
tainous or too rough for cultiva
This sale will not be kept open,
but will be declaeed closed when
those present at the hour named
ha -e ceased bidding. The person
making the highest bid will be
required to Immediately pay to the
Receiver the amount thereof.
Any persons adversly the above
described land are advised to file
their claims, or objections, on or
before the time designated lor sale.
L. A. Booth,
Department of the Iutetlor,
U. S. Land Office at The Dalles.
Oregon, March 25, 1919.
NOTICE is hereby given that
Kathleen Connolly of Maupin, Ore
gon, as one of the heirs aud ou
behalf of the heirs of
Martin McCullagb, deceased
who on March 9, 1915, made Home
stead Ejitry No. 014569, and ou
May 26, 1916. made additional
Homestead Entry No. 014988 for
se1-4sei-4, Ser.tiou 20, bi-2 swl-4,
NEI-4SWI-4, Sw1-4bei-4, Sec. 21,
nw1-4ne!-4, w!-2nw1-4, Section
28, Township 5 South, Range 14
East Willamette MeridiaD. has
filed notice of intention to make.
Final three year Proof, to establish
claim to the land above described,
before the Register and Receiver,
U. S. Laud Office at The Dalles,
Oregon, ou the 28th day of April,
Claimant names as witnesses:
Don J. Yeck, Thomas Faherty.
Ray Aubrey, Wilbur E. Hurst and
Anthony J. Counolly, all of
Maupiu, Oregon.
H. Frank Woodcock,
Department of the Interior,
U. S. Laud Office at The Dalles.
Oregon. March 25th, 1919.
JNOTicE is liereby giyeu that
Don J. Yetk,
of Maupin, Oregon, who on Janu
ary 11th, 1916, made Homestead
Entry No. 015311, for sw1-4se1-4,
e1-2sk1-4, Section 22, si-2twl-4,
ne1-4nw1-4, WI-2SWI-4 Section 23
Township 5 South, Range 14 East,
Willamette Meridian, has filed
notice of intention to make Final
t hree year Proof, to establish claim
to the land above described, before
the Register and Receiver U. S.
Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon
on the 28 day of April, 1919.
Claimant names as witnesses:
Mrs, Kathleen Connolly, Thomas
Faherty, Ray Aubrey, Wilbur E.
Hurst, all of Maupin, Oregon.
UP Register.
Department of the Interior
U. s. Laud Office at The Dalle
Oregon, March 19th, 1919.
iWiiLjri is hereby given that
Edward I. Fischer.
of Maupin, Oregon, who on May
1 2th, 1914, made Homestead Entry
No. 013182, and on November 10th
1 914, made additional homestead
entry No. 014042, for NI-2SE1-4,
SWI-4SE1.4. Section 7, nwi-4nki-4,
m-zwi-z, section is, Township s
Cm.tV. r.. .. ...... r
"""ui iviigc 14 uast, Willamette
Meridian has filed notice of inten
tiou to make Fiual three year
Proof, to establish claim to the
land above described, before F. D.
Stuart, U. S. Commissioner, at
Maupin, Oregou, on the 6th day
of May, 1919.
Claimant names as witnesses:
L. D Kelly, W. II. Williams, O.
J. Williams, B. F. Turner, all of
Maupin, Oregon.
H. Frank Woocock,
Department of the Interior
U S. Land Office at The Dalles
Oregon, March 22nd, 1919. '
Notice, is hereby given that
Stewart A. McLeod,
of Maupin, Oregon, who, ou
March ioih, 1915, made Homestead
hntry no. 012737, and ou De
cember 2 1st, 1914, made additional
homestead eutry No. 014264, for
4, Section 19, .sw1-4nwi-4, W1-2SW
i-4,Sectiou 20, nwi-4nwi-4, Sec
tion 29, Townships, South, Range
15 Fast VVillameite Meridian, has
tiled notice of intention to make
Final three year Proof, to establish
cIhiih to the laud above described
before F. D. Stuart, U. S, Com.
missioner at Maupin Oregou, ou
the 6tu day of May, 1919.
Claimant names as witnesses:
H. R. Kaiser, W. H. Staats,
James B. Knight, C. W. Fargher,
all of Maupin, Oregou.
II Frauk Woodcock,
Department of the Interior,
U. S. Land Office at The Dalles,
Oregon, March 21st, 1919.
Notice is hereby given that
Elihu H. Ashley,
of Tygh Valley, Oregon, who on
July 13th, 1914, made Homestead
Eutry No. 013693, for wi.2Nwt-4,
Section 1, ei 2NKI-4, Section 2
Township 4 South, Range 12 East,
Willamette Meridian, lias filed
notice of intentiou to make Final
Three Year Proof, to establish
claim to the land above de
scribed, before F. D. Stuart, Uuited
States Commissioner at Maupin,
Oregou, on the 6tb day of May
Claimant names as witnesses:
R. S. Osburn, C. L, Lofton,
George Lofton, M. P. Brittain, alt
of Tygh Valley, Oregon.
II. Frank Woodcock,